diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 94f6f6948572daedb9ec0966318363dabe180aaa..361da59e0a0d154b4fb22596ed4780e24c011f9d 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index c99d71fd6a73fc237413456536436d7a6bb9873f..e39bcdc2e8464191697c13ed63f39afefcc48f1e 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ setup:
     image: gcc
-        - apt update && apt install -y autoconf
+        - apt update && apt install -y autoconf texinfo
         - autoreconf -vi
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ setup:
+             docs/Makefile.in
@@ -46,6 +47,7 @@ setup:
             - build-macro/
             - configure
             - Makefile.in
+            - docs/Makefile.in
             - src/Makefile.in
             - src/config.h.in
             - src/lib/Makefile.in
@@ -75,6 +77,7 @@ config:
+             docs/Makefile.in
@@ -91,6 +94,7 @@ config:
             - build-macro/
             - configure
             - Makefile.in
+            - docs/Makefile.in
             - src/Makefile.in
             - src/config.h.in
             - src/lib/Makefile.in
@@ -104,7 +108,7 @@ compile:
     image: gcc
-        - apt update && apt install -y make
+        - apt update && apt install -y make texinfo
         - for file in `find . -type f -not -path "./.git/*"`;
             do git rev-list -n 1 HEAD $file
             | xargs git show -s --format=%ai
@@ -125,6 +129,10 @@ compile:
+              docs/Makefile.in
+              docs/stamp-vti
+              docs/sefht.info
+              docs/version.texi
@@ -141,6 +149,10 @@ compile:
             - build-macro/
             - configure
             - Makefile.in
+            - docs/Makefile.in
+            - docs/sefht.info
+            - docs/stamp-vti
+            - docs/version.texi
             - src/Makefile.in
             - src/config.h.in
             - src/lib/Makefile.in
@@ -174,7 +186,7 @@ dist:
     image: gcc
-        - apt update && apt install -y make check
+        - apt update && apt install -y make check texinfo texlive
         - for file in `find . -type f -not -path "./.git/*"`;
             do git rev-list -n 1 HEAD $file
             | xargs git show -s --format=%ai
diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
index 1f8e5e4f60fa5b14881be63d0c16acb0748e2db4..0a287f272a21c45492a785be3414315743c25f47 100644
--- a/Makefile.am
+++ b/Makefile.am
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
 ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
-SUBDIRS = src tests
+SUBDIRS += docs
+SUBDIRS += src
+SUBDIRS += tests
 EXTRA_DIST = gitlab-ci/save_timestamps.sh
diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index 1a78250218a1f4f169c6bcf798323e89b27fc4f4..2a534f6de2be32e20373deee2cbba7b5c9583cd1 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ AC_CHECK_FUNCS([strdup])
 # Makefiles
diff --git a/docs/Makefile.am b/docs/Makefile.am
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..10986f3fc7267b33c9e86f7793ffb48229b91dc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/Makefile.am
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
+info_TEXINFOS = sefht.texi
+html-local: $(builddir)/$(HTMLS)/manual.css
+html-local: $(builddir)/$(HTMLS)/style.css
+html-local: $(builddir)/$(HTMLS)/reset.css
+$(builddir)/$(HTMLS)/manual.css: $(srcdir)/css/manual.css
+	@cp $< $@
+$(builddir)/$(HTMLS)/style.css: $(srcdir)/css/style.css
+	@cp $< $@
+$(builddir)/$(HTMLS)/reset.css: $(srcdir)/css/reset.css
+	@cp $< $@
+AM_MAKEINFOHTMLFLAGS = --css-ref=manual.css
diff --git a/docs/commit_messages.txt b/docs/commit_messages.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7f109c4b594801bba67dec34103efca14e2adb50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/commit_messages.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
+	The structure SH_Attr implements an HTML Attribute.
+	For every function there is also a static method/function,
+	which can perform the same work, but doesn't rely on really
+	having a single struct Attr. This is useful for example in an
+	array to manipulate a single element.
+@subsubsection NodeFragment - Attributes
+	The method SH_NodeFragment_get_attr provides a pointer to an Attr, by
+	its index. Note, that it directly points to the internal data, instead
+	of copying the data to a new Attr, which would be unneccessary overhead,
+	if only reading access is needed. That's why it is also a const pointer.
+	If the user intends to modify it, a copy should be taken via
+	SH_Attr_copy.
+	Multiple insert methods allow either to add an existing Attr, or to
+	create a new one implicitly. If the Attr is not already used beforehand,
+	it is more efficient to call the attr_new methods. Also an old Attr is
+	freed, after it was inserted, thus it can't be used afterwards. This is
+	neccessary, as for efficiency reasons an array of Attr is used directly,
+	instead of the indirect approach of storing a pointer of Attr. This
+	means, that the contents of the Attr has to be copied to the internal
+	structure. If the old Attr would be left unfreed, there would be two
+	Attrs, the original one and the implicit one, referring to the same
+	data, which would lead to at least data corruption, or undefined
+	behaviour like a double free, which would be a serious threat for a
+	library which is to be used on a webserver. ...
+	For each of the two insert modes, there is a method to prepend, append
+	or insert at a specific position. An incorrect position is handled
+	inside of the external method and an E_VALUE is thrown. The internal
+	method doesn't handle this, so special care must be taken to not make
+	undefined behaviour. However enforcing this check would be unneccessary
+	overhead for the prepend and append methods, which are known to have
+	correct indicies, as well for other internal methods, where the internal
+	method may be used.
+	Two alternatives are provided: remove_attr and pop_attr. While the
+	former free's the Attr's data, the latter allocates a new Attr, to store
+	and return the data. Both functionality is provided by a single
+	(internal) static method.
+	@subsubsection Childs
+	A Fragment can contain childs. When building the html, the
+	childs html is generated where appropiate.
+	The methods
+	- SH_Fragment_get_child (by index)
+	- SH_Fragment_is_child (non recursive) and
+	- SH_Fragment_is_descendant (recursive)
+	were added.
+	Fragment can be copied, either recursive (copying also all
+	childs) or nonrecursive (ignoring the childs, thus the copy
+	has always no childs).
+	Adding the same element twice in the tree (graph) isn't
+	possible, as this would lead to problems e.g. double free or
+	similar quirks.
+	The single method (formerly SH_NodeFragment_append_child) to add a child
+	at the end of the child list was replaced, by a bunch of methods to
+	insert a child at the beginning (SH_NodeFragment_prepend_child), at the
+	end (SH_NodeFragment_append_child), at a specific position
+	(SH_NodeFragment_insert_child) and directly before
+	(SH_NodeFragment_insert_child_before) or after another child
+	(SH_NodeFragment_insert_child_after). All these methods are implemented
+	by a single internal one (insert_child), as there isn't really much
+	difference in inserting one or the other way.
+	But this internal method doesn't check whether this insertion request is
+	actually doable, to save overhead as not every insertion method requires
+	this check. This is done by the respective method. However if the check
+	is not done correctly the internal method will attempt to write at not
+	allocated space, which will hopefully result in a segfault.
+	The child list is implemented as an array. To reduce the overhead to
+	realloc calls, the array is allocated in chunks of childs. The
+	calculation how many has to be allocated is done by another static
+	method and determined by the macro CHILD_CHUNK. This is set to 5, which
+	is just a guess. It should be somewhere around the average number of
+	childs per html element, to reduce unused overhead.
+	Also some predicates (SH_NodeFragment_is_parent,
+	SH_NodeFragment_is_ancestor) were added to check whether a relationship
+	exists between to nodes, thus whether they are linked through one or
+	multiple levels. These functions could replace the old ones
+	(SH_NodeFragment_is_child, SH_NodeFragment_is_descendant) semantically.
+	Furthermore they are more efficient as this is now possible to check
+	over the parent pointer. The internal insert method also uses these
+	methods to check whether the child node is actually a parent of the
+	parent node, which would result in errors later one.
+	The old test is now obsolete but remained, as it is not bad to test
+	more.
+	Various remove methods were added, which are all implemented by an
+	static method, analog to the insert methods.
+	@subsubsection Misc
+	A Fragment can output it's html. If there is an error the method
+	aborts and returns NULL.
+	This method also pays attention to self-closing tags, which is
+	determined via the validator.
+	When the wrap mode is used, after each tag a newline is started.
+	Also the html is indented, which can be configured by the
+	parameters indent_base, indent_step and indent_char. The
+	parameter indent_base specifies the width the first tag should
+	be indented with, while indent_step specifies the increment of
+	the indent when switching to a child tag. The character, that is
+	used for indenting is taken from indent_char. (It could also be
+	a string longer than a single character).
+	This arguments can't be set by the user, but are hardcoded
+	(by now).
+	The to_html method generates also the html for the attributes.
+	Note, that there is no escaping of the quotes, the values are
+	wrapped with. But this is also somewhat consistent, as there is
+	no syntax validation on the tags either.
+	(i.e. no '<' inside of a tag)
+	The TextFragment is used to implement the text between and
+	outside html tags. Currently, it is still very rudimentary in,
+	that it doesn't support any operations at all and just has a
+	function to expose a internal text.
+	While this function is necessary to manipulate the content of a
+	TextFragment, the TextFragment should abstract the semantics of
+	Text. While simple wrapper functions for appending are to be
+	added, methods purely manipulating the text, i.e. relying on
+	the text's contents, wont get wrapper functions. Thus this
+	function is still needed until a more sophisticated approach is
+	implemented.
+	Some basic text functionality is already supported via wrapper
+	functions.
+	Note that wrapper functions aren't tested in unit tests.
+	When a newline is encountered in the text, a <br /> is inserted
+	and for wrap mode also a newline and an indent is inserted.
+	Note, that the indent is still missing at the front where it
+	can't be inserted yet as SH_Text is still lacking basic
+	functionality.
+	The html generation for both TextFragment and NodeFragment
+	combined is tested. As the encoding semantics of the
+	TextFragments are neither defined nor implemented, some tests
+	are marked as XFAIL.
+	What is still missing is the proper treatment of embed text.
+	This should be indented and breaked at 72/79/80. Also newlines
+	and special chars should be replaced on generation, maybe also
+	giving some way of preventing XSS. Regarding the NodeFragment
+	there should be some adjustments to further adjust the styling,
+	which of course should also be reflected by TextFragment. This
+	should also include the generation of self-closing tags.
