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// Software License for MTL
// Copyright (c) 2007 The Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2008 Dresden University of Technology and the Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2010 SimuNova UG (haftungsbeschränkt),
// All rights reserved.
// Authors: Peter Gottschling and Andrew Lumsdaine
// This file is part of the Matrix Template Library
// See also license.mtl.txt in the distribution.
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/utility/static_assert.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/utility/tag.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/detail/index.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/matrix/dimension.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/utility/is_static.hpp>
namespace mtl { namespace matrix {
/// Type for bundling template parameters of common matrix types
/** OnStack = true can only be used with fixed::dimensions.
\sa \ref matrix_parameters
\sa \ref tuning_fsize
\sa \ref tuning_sizetype **/
template <typename Orientation= row_major,
typename Index= index::c_index,
typename Dimensions= mtl::non_fixed::dimensions,
bool OnStack= mtl::traits::is_static<Dimensions>::value,
typename SizeType= std::size_t>
struct parameters
typedef Orientation orientation;
typedef Index index;
typedef Dimensions dimensions;
static bool const on_stack= OnStack;
typedef SizeType size_type;
// Matrix dimensions must be known at compile time to be on the stack
MTL_STATIC_ASSERT(( !on_stack || dimensions::is_static ), "Types to be stored on stack must provide static size.");
/// Short-cut to define parameters with unsigned and defaults otherwise
typedef parameters<row_major, index::c_index, mtl::non_fixed::dimensions, false, unsigned> unsigned_parameters;
}} // namespace mtl::matrix
// Software License for MTL
// Copyright (c) 2007 The Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2008 Dresden University of Technology and the Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2010 SimuNova UG (haftungsbeschränkt),
// All rights reserved.
// Authors: Peter Gottschling and Andrew Lumsdaine
// This file is part of the Matrix Template Library
// See also license.mtl.txt in the distribution.
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/operation/size.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/matrix/reorder.hpp>
namespace mtl { namespace matrix {
namespace traits {
//\ Return type of mtl::matrix::permutation
// Only for completeness
template <typename Value= short>
struct permutation
typedef typename reorder<Value>::type type;
template <typename Value, typename PermutationVector>
typename traits::permutation<Value>::type
inline permutation(const PermutationVector& v)
using mtl::size;
return reorder(v, size(v));
/// Computes permutation matrix from corresponding vector
template <typename PermutationVector>
typename traits::permutation<>::type
inline permutation(const PermutationVector& v)
return permutation<short>(v);
}} // namespace mtl::matrix
namespace mtl { namespace vector {
/// Import into vector namespace; see \ref mtl::matrix::permutation
using mtl::matrix::permutation;
}} // namespace mtl::vector
// Software License for MTL
// Copyright (c) 2007 The Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2008 Dresden University of Technology and the Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2010 SimuNova UG,
// All rights reserved.
// Authors: Peter Gottschling and Andrew Lumsdaine
// This file is part of the Matrix Template Library
// See also tools/license/license.mtl.txt in the distribution.
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/concept/collection.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/utility/ashape.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/utility/exception.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/vector/mat_cvec_multiplier.hpp>
namespace mtl { namespace matrix {
/// Matrix-free linear operator for a Poisson equation on a rectangular domain of \p m by \p n with Dirichlet boundary conditions
struct poisson2D_dirichlet
/// Constructor
poisson2D_dirichlet(int m, int n) : m(m), n(n), s(m * n) {}
/// Member function that realizes the multiplication
template <typename VectorIn, typename VectorOut, typename Assign>
void mult(const VectorIn& v, VectorOut& w, Assign) const
MTL_DEBUG_THROW_IF(int(size(v)) != s, incompatible_size());
MTL_DEBUG_THROW_IF(size(v) != size(w), incompatible_size());
const int nb = n < 3 ? 1 : (n - 2) / 4 * 4 + 1;
// Inner domain
for (int i= 1; i < m-1; i++) {
int kmax= i * n + nb;
for (int k= i * n + 1; k < kmax; k+= 4) {
typename Collection<VectorIn>::value_type const v0= v[k], v1= v[k+1], v2= v[k+2], v3= v[k+3];
Assign::apply(w[k], 4 * v0 - v[k-n] - v[k+n] - v[k-1] - v1);
Assign::apply(w[k+1], 4 * v1 - v[k-n+1] - v[k+n+1] - v0 - v2);
Assign::apply(w[k+2], 4 * v2 - v[k-n+2] - v[k+n+2] - v1 - v3);
Assign::apply(w[k+3], 4 * v3 - v[k-n+3] - v[k+n+3] - v2 - v[k+4]);
for (int j= nb, k= i * n + j; j < n-1; j++, k++)
Assign::apply(w[k], 4 * v[k] - v[k-n] - v[k+n] - v[k-1] - v[k+1]);
// Upper border
for (int j= 1; j < n-1; j++)
Assign::apply(w[j], 4 * v[j] - v[j+n] - v[j-1] - v[j+1]);
// Lower border
for (int j= 1, k= (m-1) * n + j; j < n-1; j++, k++)
Assign::apply(w[k], 4 * v[k] - v[k-n] - v[k-1] - v[k+1]);
// Left border
for (int i= 1, k= n; i < m-1; i++, k+= n)
Assign::apply(w[k], 4 * v[k] - v[k-n] - v[k+n] - v[k+1]);
// Right border
for (int i= 1, k= n+n-1; i < m-1; i++, k+= n)
Assign::apply(w[k], 4 * v[k] - v[k-n] - v[k+n] - v[k-1]);
// Corners
Assign::apply(w[0], 4 * v[0] - v[1] - v[n]);
Assign::apply(w[n-1], 4 * v[n-1] - v[n-2] - v[2*n - 1]);
Assign::apply(w[(m-1)*n], 4 * v[(m-1)*n] - v[(m-2)*n] - v[(m-1)*n+1]);
Assign::apply(w[m*n-1], 4 * v[m*n-1] - v[m*n-2] - v[m*n-n-1]);
/// Multiplication is procastinated until we know where the product goes
template <typename VectorIn>
vector::mat_cvec_multiplier<poisson2D_dirichlet, VectorIn> operator*(const VectorIn& v) const
{ return vector::mat_cvec_multiplier<poisson2D_dirichlet, VectorIn>(*this, v); }
int m, n, s;
inline std::size_t size(const poisson2D_dirichlet& A) { return A.s * A.s; } ///< Matrix size
inline std::size_t num_rows(const poisson2D_dirichlet& A) { return A.s; } ///< Number of rows
inline std::size_t num_cols(const poisson2D_dirichlet& A) { return A.s; } ///< Number of columns
}} // namespace mtl::matrix
namespace mtl {
template <>
struct Collection<matrix::poisson2D_dirichlet>
typedef double value_type;
typedef int size_type;
namespace ashape {
template <> struct ashape_aux<matrix::poisson2D_dirichlet>
{ typedef nonscal type; };
// Software License for MTL
// Copyright (c) 2007 The Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2008 Dresden University of Technology and the Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2010 SimuNova UG (haftungsbeschränkt),
// All rights reserved.
// Authors: Peter Gottschling and Andrew Lumsdaine
// This file is part of the Matrix Template Library
// See also license.mtl.txt in the distribution.
