diff --git a/demo/Makefile b/demo/Makefile
index d798e0b14de1686238701257355cc83680870401..77659d1c17f5574bf39d060b3e121c1e10428795 100644
--- a/demo/Makefile
+++ b/demo/Makefile
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ SHELL = /bin/sh
 USE_PARALLEL_AMDIS = 0      # 1 if AMDiS was compiled with parallel support, 0 otherwise
 USE_OPENMP = 0              # 1 if AMDiS was compiled with OpenMP support, 0 otherwise
-USE_UMFPACK = 0             # 1 if AMDiS was compiled with UMFPACK library, 0 otherwise
+USE_UMFPACK = 1             # 1 if AMDiS was compiled with UMFPACK library, 0 otherwise
 USE_MKL = 0                 # 1 if AMDiS was compiled with Intel MKL library, 0 otherwise
 USE_BOOST = 0               # 1 if AMDiS was compiled with Boost support, 0 otherwise
 USE_SERVER =                # mars, deimos or themisto. If no special server blank
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ PARMETIS_DIR = $(AMDIS_DIR)/lib/ParMetis-3.1
 # ===== includes pathes ======================================================
 # ============================================================================
-AMDIS_INCLUDE = -I$(AMDIS_DIR)/src -I$(AMDIS_DIR)/compositeFEM/src -I$(AMDIS_DIR)/lib/mtl4
+AMDIS_INCLUDE = -I$(AMDIS_DIR)/src -I$(AMDIS_DIR)/compositeFEM/src -I$(AMDIS_DIR)/lib/boost_1_34_1 -I$(AMDIS_DIR)/lib/mtl4