+	Furthermore the html generation should be based on a single
+	text object, to which is added to. This will later on also
+	enable to directly send generated parts over the network while
+	still generating some data.
+	Validator serves as an syntax checker, i.e. it can be requested
+	whether a tag is allowed.
+	On initialization (of data), the Validator's knowledge is filled
+	with some common tags. This is of course to be replaced later,
+	by some dynamic handling.
+	When a tag is made known to the Validator, which it already
+	knows, the old id is returned and nothing is added.
+	The Validator saves the tags as an array. Now also another information
+	is added, which slots aren't used currently to spare expensive calls to
+	realloc. This led to a mere reimplementation of the functions. Tags
+	can't be deleted by now, but the adding function supports reusing empty
+	slots. Also the reading functions have to determine, whether a slot can
+	be read or is empty.
+	The tests were adjusted, but are buggy, so they should be rewritten in
+	the future.
+	A registered tag can be deregistered by calling SH_Validator_deregister.
+	The data is removed, but the space is not deallocated, if it is not at
+	the end. This prevents copying data on removal and saves expensive calls
+	to realloc. Instead the empty space is added to the list of free blocks,
+	which allows to refill these spaces, if a new tag is being registered.
+	The space is finally deallocated, if the validator is being deallocated
+	or the tag written in the last block is removed. In this case, heavy
+	iteration is performed, as the list of free blocks is not ordered. The
+	next last tag at that time is determined by iterating over the list of
+	free blocks until some it is not found.
+	Note that even if there can be a lot of gaps in between, the Validator
+	will not allocate more space until all these gaps are refilled when a
+	new tag is registered, thus new space is only being allocated, if there
+	is really not enough space left.
+	Due to the 4 nested loops, there was an issue related to the
+	72(80)-column rule. It can't be abided without severely impacting the
+	readability of the code.
+	Originally the ids were intended to be useful for linking different
+	information together internally, and for providing references
+	externally. However, they weren't used internally, for this, pointers
+	seamed to be more useful, as they also allow to directly access the data
+	and also have a relation defined.
+	Regarding reference purposes, they aren't really needed, and it is more
+	convenient to directly use some strings, and they aren't more
+	performant, as there still have to be internal checks and looking for an
+	int isn't more performant, then looking for a pointer.
+	Also, they have to be stored, so they need more memory and also some
+	code, to be handled.
+	While it was very clever, the complex data structure of the tag array
+	introduced in 'Validator: restructured internal data (a0c9bb2)' comes
+	with a lot of runtime overhead. It reduces the calls to free and
+	realloc, when a lot of tags are deleted and inserted subsequently, but
+	burdens each call with a loop over the linked list of free blocks.
+	This is even more important, as validator must be fast in checking, as
+	this is done every time something is inserted into the DOM-tree, but has
+	not so tight requirements for registering new tags, as this is merely
+	done at startup time.
+	As the access must be fast, the tags are sorted when inserted, so that
+	the search can take place in log-time.
+	There is a method to add a set of tags to a validator on initialisation.
+	First this removes a user application from the burden of maintaining the
+	html spec and also is more performant, as a lot of tags are to be
+	inserted at once, so there aren't multiple allocation calls.
+	As the validator needs the tags to be in order, the tags must be sorted
+	on insertion. Of course it would be easier for the code, if the tags
+	were already in order, but first there could be easily a mistake and
+	second sorting the tags by an algorithm allows the tags to be specified
+	in a logically grouped and those more maintainable order.
+	For the sorting, insertion sort is used. Of course it has a worse
+	quadratic time complexity, but in a constructor, I wouldn't introduce
+	the overhead of memory managment a heap- or mergesort would introduce
+	and in-place sorting is also out, because the data lies in ro-memory.
+	Thus I choose an algorithm with constant space complexity. Also the
+	'long' running time is not so important, as the initilization only runs
+	at startup once and the tags are not likely to exceed a few hundred so
+	even a quadratic time isn't that bad.
+	Each tag has a type as defined by the html spec. This must be provided
+	on registration. Implicitly registering tags, when an attribute is
+	registered can't be done anymore, as the type information would be
+	missing.
+	The added parameterin register_tag, as well as the change of behaviourin
+	register_attr has broken a lot of tests, that had to be adjusted
+	therefor.
+	Added self-closing predicate. Other predicates may follow.
+	The Validator contains already all HTML5 tags.
+	Tags according to:
+	https://html.spec.whatwg.org/dev/indices.html#elements-3
+	Types according to:
+	https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/syntax.html#elements-2
+	Retrieved 04. 10. 2023
+	A attribute can be deregistered by calling SH_Validator_deregister_attr.
+	Note that deregistering an attr, that was never registered is considered
+	an error, but this may change, as technically it is not registered
+	afterwards and sometimes (i.e. for a blacklist) it might be preferable
+	to ensure, that a specific attr is not registered, but it is not clear
+	whether there should be an error or not.
+	Also the deallocating of the data used for an attr was moved to an extra
+	method, as this is needed in several locations and it might be subject
+	to change.
+	The Validator can check if a attribute is allowed in a tag. It does so
+	by associating allowed tags with attributes. This is done in that way,
+	to support also attributes which are allowed for every tag (global
+	attributes), but this is not yet supported. So some functions allow for
+	NULL to be passed and some will still crash.
+	The predicate SH_Validator_check_attr returns whether an attribute is
+	allowed for a specific tag. If tag is NULL, it returns whether an attr
+	is allowed at all, not whether it is allowed for every tag. For this
+	another predicate will be provided, when this is to be implemented.
+	The method SH_Validator_register_attr registers an tag-attr combination.
+	Note, that it will automatically call SH_Validator_register_tag, if the
+	tag doesn't exist. Later it will be possible, to set tag to NULL to
+	register a global attribute, but for now the method will crash.
+	The method SH_Validator_deregister_attr removes a tag-attr combination
+	registered earlier. Note, that deregistering a non existent combination
+	will result in an error. This behaviour is arguable and might be subject
+	to change. When setting only tag to NULL, all tags for this attribute
+	are deregistered. When setting only attr to NULL, all attrs for this tag
+	are deregistered. This might suffer from problems, if this involves some
+	attrs, that are global. Also this will use the internal method
+	remove_tag_for_all_attrs, which has the problem, that it might fail
+	partially. Normally when failing all functions revert the program to the
+	same state, as it was before the call. This function however is
+	different, as if it fails there might be some combinations, that haven't
+	been removed, but others are already. Nevertheless, the validator is
+	still in a valid state, so it is possible to call this function a second
+	time, but it is not sure, which combinations are already deregistered.
+	As the attrs also use the internal strings of the tags, it must be
+	ensured, when a tag is deregistered, that all remaining references are
+	removed, otherwise there would be dangling pointers. Note, that for this
+	also remove_tag_for_all_attrs is used, so the method
+	SH_Validator_deregister_tag suffers from the same problems listed above.
+	Also if this internal method fails, the tag won't be removed at all.
+	Similar to the tags, the attributes can be initialized. Missing tags are
+	automatically added. The declaration syntax is currently a bit annoying,
+	as the tags, that belong to an attribute, either have to be declared
+	explicitly or a pointer to the tag declaration must be given, but then
+	only concurrent tags are possible.
+	Support for global attributes is likewise missing; it must be ensured,
+	that (tag_n != 0) && (tags != NULL). Otherwise validator will be
+	inconsistent and there might be a bug.
+	Global attributes are represented by empty attributes. A global
+	attribute is an attribute, that is accepted for any tag.
+	It is refused to remove a specific tag for a global attribute, as this
+	would mean to "localize" the tag, thus making it not global anymore.
+	The method to do that and a predicate for globalness is missing yet.
+	Deregistering a global attribute normally is not possible, as basically
+	every other tag has to be added. This was implemented now.
+	Originally it was intended to provide the caller with the information,
+	that a global attribute has to be converted into a local one before
+	removal. However such internals should not be exposed to the caller. As
+	it stands there is no real reason to inform a caller, whether an
+	attribute is local or global. Also, there is a problem that the
+	predicate is burdened with the possibility, that the attribute doesn't
+	exists, thus it can't return a boolean directly. Both is why, the
+	predicate isn't added yet.
+	Also a bug was detected in the method remove_tag_for_all_attrs. It
+	removes an attribute while also iterating over it, thus potentially
+	skipping over some attribute and maybe also invoking undefined behaviour
+	by deallocating space after the array.
+	Copying a Validator could be useful if multiple html versions are to be
+	supported. Another use case is a blacklist XSS-Scanner.
+	This is a data type to deal with frequently appending to a string.
+	The space a Text has for saving the string is allocated in chunks.
+	To request additional space SH_Text_enlarge is called. If the
+	requested size fits inside the already allocated space or is even
+	smaller than the current size, nothing is done. Otherwise a
+	multiple of chunk size is allocated being equal or greater than
+	the requested size. The chunk size can be changed by changing
+	the macro CHUNK_SIZE in src/text.h. The default is 64.
+	The adjustment is done automatically when a string is added.
+	SH_Text_append_string can be used to append a string to the text,
+	SH_Text_append_text can be used to append another text to the text.
+	SH_Text_join is a wrapper for SH_Text_append_text, but also frees
+	the second text, thus joining the texts to a single one.
+	The constructor SH_Text_new_from_string accepts a string, with that the
+	text is initialized. This can replace the so far needed two calls
+	SH_Text_new and SH_Text_append_string.
+	The (intern) implementation of SH_Text was changed from an array of
+	char, to a single linked list of arrays of char. This allows an easier
+	implementation of (further) text manipulation.
+	The API hasn't changed much, but SH_Text_join can't yield an error
+	anymore, so it now doesn't support passing an error and returns nothing.
+	The method SH_Text_get_char returns a single character by a given index.
+	If the index is out of range, NULL is returned and error->type is set to
+	The function SH_Text_get_string returns a substring of text beginning at
+	index and of length offset. If index is out of bounds, NULL is returned
+	and an error is set. If offset is out of bounds, the existent part is
+	returned. Also the length of the returned string can be set (optionally)
+	to the out parameter length.
