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// Software License for MTL
// Copyright (c) 2007 The Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2008 Dresden University of Technology and the Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2010 SimuNova UG (haftungsbeschränkt),
// All rights reserved.
// Authors: Peter Gottschling and Andrew Lumsdaine
// This file is part of the Matrix Template Library
// See also license.mtl.txt in the distribution.
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/mtl_fwd.hpp>
namespace mtl { namespace operation {
// Default is to just refer to the expression
template <typename Result, typename Expr>
struct compute_one_factor
typedef const Expr& type;
typedef const Expr& const_reference;
compute_one_factor(type src) : value(src) {}
type value;
template <typename Result, typename E1, typename E2>
struct compute_one_factor<Result, matrix::mat_mat_times_expr<E1, E2> >
typedef Result type;
typedef const Result& const_reference;
compute_one_factor(const matrix::mat_mat_times_expr<E1, E2>& src)
: value(src.first * src.second) {}
type value;
template <typename Result, typename E1, typename E2>
struct compute_one_factor<Result, matrix::mat_mat_ele_times_expr<E1, E2> >
typedef Result type;
typedef const Result& const_reference;
compute_one_factor(const matrix::mat_mat_ele_times_expr<E1, E2>& src)
: value(ele_prod(src.first, src.second)) {}
type value;
// Only defined for matrix::mat_mat_times_expr and matrix::mat_mat_ele_times_expr
template <typename Result, typename Expr>
struct compute_factors {};
template <typename Result, typename E1, typename E2>
struct compute_factors<Result, matrix::mat_mat_times_expr<E1, E2> >
compute_factors(const matrix::mat_mat_times_expr<E1, E2>& src)
: first_factor(src.first), second_factor(src.second),
first(first_factor.value), second(second_factor.value)
compute_one_factor<Result, E1> first_factor;
compute_one_factor<Result, E2> second_factor;
typename compute_one_factor<Result, E1>::const_reference first;
typename compute_one_factor<Result, E2>::const_reference second;
// First factor is handled implicitly in the evaluation
template <typename Result, typename E1, typename E2>
struct compute_factors<Result, matrix::mat_mat_ele_times_expr<E1, E2> >
compute_factors(const matrix::mat_mat_ele_times_expr<E1, E2>& src)
: first(src.first), second_factor(src.second),
const E1& first;
compute_one_factor<Result, E2> second_factor;
typename compute_one_factor<Result, E2>::const_reference second;
}} // namespace mtl::operation
// Software License for MTL
// Copyright (c) 2007 The Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2008 Dresden University of Technology and the Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2010 SimuNova UG (haftungsbeschränkt),
// All rights reserved.
// Authors: Peter Gottschling and Andrew Lumsdaine
// This file is part of the Matrix Template Library
// See also license.mtl.txt in the distribution.
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/mtl_fwd.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/utility/copy_expression_const_ref_container.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/interface/vpt.hpp>
namespace mtl { namespace operation {
/// Compute a summand in an expression
/** For instance matrix vector products are transformed into mult function calls
when assigned to a column vector. Adding such a vector to other vector expressions
requires to compute (evaluate) the summand first and then add the resulting
vector. The current implementation assumes that the result of the operation
can be represented by the multiplied column vector. This is for instance wrong
when the matrix is complex and the vector real. To handle this is signifantly
more complicated and is planned for the future.