#include <algorithm>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/mtl_fwd.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/matrix/parameter.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/matrix/compressed2D.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/matrix/reorder_ref.hpp>
namespace mtl { namespace matrix {
namespace traits {
/// Return type of mtl::matrix::reorder
template <typename Value= short>
struct reorder
typedef mtl::matrix::compressed2D<Value, parameters<> > type;
template <typename Value, typename ReorderVector>
typename traits::reorder<Value>::type
reorder(const ReorderVector& v, std::size_t cols= 0)
typename traits::reorder<Value>::type A;
reorder_ref(v, A, cols);
return A;
/// Computes reordering matrix from corresponding vector
template <typename ReorderVector>
typename traits::reorder<>::type
inline reorder(const ReorderVector& v, std::size_t cols= 0)
return reorder<short>(v, cols);
}} // namespace mtl::matrix
namespace mtl { namespace vector {
/// Import into vector namespace; see \ref mtl::matrix::reorder
using mtl::matrix::reorder;
}} // namespace mtl::vector
// Software License for MTL
// Copyright (c) 2007 The Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2008 Dresden University of Technology and the Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2010 SimuNova UG (haftungsbeschränkt),
// All rights reserved.
// Authors: Peter Gottschling and Andrew Lumsdaine
// This file is part of the Matrix Template Library
// See also license.mtl.txt in the distribution.
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/concept/collection.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/utility/range_generator.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/utility/property_map.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/matrix/inserter.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/operation/size.hpp>
namespace mtl { namespace matrix {
/// Reorder the rows of a matrix without creating a reorder matrix
/** This is less elegant but avoids cyclic dependencies. Does not work with CCS matrices. **/
template <typename ReorderVector, typename Matrix>
Matrix reorder_matrix_rows(const ReorderVector& v, const Matrix& A)
using mtl::size;
typename mtl::traits::col<Matrix>::type col(A);
typename mtl::traits::const_value<Matrix>::type value(A);
typedef typename mtl::traits::range_generator<tag::row, Matrix>::type cursor_type;
typedef typename mtl::traits::range_generator<tag::nz, cursor_type>::type icursor_type;
typedef typename mtl::Collection<Matrix>::size_type size_type;
Matrix B(size(v), num_cols(A));
inserter<Matrix> ins(B, size_type(B.nnz() / num_cols(B) * 1.2));
for (std::size_t i= 0; i < size(v); i++) {
cursor_type cursor(v[i], A); // go to row given by reorder
for (icursor_type icursor = begin<tag::nz>(cursor), icend = end<tag::nz>(cursor); icursor != icend; ++icursor)
ins[i][col(*icursor)] << value(*icursor);
return B;
}} // namespace mtl::matrix
// Software License for MTL
// Copyright (c) 2007 The Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2008 Dresden University of Technology and the Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2010 SimuNova UG (haftungsbeschränkt),
// All rights reserved.
// Authors: Peter Gottschling and Andrew Lumsdaine
// This file is part of the Matrix Template Library
// See also license.mtl.txt in the distribution.
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/mtl_fwd.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/concept/collection.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/operation/size.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/utility/exception.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/matrix/inserter.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/linear_algebra/identity.hpp>
namespace mtl { namespace matrix {
template <typename ReorderVector, typename Matrix>
void reorder_ref(const ReorderVector& v, Matrix& A, std::size_t cols= 0)
using math::one; using mtl::size;
typedef typename Collection<Matrix>::value_type value_type;
if (mtl::size(v) == 0) {
A.change_dim(0, cols); return; }
// Find maximal entry (don't use mtl::max to allow for arrays and others)
std::size_t s= mtl::size(v),
my_max= std::size_t(*std::max_element(&v[0], &v[0] + s)) + 1;
if (cols == 0)
cols= my_max;
MTL_THROW_IF(my_max > cols, range_error("Too large value in reorder vector"));
A.change_dim(s, cols);
inserter<Matrix> ins(A, 1);
for (std::size_t i= 0; i < s; i++)
ins[i][v[i]] << one(value_type());
}} // namespace mtl::matrix
// Software License for MTL
// Copyright (c) 2007 The Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2008 Dresden University of Technology and the Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2010 SimuNova UG (haftungsbeschränkt),
// All rights reserved.
// Authors: Peter Gottschling and Andrew Lumsdaine
// This file is part of the Matrix Template Library
// See also license.mtl.txt in the distribution.
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/concept/collection.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/operation/update.hpp>
namespace mtl { namespace matrix {
/// Inserter with shifted row and column indices
/** The main work is performed by the underlying base inserter whose type is given as template
argument. **/
template <typename BaseInserter>
class shifted_inserter
typedef shifted_inserter self;
typedef typename BaseInserter::matrix_type matrix_type;
typedef typename Collection<matrix_type>::size_type size_type;
typedef operations::update_proxy<BaseInserter, size_type> proxy_type;
/// Constructor with matrix \p A, the slot size and the offsets
shifted_inserter(matrix_type& A, size_type slot_size= 0,
size_type row_offset= 0, size_type col_offset= 0)
: ins(A, slot_size), row_offset(row_offset), col_offset(col_offset) {}
void set_row_offset(size_type ro) { row_offset= ro; } ///< Change row offset
void set_col_offset(size_type co) { col_offset= co; } ///< Change column offset
size_type get_row_offset() const { return row_offset; } ///< Get row offset
size_type get_col_offset() const { return col_offset; } ///< Get column offset
struct bracket_proxy
bracket_proxy(BaseInserter& ref, size_type row, size_type col_offset) : ref(ref), row(row), col_offset(col_offset) {}
proxy_type operator[](size_type col)
{ return proxy_type(ref, row, col+col_offset); }
BaseInserter& ref;
size_type row, col_offset;
/// To be used in ins[r][c] << value;
bracket_proxy operator[] (size_type row)
{ return bracket_proxy(ins, row+row_offset, col_offset); }
/// To be used in ins(r, c) << value;
proxy_type operator() (size_type row, size_type col)
{ return proxy_type(ins, row+row_offset, col+col_offset); }
// update, modify and operator<< are used from BaseInserter
BaseInserter ins;
size_type row_offset, col_offset;
}} // namespace mtl::matrix
// Software License for MTL
// Copyright (c) 2007 The Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2008 Dresden University of Technology and the Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2010 SimuNova UG,
// All rights reserved.