+	If the original behaviour of SH_Text_get_string is achieved,
+	SH_Text_get_string (text, length, error) has to be changed to
+	SH_Text_get_string (text, 0, SIZE_MAX, length, error). The only
+	difference will be that the function won't fail, when the text is longer
+	than SIZE_MAX, because it is told to stop there. A text that is longer
+	than SIZE_MAX is not possible to be returned, but that wasn't possible
+	at anytime. Also I don't think handling char[] longer than SIZE_MAX is
+	possible with the standard C library. Those in this case the text can
+	only be returned in parts (By now only possible till 2*SIZE_MAX-1 with
+	calling SH_Text_get_string (text, SIZE_MAX, SIZE_MAX, length, error))
+	or has to be manipulated using the appropriate SH_Text methods, which are
+	not implemented yet.
+	The function SH_Text_get_range returns a string beginning at start and
+	ending at end. Note that end specifies the char, that is not returned
+	any more. Thus the function implements something similar, as the pythonic
+	slice syntax (text[start:end]). In opposition to the behaviour there,
+	calling SH_Text_get_range with start > end is undefined behaviour. If
+	start == end, the empty string is returned.
+	If start is out of bounds, NULL is returned and an error is set. If end
+	is out of bounds, the existent part is returned. Also the length of the
+	returned string can be set (optionally) to the out parameter length.
+	The function SH_Text_get_length returns the length of the text. As the
+	text also supports being longer than SIZE_MAX, this method can fail on
+	runtime. If the text is longer then SIZE_MAX, the Text returns SIZE_MAX
+	and sets error to DOMAIN_ERROR. Note, that due to the implementation,
+	this is a non trivial function, so don't use it to exhaustively.
+	The method SH_Text_print just prints the whole string to stdout.
+	The function SH_Text_set_char allows to write a single character to a
+	position, that already exists in the text. Thus overwriting another
+	character. If the index is out of range, a value error is set and FALSE
+	is returned.
+	It was tried to implement the text in terms of multiple text
+	segments.
+	While it would be preferable, it doesn't seam to be possible to
+	abstract over the internals of text_segment. That's why only
+	some basic functionality is moved, but whether more is to
+	follow, is not known yet.
+	A text_segment allocates memory in terms of chunks, this is now
+	also done, when created from a string, but this means that we
+	can't rely on strdup any more, as it takes care of the
+	allocation. Calling malloc ourselves shouldn't be such an
+	overhead as at least glibc's strdup performs the exact same
+	steps. Actually we should be spare a strlen call now, so it
+	should be more performant.
+	The copy_and_replace function replaces a single character with
+	a string, while copying. This may be replaced by an elaborate
+	function as manipulating a text normally means that
+	manipulating is deferred until needed, which this function
+	contradicts to.
+	Also there is the concept of a text mark.
+	A mark will be used to point to a specific location inside of a
+	text. Currently it can't do anything and isn't even used.
diff --git a/docs/css/manual.css b/docs/css/manual.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6f77190f3bd62a6ff5a91f8141af3772b99b7f9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/css/manual.css
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+/* Style-sheet to use for manuals (copied from Emacs) */
+@import url('./style.css');
+/* makeinfo 6.5 converts @quotation to <blockquote>.  Highlight them.  */
+blockquote {
+    font-style: normal;
+    border-left: solid 10px red;
+    padding-left: 2.5%;
+    margin-left: 0px;
+/* Increase inter-line spacing to improve readability.  */
+p, pre, li, dt, dd, table, code, address { line-height: 1.5em; }
+var { font-style: italic; }
+/* Lay out @lisp just like @example.  Copied from what /style.css
+   does for the 'example' class.  */
+div.lisp { padding: .8em 1.2em .4em; }
+pre.lisp { padding: .8em 1.2em; }
+div.lisp, pre.lisp {
+   margin: 1em 0 1em 3% ;
+   -webkit-border-radius: .3em;
+   -moz-border-radius: .3em;
+   border-radius: .3em;
+   border: 1px solid #d4cbb6;
+   background-color: #f2efe4;
+div.lisp > pre.lisp {
+   padding: 0 0 .4em;
+   margin: 0;
+   border: none;
+/* makeinfo 6.7 uses <div class="header"> for navigation links above node
+   titles.  Make those links less prominent.  */
+.header {
+    line-height: 2em;
+    font-size: 87.5%;
+    color: #433;
+/* In title and node titles, use Fira Sans if available as it is more
+   pleasant and more compact than Helvetica.  */
+.settitle, .top, .chapter, .section, .subsection, .subsubsection {
+    font-family: Fira Sans, sans-serif;
+/* ----- coreutils specific styling ----- */
+/* layout.css indents "body p" when it should probably only indent "body > p"?
+   In any case, disable indenting of p in these sub elements.  */
+dd p,li p {
+    margin-left: 0;
+    margin-right: 0;
+/* underlined links are distracting, especially within outlined tables.  */
+a { /*add :link for external links*/
+    text-decoration: none; /* don't underline links by default */
+    outline-style: none;   /* don't put dotted box around clicked links */
+a:hover {
+    text-decoration: underline;
+body {
+    /* Make sure the body doesn't become to wide: long lines are hard to
+       read.  */
+    max-width: 45em;
diff --git a/docs/css/reset.css b/docs/css/reset.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9a6c3065f81b6cfdedc2f6d3d219adeb74035091
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/css/reset.css
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+Software License Agreement (BSD License)
+Copyright (c) 2006, Yahoo! Inc.
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use of this software in source and
+binary forms, with or without modification, arepermitted
+provided that the following conditions are met:
+* Redistributions of source code must retain the above
+copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
+following disclaimer.
+* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
+following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other
+materials provided with the distribution.
+* Neither the name of Yahoo! Inc. nor the names of its
+contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
+derived from this software without specific prior
+written permission of Yahoo! Inc.
+html {
+    color: #000;
+    background: #FFF;
+body, div, dl, dt, dd, ul, ol, li, h1, h2, h3, h4,
+h5, h6, pre, code, form, fieldset, legend, input,
+button, textarea, p, blockquote, th, td {
+    margin: 0;
+    padding: 0;
+table {
+    border-collapse: collapse;
+    border-spacing: 0;
+fieldset, img {
+    border: 0;
+address, caption, cite, code, dfn, em, strong,
+th, var, optgroup {
+    font-style: inherit;
+    font-weight: inherit;
+del, ins {
+    text-decoration: none;
+li {
+    list-style:none;
+caption, th {
+    text-align: left;
+h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
+    font-size: 100%;
+    font-weight: normal;
+q:before, q:after {
+    content:'';
+abbr, acronym {
+    border: 0;
+    font-variant: normal;
+sup {
+    vertical-align: baseline;
+sub {
+    vertical-align: baseline;
+legend {
+    color: #000;
+input, button, textarea, select, optgroup, option {
+    font-family: inherit;
+    font-size: inherit;
+    font-style: inherit;
+    font-weight: inherit;
+input, button, textarea, select {
+    *font-size: 100%;
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1322535f6508becb6cfc37ccf91c78e4d3dbf4c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/css/style.css
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+/* This stylesheet is used by manuals and a few older resources. */
+@import url('./reset.css');
+/***  PAGE LAYOUT  ***/
+html, body {
+   font-size: 1em;
+   text-align: left;
+   text-decoration: none;
+html { background-color: #e7e7e7; }
+body {
+   max-width: 74.92em;
+   margin: 0 auto;
+   padding: .5em 1em 1em 1em;
+   background-color: white;
+   border: .1em solid #c0c0c0;
+/* Size and positioning */
+p, pre, li, dt, dd, table, code, address { line-height: 1.3em; }
+h1 { font-size: 2em; margin: 1em 0 }
+h2 { font-size: 1.50em; margin: 1.0em 0 0.87em 0; }
+h3 { font-size: 1.30em; margin: 1.0em 0 0.87em 0; }
+h4 { font-size: 1.13em; margin: 1.0em 0 0.88em 0; }
+h5 { font-size: 1.00em; margin: 1.0em 0 1.00em 0; }
+p, pre { margin: 1em 0; }
+pre { overflow: auto; padding-bottom: .3em; }
+ul, ol, blockquote { margin-left: 1.5%; margin-right: 1.5%; }
+hr { margin: 1em 0; }
+/* Lists of underlined links are difficult to read. The top margin
+   gives a little more spacing between entries. */
+ul li { margin: .5em 1em; }
+ol li { margin: 1em; }
+ol ul li { margin: .5em 1em; }
+ul li p, ul ul li { margin-top: .3em; margin-bottom: .3em; }
+ul ul, ol ul { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; }
+/* Separate description lists from preceding text */
+dl { margin: 1em 0 0 0; }
+/* separate the "term" from subsequent "description" */
+dt { margin: .5em 0; }
+/* separate the "description" from subsequent list item
+   when the final <dd> child is an anonymous box */
+dd { margin: .5em 3% 1em 3%; }
+/* separate anonymous box (used to be the first element in <dd>)
+   from subsequent <p> */
+dd p { margin: .5em 0; }
+table {
+   display: block; overflow: auto;
+   margin-top: 1.5em; margin-bottom: 1.5em;
+th { padding: .3em .5em; text-align: center; }
+td { padding: .2em .5em; }
+address { margin-bottom: 1em; }
+caption { margin-bottom: .5em; text-align: center; }
+sup { vertical-align: super; }
+sub { vertical-align: sub; }
+/* Style */
+h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, strong, dt, th { font-weight: bold; }
+/* The default color (black) is too dark for large text in
+   bold font. */
+h1, h2, h3, h4 { color: #333; }
+h5, h6, dt { color: #222; }
+a[href] { color: #005090; }
+a[href]:visited { color: #100070; }
+a[href]:active, a[href]:hover {
+   color: #100070;
+   text-decoration: none;
+h1 a[href]:visited, h2 a[href]:visited, h3 a[href]:visited,
+ h4 a[href]:visited { color: #005090; }
+h1 a[href]:hover, h2 a[href]:hover, h3 a[href]:hover,
+ h4 a[href]:hover { color: #100070; }
+ol { list-style: decimal outside;}
+ul { list-style: square outside; }
+ul ul, ol ul { list-style: circle; }
+li { list-style: inherit; }
+hr { background-color: #ede6d5; }
+table { border: 0; }
+abbr,acronym {
+   border-bottom:1px dotted #000;
+   text-decoration: none;
+   cursor:help;
+del { text-decoration: line-through; }
+em { font-style: italic; }
+small { font-size: .9em; }
+img { max-width: 100%}
+.center, .c { text-align: center; }
+.nocenter{ text-align: left; }
+.underline { text-decoration: underline; }
+.nounderline { text-decoration: none; }
+.no-bullet { list-style: none; }
+.inline-list li { display: inline }
+.netscape4, .no-display { display: none; }
+/*** MANUAL PAGES ***/
+/* This makes the very long tables of contents in Gnulib and other
+   manuals easier to read. */
+.contents ul, .shortcontents ul { font-weight: bold; }
+.contents ul ul, .shortcontents ul ul { font-weight: normal; }
+.contents ul { list-style: none; }
+/* For colored navigation bars (Emacs manual): make the bar extend
+   across the whole width of the page and give it a decent height. */
+.header, .node { margin: 0 -1em; padding: 0 1em; }
+.header p, .node p { line-height: 2em; }
+/* For navigation links. We can't use inline-block display to avoid wrapping
+   because this makes the links appear much smaller than normal text on 
+   phones with Chromium (RT #1872370). */
+.node a, .header a { /*display: inline-block;*/ line-height: 2em; }
+.node a:hover, .header a:hover { background: #f2efe4; }
+/* Inserts */
+table.cartouche td { padding: 1.5em; }
+div.display, div.lisp, div.smalldisplay,
+ div.smallexample, div.smalllisp { margin-left: 3%; }
+div.example { padding: .8em 1.2em .4em; }
+pre.example { padding: .8em 1.2em; }
+div.example, pre.example {
+   margin: 1em 0 1em 3% ;
+   -webkit-border-radius: .3em;
+   -moz-border-radius: .3em;
+   border-radius: .3em;
+   border: 1px solid #d4cbb6;
+   background-color: #f2efe4;
+div.example > pre.example {
+   padding: 0 0 .4em;
+   margin: 0;
+   border: none;
+pre.menu-comment { padding-top: 1.3em; margin: 0; }
+@media (min-width: 40em) {
+   body { padding: .5em 3em 1em 3em; }
+   div.header, div.node { margin: 0 -3em; padding: 0 3em; }
diff --git a/docs/sefht.texi b/docs/sefht.texi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..67295f8f9ec84a1d852929c4ffbc4cbacffd558c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/sefht.texi
@@ -0,0 +1,1388 @@
+\input texinfo
+@include version.texi
+@settitle SeFHT @value{VERSION} - Developer Manual
+@deftypefnnewline on
+@defindex file
+This manual is for SeFHT @value{VERSION} (@value{UPDATED}).