template <typename Expr>
struct compute_summand
typedef Expr type;
compute_summand(const Expr& expr) : value(expr) {}
// value is a const& if Expr is a true vector and a copy if it is an expression
typename mtl::traits::copy_expression_const_ref_container<Expr>::type value;
/// Specialization for matrix vector products
template <typename Matrix, typename CVector>
struct compute_summand< mat_cvec_times_expr<Matrix, CVector> >
typedef CVector type;
compute_summand(const mat_cvec_times_expr<Matrix, CVector>& expr)
: value(num_rows(expr.first))
#ifndef NDEBUG // might be helpful, e.g. for generating AST
, first(expr.first), second(expr.second)
vampir_trace<3005> tracer;
value= expr.first * expr.second;
CVector value;
#ifndef NDEBUG
const Matrix& first;
const CVector& second;
/// Specialization for matrix vector products
template <typename Matrix, typename CVector>
struct compute_summand< vector::mat_cvec_multiplier<Matrix, CVector> >
typedef CVector type;
compute_summand(const vector::mat_cvec_multiplier<Matrix, CVector>& expr)
: value(num_rows(expr.A))
vampir_trace<3005> tracer;
CVector value;
}} // namespace mtl::operation
// Software License for MTL
// Copyright (c) 2007 The Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2008 Dresden University of Technology and the Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2010 SimuNova UG (haftungsbeschränkt),
// All rights reserved.
// Authors: Peter Gottschling and Andrew Lumsdaine
// This file is part of the Matrix Template Library
// See also license.mtl.txt in the distribution.
#include <complex>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/mtl_fwd.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/utility/enable_if.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/utility/tag.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/utility/category.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/utility/algebraic_category.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/utility/is_what.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/utility/view_code.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/utility/viewed_collection.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/utility/compose_view.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/linear_algebra/identity.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/matrix/view_ref.hpp>
namespace mtl {
namespace sfunctor {
template <typename Value, typename AlgebraicCategory>
struct conj_aux
typedef Value result_type;
static inline result_type apply(const Value& v)
return v;
result_type operator() (const Value& v) const
return v;
template <typename Value, typename AlgebraicCategory>
struct conj_aux<std::complex<Value>, AlgebraicCategory>
typedef std::complex<Value> result_type;
static inline result_type apply(const std::complex<Value>& v)
return std::conj(v);
result_type operator() (const std::complex<Value>& v) const
return std::conj(v);
// Only declarations here, definitions in matrix::map_view (vector::map_view)
template <typename Matrix>
struct conj_aux<Matrix, tag::matrix>;
template <typename Vector>
struct conj_aux<Vector, tag::vector>;
// Short cut for result type
template <typename Value>
struct conj
: public conj_aux<Value, typename mtl::traits::algebraic_category<Value>::type>
} // namespace sfunctor
namespace vector {
/// Conjugate of an vector
template <typename Vector>
typename mtl::traits::enable_if_vector<Vector, conj_view<Vector> >::type
inline conj(const Vector& v)
return conj_view<Vector>(v);
namespace matrix {
namespace detail {
template <typename Matrix>
struct conj_trait
static const unsigned code= mtl::traits::view_toggle_conj<mtl::traits::view_code<Matrix> >::value;
typedef typename mtl::traits::compose_view<code, typename mtl::traits::viewed_collection<Matrix>::type>::type type;
static inline type apply(const Matrix& A)
return type(view_ref(A));
/// Conjugate of a matrix
template <typename Matrix>
typename mtl::traits::lazy_enable_if_matrix<Matrix, detail::conj_trait<Matrix> >::type
inline conj(const Matrix& A)
return detail::conj_trait<Matrix>::apply(A);
namespace scalar {
// Only scalar values remain here
template <typename Value>
typename mtl::traits::enable_if_scalar<
, typename sfunctor::conj<Value>::result_type
inline conj(const Value& v)
return mtl::sfunctor::conj<Value>::apply(v);
float inline conj(float v) { return v; }
double inline conj(double v) { return v; }
long double inline conj(long double v) { return v; }
/// Conjugate of vector, matrix, or scalar
using vector::conj;
using matrix::conj;
using scalar::conj;
// using std::conj;
} // namespace mtl
// Software License for MTL
// Copyright (c) 2007 The Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2008 Dresden University of Technology and the Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2010 SimuNova UG (haftungsbeschränkt),
// All rights reserved.
// Authors: Peter Gottschling and Andrew Lumsdaine
// This file is part of the Matrix Template Library
// See also license.mtl.txt in the distribution.