// Authors: Peter Gottschling and Andrew Lumsdaine
// This file is part of the Matrix Template Library
// See also tools/license/license.mtl.txt in the distribution.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <ostream>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/type_traits/make_signed.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/matrix/dimension.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/matrix/parameter.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/matrix/base_matrix.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/matrix/crtp_base_matrix.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/matrix/mat_expr.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/operation/is_negative.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/operation/update.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/utility/exception.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/utility/is_row_major.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/utility/maybe.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/utility/static_assert.hpp>
namespace mtl { namespace matrix {
/// Sparse banded matrix class
template <typename Value, typename Parameters = matrix::parameters<> >
class sparse_banded
: public base_matrix<Value, Parameters>,
public const_crtp_base_matrix< sparse_banded<Value, Parameters>, Value, typename Parameters::size_type >,
public crtp_matrix_assign< sparse_banded<Value, Parameters>, Value, typename Parameters::size_type >,
public mat_expr< sparse_banded<Value, Parameters> >
MTL_STATIC_ASSERT((mtl::traits::is_row_major<Parameters>::value), "Only row-major sparse banded matrices supported so far.");
typedef std::size_t size_t;
typedef base_matrix<Value, Parameters> super;
typedef sparse_banded<Value, Parameters> self;
typedef Value value_type;
typedef typename Parameters::size_type size_type;
typedef typename boost::make_signed<size_type>::type band_size_type;
typedef crtp_matrix_assign<self, Value, size_type> assign_base;
/// Construct matrix of dimension \p nr by \p nc
explicit sparse_banded(size_type nr= 0, size_type nc= 0)
: super(non_fixed::dimensions(nr, nc)), data(0), inserting(false)
/// Copy from other types
template <typename MatrixSrc>
explicit sparse_banded(const MatrixSrc& src) : data(0), inserting(false)
{ *this= src; }
~sparse_banded() { delete[] data; }
void check() const { MTL_DEBUG_THROW_IF(inserting, access_during_insertion()); }
void check(size_type MTL_DEBUG_ARG(r), size_type MTL_DEBUG_ARG(c)) const
MTL_DEBUG_THROW_IF(is_negative(r) || r >= this->num_rows()
|| is_negative(c) || c >= this->num_cols(), index_out_of_range());
using assign_base::operator=;
void make_empty() ///< Delete all entries
delete[] data; data= 0;
/// Change dimension to \p r by \p c; deletes all entries
void change_dim(size_type r, size_type c)
super::change_dim(r, c);
/// Offset of entry r,c if in matrix (otherwise offset of next entry)
utilities::maybe<size_type> offset(size_type r, size_type c) const
check(r, c);
band_size_type dia= band_size_type(c) - band_size_type(r);
size_type b= find_dia(dia);
return utilities::maybe<size_type>(r * bands.size() + b, size_t(b) < bands.size() && bands[b] == dia);
/// Value of matrix entry
value_type operator()(size_type r, size_type c) const
using math::zero;
utilities::maybe<size_type> o= offset(r, c);
return o ? data[o.value()] : zero(value_type());
/// L-value reference of stored matrix entry
/** To be used with care; in debug mode, exception is thrown if entry is not found **/
value_type& lvalue(size_type r, size_type c)
utilities::maybe<size_type> o= offset(r, c);
MTL_DEBUG_THROW_IF(!o, runtime_error("Entry doesn't exist."));
return data[o.value()];
/// Print matrix on \p os
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const self& A)
const size_type bs= A.bands.size(), nc= num_cols(A), s= bs * num_rows(A);
print_size_max p;
for (size_type i= 0; i < s; i++)
for (size_type r= 0; r < num_rows(A); r++) {
os << '[';
size_type b= 0;
while (b < bs && -A.bands[b] > long(r)) b++;
for (size_type c= 0; c < nc; c++) {
if (b == bs || long(c) - long(r) < A.bands[b])
os << Value(0);
os <<[r * bs + b++];
os << (c + 1 == nc ? "]\n" : " ");
return os;
/// Number of structural non-zeros (i.e. stored entries) which is the the number of bands times rows
size_type nnz() const { return bands.size() * this->num_rows(); }
size_type find_major(size_type offset) const { return offset % bands.size(); }
friend size_t num_rows(const self& A) { return A.num_rows(); }
friend size_t num_cols(const self& A) { return A.num_cols(); }
std::vector<band_size_type> const& ref_bands() const { return bands; } ///< Refer bands vector [advanced]
const value_type* ref_data() const { return data; } ///< Refer data pointer [advanced]
size_type find_dia(band_size_type dia) const
size_type i= 0;
while (i < size_type(bands.size()) && dia > bands[i]) i++;
return i;
template <typename, typename, typename> friend struct sparse_banded_inserter;
std::vector<band_size_type> bands;
value_type* data;
bool inserting;
/// Inserter for sparse banded matrix
template <typename Value, typename Parameters, typename Updater = mtl::operations::update_store<Value> >
struct sparse_banded_inserter
typedef Value value_type;
typedef typename Parameters::size_type size_type;
typedef sparse_banded<Value, Parameters> matrix_type;
typedef sparse_banded_inserter self;
typedef typename matrix_type::band_size_type band_size_type;
typedef operations::update_proxy<self, size_type> proxy_type;
struct bracket_proxy
bracket_proxy(self& ref, size_type row) : ref(ref), row(row) {}
proxy_type operator[](size_type col) { return proxy_type(ref, row, col); }
self& ref;
size_type row;
void insert_dia(size_type dia_band, band_size_type dia)
using std::swap;
// empty vector and entry at the end
diagonals.push_back(std::vector<Value>(num_rows(A), Value(0)));
for (size_type i= diagonals.size() - 1; i > dia_band; i--) {
swap(diagonals[i-1], diagonals[i]);
swap(A.bands[i-1], A.bands[i]);
/// Construct inserter for matrix \p A; second argument for slot_size ignored
sparse_banded_inserter(matrix_type& A, size_type) : A(A)
MTL_THROW_IF(A.inserting, runtime_error("Two inserters on same matrix"));
MTL_THROW_IF(, runtime_error("Inserter does not support modifications yet."));
A.inserting= true;
const size_type bs= A.bands.size();
Value* p= new Value[A.bands.size() * num_rows(A)];
for (size_type r= 0; r < num_rows(A); r++)
for (size_type b= 0; b < bs; b++)
*p++= diagonals[b][r];
assert(p - == long(A.bands.size() * num_rows(A)));
A.inserting= false;
/// Proxy to insert into A[row][col]
bracket_proxy operator[] (size_type row)
return bracket_proxy(*this, row);
/// Proxy to insert into A[row][col]
proxy_type operator() (size_type row, size_type col)
return proxy_type(*this, row, col);
/// Modify A[row][col] with \p val using \p Modifier
template <typename Modifier>
void modify(size_type row, size_type col, Value val)
MTL_DEBUG_THROW_IF(is_negative(row) || row >= num_rows(A) || is_negative(col) || col >= num_cols(A),
const band_size_type dia= col - row;
const size_type dia_band= A.find_dia(dia);
if (dia_band == size_type(A.bands.size()) || dia != A.bands[dia_band])
insert_dia(dia_band, dia);
Modifier()(diagonals[dia_band][row], val);
/// Modify A[row][col] with \p val using the class' updater
void update(size_type row, size_type col, Value val)
using math::zero;
modify<Updater>(row, col, val);
matrix_type& A;
std::vector<std::vector<Value> > diagonals;
template <typename Value, typename Parameters>
struct sparse_banded_key
typedef std::size_t size_t;
typedef sparse_banded_key self;
typedef mtl::matrix::sparse_banded<Value, Parameters> matrix_type;
explicit sparse_banded_key(const matrix_type& A, size_t offset)
: A(A), offset(offset) {}
bool operator== (sparse_banded_key const& other) const { return offset == other.offset; }