+Copyright @copyright{} 2023 Jonathan Schöbel
+@end copying
+@title SeFHT Developer Manual
+@subtitle for version @value{VERSION}, @value{UPDATED}
+@author Jonathan Schöbel
+@vskip 0pt plus 1filll
+@end titlepage
+@node Top
+@top SeFHT Developer Manual
+This is the developer manual for SeFHT
+(version @value{VERSION}, @value{UPDATED}).
+It aims to document the implementation of SeFHT and targets
+(future) developers of that library. It is not intended as
+guide for users of SeFHT, for those another manual will be written.
+@end ifnottex
+* Introduction::
+* Overview::
+* Main Classes::
+* Type Index::
+* Function Index::
+* File Index::
+* General Index::
+@end menu
+@node Introduction
+@chapter Introduction
+SeFHT, which is an acronym for Server side Fragment-based Homepage
+Toolkit, is a library for creating web applications on a webserver
+on runtime. It is written for my personal use, but may be useful for
+In @ref{About} the projects benefits and use-cases are being described,
+and a rationale why the project's existence is deemed necessary in
+the way it is, can be found in @ref{Rationale}, while
+a short remark about the evolving of the project and it's name can be
+found in @ref{History}.
+* About::
+* Rationale::
+* History::
+@end menu
+@node About
+@section About
+The @dfn{Server side Fragment based Homepage Toolkit} (SeFHT) is a
+library, with which the frontend of websites can be generated. It can
+be used from any C (and C++) program
+(and from other languages, if the bindings exist).
+It does not provide any network related features, so it might end up
+in a CGI program, or for some ambitious project in a module for a
+A webpage is generated by calling functions, and in the end the HTML
+is produced. Also it is checked to some extend, that the HTML is
+consistent. This can't be evaded, as it is actually a side effect of
+the implementation. This is because it is necessary for formatting,
+that SeFHT has some knowledge about the used tags. This knowledge can
+be created manually, or a predefinition of HTML5 can be used.
+SeFHT is still in a early development phase, so a lot of features are
+still missing. That's why the provided benefits may not seam to be
+useful enough, for using it. However the presented functionality is
+already working, but with the drawback, that the API and ABI may change
+at any time, as it is not yet stable. Of course, this will be changed,
+once the project reaches version 1.0.
+@node Rationale
+@section Rationale
+For some developers the idea of generating static HTML on a webserver
+is not straightforward and doing this with some C library would be
+considered a crime. However as I have grown up with less powerful
+devices, a static website has a huge usability advantage. It is also
+more useful for users using a text-based webbrowser.
+Sometimes a website using javascript is also better viewed with a
+textbrowser, as a lot of bloat and advertisement can't be displayed
+and it can be focused on the information. But most modern webpages are
+really annoying to view, because there is so much div-bloat and some
+don't show anything at all.
+Secondly, I really like semantic markup. I think, that HTML is a way
+of marking text in a way, that it is clear (for computers), what type
+of information is being displayed. I definitely don't like the idea of
+using HTML as a cheap way of describing the GUI of some application.
+I also don't like, that work, that really ought to be performed on
+a server, is performed on a client.
+(This might be actually useful for some offline "web"app, but this is
+completely different from an actual website, which is inherently
+This also leads to a website, where URLs can be used by something
+different than a user agent.
+Thirdly, I like the idea of webpages being readable without a browser.
+This is not the case, for webpages containing div-bloat and
+definitely not for webpages, which contain nothing besides a linked
+javascript file, which is minified and then creates even more div-bloat.
+This idea is, why the library is capable of indenting HTML.
+Contralateral, I also know that even carefully handcrafted HTML is not
+perfectly readable, because tags containing attributes can be quite
+long, but on webpages actually containing text content, this is usually
+not a problem.
+Apparently, these issues influence and support each other,
+i.e.@: a beautiful website is also readable in a textbrowser.
+C is often criticized, for reasons not exactly pointless, but
+eventually I really like C, e.g. for manually managing memory.
+Not using generic data structures (which would be possible in C)
+slows down development, but enables also to think about how data
+is really managed in the memory. Also C doesn't imposes restrictions
+on what a developer can do, which is quite flattering.
+Regarding vulnerabilities, which is obviously an important issue,
+for a program running on a webserver, hopefully, there won't be so much,
+but I am not so blindly to assume, that there aren't any.
+To help with that, of course the library is tested with valgrind and
+UBSan from time to time.
+However, often undefined behaviour is invoked (besides for nasty bugs)
+on code paths, where something would have to be caught independently
+from the used programming language. For example, if in python an
+unconsidered code path is executed, there might also be an exception
+(if you are lucky), which might also yield a website containing data
+not intended for the public. Also the trickiest bugs are always in
+a way, where type checking doesn't help much, because the logic itself
+written down in the programming language is relying on wrong
+@node History
+@section History
+In early 2020, I started to write a website for my family as a
+replacement for the older website, which wasn't working thoroughly
+any more, due to being dated, so that dependencies had already vanished.
+The new website happened to be written in Python (3) and started merely
+as some functions inserting small strings into larger built-in strings,
+which contained the HTML. Each webpage corresponded to a python file
+and there was an additional file, which contained all the global
+functions, needed by each webpage. While it was effective and also not
+quite unmaintainable, it wasn't sophisticated enough to gratify me.
+Also a lot of common code was inserted in every file, which also wasn't
+quite elegant.
+The successor became an approach, which is quite similar as the
+library on hand. There was a class called CMSContent (which
+resembles the NodeFragment being present here), that represented a
+tree of HTML tags. There was a module mechanism implemented via a
+base module, which provided the module functionality and some
+abstract methods (a concept not existing in python). These abstract
+methods were then overridden by the actual modules. The creation of
+HTML a module provides was parted in four steps:
+collecting of offline data (i.e. from the database),
+collecting of online data (i.e. from another website),
+creating the CMSContent tree and
+generating the HTML, which was done via the created CMSContent tree.
+A fifth step automatically creating menu entries was never finished.
+There also existed a separate class for managing the database and
+the class CMS, which glued everything together. Static HTML was
+also created as part of the CMSContent tree and stored normalized
+in the database.
+While the whole concept became quite elaborated (indenting the HTML
+was done automatically and it also became capable of automatically
+generating the CSS, while a automatic generation of the navigation
+elements wasn't completed), there were also some issues.@*
+Firstly, the whole system was developed further and further without
+actually implementing the website in terms of the system. Thus,
+the website became quite chaotic, as the code mixed using different
+concepts and system versions. Eventually the development become
+divergent from the running website, so that the system evolved, but
+the website doesn't evolved as well. This became a problem, as more
+bugfixes were done and also some functionality was added to the website,
+which wasn't exactly compatible with the new system. It also happened,
+as it was considered easier to do the switch, when the implementation
+would have become more maturate and stable, but this never happened,
+because more features became apparent, that would be nice and ease
+the rewrite based on the new system.@*
+Secondly, while the code was pretty fast, maybe also because in each
+generation step basically everything could run in parallel, the website
+became very slow, because python needed between one and two seconds on
+the webserver and between three and five seconds on my local computer
+for parsing and interpreting the code, which is definitely to long
+for a website. This was also valid, for the running version, which
+used very little of the code, which couldn't be separated from the
+Thirdly, I began disliking python for being dynamically typed. I
+eventually started every function, with checks, whether the arguments
+had the right types and threw an exception, if they were wrong. Of
+course I also added type hints. Technically, these aren't really
+problems, but it also contributed to the thought of reimplementing it
+in another language.