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/mtl_fwd.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/detail/index.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/utility/category.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/utility/flatcat.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/utility/tag.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/utility/is_row_major.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/utility/exception.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/utility/range_generator.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/utility/ashape.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/utility/property_map.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/utility/static_assert.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/utility/updater_to_assigner.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/matrix/inserter.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/operation/set_to_zero.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/operation/update.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/operation/print.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/operation/crop.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/interface/vpt.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>
#include <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
namespace mtl {
namespace detail {
// Set Destination matrix to zero when source is sparse
// (otherwise everything is overwritten anyway)
template <typename MatrixDest>
inline void zero_with_sparse_src(MatrixDest& dest, tag::flat<tag::sparse>)
template <typename MatrixDest>
inline void zero_with_sparse_src(MatrixDest&, tag::universe) {}
// Adapt inserter size to operation
template <typename Updater> struct copy_inserter_size {};
// Specialization for store
template <typename Value>
struct copy_inserter_size< operations::update_store<Value> >
template <typename MatrixSrc, typename MatrixDest>
static inline int apply(const MatrixSrc& src, const MatrixDest& dest)
// std::cout << "nnz = " << src.nnz() << ", dim1 = " << dest.dim1() << "\n";
return int(src.nnz() * 1.2 / dest.dim1());
struct sum_of_sizes
template <typename MatrixSrc, typename MatrixDest>
static inline int apply(const MatrixSrc& src, const MatrixDest& dest)
{ return int((src.nnz() + dest.nnz()) * 1.2 / dest.dim1()); }
// Specialization for plus and minus
template <typename Value> struct copy_inserter_size< operations::update_plus<Value> > : sum_of_sizes {};
template <typename Value> struct copy_inserter_size< operations::update_minus<Value> > : sum_of_sizes {};
} // namespace detail
template <typename Updater, typename MatrixSrc, typename MatrixDest>
inline void gen_matrix_copy(const MatrixSrc& src, MatrixDest& dest, bool with_reset)
vampir_trace<3002> tracer;
MTL_THROW_IF(num_rows(src) != num_rows(dest) || num_cols(src) != num_cols(dest), incompatible_size());
if (with_reset)
detail::zero_with_sparse_src(dest, traits::sparsity_flatcat<MatrixSrc>());
typename traits::row<MatrixSrc>::type row(src);
typename traits::col<MatrixSrc>::type col(src);
typename traits::const_value<MatrixSrc>::type value(src);
typedef typename traits::range_generator<tag::major, MatrixSrc>::type cursor_type;
// std::cout << "Slot size is " << detail::copy_inserter_size<Updater>::apply(src, dest) << "\n";
matrix::inserter<MatrixDest, Updater> ins(dest, detail::copy_inserter_size<Updater>::apply(src, dest));
for (cursor_type cursor = mtl::begin<tag::major>(src), cend = mtl::end<tag::major>(src);
cursor != cend; ++cursor) {
// std::cout << dest << '\n';
typedef typename traits::range_generator<tag::nz, cursor_type>::type icursor_type;
for (icursor_type icursor = mtl::begin<tag::nz>(cursor), icend = mtl::end<tag::nz>(cursor);
icursor != icend; ++icursor) {
//std::cout << "in " << row(*icursor) << ", " << col(*icursor) << " insert " << value(*icursor) << '\n';
ins(row(*icursor), col(*icursor)) << value(*icursor); }
// Specialization for multi_vector
template <typename Updater, typename MatrixSrc, typename Vector>
