// ============================================================================
// ==                                                                        ==
// == AMDiS - Adaptive multidimensional simulations                          ==
// ==                                                                        ==
// ==  http://www.amdis-fem.org                                              ==
// ==                                                                        ==
// ============================================================================
// Software License for AMDiS
// Copyright (c) 2010 Dresden University of Technology 
// All rights reserved.
// Authors: Simon Vey, Thomas Witkowski et al.
// This file is part of AMDiS
// See also license.opensource.txt in the distribution.

/** \file ElInfo.h */


#include <vector>
#include "ElInfo.h"
#include "AMDiS_fwd.h"

namespace AMDiS {

  /** \ingroup Traverse
   * \brief 
   * Stores a stack of ElInfo object. Is used by meshes for recursive mesh
   * traverse. The use of a stack is cheaper than allocating the ElInfo objects
   * at every recursive step.
  class ElInfoStack
    /// Constructer, creates the stack.
    ElInfoStack(Mesh *mesh);
    /// Destructor, deletes all ElInfos on the stack.

    /// Get a new element from the stack an increase the stack position.
    ElInfo* getNextElement();

    /// Decrease the stack position.
    void getBackElement();

    /// Returns a pointer to the currently used element of the stack.
    ElInfo* getCurrentElement();

    /// The mesh on which the traverse is done.
    Mesh *mesh_;

    /// The stack of pointers to ElInfo objects.
    std::vector<ElInfo*> elInfoStack_;

    /// Current position (depth) of the recursive mesh traverse.
    int stackPosition_;