+To overcome this issues, I started writing a new project in C. I
+recognised, that the tree-like arranging of HTML nodes, very much
+resembled the Document Object Model (DOM). It was therefore called
+Server-side DOM API (SeDOMA). As the name indicates, its focus lied on
+actually implementing the DOM. It also headed for the goal of eventually
+converting dynamic HTML to a static HTML on a server. While it still
+considered a goal in the current library, it is a long-term goal and not
+particularly envisaged.@*
+This project started in C, but switched to C++, because the DOM is also
+defined in terms of inheritance and using the STL is convenient.
+However, implementing the whole DOM is complete overkill, for just
+creating a website. That's why, this project came to a halt until after
+everything had been declared (and very little been implemented).
+The next bid, became the Serverside Web Fragment Toolkit (SeWFT), an
+approach of performing the same goal, but without implementing the DOM.
+It was considered part of SeDOMA, so it might also be called SeDOMA
+Web Fragment Toolkit.
+This project started in C++, as this was were the last project ended,
+but due to some struggles between me and C++, namely the mixing between
+declaration, definition and constructor, i.e. the inability to just
+call the constructor of an existing object or just declaring space,
+without calling a constructor, it switched back to C.
+Another reason was me liking to manage memory explicitly.
+Both projects were very short-lived with SeDOMA having 39 commits and
+SeWFT only 14. At the time of this writing, SeFHT has 215.
+As after switching to C, there was no sensible code left, it was
+considered appropriate to deem it a new project.
+It was called Server side Fragment-based Homepage Toolkit (SeFHT),
+because it will be focused more on creating a useful library for
+creating a homepage, then on more elaborate stuff.
+As it is basically still the same project, there might be a rename in
+the future, as SeDOMA is more pronounceable, which is why it was called
+that way.
+@node Overview
+@chapter Overview
+@node Dependencies
+@section Dependencies and Build Environment
+@subsection Language, Build Tools, etc.
+SeFHT is a library written in C. Compilation is coordinated by make.
+The projects makes uses of the GNU Autotools, namely
+Autoconf, Automake and Libtool. Documentation is created using
+GNU Texinfo. The used testing framework is check.
+For static code analysis splint is used, but not very actively.
+The project implements a library and a small demo program
+which uses some base functionality of the library.
+@cindex @command{configure}
+@cindex Build Configuration
+@fileindex configure
+@fileindex configure.ac
+@subsection Configuration
+This package uses the GNU Autotools to provide the @command{configure}
+script. Therefore, the standard options are supported.
+Besides that it supports the following options:
+@table @asis
+@item @option{--enable-tests=}@var{OPTION}
+Specify whether tests will be available at compiletime.
+@var{OPTION} can be one of:
+@table @option
+@item yes
+Enable the tests. They are not included by @command{make all}, but must
+be separately compiled by @command{make check}. This needs Check to be
+installed. Check is a unit test framework for C. If Check is not found,
+@command{configure} will throw an error.
+@item no
+Disable the tests. This makes calling @command{make check} throwing
+an error.
+@item auto
+Enable the tests, if Check is available, otherwise disable them;
+this is the default.
+@end table
+By default @command{configure} tries to detect whether Check is
+installed and enables/disables the tests automatically, this behaviour
+is also achieved by using @option{--enable-tests=auto}.
+@fileindex tests/no_test.sh
+@fileindex tests/no_test.sh.in
+If @command{configure} is invoked with @option{--enable-tests=no},
+@option{--disable-tests} or with @option{--enable-tests=auto} and
+Check is not detected, the conditional @env{MISSING_CHECK} is defined.
+This will ensure, that @command{make check} will throw an error.
+Note, that it was not possible to directly stop the generation of the
+testsuite by injecting a rule to a Makefile without relying on the
+implementation details of Automake. This was discussed in:
+Thus, if MISSING_CHECK is defined, the Makefile, will not include the
+real tests to the testsuite, but a special script
+@file{tests/no_test.sh}, which will issue and error message, and makes
+@command{make check} fail.
+The script is created by @command{configure} from
+@file{tests/no_test.sh.in}, which will not expand any Automake macros,
+but instead ensure, that the executable flag is set.
+To allow the script to issue messages to stderr,
+@env{AM_TESTS_FD_REDIRECT} is used, because the parallel test harness
+redirects output of its tests to logfiles. This isn't used for the
+serial test harness, because there is no redirection to logfiles, but
+there @env{AM_TESTS_FD_REDIRECT} is also not taken into account.
+For details about @env{AM_TESTS_FD_REDIRECT},
+@pxref{Testsuite Environment Overrides,,
+ Testsuite Environment Overrides},
+automake, The GNU Automake Manual}
+@end table
+@fileindex src/lib/sefht/sefht.h
+@subsection Compilation
+For compiling and linking libtool is used, this way the correct flags
+for both static and dynamic linking are added depending on the platform.
+This can be configured using @command{configure}.
+When compiling against libsefht, only the central header file
+(@file{sefht/sefht.h}) should be included. It takes care of including
+other header files in the right order.
+To prevent accidental inclusion, there are header inclusion guards.
+To disable these inclusion guards, the macro @env{SEFHT_COMPILATION} is
+defined. If another program does this, then it can be depended on the
+internals, which is discouraged.
+This macro is also defined for compiling the tests, as they also test a
+lot of implementation details.@*
+@xref{Testing} for more information about the tests.
+@subsection Compilation flags
+As there are some wrapper functions, inlining across compilation units
+is desired, so link time optimization is turned on. (@option{-flto}).
+@node Development Environment
+@section Development Environment
+@fileindex sefht.geany
+@subsection Editor
+For developing I use the IDE Geany. It stores the project information
+in the file @file{sefht.geany}. This file contains a project description
+as well as all open files. It is included in the VCS (Git), because it
+is practical to have the position, where it was last worked on when
+switching branches. However this file also often causes merge conflicts,
+which could be avoided, if this file was not tracked by the VCS.
+@cindex Version Control System (VCS)
+@cindex Git
+@cindex Tracking files changes
+@cindex File changes, versioning
+@fileindex .gitignore
+@subsection Version Control System (VCS)
+For version control Git is used. The policy for generated files is,
+that they are never included in the version control system, but of
+course they must be always included for distributions. As this is a
+per project decision, instead of a personal choice, these files are
+mentioned in @file{.gitignore}. This file is sorted alphabetically.
+@cindex Repository
+@cindex Online Repository
+@cindex Gitlab
+@cindex Git, online repository
+@subsection Repository
+The online repository is hosted in the Gitlab instance of the
+Technical University of Dresden (TU Dresden). It can be found under
+@cindex Nigthtly Builds
+@cindex Automatic Nightly Builds
+@cindex Building, Online
+@cindex CI (Continuous Integration)
+@cindex Pipeline
+@fileindex .gitlab-ci.yml
+@fileindex gitlab-ci/release.sh.in
+@fileindex gitlab-ci/upload.sh.in
+@fileindex gitlab-ci/save_timestamps.sh
+Beside the plain repository, there is also a pipeline, with some CI
+jobs on Gitlab. This is configured in @file{.gitlab-ci.yml}.
+In the pipeline, first, the package needs a setup, because the files,
+that aren't included in the VCS, have to be generated via
+Then the package is compiled and tested.
+Furthermore, a release is created and uploaded. These nightly releases
+are by no means intended for users of the library, but for testing,
+that everything works.
+The release is marked by a tag naming this nightly release with the
+corresponding commit SHA. Note, that adding a tag triggers the pipeline
+again, which would result in an error, as a release with the same name
+can't be added twice. This is prevented with an execution rule. These
+releases are manually deleted from time to time, as they take up space.
+For uploading and creating the release, the tar-name is needed.
+That's why for this there are separate shell scripts, stored under
+@file{gitlab-ci/}, in which @command{configure} substitutes some
+Note, that separating the work into different stages, using a makefile,
+to determine what should be compiled, using Git and Gitlab's behaviour,
+doesn't always works as intended. The library used to be always
+recompiled, even if it has already been compiled in the previous stage,
+because on @command{git checkout}, which is done at every stage,
+the files get the timestamp of the checkout-time, but the already
+build files, coming from artifacts, have older times, thus resulting
+in a recompilation.
+This is fixed with setting the timestamp of every file to the last
+change git knows of. However, this only solves the problem for
+prerequisites, that are included in the VCS, but not for any generated
+in a previous stage. The timestamps of the latter files are changed,
+because they are transferred via artifacts from the previous stage.
+When artifacts are extracted, the timestamps are set to the extraction
+time. This causes make to consider prerequisites, included in the
+artifacts, newer then their targets, which results in an unnecessary
+invocation of the associated rules. While this is unnecessary, but
+unproblematic for the actual compilation, it induces problems for the
+generation of scripts, macros et cetera, which depend on the
+installation of maintainer software. These are only installed for
+stages, where they are really necessary, to reduce the time, the
+pipeline is running. Thus, when the generation is reinvoked in the wrong
+stage, not only time is wasted, but the pipeline will fail.
+This could be bypassed until adding the documentation, by invoking
+@command{configure} with @option{--disable-maintainer-mode}, which
+prevents the rebuilding of the build environment at all. However,
+this is not suitable any more, as the generation of the documentation
+is also prevented by this option, which is not envisaged.
+The shell script @file{save_timestamps.sh}, which is invoked before
+collecting the artifacts, retains the timestamps of the artifacts, by
+creating a script, which restores them. This is then invoked after the
+artifacts are extracted in the next stage.
+At the moment, the artifacts are listed twice in @file{.gitlab-ci.yml},
+once for the script and the second time for the artifacts list.
+A solution to evade that has not yet been found.
+Actually some bugs were already found due to testing the package in
+another environment.
+@fileindex todo.txt
+@subsection Todo
+Features, that are discovered to be needed, but aren't yet implemented,
+are written into @file{todo.txt}.
+@cindex SPLint
+@cindex Static Code Analysis
+@cindex Code Analysis (Static)
+@cindex Analysis, Static Code Analysis
+@subsection Static Code Analysis (SPLint)
+The source has been adapted to splint, which still tells about some
+errors, but they are all checked to be false-positives.