inline void gen_matrix_copy(const MatrixSrc& src, mtl::matrix::multi_vector<Vector>& dest, bool)
MTL_THROW_IF(num_rows(src) != num_rows(dest) || num_cols(src) != num_cols(dest), incompatible_size());
typedef typename mtl::traits::updater_to_assigner<Updater>::type Assigner;
for (std::size_t i= 0, n= num_cols(src); i < n; ++i)
Assigner::first_update(dest.vector(i), src.vector(i));
namespace {
# ifdef __clang__
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunneeded-internal-declaration"
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function"
# endif
inline long inc_wo_over(long i) { return i == std::numeric_limits<long>::max() ? i : i+1; }
inline long negate_wo_over(long i) { return i == std::numeric_limits<long>::min() ? std::numeric_limits<long>::max() : -i; }
template <typename Updater, typename ValueSrc, typename Para, typename ValueDest>
typename boost::enable_if<boost::is_same<Updater, operations::update_store<ValueDest> > >::type
inline gen_matrix_copy(const matrix::banded_view<mtl::matrix::compressed2D<ValueSrc, Para> >& src, mtl::matrix::compressed2D<ValueDest, Para>& dest, bool)
vampir_trace<3061> tracer;
typedef typename Para::size_type size_type;
dest.change_dim(num_rows(src), num_cols(src)); // contains make_empty
const mtl::matrix::compressed2D<ValueSrc, Para> &sref= src.ref;
const std::vector<size_type> &sstarts= sref.ref_major(), &sindices= sref.ref_minor();
long first, last;
if (traits::is_row_major<Para>::value) {
first= src.get_begin();
last= src.get_end();
} else {
first= inc_wo_over(negate_wo_over(src.get_end()));
last= inc_wo_over(negate_wo_over(src.get_begin()));
long jd= 0, j_end= sstarts[0];
for (long i= 0, i_end= src.dim1(), f= first, l= last; i < i_end; ++i) {
dest.ref_major()[i]= jd;
long j= j_end;
j_end= sstarts[i+1];
while (j < j_end && long(sindices[j]) < f) j++;
while (j < j_end && long(sindices[j]) < l) jd++, j++;
f= inc_wo_over(f);
l= inc_wo_over(l);
dest.ref_major()[src.dim1()]= jd;
dest.set_nnz(jd); // resizes indices and data
for (long i= 0, i_end= src.dim1(), jd= 0, j_end= sstarts[0]; i < i_end; ++i) {
dest.ref_major()[i]= jd;
long j= j_end;
j_end= sstarts[i+1];
while (j < j_end && long(sindices[j]) < first) j++;
while (j < j_end && long(sindices[j]) < last) {
dest.ref_minor()[jd]= sindices[j];[jd++]=[j++];
first= inc_wo_over(first);
last= inc_wo_over(last);
/// Copy matrix \p src into matrix \p dest
template <typename MatrixSrc, typename MatrixDest>
inline void matrix_copy(const MatrixSrc& src, MatrixDest& dest)
gen_matrix_copy< operations::update_store<typename MatrixDest::value_type> >(src, dest, true);
/// Add matrix \p src to matrix \p dest in copy-like style
template <typename MatrixSrc, typename MatrixDest>
inline void matrix_copy_plus(const MatrixSrc& src, MatrixDest& dest)
gen_matrix_copy< operations::update_plus<typename MatrixDest::value_type> >(src, dest, false);
/// Subtract matrix \p src from matrix \p dest in copy-like style
template <typename MatrixSrc, typename MatrixDest>
inline void matrix_copy_minus(const MatrixSrc& src, MatrixDest& dest)
gen_matrix_copy< operations::update_minus<typename MatrixDest::value_type> >(src, dest, false);
/// Multiply matrix \p src element-wise with matrix \p dest in copy-like style
template <typename MatrixSrc, typename MatrixDest>
inline void matrix_copy_ele_times(const MatrixSrc& src, MatrixDest& dest)
vampir_trace<3001> tracer;
MTL_THROW_IF(num_rows(src) != num_rows(dest) || num_cols(src) != num_cols(dest), incompatible_size());
typename traits::row<MatrixDest>::type row(dest);
typename traits::col<MatrixDest>::type col(dest);
typename traits::value<MatrixDest>::type value(dest);
typedef typename traits::range_generator<tag::major, MatrixDest>::type cursor_type;
typedef typename traits::range_generator<tag::nz, cursor_type>::type icursor_type;
for (cursor_type cursor = begin<tag::major>(dest), cend = end<tag::major>(dest); cursor != cend; ++cursor)
for (icursor_type icursor = begin<tag::nz>(cursor), icend = end<tag::nz>(cursor); icursor != icend; ++icursor)
value(*icursor, value(*icursor) * src[row(*icursor)][col(*icursor)]);
#if 0 // copy would result in a*0 = a and 0*b = b!!!!
