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A dune module for geometric finite elements and their applications
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Meine Vorlesungsnotizen für die Vorlesungen "Numerik Einführung ", "Numerische Mathematik", "OptiNum Teil 2", erstmalig gehalten 2015/2016 an der TU Dresden.
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Raum-zeit-parallele adaptive Simulation von Phasenfeldmodellen auf Höchstleistungsrechnern
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Notizen zu meiner Vorlesung über Numerische Mechanik
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AMDiS (Adaptive MultiDimensional Simulations) is a C++ library to solve a broad class of partial differential equations using adaptive finite elements.
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Dune module for developing parallel adaptive multigrid methods for phase fields problems in fracture mechanics.
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AMDiS (Adaptive MultiDimensional Simulations) is a C++ library to solve a broad class of partial differential equations using adaptive finite elements.