+@cindex Documentation
+@cindex Writing Documentation
+@fileindex docs/sefht.texi
+@fileindex docs/sefht.info
+@subsection Documentation
+For Documentation (as you may notice) Texinfo is used.
+Besides the standard indices, also a file index is used. At each point,
+where something important regarding a file is mentioned, it should be
+added to the file index. The index looks a bit cursed in printable
+format, as is sorted by the first letter and especially the dot (.)
+looks strange. Also the alphabetic order isn't really satisfying.
+However there are some quirks, when trying to the trick the indexing
+system in doing something else. When it is tried to remove the grouping
+by letter by grouping everything with @code{@@sortas@{ @}}, just one
+entry is appearing. If it is tried to use the grouping feature as a way
+of resembling the file system with @code{@@subentry}, there is first
+a limit of two subentries, and secondly filenames starting with a dot
+@node Naming and Calling Convention
+@section Naming and Calling Convention
+@node Raw Function Variants
+@cindex Raw Function Variants
+@cindex String Ownership
+@cindex Functions, accepting Strings
+@cindex Functions, returning Strings
+@subsection Raw Function Variants
+Functions taking a string generally take a copy of them, so that
+ownership (i.e.@tie{}responsibility to @code{free} the memory) remains
+by the caller. When returning, the ownership is passed to the caller.
+This is indicated by declaring these parameters as @code{const char *}.
+However, this is sometimes unnecessary, because the caller doesn't need
+the string any more, which would infer two unnecessary calls to
+@code{free} and @code{strdup} respectively. To avoid this, there also
+variants provided, which take the ownership of the string given, or
+return a pointer to a string, which is still owned by the callee.
+These functions are called @dfn{Raw Functions} and generally contains
+@code{_raw} near the end.
+When both types of functions exist in the API/ABI, it must be decided
+which one to use depending on the usecase. While the normal functions,
+are safer in terms of memory, as the caller doesn't have to remember
+that it can't use the string any more, the Raw Functions can be more
+efficient, as there is no extra call to @code{strdup}, but the user is
+not allowed to change the pointer, free it and also can't use the
+pointer, because it can't be known whether it is already freed by the
+library. As it should be decidable by the user, the library often
+implements both approaches.
+@subsubsection Reading Raw Functions
+Functions, which return a string, whose ownership remains in the callee,
+are commonly named @code{@var{TYPE}_raw_get_@var{ATTRIBUTE}}. They can
+be used, if the caller only needs to read the string shortly, e.g.
+compare it in a condition, to save a call to strdup. Otherwise, it has
+to take a copy themselves. Using such a function, needs special care,
+as it is neither allowed to modify it nor to free it. Contralateral,
+the callee, may modify or free it at any time. Disregarding this will
+lead to a segfault in the best, and to silent data corruption and
+security bugs in the worst case. This is especially an issue, if the
+library is used in a threaded context, but the library is currently not
+threadsafe. Thus using it is currently only possible when using a global
+lock for all calls to the library.
+@subsubsection Writing Raw Functions
+Functions, which return a string, whose ownership remains in the callee,
+are commonly named @code{@var{TYPE}_raw_set_@var{ATTRIBUTE}}. They can
+be used, to pass a string to the callee, that is not needed any more by
+the caller. They may be used afterwards, but the same rules apply, as
+for strings obtained by a reading raw function. The memory must be
+allocated on the heap, i.e. it must be passable to @code{free}.
+@node Error Handling
+@cindex Error handling
+@cindex Failure handling
+@cindex The @code{status} parameter @sortas{status}
+@tindex @code{struct SH_Status} @sortas {Status}
+@fileindex src/lib/sefht/status.h
+@subsection Error handling
+Error handling is done using the structure @code{SH_Status}, defined in
+@file{src/lib/sefht/status.h}. The name was chosen in favour of error,
+because it is also set independently whether an error has occurred.
+The structure must be allocated by the caller,
+because allocation errors may need to be handled, and in such a case,
+it is unlikely, that it is possible to allocate memory. Note, that it
+is actually the only type, of which the members are exported to the
+public. Other types are exported as incomplete types, so that user
+programs don't depend on the implementation.
+Thus a versioning mechanism will have to be introduced, so that
+extending the structure is possible later on in a compatible way.
+Every function, that can fail predictably on runtime, supports passing
+a pointer to a @code{struct SH_Status} as the last parameter, named
+Functions that can't fail detectably, doesn't have this parameter.
+The structure contains an error type, the errno, the filename,
+the function name, the line number and a message.
+There are the following error types:
+@table @code
+This is only needed to test, whether a function properly sets
+the @code{status} parameter, it might be removed in the future.
+@item SUCCESS
+No error has occurred.
+@item E_ALLOC
+Allocation Failure. i.e. malloc/realloc/calloc or strdup and friends
+@item E_DOMAIN
+Something is not representable due to a chosen type. For example,
+there are more elements in an array, then the index type supports.
+@item E_VALUE
+Some parameter had an erroneous value. For example, an index out of
+bounds or a non existing reference.
+@item E_STATE
+Something is unfulfillable, due to some constraint. This typically
+indicates a bug in the user program, as something is requested, that
+contradicts something requested earlier.
+@item E_BUG
+Some unconsistent state was encountered. This always indicates some
+bug in the library, not in the user program, for this @code{E_VALUE}
+or @code{E_STATE} are used. However, it might be caused by the user
+program manipulating internals.
+@end table
+The filename, function name and line number point to the file,
+where the error has occurred in the first place. This might not
+be the function, that is called from the outside; filename and
+function name are null-terminated strings allocated on compiletime.
+The message, might be allocated on compiletime or during runtime.
+The proper way of accessing the status structure is yet to be defined.
+Currently the structure is accessed directly, but it has to be
+considered an implementation detail. There are also macros to check
+for a set status.
+When an error is detected, also the macro @code{ERROR} is called, to
+pass an error to the log. As the log is not yet implemented, this
+expands to a call to @code{printf}.
+Unfortunately the compiler reports, that inside the macro
+@code{set_status}, @code{printf} may be called with @code{NULL}
+(wit @code{printf(NULL)}), although, this is explicitly debarred. To
+suppress this warning the library is compiled with
+Some may argue, that in case of a fatal error, like if no memory
+can be allocated, a program should just give up and crash.
+However, this behaviour is not very user-friendly.
+There might be some cases, where it does not make sense or it isn't
+possible to provide the user with some opportunity to e.g. save a file.
+But it is not decidable in a library, whether there is an option to
+inform the user, something must be cleaned up or even that recovering
+is possible at all.@*
+A lot of these recognized errors are a failing malloc or an
+Error handling can be ignored by the caller by passing @code{NULL} to
+the status parameter. Whether an error had occurred, is also always
+possible to be determined, by examining the return value. The only
+exception is currently @code{SH_Validator_is_self_closing_tag}, where a
+return value of @code{FALSE} can both mean, that the tag is not
+self-closing or, that an error has occurred, while trying to determine,
+whether it is. This should be fixed.
+If the error occurs in a function returning a pointer, @code{NULL} will
+be returned. If it returns a value, a special error value of that type
+is returned, i.e. @code{PAGE_ERR} in @code{SH_Data_register_page}.
+If the return type would be void otherwise, a boolean is returned,
+which tells, whether the method has succeeded.
+(@code{FALSE} means, that an error has occurred.)
+The error may have occurred in an internal method and is passed
+upwards (the stack).
+When an error is being indicated, it is in the responsibility of the
+caller to recover gracefully. It has to be assumed that the requested
+operation have neither worked, nor actually took place.
+Those the operation can be retried (hopefully).@*
+Sadly, the functions @code{SH_Validator_deregister_tag} and
+@code{SH_Validator_deregister_attr} are an exception to this rule, as
+they may return on failure, leaving the validator in a state, which is
+neither the state before the call, nor the state after a successful
+call. However it will still be a valid state for a validator.
+This should be fixed.
+@node Coding Style Guide
+@section Coding Style Guide
+While coding style is a personal choice, consistency is desirable. In
+the following, this section presents the coding style, which has evolved
+alongside this project.
+@cindex Line Formatting, Coding Style Guide
+@cindex Coding Style Guide, Line Formatting
+@cindex Line length (Coding Style Guide)
+@cindex Breaking long lines (Coding Style Guide)
+@cindex Column limit (Coding Style Guide)
+@subsection Line Formatting
+Lines are up to 72 columns long. This allows to put some prefix
+(i.e. a line number) in front of lines while also staying under the
+80 character limit. On modern screens, displaying multiple files side
+by side can be handy.
+Long lines should be broken on semantic tokens. When there needs to be
+a break in the declaration or definition of a function, it is often
+preferred to break after every argument, instead of breaking just ones.
+After the line break, words should be aligned at the same semantic
+foo (struct some_data * arg1,
+     struct another_data * arg2_is_very_long);
+@end verbatim
+@end example
+Conditions are broken at operators, so that the structure remains clear.
+The infix operator is put in front so, that the semantics between
+subclauses can quickly be determined.
+Often there are more braces added then strictly necessary, in particular
+to state the precedence of and- and or- clauses.
+if ((limit < (index + offset))
+&& (cond2
+    || (!cond3 && cond4))
+&& (cond5))
+@end verbatim
+@end example
+There are line breaks to separate the declaration specifier,
+return type and function name. This has the advantage of having the
+function name in column 1 and enables nicer line diffs.
+static inline
+const struct data * const
+foo ()
+@end verbatim
+@end example
+@cindex Indentation, Coding Style Guide
+@cindex Coding Style Guide, Indentation
+@subsection Indentation and Whitespace
+Tabs are 8 characters. This is easier to read especially when being
+tired and also enforces less nesting in functions. Furthermore I
+strongly differentiate between indenting and aligning. Indenting means,
+that there is a semantic subordination, while aligning is used, for
+example, if a function call is too long and you want to place a symbol
+directly under another. Tabs are used for indenting and spaces for
+aligning. Note, that this also allows to arbitrary define the
+indentation width to say three (Who would do that?@:) and the aligning
+would still work. Aligning and indenting can also be used in the same
+line, as in the following example.
+foo (...)
+------->set_status (status, ERROR, 5
+------->            "very long error description here...");
+------->return NULL;
+@end verbatim
+@end example
+After a comma there is usually a single space. The same applies to
+semicolons in @w{@code{for}-loops}. After keywords (i.e.@: @code{for},
+@code{if}) there is also a single space.