bool operator!= (sparse_banded_key const& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
const matrix_type& A;
size_t offset;
// Cursor over every element
template <typename Value, typename Parameters>
struct sparse_banded_cursor
: public sparse_banded_key<Value, Parameters>
typedef sparse_banded_key<Value, Parameters> base;
typedef mtl::matrix::sparse_banded<Value, Parameters> matrix_type;
typedef sparse_banded_cursor self;
explicit sparse_banded_cursor(const matrix_type& A, size_t offset)
: base(A, offset) {}
self& operator++() { ++this->offset; return *this; }
const base& operator* () const { return *this; }
// ================
// Free functions
// ================
template <typename Value, typename Parameters>
inline std::size_t size(const sparse_banded<Value, Parameters>& matrix)
return std::size_t(matrix.num_cols()) * std::size_t(matrix.num_rows());
}} // namespace mtl::matrix
namespace mtl {
using matrix::sparse_banded;
// ================
// Range generators
// ================
namespace mtl { namespace traits {
// Cursor over all rows
// Supported if row major matrix
template <typename Value, typename Parameters>
struct range_generator<glas::tag::row, sparse_banded<Value, Parameters> >
: detail::all_rows_range_generator<sparse_banded<Value, Parameters>, complexity_classes::linear_cached>
template <class Value, class Parameters>
struct range_generator<glas::tag::nz,
detail::sub_matrix_cursor<sparse_banded<Value, Parameters>, glas::tag::row, 2> >
typedef typename Parameters::size_type size_type;
typedef detail::sub_matrix_cursor<sparse_banded<Value, Parameters>, glas::tag::row, 2> cursor_type;
typedef complexity_classes::linear_cached complexity;
typedef mtl::matrix::sparse_banded_cursor<Value, Parameters> type;
static int const level = 1;
MTL_STATIC_ASSERT((is_row_major<Parameters>::value), "Only row-major sparse banded matrices supported so far.");
type begin(cursor_type const& cursor) const
size_type r= cursor.key, b= 0, bs= cursor.ref.ref_bands().size();
while (b < bs && -cursor.ref.ref_bands()[b] > long(r)) b++;
return type(cursor.ref, r * bs + b);
type end(cursor_type const& cursor) const
size_type r= cursor.key, bs= cursor.ref.ref_bands().size(), b= bs, nc= cursor.ref.num_cols();
while (b > 0 && cursor.ref.ref_bands()[b-1] + long(r) >= long(nc)) b--;
return type(cursor.ref, r * bs + b);
// type lower_bound(cursor_type const& cursor, size_type position) const {}
// Cursor over all rows or columns, depending which one is major
template <typename Value, typename Parameters>
struct range_generator<glas::tag::major, sparse_banded<Value, Parameters> >
: range_generator<glas::tag::row, sparse_banded<Value, Parameters> >
}} // namespace mtl::traits
// Software License for MTL
// Copyright (c) 2007 The Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2008 Dresden University of Technology and the Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2010 SimuNova UG (haftungsbeschränkt),
// All rights reserved.
// Authors: Peter Gottschling and Andrew Lumsdaine
// This file is part of the Matrix Template Library
// See also license.mtl.txt in the distribution.
namespace mtl { namespace matrix {
namespace traits {
template <typename Matrix>
struct strict_lower
typedef typename traits::bands<Matrix>::type type;
/// Strict lower triangular matrix
template <typename Matrix>
typename traits::strict_lower<Matrix>::type
inline strict_lower(const Matrix& A)
return bands(A, std::numeric_limits<long>::min(), 0);
/// Triangle-lower starting at off-diagonoal \p d (for compatibility with matlib)
template <typename Matrix>
typename traits::strict_lower<Matrix>::type
inline tril(const Matrix& A, long d= 0)
return bands(A, std::numeric_limits<long>::min(), d+1);
}} // namespace mtl::matrix
// Software License for MTL
// Copyright (c) 2007 The Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2008 Dresden University of Technology and the Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2010 SimuNova UG (haftungsbeschränkt),
// All rights reserved.
// Authors: Peter Gottschling and Andrew Lumsdaine
// This file is part of the Matrix Template Library
// See also license.mtl.txt in the distribution.
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/matrix/bands.hpp>
namespace mtl { namespace matrix {
namespace traits {
template <typename Matrix>
struct strict_upper
typedef typename bands<Matrix>::type type;
/// Strict upper triangle matrix
template <typename Matrix>
typename traits::strict_upper<Matrix>::type
inline strict_upper(const Matrix& A)
return bands(A, 1, std::numeric_limits<long>::max());
/// Triangle-upper starting at off-diagonoal \p d (for compatibility with matlib)
template <typename Matrix>
typename traits::strict_upper<Matrix>::type
inline triu(const Matrix& A, long d= 0)
return bands(A, d, std::numeric_limits<long>::max());
}} // namespace mtl::matrix
// Software License for MTL
// Copyright (c) 2007 The Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2008 Dresden University of Technology and the Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2010 SimuNova UG (haftungsbeschränkt),
// All rights reserved.
// Authors: Peter Gottschling and Andrew Lumsdaine
// This file is part of the Matrix Template Library
// See also license.mtl.txt in the distribution.
#include <utility>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/if.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_const.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/remove_const.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/mtl_fwd.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/utility/transposed_orientation.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/utility/category.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/utility/property_map_impl.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/matrix/crtp_base_matrix.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/operation/sub_matrix.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/matrix/mat_expr.hpp>
namespace mtl { namespace matrix {
template <class Matrix>
struct transposed_view
: public boost::mpl::if_<
, const_crtp_base_matrix< const transposed_view<const Matrix>,
typename Matrix::value_type, typename Matrix::size_type >
, crtp_base_matrix< transposed_view<Matrix>,
typename Matrix::value_type, typename Matrix::size_type >
public matrix::mat_expr< transposed_view<Matrix> >
typedef transposed_view self;
typedef mat_expr< self > expr_base;
typedef Matrix other;
typedef typename mtl::traits::transposed_orientation<typename Matrix::orientation>::type orientation;
typedef typename Matrix::index_type index_type;
typedef typename Matrix::value_type value_type;
typedef typename Matrix::const_reference const_reference;
typedef typename Matrix::key_type key_type;
typedef typename Matrix::size_type size_type;
typedef typename Matrix::dim_type::transposed_type dim_type;
typedef matrix::parameters<orientation, index_type, dim_type> parameters;
typedef typename boost::mpl::if_<boost::is_const<Matrix>,
>::type access_type;
typedef typename boost::mpl::if_<boost::is_const<Matrix>,
const Matrix&,
>::type ref_type;
typedef const Matrix& const_ref_type;
transposed_view (ref_type ref) : ref(ref) {}
transposed_view (const boost::shared_ptr<Matrix>& p) : my_copy(p), ref(*p) {}
transposed_view (self&& that) : my_copy(std::move(that.my_copy)), ref(that.ref) {}
transposed_view (const self& that) : ref(that.ref) { assert(that.my_copy.use_count() == 0); }
const_reference operator() (size_type r, size_type c) const
{ return ref(c, r); }
access_type operator() (size_type r, size_type c)
{ return ref(c, r); }
size_type dim1() const { return ref.dim2(); }
size_type dim2() const { return ref.dim1(); }
dim_type dimensions() const
{ return ref.dimensions().transpose(); }
size_type begin_row() const { return ref.begin_col(); }
size_type end_row() const { return ref.end_col(); }
size_type begin_col() const { return ref.begin_row(); }