gen_matrix_copy< operations::update_times<typename MatrixDest::value_type> >(src, dest, false);
template <typename MatrixSrc, typename MatrixDest>
inline void copy(const MatrixSrc& src, tag::flat<tag::matrix>, MatrixDest& dest, tag::flat<tag::matrix>)
// inline void copy(const MatrixSrc& src, tag::matrix_expr, MatrixDest& dest, tag::matrix)
return matrix_copy(src, dest);
template <typename Updater, typename VectorSrc, typename VectorDest>
inline void gen_vector_copy(const VectorSrc& src, VectorDest& dest, bool with_reset)
// Works only with dense vectors as dest !!!!! (source could be sparse)
// Needs vector inserter
vampir_trace<2001> tracer;
MTL_STATIC_ASSERT((boost::is_same<typename ashape::ashape<VectorSrc>::type,
typename ashape::ashape<VectorDest>::type>::value), "Source and target must have the same algebraic shape.");
MTL_THROW_IF(size(src) != size(dest), incompatible_size());
if (with_reset)
detail::zero_with_sparse_src(dest, typename traits::category<VectorSrc>::type());
typename traits::index<VectorSrc>::type index(src);
typename traits::const_value<VectorSrc>::type value(src);
typedef typename traits::range_generator<tag::nz, VectorSrc>::type cursor_type;
for (cursor_type cursor = begin<tag::nz>(src), cend = end<tag::nz>(src);
cursor != cend; ++cursor)
Updater()(dest[index(*cursor)], value(*cursor));
/// Copy vector \p src into vector \p dest
template <typename VectorSrc, typename VectorDest>
inline void vector_copy(const VectorSrc& src, VectorDest& dest)
gen_vector_copy< operations::update_store<typename VectorDest::value_type> >(src, dest, true);
/// Add vector \p src to vector \p dest in copy-like style
template <typename VectorSrc, typename VectorDest>
inline void vector_copy_plus(const VectorSrc& src, VectorDest& dest)
gen_vector_copy< operations::update_plus<typename VectorDest::value_type> >(src, dest, false);
/// Subtract vector \p src from vector \p dest in copy-like style
template <typename VectorSrc, typename VectorDest>
inline void vector_copy_minus(const VectorSrc& src, VectorDest& dest)
gen_vector_copy< operations::update_minus<typename VectorDest::value_type> >(src, dest, false);
template <typename VectorSrc, typename VectorDest>
inline void copy(const VectorSrc& src, tag::flat<tag::vector>, VectorDest& dest, tag::flat<tag::vector>)
return vector_copy(src, dest);
template <typename CollSrc, typename CollDest>
inline void copy(const CollSrc& src, CollDest& dest)
vampir_trace<3003> tracer;
return copy(src, traits::flatcat2<CollSrc, tag::matrix, tag::vector>(),
dest, traits::flatcat2<CollDest, tag::matrix, tag::vector>());
} // namespace mtl
// Software License for MTL
// Copyright (c) 2007 The Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2008 Dresden University of Technology and the Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2010 SimuNova UG (haftungsbeschränkt),
// All rights reserved.
// Authors: Peter Gottschling and Andrew Lumsdaine
// This file is part of the Matrix Template Library
// See also license.mtl.txt in the distribution.