+Some people may complain, but there is also a space after the function
+name. This differentiates function calls from macros. However, if a
+macro behaves like a function, it might as well have as space before
+the argument list.
+for (size_t i = 0; i < 0; i++, j++)
+	do_something (arg1, arg2, arg3);
+	MAGIC_MACRO(i, arg)
+	function_like_macro ();
+@end verbatim
+@end example
+Trailing whitespace is unnecessary and can even be removed by the editor
+automatically. It should not be introduced in commits.
+@cindex Braces, Coding Style Guide
+@cindex Coding Style Guide, Braces
+@subsection Braces
+I put braces so that they are both in the first column of the respective
+indentation level.
+while (...)
+	if (...)
+	{
+		...
+	}
+	else if (...)
+	{
+		...
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		...
+	}
+@end verbatim
+@end example
+Some find K&R to induce less noise, however, this way visually matching
+braces is easier, even without support from the editor. Also I found
+myself placing newlines after a change in indentation level, which is
+easier to read when being tired, so the brace might be put there as
+well. Also some comments and annotations can be put between the header
+and body, as is commonly done for functions.
+The block after a control structure should always be encapsulated with
+braces even if it contains only a single statement. This prevents some
+nasty bugs.
+if (!ptr)
+	ptr->member = 42;
+@end verbatim
+@end example
+An exception might be made, if the statement fits in the same line as
+the condition, and for empty loops.
+if (!ptr) abort ();
+for (; NULL != ptr->next; ptr = ptr->next);
+@end verbatim
+@end example
+@cindex Comparisons, Coding Style Guide
+@cindex Coding Style Guide, Comparisons
+@cindex Writing Comparisons
+@subsection Comparisons
+I prefer to put the constant first in a comparison. This makes using a
+single @code{=} by accident an error (but a proper compiler should issue
+a warning anyway) and also allows to read conditions faster, as it is
+apparent earlier, which case is being targeted (like when using
+@code{switch}). Accustoming needs some time, but it becomes quite handy.
+ptr = malloc (...);
+if (NULL != ptr)
+	...
+@end verbatim
+@end example
+@cindex @code{goto}
+@subsection Using Goto
+While the general use of @code{goto} is long considered discouraged,
+there are some exceptions to this rule. It may be used to jump to
+common code to cleanup in case of an error, that is bundled at the end
+of a function. For people complaining about the use of @code{goto}:
+this is the exact use case, where it is recommended!
+@node Demo Program
+@cindex Demo Program
+@fileindex src/main.c
+@section Demo Program
+The demo program @command{sefht_demo} uses some basic functionality of
+@file{libsefht.so}. The sourcecode is contained in @file{src/main.c}.
+@node Testing
+@fileindex tests/
+@section Testing
+Tests are done using Check a unit testing framework for C, and
+integrated with @command{automake}, so that tests are done, when
+calling @command{make check}.
+@xref{Top,,, check, The Check Manual} for more details.
+Testing doesn't only check the public viewable behaviour, but also for
+the internal state. This is done, to distinguish a proper working
+function from a function just pretending and doing nothing, or worse,
+a function, that results in corrupt data, which might not be detected
+by calling other exported methods, which might not fail, or are
+themselves buggy.
+Testing the later would defy the concept of unit tests. Thus, the
+easiest way to test for a proper working function, is to test for the
+internal state.
+To test an overflow condition, it is necessary to include the
+sourcefile into the test, instead of linking against the objectfile,
+in order to override @code{SIZE_MAX} or the like.
+Sometimes it isn't possible to test correct overflow detection by
+setting some variable to @code{@var{TYPE}_MAX}, because this would
+cause an out of bounds access. This is solved by filling garbage
+until @code{@var{TYPE}_MAX} is really reached. Because there is a
+timeout for the tests and it would fill RAM with gigabytes of garbage,
+@code{@var{TYPE}_MAX} is overridden prior to inclusion of the
+When testing functions, that depend on functions of another unit,
+functionality, that depends on the latter, isn't tested, as this
+would interfere with the idea of unit tests. This naturally applies
+for purely wrapper functions, where a call is just passed to another
+@node Main Classes
+@cindex Classes
+@cindex Main Classes
+@chapter Main Classes
+Speaking of classes in a project of pure C, may seam surprising, but
+the reader will notice, that the concept of classes does also apply
+A @dfn{Class} consists of a @var{type}, which is in most cases a
+structure, and functions/methods, which uses this @var{type}. These
+functions takes a pointer to the @dfn{Object}, an instance of this
+@var{type}, as the first parameter. The functions are generally named
+There are some methods, which exists for all Classes, as they are
+obviously needed to handle objects.
+@table @code
+@item @var{Class} *@* @var{Class}_new (..., struct SH_Status * status)
+This is the @dfn{Constructor}. It can always fail at runtime, because
+@code{malloc} can fail.
+@item @var{Class} *@* @var{Class}_copy (@var{Class} * @var{object}, struct SH_Status * status)
+This is the @dfn{Copy Constructor}. It can always fail at runtime,
+because @code{malloc} can fail.
+@item void @* @var{Class}_free (@var{Class} * @var{object})
+This is the @dfn{Destructor}. It can't fail at runtime, because
+@code{free} can't fail.
+@end table
+@xref{Error Handling} for information about the @code{status} parameter.
+In this chapter the important classes are being introduced.
+@node CMS
+@cindex CMS
+@fileindex src/lib/sefht/cms.c
+@fileindex src/lib/sefht/cms.h
+@section CMS
+@dfn{CMS} bundles some features and might be the entry point
+of the library in the future. At the moment it doesn't do much.
+Definitions are in @file{src/lib/sefht/cms.c}, Declarations in
+@node Using @code{SH_Cms}
+@tindex @code{SH_Cms} @sortas{Cms}
+@subsection Using @code{SH_Cms}
+@deftypefun {SH_Cms *} SH_Cms_new (struct SH_Status * status)
+create a new CMS object
+The returned pointer must be @code{free}d by passing it to
+@code{SH_Cms_free}. On failure @code{NULL} is returned.
+The parameter @code{status} must be a valid pointer to a
+@code{struct SH_Status} or @code{NULL}. It might be allocated on the
+stack. It is updated independently of the occurrence of an error.@*
+@xref{Error Handling} for more information about the @code{status}
+@end deftypefun
+@deftypefun void SH_Cms_free (SH_Cms * cms)
+free @code{cms}
+The parameter @code{cms} must be a valid (non-@code{NULL}) pointer to a
+@code{SH_Cms} obtained by a call to @code{SH_Cms_new}. It will be
+@code{free}d after the call.
+@end deftypefun
+@node Data
+@cindex Data
+@cindex Database
+@cindex Persistent Cache
+@cindex Caches
+@tindex @code{SH_Data} @sortas {Data}
+@fileindex src/lib/sefht/data.c
+@fileindex src/lib/sefht/data.h
+@section Data
+@dfn{@code{SH_Data}} manages runtime data, that is needed through the
+library. It will manage the database and some caches, but this isn't
+implemented yet. Currently it only provides access to the Validator.
+This is necessary, because the Validator shouldn't be changed after
+Fragments started to depend on it. That's why, Data only provides
+reading access to the Validator. On creation a Validator, is created
+with definitions for HTML5. This will be configurable in the future.
+@code{SH_Data} is implemented in @file{src/lib/sefht/data.c}, the
+declarations are in @file{src/lib/sefht/data.h}.
+@node Using @code{SH_Data}
+@subsection Using @code{SH_Data}
+@deftypefun {SH_Data *} SH_Data_new (struct SH_Status * status)
+create a new Data object
+This implicitly creates a Validator using @code{SH_Validator_new_html5}.
+The returned pointer must be @code{free}d by passing it to
+@code{SH_Data_free}. On failure @code{NULL} is returned.
+The parameter @code{status} must be a valid pointer to a
+@code{struct SH_Status} or @code{NULL}. It might be allocated on the
+stack. It is updated independently of the occurrence of an error.@*
+@xref{Error Handling} for more information about the @code{status}
+@end deftypefun
+@deftypefun void SH_Data_free (SH_Data * data)
+free @code{data}
+The parameter @code{data} must be a valid (non-@code{NULL}) pointer to a
+@code{SH_Data} obtained by a call to @code{SH_Data_new}. It will be
+@code{free}d after the call.
+@end deftypefun
+@deftypefun bool SH_Data_check_tag (SH_Data * data, const char * tag)
+checks whether @code{tag} is known to @code{data}'s internal Validator
+@code{TRUE} is returned, if @code{tag} is a valid HTML tag. This
+function calls @code{SH_Validator_check_tag}.
+The parameter @code{data} must be a valid (non-@code{NULL}) pointer to a
+@code{SH_Data} obtained by a call to @code{SH_Data_new}. It isn't
+modified by the call.
+The parameter @code{tag} must be a non-@code{NULL} pointer to a
+@code{NULL}-terminated string. It isn't modified by the call.
+@end deftypefun
+@deftypefun bool SH_Data_check_attr (SH_Data * data, @*@
+@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
+const char * tag, @*@
+@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
+const char * attr)
+checks whether @code{attr} is known in combination with @code{tag} to
+@code{data}'s internal Validator
+@code{TRUE} is returned, if @code{attr} can be used as attribute for
+the tag @code{tag}. If @code{tag} is @code{NULL}, it is checked,
+whether @code{attr} is a valid attribute at all.
+This function calls @code{SH_Validator_check_attr}.
+The parameter @code{data} must be a valid (non-@code{NULL}) pointer to
+a @code{SH_Data} obtained by a call to @code{SH_Data_new}. It isn't
+modified by the call.
+The parameter @code{tag} can be @code{NULL}, otherwise it must be a
+valid pointer to a @code{NULL}-terminated string. It isn't modified
+by the call.
+The parameter @code{attr} must be a non-@code{NULL} pointer to a
+@code{NULL}-terminated string. It isn't modified by the call.
+@end deftypefun
+@deftypefun bool SH_Data_is_self_closing_tag (const SH_Data * data, @*@
+@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
+const char * tag, @*@
+@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
+struct SH_Status * status)
+checks whether @code{tag} is of type void
+@code{TRUE} is returned, if @code{tag} is a void element. This
+function calls @code{SH_Validator_is_self_closing_tag}.