size_type end_col() const { return ref.end_row(); }
size_type nnz() const { return ref.nnz(); }
friend size_type inline num_rows(const self& A)
{ using mtl::matrix::num_cols; return num_cols(A.ref); }
friend size_type inline num_cols(const self& A)
{ using mtl::matrix::num_rows; return num_rows(A.ref); }
boost::shared_ptr<Matrix> my_copy;
ref_type ref;
template <class Matrix>
inline std::size_t size(const transposed_view<Matrix>& A)
return num_rows(A.ref) * num_rows(A.ref);
// ==========
// Sub matrix
// ==========
template <typename Matrix>
struct sub_matrix_t< transposed_view<Matrix> >
typedef transposed_view<Matrix> matrix_type;
typedef typename boost::remove_const<Matrix>::type tmp_type;
// Transposed of submatrix type
typedef transposed_view<typename sub_matrix_t<tmp_type>::sub_matrix_type> sub_matrix_type;
typedef transposed_view<typename sub_matrix_t<tmp_type>::const_sub_matrix_type> const_sub_matrix_type;
typedef typename matrix_type::size_type size_type;
sub_matrix_type operator()(matrix_type& A, size_type begin_r, size_type end_r, size_type begin_c, size_type end_c)
typedef typename sub_matrix_t<Matrix>::sub_matrix_type ref_sub_type;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<ref_sub_type> pointer_type;
// Submatrix of referred matrix, colums and rows interchanged
// Create a submatrix, whos address will be kept by transposed_view
pointer_type p(new ref_sub_type(sub_matrix(A.ref, begin_c, end_c, begin_r, end_r)));
return sub_matrix_type(p);
const_sub_matrix_type operator()(matrix_type const& A, size_type begin_r, size_type end_r,
size_type begin_c, size_type end_c)
typedef typename sub_matrix_t<Matrix>::const_sub_matrix_type ref_sub_type;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<ref_sub_type> pointer_type;
// Submatrix of referred matrix, colums and rows interchanged
// Create a submatrix, whos address will be kept by transposed_view
pointer_type p(new ref_sub_type(sub_matrix(A.ref, begin_c, end_c, begin_r, end_r)));
return const_sub_matrix_type(p);
}} // mtl::matrix
namespace mtl { namespace traits {
namespace detail {
template <class Matrix, class Ref>
struct transposed_row
typedef typename Matrix::key_type key_type;
typedef typename Matrix::size_type size_type;
transposed_row(mtl::matrix::transposed_view<Ref> const& transposed_matrix)
: its_col(transposed_matrix.ref) {}
size_type operator() (key_type const& key) const
return its_col(key);
typename col<typename boost::remove_const<Matrix>::type>::type its_col;
template <class Matrix, class Ref>
struct transposed_col
typedef typename Matrix::key_type key_type;
typedef typename Matrix::size_type size_type;
transposed_col(mtl::matrix::transposed_view<Ref> const& transposed_matrix)
: its_row(transposed_matrix.ref) {}
size_type operator() (key_type const& key) const
return its_row(key);
typename row<typename boost::remove_const<Matrix>::type>::type its_row;
} // namespace detail
template <class Matrix>
struct row<matrix::transposed_view<Matrix> >
typedef detail::transposed_row<Matrix, Matrix> type;
template <class Matrix>
struct col<matrix::transposed_view<Matrix> >
typedef detail::transposed_col<Matrix, Matrix> type;
template <class Matrix>
struct const_value<mtl::matrix::transposed_view<Matrix> >
typedef mtl::detail::const_value_from_other<mtl::matrix::transposed_view<Matrix> > type;
template <class Matrix>
struct value<mtl::matrix::transposed_view<Matrix> >
typedef mtl::detail::value_from_other<mtl::matrix::transposed_view<Matrix> > type;
// ================
// Range generators
// ================
namespace detail
template <class UseTag, class Matrix>
struct range_transposer_impl
typedef range_generator<UseTag, typename boost::remove_const<Matrix>::type> generator;
// typedef range_generator<UseTag, Matrix> generator;
typedef typename generator::complexity complexity;
typedef typename generator::type type;
static int const level = generator::level;
type begin(mtl::matrix::transposed_view<Matrix> const& m)
return generator().begin(m.ref);
type end(mtl::matrix::transposed_view<Matrix> const& m)
return generator().end(m.ref);
// If considered range_generator for Matrix isn't supported, i.e. has infinite complexity
// then define as unsupported for transposed view
// (range_transposer_impl wouldn't compile in this case)
template <class UseTag, class Matrix>
struct range_transposer
: boost::mpl::if_<
boost::is_same<typename range_generator<UseTag, typename boost::remove_const<Matrix>::type>::complexity,
, range_generator<tag::unsupported, Matrix>
, range_transposer_impl<UseTag, Matrix>
>::type {};
// Row and column cursors are interchanged
template <class Matrix>
struct range_generator<glas::tag::col, matrix::transposed_view<Matrix> >
: detail::range_transposer<glas::tag::row, Matrix>
template <class Matrix>
struct range_generator<glas::tag::row, matrix::transposed_view<Matrix> >
: detail::range_transposer<glas::tag::col, Matrix>
// To traverse the major dimension refer to the Matrix
template <class Matrix>
struct range_generator<tag::major, matrix::transposed_view<Matrix> >
: detail::range_transposer<tag::major, Matrix>
// Other cursors still use the same tag, e.g. elements
template <class Tag, class Matrix>
struct range_generator<Tag, matrix::transposed_view<Matrix> >
: detail::range_transposer<Tag, Matrix>
}} // namespace mtl::traits
namespace mtl {
using matrix::transposed_view;
// Software License for MTL
// Copyright (c) 2007 The Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2008 Dresden University of Technology and the Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2010 SimuNova UG (haftungsbeschränkt),
// All rights reserved.
// Authors: Peter Gottschling and Andrew Lumsdaine
// This file is part of the Matrix Template Library
// See also license.mtl.txt in the distribution.
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/matrix/bands.hpp>
#include <limits>
namespace mtl { namespace matrix {
namespace traits {
template <typename Matrix>
struct upper
typedef typename traits::bands<Matrix>::type type;
/// Upper triangular matrix
template <typename Matrix>
typename traits::upper<Matrix>::type
inline upper(const Matrix& A)
return bands(A, 0, std::numeric_limits<long>::max());
}} // namespace mtl::matrix
// Software License for MTL
// Copyright (c) 2007 The Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2008 Dresden University of Technology and the Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2010 SimuNova UG,
// All rights reserved.
// Authors: Peter Gottschling and Andrew Lumsdaine
// This file is part of the Matrix Template Library
// See also tools/license/license.mtl.txt in the distribution.
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/mtl_fwd.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/matrix/map_view.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/matrix/transposed_view.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/matrix/hermitian_view.hpp>
namespace mtl { namespace matrix {
template <typename Matrix>
inline Matrix& view_ref(Matrix& A)
{ return A; }
template <typename Matrix>
inline const Matrix& view_ref(const Matrix& A)
{ return A; }
template <typename Matrix>
inline Matrix& view_ref(transposed_view<Matrix>& A)
{ return A.ref; }
template <typename Matrix>
inline const Matrix& view_ref(transposed_view<const Matrix>& A)
{ return A.ref; }
template <typename Matrix>
inline const Matrix& view_ref(const transposed_view<Matrix>& A)
{ return A.ref; }
template <typename Matrix>
inline const Matrix& view_ref(const conj_view<Matrix>& A)
{ return A.ref; }
template <typename Matrix>
inline const Matrix& view_ref(const hermitian_view<Matrix>& A)
{ return A.const_ref(); }
}} // namespace mtl::matrix
// Software License for MTL
// Copyright (c) 2007 The Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2008 Dresden University of Technology and the Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2010 SimuNova UG (haftungsbeschränkt),
// All rights reserved.
