diff --git a/dune/gfe/cosseratenergystiffness.hh b/dune/gfe/cosseratenergystiffness.hh
index aafdca5a6983154dd90f452eb894f506281dca92..4e5fdbc0ecc069ef52a5b62d7e7b03580f621f91 100644
--- a/dune/gfe/cosseratenergystiffness.hh
+++ b/dune/gfe/cosseratenergystiffness.hh
@@ -74,37 +74,6 @@ class CosseratEnergyLocalStiffness
     enum {gridDim=GridView::dimension};
     enum {dimworld=GridView::dimensionworld};
-    /** \brief Compute the symmetric part of a matrix A, i.e. \f$ \frac 12 (A + A^T) \f$ */
-    static Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,dim,dim> sym(const Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,dim,dim>& A)
-    {
-        Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,dim,dim> result;
-        for (int i=0; i<dim; i++)
-            for (int j=0; j<dim; j++)
-                result[i][j] = 0.5 * (A[i][j] + A[j][i]);
-        return result;
-    }
-    /** \brief Compute the antisymmetric part of a matrix A, i.e. \f$ \frac 12 (A - A^T) \f$ */
-    static Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,dim,dim> skew(const Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,dim,dim>& A)
-    {
-        Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,dim,dim> result;
-        for (int i=0; i<dim; i++)
-            for (int j=0; j<dim; j++)
-                result[i][j] = 0.5 * (A[i][j] - A[j][i]);
-        return result;
-    }
-    /** \brief Return the square of the trace of a matrix */
-    template <int N>
-    static field_type traceSquared(const Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,N,N>& A)
-    {
-        field_type trace = 0;
-        for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
-            trace += A[i][i];
-        return trace*trace;
-    }
     /** \brief Compute the (row-wise) curl of a matrix R \f$
         \param DR The partial derivatives of the matrix R
@@ -171,9 +140,9 @@ public:
         for (int i=0; i<dim; i++)
             UMinus1[i][i] -= 1;
-        return mu_ * sym(UMinus1).frobenius_norm2()
-                + mu_c_ * skew(UMinus1).frobenius_norm2()
-                + (mu_*lambda_)/(2*mu_ + lambda_) * traceSquared(sym(UMinus1));
+        return mu_ * Dune::GFE::sym(UMinus1).frobenius_norm2()
+                + mu_c_ * Dune::GFE::skew(UMinus1).frobenius_norm2()
+                + (mu_*lambda_)/(2*mu_ + lambda_) * Dune::GFE::traceSquared(Dune::GFE::sym(UMinus1));
     /** \brief The energy \f$ W_{mp}(\overline{U}) \f$, as written in
@@ -219,7 +188,7 @@ public:
         RT detU = U.determinant();
-        return mu_ * sym(UMinus1).frobenius_norm2() + mu_c_ * skew(UMinus1).frobenius_norm2()
+        return mu_ * Dune::GFE::sym(UMinus1).frobenius_norm2() + mu_c_ * Dune::GFE::skew(UMinus1).frobenius_norm2()
                 + (mu_*lambda_)/(2*mu_ + lambda_) * 0.5 * ((detU-1)*(detU-1) + (1.0/detU -1)*(1.0/detU -1));
@@ -275,9 +244,9 @@ public:
                 for (int k=0; k<3; k++)
                     RT_DR3[i][j] += R[k][i] * DR[k][2][j];
-        return mu_ * sym(RT_DR3).frobenius_norm2()
-               + mu_c_ * skew(RT_DR3).frobenius_norm2()
-               + mu_*lambda_/(2*mu_+lambda_) * traceSquared(RT_DR3);
+        return mu_ * Dune::GFE::sym(RT_DR3).frobenius_norm2()
+               + mu_c_ * Dune::GFE::skew(RT_DR3).frobenius_norm2()
+               + mu_*lambda_/(2*mu_+lambda_) * Dune::GFE::traceSquared(RT_DR3);
     /** \brief The shell thickness */
diff --git a/dune/gfe/linearalgebra.hh b/dune/gfe/linearalgebra.hh
index 7febb66e833af845024d8d7bfb11d6a5df28a9e6..a751897f8cca8a0fdab4fbd1ad63fcac7ad4e952 100644
--- a/dune/gfe/linearalgebra.hh
+++ b/dune/gfe/linearalgebra.hh
@@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
 #include <dune/common/fmatrix.hh>