+The parameter @code{data} must be a valid (non-@code{NULL}) pointer to a
+@code{SH_Data} obtained by a call to @code{SH_Data_new}. It isn't
+modified by the call.
+The parameter @code{tag} must be a non-@code{NULL} pointer to a
+@code{NULL}-terminated string. It isn't modified by the call.
+@end deftypefun
+@node Logging
+@cindex Logging
+@section Logging
+Currently, logging is not implemented. It is replaced by macros, which
+expand to a @code{printf} call. Historical, log messages contained a
+trailing newline, but new introduced log messages shouldn't contain
+them, as they will be added for all messages. Because this isn't yet
+done, it results in annoying messages thrown together in a single line.
+@node Fragments
+@cindex Fragments
+@cindex Types of Fragment
+@cindex Kinds of Fragment
+@section Fragments
+@dfn{Fragment} is the core of SeFHT, as the name might reveal.
+A @dfn{Fragment} represents a subset of a webpage. The @dfn{Fragment}s
+are organised as a tree. While this resembles the DOM, this library
+intentionally doesn't implement it. The similarity is not by chance,
+but is caused by the nature of HTML.
+There are several different types of Fragments, which all inherit
+from the abstract base class @code{SH_Fragment}.
+There are currently two types of Fragments: Node and Text.
+There is currently no forward compatibility for more types, but this is
+to be implemented. Also modules, might be partially implemented by a
+different type of Fragment in the future.
+NodeFragment is virtually finished, but TextFragment is still lacking
+basic functionality including a complete implementation for generating
+the HTML, as it depends on still not implemented functionality of
+@node Fragment (base class)
+@cindex Fragment, abstract base class
+@cindex Base class Fragment
+@cindex Abstract Base class Fragment
+@cindex Fragment, virtual method table
+@cindex Virtual Method Table (Fragment)
+@tindex @code{SH_Fragment} @sortas{Fragment}
+@tindex @code{enum SH_FRAGMENT_TYPE} @sortas{FRAGMENT_TYPE}
+@tindex @code{struct fragment_methods} @sortas{fragment_methods}
+@fileindex src/lib/sefht/fragment.c
+@fileindex src/lib/sefht/fragment.h
+@fileindex src/lib/sefht/fragment_class.c
+@fileindex src/lib/sefht/fragment_data.c
+@subsection Fragment (base class)
+@dfn{@code{SH_Fragment}} is the base class for all different kinds of
+Fragments. It contains some virtual methods, which are supported by
+every kind of Fragment, as well as data, which is needed by every kind
+of Fragment. But the main functionality of the base class is, to
+implement the inheritance.
+For this, it contains the type of Fragment, represented by an
+@code{enum@tie{}SH_FRAGMENT_TYPE}, and a pointer to the virtual method
+table, represented by a structure of function pointers
+(@code{struct@tie{}fragment_methods}). The virtual method table itself
+is allocated at compiletime for each subclass.
+The data needed by a Fragment is, a pointer to the @code{SH_Data}
+object, which is needed for requesting any kind of information from
+another part of SeFHT a Fragment might need, and a pointer to the
+parent node, which is useful both for traversing the tree and for
+checking for cycles, i.e. to ensure, that each Fragment has exactly
+one parent, when a node is added.
+This is necessary to prevent data corruption and also to keep
+clear who is responsible, for @code{free}ing the Fragment.
+Both, traversing and ensuring consistency, wouldn't be possible
+The virtual methods each kind of Fragment has to implement are the
+Copy Constructor, the Destructor and a function to output the HTML.
+The Constructor is not defined as a virtual function, as there the
+type has to be named anyway, but every subclass defines a Constructor,
+which returns a base class object, i.e.@: @code{SH_Fragment}.
+Also every subclass defines a predicate, which checks, whether  a given
+Fragment is of that type.
+The public functions of @code{SH_Fragment} are implemented in
+@file{src/lib/sefht/fragment.c} and declared in
+@file{src/lib/sefht/fragment.h}. The @code{SH_Fragment}, as well as all
+associated types are defined in @file{src/lib/sefht/fragment_data.c},
+while the functions, that are needed by the subclasses to access fields
+of the parent class are defined in @file{src/lib/sefht/fragment_class.c}.
+@node Using @code{SH_Fragment}
+@subsubsection Using @code{SH_Fragment}
+@deftypefun {SH_Fragment *} SH_Fragment_copy @
+(const SH_Fragment * fragment, struct SH_Status * status)
+copy @code{fragment}
+This function will call the copy method of the appropriate subclass.
+The returned pointer must be @code{free}d by passing it to
+@code{SH_Fragment_free}. On failure @code{NULL} is returned.
+The parameter @code{fragment} must be a valid (non-@code{NULL}) pointer
+to a @code{SH_Fragment} obtained by a call to the constructor of a
+subclass of @code{SH_Fragment}. It will not be changed by the call.
+The parameter @code{status} must be a valid pointer to a
+@code{struct SH_Status} or @code{NULL}. It might be allocated on the
+stack. It is updated independently of the occurrence of an error.@*
+@xref{Error Handling} for more information about the @code{status}
+@end deftypefun
+@deftypefun void SH_Fragment_free (SH_Fragment * fragment)
+free @code{fragment}
+This method will call the free method of the appropriate subclass.
+The parameter @code{fragment} must be a valid (non-@code{NULL}) pointer
+to a @code{SH_Fragment} obtained by a call to the constructor of a
+subclass of @code{SH_Fragment}. It will be @code{free}d after the call.
+@end deftypefun
+@deftypefun bool SH_Fragment_is_orphan (const SH_Fragment * fragment)
+check, whether @code{fragment} isn't the child of another Fragment
+If @code{TRUE} is returned, @code{fragment} does not have a parent,
+thus it is suitable for adding to a @code{SH_NodeFragment}.
+If @code{FALSE} is returned, adding it will result in an error.
+The parameter @code{fragment} must be a valid (non-@code{NULL}) pointer
+to a @code{SH_Fragment} obtained by a call to the constructor of a
+subclass of @code{SH_Fragment}. It will not be changed by the call.
+@end deftypefun
+@deftypefun {SH_Text *} SH_Fragment_to_html @
+(const struct SH_Fragment * fragment, @*@
+@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
+enum HTML_MODE mode, @*@
+@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
+unsigned int indent_base, @*@
+@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
+unsigned int indent_step, @*@
+@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
+const char * indent_char, @*@
+@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
+struct SH_Status * status)
+generate the HTML for @code{fragment}.
+This method will call the free method of the appropriate subclass.
+The HTML for this @code{fragment} is generated including all associated
+attributes and child Fragments.
+The returned pointer to @code{SH_Text} must be @code{free}d by passing
+it to @code{SH_Text_free}. On failure @code{NULL} is returned.
+The parameter @code{fragment} must be a valid (non-@code{NULL}) pointer
+to a @code{SH_Fragment} obtained by a call to the constructor of a
+subclass of @code{SH_Fragment}. It will not be changed by the call.
+The parameter @code{mode} defines the formatting of the HTML.
+Passing @code{INLINE}, will result in HTML in a single line, while
+@code{WRAP} will result in newlines after each tag and proper indenting.
+The parameter @code{indent_base} defines, at which indentation level
+this Fragments HTML starts.
+The parameter @code{indent_step} defines, by what amount the indentation
+level is incremented when creating the HTML of the child tags.
+The parameter @code{indent_char} is a @code{NULL}-terminated string,
+which defines one indentation level.
+The parameter @code{status} must be a valid pointer to a
+@code{struct SH_Status} or @code{NULL}. It might be allocated on the
+stack. It is updated independently of the occurrence of an error.@*
+@xref{Error Handling} for more information about the @code{status}
+@end deftypefun
+@node Node Fragment
+@cindex Node Fragment
+@cindex Fragment, Node
+@cindex Tree Fragment
+@cindex Fragment, Tree
+@cindex Fragment, representing HTML tags
+@cindex Fragment, representing HTML attributes
+@tindex @code{SH_NodeFragment} @sortas{NodeFragment}
+@fileindex src/lib/sefht/node_fragment.c
+@fileindex src/lib/sefht/node_fragment.h
+@subsection Node Fragment
+The @dfn{@code{SH_NodeFragment}} represents an HTML tag (like a Node
+in the DOM) including all its attributes and all subsequent Nodes.
+Thus the @dfn{@code{SH_NodeFragment}} implements the tree semantics of
+a Fragment.
+When generating the HTML, the appropriate code for the attributes is
+generated and for the children is included at the respective places.
+For proper indenting, finding self-closing tags and more, SeFHT has to
+know something about the semantics of HTML, which is handled by the
+Validator. That's why all tag names must be valid, i.e. known to the
+Validator. Attribute names (and values) will be validated in the future
+too, but aren't currently, because for the validation of values, there
+are complexer rules, which aren't yet implemented by the Validator.
+However, validation of attributes in general is implemented, so this
+just has to be added to the Node Fragment.
+The functions and types of @code{SH_NodeFragment} are implemented in
+@file{src/lib/sefht/node_fragment.c} and declared in
+@node Type Index
+@unnumbered Type Index
+@printindex tp
+@node Function Index
+@unnumbered Function Index
+@printindex fn
+@node File Index
+@unnumbered File Index
+@printindex file
+@node General Index
+@unnumbered General Index
+@printindex cp
diff --git a/sefht.geany b/sefht.geany
index 584196c339db4ef46a64bd7b1c605c5de019a318..607658bbb390b604661666f84dc79278fcb6154d 100644
--- a/sefht.geany
+++ b/sefht.geany
@@ -28,67 +28,71 @@ long_line_behaviour=1
diff --git a/todo.txt b/todo.txt
index 94dd15a07bfc4bacff9159986e9a02ab01c635f0..091d83ab5fafbc550fea6ca5c9bb2be6616f0099 100644
--- a/todo.txt
+++ b/todo.txt
@@ -20,3 +20,6 @@ Validator:
 - check for global attributes
 - fix cursed behaviour, when removing fails (remove_tag_for_all_attrs)
 - initialize from file
+- add to dir