// Authors: Peter Gottschling and Andrew Lumsdaine
// This file is part of the Matrix Template Library
// See also license.mtl.txt in the distribution.
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/types.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/operations.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/interfaces.hpp>
// Software License for MTL
// Copyright (c) 2007 The Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2008 Dresden University of Technology and the Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2010 SimuNova UG (haftungsbeschränkt),
// All rights reserved.
// Authors: Peter Gottschling and Andrew Lumsdaine
// This file is part of the Matrix Template Library
// See also license.mtl.txt in the distribution.
/// Main name space for %Matrix Template Library
namespace mtl {
template <typename T, typename U, typename Assign> struct lazy_assign;
template <typename VectorOut, typename Matrix, typename VectorIn, typename Assign> struct row_mat_cvec_index_evaluator;
/// Namespace for tags used for concept-free dispatching
namespace tag {
struct row_major;
struct col_major;
struct scalar;
struct vector;
struct matrix;
/// Namespace for constant iterator tags
namespace const_iter {}
/// Namespace for iterator tags
namespace iter {}
using tag::row_major;
using tag::col_major;
namespace index {
struct c_index;
struct f_index;
/// Namespace for compile-time parameters, e.g. %matrix dimensions
namespace fixed {
template <std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols> struct dimensions;
/// Namespace for run-time parameters, e.g. %matrix dimensions
namespace non_fixed {
struct dimensions;
/// Namespace for matrices and views and operations exclusively on matrices
namespace matrix {
template <typename Orientation, typename Index, typename Dimensions, bool OnStack, typename SizeType> struct parameters;
template <typename Value, typename Parameters> class dense2D;
template <typename Value, typename Parameters>
typename dense2D<Value, Parameters>::size_type num_cols(const dense2D<Value, Parameters>& matrix);
template <typename Value, typename Parameters>
typename dense2D<Value, Parameters>::size_type num_rows(const dense2D<Value, Parameters>& matrix);
template <typename Value, typename Parameters>
typename dense2D<Value, Parameters>::size_type size(const dense2D<Value, Parameters>& matrix);
template <typename Value, std::size_t Mask, typename Parameters> class morton_dense;
#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER != 1400 // Trouble in MSVC 2005
template <typename Value, std::size_t Mask, typename Parameters>
typename morton_dense<Value, Mask, Parameters>::size_type num_cols(const morton_dense<Value, Mask, Parameters>& matrix);
template <typename Value, std::size_t Mask, typename Parameters>
typename morton_dense<Value, Mask, Parameters>::size_type num_rows(const morton_dense<Value, Mask, Parameters>& matrix);
template <typename Value, std::size_t Mask, typename Parameters>
typename morton_dense<Value, Mask, Parameters>::size_type size(const morton_dense<Value, Mask, Parameters>& matrix);
template <typename Value, typename Parameters> class compressed2D;
template <typename Value, typename Parameters>
typename compressed2D<Value, Parameters>::size_type num_cols(const compressed2D<Value, Parameters>& matrix);
template <typename Value, typename Parameters>
typename compressed2D<Value, Parameters>::size_type num_rows(const compressed2D<Value, Parameters>& matrix);
template <typename Value, typename Parameters>
// typename compressed2D<Value, Parameters>::size_type
size(const compressed2D<Value, Parameters>& matrix);
template <typename Value, typename Parameters, typename Updater> struct compressed2D_inserter;
template <typename T, typename Parameters> class coordinate2D;
template <typename Matrix, typename Updater> struct coordinate2D_inserter;
template <typename T, typename Parameters> class sparse_banded;
template <typename T, typename Parameters, typename Updater> struct sparse_banded_inserter;
template <typename Value, typename Parameters> class ell_matrix;
template <typename Value, typename Parameters, typename Updater> struct ell_matrix_inserter;
template <typename Matrix, typename Updater> struct inserter;
template <typename BaseInserter> class shifted_inserter;
template <typename Vector> class multi_vector;
template <typename Vector> class multi_vector_range;
template <typename Value> class element;
template <typename Value> class element_structure;
template <typename Functor> class implicit_dense;
template <typename Value> class ones_functor;
template <typename Value> class ones_matrix;
template <typename Value> class hilbert_functor;
template <typename Value> class hilbert_matrix;
template <typename Vector1, typename Vector2> class outer_product_functor;
template <typename Vector1, typename Vector2> class outer_product_matrix;
template <typename Matrix> struct transposed_view;
template <typename Matrix> struct mat_expr;
template <typename Matrix> struct dmat_expr;
template <typename Matrix> struct smat_expr;
template <typename M1, typename M2, typename SFunctor> struct mat_mat_op_expr;
template <typename M1, typename M2> struct mat_mat_plus_expr;
template <typename M1, typename M2> struct mv_mv_plus_expr;
template <typename M1, typename M2> struct mat_mat_minus_expr;
template <typename M1, typename M2> struct mv_mv_minus_expr;
template <typename M1, typename M2> struct mat_mat_ele_times_expr;
template <typename M1, typename M2> struct mat_mat_times_expr;
template <typename M1, typename M2> struct mat_mat_asgn_expr;
template <typename Matrix> struct mat_expr;
template <typename Functor, typename Matrix> struct map_view;
template <typename Scaling, typename Matrix> struct scaled_view;
template <typename Matrix, typename RScaling> struct rscaled_view; // added by Hui Li
template <typename Matrix, typename Divisor> struct divide_by_view; // added by Hui Li
template <typename Matrix> struct conj_view;
template <typename Matrix> struct negate_view;
template <typename Matrix> struct imag_view;
template <typename Matrix> struct real_view;
template <typename Matrix> struct hermitian_view;
template <typename Matrix> struct banded_view;
template <typename Matrix> struct indirect;
template <typename Matrix> class lu_solver;
template <typename Matrix> std::size_t size(const banded_view<Matrix>&);
template <class Matrix> std::size_t size(const transposed_view<Matrix>&);
template <typename Functor, typename Matrix> std::size_t size(const map_view<Functor, Matrix>&);
template <class Matrix> std::size_t size(const hermitian_view<Matrix>& );
//using matrix::dense2D;
//using matrix::morton_dense;
//using matrix::compressed2D;
//using matrix::coordinate2D;
//using matrix::multi_vector;
//using matrix::transposed_view;
template <typename E1, typename E2> struct mat_cvec_times_expr;
/// Namespace for vectors and views and %operations exclusively on vectors
namespace vector {
template <typename Vector> struct vec_expr;
template <typename Value, typename Parameters> class dense_vector;
template <typename Value, typename Parameters> class strided_vector_ref;
template <typename Value, typename Parameters> class sparse_vector;
template <typename Functor, typename Vector> struct map_view;
template <typename Vector> struct conj_view;
template <typename Vector> struct real_view;
template <typename Vector> struct imag_view;
template <typename Vector> struct negate_view;
template <typename Scaling, typename Vector> struct scaled_view;
template <typename Vector, typename RScaling> struct rscaled_view; // added by Hui Li
template <typename Vector, typename Divisor> struct divide_by_view; // added by Hui Li
template <class E1, class E2, typename SFunctor> struct vec_vec_op_expr;
template <class E1, class E2, typename SFunctor> struct vec_vec_pmop_expr;
template <class E1, class E2, typename SFunctor> struct vec_vec_aop_expr;
template <class E1, class E2, typename SFunctor> struct vec_vec_ele_prod_expr;
template <class E1, class E2, typename SFunctor> struct vec_scal_aop_expr;
template <class E1, class E2> struct vec_vec_asgn_expr;
template <class E1, class E2> struct vec_vec_plus_asgn_expr;
template <class E1, class E2> struct vec_vec_minus_asgn_expr;
template <class E1, class E2> struct vec_vec_times_asgn_expr; // is this really used???