#include <complex>
#include <cmath>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/operation/real.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/operation/imag.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/interface/vpt.hpp>
namespace mtl {
namespace sfunctor {
template <typename Value1, typename Value2>
struct copysign
static inline Value1 apply(const Value1& v, const Value2& s)
using math::zero; using std::abs;
Value1 a(abs(v));
return s < zero(s) ? -a : a;
// This specialization is questionable and thus subject to elimination
template <typename Value1, typename Value2>
struct copysign<std::complex<Value1>, Value2>
static inline Value1 apply(const std::complex<Value1>& v, const Value2& s)
using mtl::real; using mtl::imag;
return std::complex<Value1>(copysign<Value1, Value2>::apply(real(v), s),
copysign<Value1, Value2>::apply(imag(v), s));
#if 0 // ndef _MSC_VER doesn't work on BigRed with gcc 4.2.2 (????) and isn't used anyway
template <>
struct copysign<float, float>
static inline float apply(float v, float s)
{ return ::copysignf(v, s); }
template <>
struct copysign<double, double>
static inline double apply(double v, double s)
{ return ::copysign(v, s); }
template <>
struct copysign<long double, long double>
static inline long double apply(long double v, long double s)
{ return copysignl(v, s); }
#endif // _MSC_VER
/// sign of scalars; for complex numbers sign of real part
template <typename Value1, typename Value2>
inline Value1 copysign(const Value1& v, const Value2& s)
vampir_trace<1001> tracer;
return sfunctor::copysign<Value1, Value2>::apply(v, s);
} // namespace mtl
// Software License for MTL
// Copyright (c) 2007 The Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2008 Dresden University of Technology and the Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2010 SimuNova UG (haftungsbeschränkt),
// All rights reserved.
// Authors: Peter Gottschling and Andrew Lumsdaine
// This file is part of the Matrix Template Library
// See also license.mtl.txt in the distribution.
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/utility/enable_if.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/interface/vpt.hpp>
namespace mtl {
namespace vector {
/// Remove all zero entries from a collection
/** Does nothing for dense collections **/
template <typename T>
typename mtl::traits::enable_if_vector<T, T&>::type inline crop(T& x)
vampir_trace<3006> tracer;
x.crop(); return x;
namespace matrix {
/// Remove all zero entries from a collection
/** Does nothing for dense collections **/
template <typename T>
typename mtl::traits::enable_if_matrix<T, T&>::type inline crop(T& x)
vampir_trace<3006> tracer;
x.crop(); return x;
using vector::crop;
using matrix::crop;
} // namespace mtl
// Software License for MTL
// Copyright (c) 2007 The Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2008 Dresden University of Technology and the Trustees of Indiana University.
// 2010 SimuNova UG (haftungsbeschränkt),
// All rights reserved.
// Authors: Peter Gottschling and Andrew Lumsdaine
// This file is part of the Matrix Template Library
// See also license.mtl.txt in the distribution.
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/concept/std_concept.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/vector/dense_vector.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/mtl/interface/vpt.hpp>
namespace mtl { namespace vector {
namespace detail {
// Result type of cross product
template <typename Vector1, typename Vector2>
struct cross_result
typedef typename Multiplicable<typename Collection<Vector1>::value_type,
typename Collection<Vector2>::value_type>::result_type value;
typedef dense_vector<value> type;
/// Cross product
/** Only exists for 3 and 7 dimensions.
Consider specialization for fixed-size types
template <typename Vector1, typename Vector2>
typename detail::cross_result<Vector1, Vector2>::type
inline cross(const Vector1& v1, const Vector2& v2)
vampir_trace<2002> tracer;
MTL_THROW_IF((size(v1) != 3 && size(v1) != 7 ) || size(v1) != size(v2), incompatible_size());
typename detail::cross_result<Vector1, Vector2>::type result(size(v1));
if (size(v1) == 3)
for (unsigned i= 0; i < 3; i++) {
unsigned k= (i+1) % 3, l= (i+2) % 3;
result[i]= v1[k] * v2[l] - v1[l] * v2[k];
else // must be 7 thus
for (unsigned i= 0; i < 7; i++) {
unsigned k= (i+1) % 7, l= (i+3) % 7;
result[i]= v1[k] * v2[l] - v1[l] * v2[k];
k= (i+2) % 7, l= (i+6) % 7;
result[i]+= v1[k] * v2[l] - v1[l] * v2[k];
k= (i+4) % 7, l= (i+5) % 7;
result[i]+= v1[k] * v2[l] - v1[l] * v2[k];
return result;
}} // namespace mtl::vector