From 1defa4bc32fb3b5b7699e84d37a154d4fe813b53 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thomas Witkowski <>
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2008 11:18:32 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] * New init files

 demo/init/ellipt.dat.3d | 10 +++++-----
 demo/init/heat.dat.2d   |  4 ++--
 2 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/demo/init/ellipt.dat.3d b/demo/init/ellipt.dat.3d
index a5d50765..dcb1ad42 100644
--- a/demo/init/ellipt.dat.3d
+++ b/demo/init/ellipt.dat.3d
@@ -7,20 +7,20 @@ ellipt->mesh:                   elliptMesh
 ellipt->dim:                    3
 ellipt->polynomial degree:      2
-ellipt->solver:                 cg % no, bicgstab, cg, gmres, odir, ores
+ellipt->solver:                 bicgstab % no, bicgstab, cg, gmres, odir, ores
 ellipt->solver->max iteration:  1000
 ellipt->solver->restart:        10  %  only used for GMRES
 ellipt->solver->tolerance:      1.e-8
 ellipt->solver->info:           2
-ellipt->solver->left precon:    diag
+ellipt->solver->left precon:    ilu
 ellipt->solver->right precon:   no
 ellipt->estimator:              residual
 ellipt->estimator->error norm:  1   % 1: H1_NORM, 2: L2_NORM
-ellipt->estimator->C1:          0.1 % constant of jump residual
-ellipt->estimator->C2:          0.1 % constant of coarsening estimate
+ellipt->estimator->C1:          0.01 % constant of jump residual
+ellipt->estimator->C2:          0.01 % constant of coarsening estimate
-ellipt->marker->strategy:       2 % 0: no adaption 1: GR 2: MS 3: ES 4:GERS
+ellipt->marker->strategy:       3 % 0: no adaption 1: GR 2: MS 3: ES 4:GERS
 ellipt->marker->MSGamma:        0.5
 ellipt->adapt->tolerance:       1e-8
diff --git a/demo/init/heat.dat.2d b/demo/init/heat.dat.2d
index c613b640..c8d14532 100644
--- a/demo/init/heat.dat.2d
+++ b/demo/init/heat.dat.2d
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ heat->space->polynomial degree:       1
 heat->space->dim:                     2
 heat->space->mesh:                    heatMesh
-heat->space->solver:                  bicgstab
+heat->space->solver:                  cg
 heat->space->solver->max iteration:   1000
 heat->space->solver->restart:         10  %  only used for GMRES
 heat->space->solver->tolerance:       1.e-8
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ heat->space->estimator->C1:          1.0
 heat->theta:                         1.0
-heat->adapt->timestep:               0.001
+heat->adapt->timestep:               0.1
 heat->adapt->start time:             0.0
 heat->adapt->end time:               1.0