// template <class E1, class E2> struct vec_vec_div_asgn_expr; // is this really used???
template <class E1, class E2> struct vec_scal_times_asgn_expr;
template <class E1, class E2> struct vec_scal_div_asgn_expr; // added by Hui Li
template <class E1, class E2> struct vec_scal_asgn_expr;
template <typename E1, typename E2> struct rvec_mat_times_expr;
template <typename Vector> struct vec_const_ref_expr;
template <unsigned BSize, typename Vector> class unrolled1;
template <typename Scalar, typename Vector, typename Functor, typename Assign> struct reduction_index_evaluator;
template <typename Scalar, typename Vector1, typename Vector2, typename ConjOpt, typename Assign> struct dot_index_evaluator;
template <typename Vector, typename Functor> struct lazy_reduction;
template <typename Matrix, typename VectorIn> struct mat_cvec_multiplier;
template <typename Value, typename Parameters, typename Value2>
inline void fill(dense_vector<Value, Parameters>& vector, const Value2& value);
template <typename Value, typename Parameters>
typename dense_vector<Value, Parameters>::size_type
inline size(const dense_vector<Value, Parameters>& vector);
template <typename Value, typename Parameters>
typename dense_vector<Value, Parameters>::size_type
inline num_rows(const dense_vector<Value, Parameters>& vector);
template <typename Value, typename Parameters>
typename dense_vector<Value, Parameters>::size_type
inline num_cols(const dense_vector<Value, Parameters>& vector);
template <typename Value, typename Parameters>
std::size_t size(const strided_vector_ref<Value, Parameters>& v);
template <typename Functor, typename Vector>
std::size_t size(const map_view<Functor, Vector>& v);
template <typename E1, typename E2, typename SFunctor>
std::size_t size(const vec_vec_op_expr<E1, E2, SFunctor>& v);
template <typename E1, typename E2, typename SFunctor>
std::size_t size(const vec_vec_aop_expr<E1, E2, SFunctor>& v);
template <typename E1, typename E2, typename SFunctor>
std::size_t size(const vec_vec_pmop_expr<E1, E2, SFunctor>& v);
template <typename E1, typename E2, typename SFunctor>
inline std::size_t size(const vec_scal_aop_expr<E1, E2, SFunctor>& v);
template <unsigned BSize, typename Vector>
inline std::size_t size(const unrolled1<BSize, Vector>& v);
template <typename E1, typename E2>
std::size_t inline size(const rvec_mat_times_expr<E1, E2>& x);
template <typename E1, typename E2>
std::size_t inline size(const mat_cvec_times_expr<E1, E2>& x);
template <typename Matrix, typename VectorIn>
std::size_t size(const mat_cvec_multiplier<Matrix, VectorIn>& m);
/// Namespace for fixed vector dimension types
namespace fixed {
template <std::size_t Size> struct dimension;
/// Namespace for non-fixed vector dimension types, i.e. size dynamically determined at run-time
namespace non_fixed {
struct dimension;
//using vector::dense_vector;
// Export free vector functions into mtl namespace
// It is also needed to handle STL vectors in MTL
using vector::fill;
using vector::size;
using vector::num_rows;
using vector::num_cols;
/// Namespace for %operations (if not defined in mtl)
namespace operations {
template <typename T> struct update_store;
namespace vector {
template <typename Vector, typename Updater = mtl::operations::update_store<typename Vector::value_type> > struct inserter;
template <typename Vector, typename Size> struct update_proxy;
/// Namespace for type %traits
namespace traits {
template <typename Value> struct category;
template <typename Value> struct algebraic_category;
template <typename Collection> struct value;
template <typename Collection> struct const_value;
template <typename Collection> struct row;
template <typename Collection> struct col;
template <class Matrix> struct offset;
template <class Vector> struct index;
template <typename Tag, typename Collection> struct range_generator;
template <typename T> struct eval_dense;
template <typename Matrix> struct transposed_orientation;
template <typename Collection> struct root;
// for internal implementations
namespace detail {
// needed collection.hpp (at least)
template <typename Collection, typename Cursor, typename Complexity> struct dense_element_range_generator;
template <typename Matrix, typename Cursor, typename Complexity> struct all_offsets_range_generator;
template <typename Matrix, typename Tag, int Level = 2> struct sub_matrix_cursor;
template <typename Matrix> struct matrix_element_key;
template <typename Matrix, int pos> struct matrix_element_cursor;
template <typename Matrix, typename Complexity, int Level = 2> struct all_rows_range_generator;
template <typename Cursor> struct all_cols_in_row_range_generator;
template <typename Matrix, typename Complexity, int Level = 2> struct all_cols_range_generator;
template <typename Cursor> struct all_rows_in_col_range_generator;
template <typename Collection, typename RangeGenerator> struct referred_range_generator;
template <typename Matrix> struct ColumnInMatrix;
template <typename Matrix> struct RowInMatrix;
template <class Tag, class Collection> typename traits::range_generator<Tag, Collection>::type
begin(Collection const& c);
template <class Tag, class Collection> typename traits::range_generator<Tag, Collection>::type
end(Collection const& c);
/// Namespace for functors with application operator and fully typed parameters
namespace tfunctor {
/// Functor for scaling matrices, vectors and ordinary scalars
template <typename V1, typename V2, typename AlgebraicCategory = tag::scalar> struct scale;
/// Functor for scaling matrices, vectors and ordinary scalars
template <typename V1, typename V2, typename AlgebraicCategory = tag::scalar> struct rscale;
/// Functor for scaling matrices, vectors and ordinary scalars
template <typename V1, typename V2, typename AlgebraicCategory = tag::scalar> struct divide_by;
/// Namespace for functors with static function apply and fully typed parameters
namespace sfunctor {
template <typename Value, typename AlgebraicCategory = tag::scalar> struct conj_aux;
template <typename Value> struct conj;
template <typename Value> struct imag;
template <typename Value> struct real;
template <typename Value> struct negate;
template <typename Value1, typename Value2> struct plus;
template <typename Value1, typename Value2> struct minus;
template <typename Value1, typename Value2> struct times;
template <typename Value1, typename Value2> struct divide;
template <typename Value1, typename Value2> struct assign;
template <typename Value1, typename Value2> struct plus_assign;
template <typename Value1, typename Value2> struct minus_assign;
template <typename Value1, typename Value2> struct times_assign;
template <typename Value1, typename Value2> struct divide_assign;
template <typename Value> struct identity;
template <typename Value> struct abs;
template <typename Value> struct sqrt;
template <typename Value> struct square;
template <typename F, typename G> struct compose;
template <typename F, typename G> struct compose_first;
template <typename F, typename G> struct compose_second;
template <typename F, typename G, typename H> struct compose_both;
template <typename F, typename G> struct compose_binary;
// Namespace documentations
/// Namespace for static assignment functors
namespace assign {}
/// Namespace for complexity classes
namespace complexity_classes {}
/// Namespace for %operations (if not defined in mtl)
namespace operations {}
/// Namespace for recursive operations and types with recursive memory layout
namespace recursion {}
/// Namespace for %utilities
namespace utility {}
/// Namespace for implementations using recursators
namespace wrec {}
namespace matrix {
template <typename Matrix, typename ValueType, typename SizeType> struct crtp_matrix_assign;
template <typename Matrix, typename ValueType, typename SizeType> struct const_crtp_matrix_bracket;
template <typename Matrix, typename ValueType, typename SizeType> struct crtp_matrix_bracket;
template <typename Matrix, typename ValueType, typename SizeType> struct const_crtp_base_matrix;
template <typename Matrix, typename ValueType, typename SizeType> struct crtp_base_matrix;
template <typename Matrix> struct const_crtp_matrix_range_bracket;
namespace detail {
template <typename Value, bool OnStack, unsigned Size= 0> struct contiguous_memory_block;
template <typename Matrix, typename Updater> struct trivial_inserter;
template <typename Collection> struct with_format_t;
/// Free function defined for all matrix and vector types
template <typename Collection> void swap(Collection& c1, Collection& c2);
/// User registration that class has a clone constructor, otherwise use regular copy constructor.
template<typename T> struct is_clonable;
/// Helper type to define constructors that always copy
struct clone_ctor {};
/// Helper type to define constructors that refer to another object instead of copying it (e.g. transposed vectors)
struct refer_ctor {};
class irange;
class iset;
class srange;
template <typename T, typename U> struct fused_expr;
namespace vector {
template <typename T, typename U> struct fused_index_evaluator;
// template <typename T, typename U> size_t size(const fused_index_evaluator<T, U>&); // not needed currently
/// Namespace for I/O operations
namespace io {
class matrix_market_istream;
class matrix_market_ostream;
template <typename MatrixIStream, typename MatrixOStream> class matrix_file;
typedef matrix_file<matrix_market_istream, matrix_market_ostream> matrix_market;
// Multiplication functors
template <typename Assign, typename Backup> struct gen_cursor_dmat_dmat_mult_t;
template <typename Assign, typename Backup> struct gen_dmat_dmat_mult_t;
template <unsigned long Tiling1, unsigned long Tiling2, typename Assign, typename Backup> struct gen_tiling_dmat_dmat_mult_t;
template <typename Assign, typename Backup> struct gen_tiling_44_dmat_dmat_mult_t;
template <typename Assign, typename Backup> struct gen_tiling_22_dmat_dmat_mult_t;
template <typename BaseMult, typename BaseTest, typename Assign, typename Backup> struct gen_recursive_dmat_dmat_mult_t;
template <typename Assign, typename Backup> struct gen_platform_dmat_dmat_mult_t;
template <typename Assign, typename Backup> struct gen_blas_dmat_dmat_mult_t;
template <std::size_t SizeLimit, typename FunctorSmall, typename FunctorLarge> struct size_switch_dmat_dmat_mult_t;
template <bool IsStatic, typename FunctorStatic, typename FunctorDynamic> struct static_switch_dmat_dmat_mult_t;
template <typename Assign, typename Backup> struct fully_unroll_fixed_size_dmat_dmat_mult_t;
} // namespace mtl
// Software License for MTL
// Copyright (c) 2007 The Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2008 Dresden University of Technology and the Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2010 SimuNova UG (haftungsbeschränkt),
// All rights reserved.
// Authors: Peter Gottschling and Andrew Lumsdaine
// This file is part of the Matrix Template Library
// See also license.mtl.txt in the distribution.
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/operation/hermitian.hpp>
namespace mtl { namespace matrix {
namespace traits {
template <typename LinOp>
struct adjoint
typedef typename mtl::matrix::detail::hermitian<LinOp>::result_type type;
type operator()(const LinOp& A)
return hermitian(A);
/// Adjoint linear operator, typically Hermitian transposed
template <typename LinOp>
typename traits::adjoint<LinOp>::type
inline adjoint(const LinOp& A)
return traits::adjoint<LinOp>()(A);
}} // namespace mtl::matrix
// Software License for MTL
// Copyright (c) 2007 The Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2008 Dresden University of Technology and the Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2010 SimuNova UG (haftungsbeschränkt),
// All rights reserved.
// Authors: Peter Gottschling and Andrew Lumsdaine
// This file is part of the Matrix Template Library
// See also license.mtl.txt in the distribution.
namespace mtl { namespace detail {
template <typename Size, typename Cursor>
void inline adjust_cursor(Size diff, Cursor& c, tag::dense) { c+= diff; }
template <typename Size, typename Cursor>
void inline adjust_cursor(Size diff, Cursor& c, tag::sparse) {}
}} // namespace mtl::detail
// Software License for MTL
// Copyright (c) 2007 The Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2008 Dresden University of Technology and the Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2010 SimuNova UG (haftungsbeschränkt),
// All rights reserved.
// Authors: Peter Gottschling and Andrew Lumsdaine
// This file is part of the Matrix Template Library
// See also license.mtl.txt in the distribution.
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/utility/tag.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/utility/range_generator.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/interface/vpt.hpp>
namespace mtl {
namespace vector {
/// Assign the result of \p f(i) to each non-zero i in non-constant vector \p v
template <typename Vector, typename Functor>
inline void assign_each_nonzero(Vector& v, const Functor& f)
vampir_trace<3008> tracer;
typedef typename traits::range_generator<tag::iter::nz, Vector>::type iterator;
for (iterator i= begin<tag::iter::nz>(v), iend= end<tag::iter::nz>(v); i != iend; ++i)
*i= f(*i);
} // namespace vector
namespace matrix {
/// Assign the result of \p f(i) to each non-zero i in non-constant matrix \p A
template <typename Matrix, typename Functor>
inline void assign_each_nonzero(Matrix& m, const Functor& f)
vampir_trace<3008> tracer;
typename mtl::traits::value<Matrix>::type value(m);
typedef typename mtl::traits::range_generator<tag::major, Matrix>::type cursor_type;
typedef typename mtl::traits::range_generator<tag::nz, cursor_type>::type icursor_type;
for (cursor_type cursor = begin<tag::major>(m), cend = end<tag::major>(m); cursor != cend; ++cursor)
for (icursor_type icursor = begin<tag::nz>(cursor), icend = end<tag::nz>(cursor);
icursor != icend; ++icursor)
value(*icursor, f(value(*icursor)));
} // namespace matrix
} // namespace mtl