 #include <dune/common/version.hh>
+//  Various vector-space matrix methods
 template< int m, int n, int p >
@@ -171,4 +175,123 @@ Dune::FieldVector<K,m> operator/ ( const Dune::FieldVector<K, m> &A, const K& s)
+//  Various other matrix methods
+namespace Dune {
+  namespace GFE {
+  /** \brief Return the trace of a matrix */
+  template <class T, int n>
+  static T trace(const FieldMatrix<T,n,n>& A)
+  {
+    T trace = 0;
+    for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
+      trace += A[i][i];
+    return trace;
+  }
+  /** \brief Return the square of the trace of a matrix */
+  template <class T, int n>
+  static T traceSquared(const FieldMatrix<T,n,n>& A)
+  {
+    T trace = 0;
+    for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
+      trace += A[i][i];
+    return trace*trace;
+  }
+  /** \brief Compute the symmetric part of a matrix A, i.e. \f$ \frac 12 (A + A^T) \f$ */
+  template <class T, int n>
+  static FieldMatrix<T,n,n> sym(const FieldMatrix<T,n,n>& A)
+  {
+    FieldMatrix<T,n,n> result;
+    for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
+      for (int j=0; j<n; j++)
+        result[i][j] = 0.5 * (A[i][j] + A[j][i]);
+    return result;
+  }
+  /** \brief Compute the antisymmetric part of a matrix A, i.e. \f$ \frac 12 (A - A^T) \f$ */
+  template <class T, int n>
+  static FieldMatrix<T,n,n> skew(const FieldMatrix<T,n,n>& A)
+  {
+    FieldMatrix<T,n,n> result;
+    for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
+      for (int j=0; j<n; j++)
+        result[i][j] = 0.5 * (A[i][j] - A[j][i]);
+    return result;
+  }
+  /** \brief Compute the deviator of a matrix A */
+  template <class T, int n>
+  static FieldMatrix<T,n,n> dev(const FieldMatrix<T,n,n>& A)
+  {
+    FieldMatrix<T,n,n> result = A;
+    auto t = trace(A);
+    for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
+      result[i][i] -= t / n;
+    return result;
+  }
+  /** \brief Return the transposed matrix */
+  template <class T, int n>
+  static FieldMatrix<T,n,n> transpose(const FieldMatrix<T,n,n>& A)
+  {
+    FieldMatrix<T,n,n> result;
+    for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
+      for (int j=0; j<n; j++)
+        result[i][j] = A[j][i];
+    return result;
+  }
+  /** \brief The Frobenius (i.e., componentwise) product of two matrices */
+  template <class T, int n>
+  static T frobeniusProduct(const FieldMatrix<T,n,n>& A, const FieldMatrix<T,n,n>& B)
+  {
+    T result(0.0);
+    for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
+      for (int j=0; j<n; j++)
+        result += A[i][j] * B[i][j];
+    return result;
+  }
+  template <class T, int n>
+  static auto dyadicProduct(const FieldVector<T,n>& A, const FieldVector<T,n>& B)
+  {
+    FieldMatrix<T,n,n> result;
+    for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
+      for (int j=0; j<n; j++)
+        result[i][j] = A[i]*B[j];
+    return result;
+  }
+  template <int n>
+  static auto dyadicProduct(const FieldVector<adouble,n>& A, const FieldVector<double,n>& B)
+    -> FieldMatrix<adouble,n,n>
+  {
+    FieldMatrix<adouble,n,n> result;
+    for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
+      for (int j=0; j<n; j++)
+        result[i][j] = A[i]*B[j];
+    return result;
+  }
+  }
diff --git a/dune/gfe/nonplanarcosseratshellenergy.hh b/dune/gfe/nonplanarcosseratshellenergy.hh
index 16c97c4f0cd595ab06f7bd550aa61622a4a02ab4..102115dbc0a371ce6eb83a33e2e5dd739bd031d3 100644
--- a/dune/gfe/nonplanarcosseratshellenergy.hh
+++ b/dune/gfe/nonplanarcosseratshellenergy.hh
@@ -34,119 +34,6 @@ class NonplanarCosseratShellEnergy
   enum {gridDim=GridView::dimension};
   enum {dimworld=GridView::dimensionworld};
-  /** \brief Compute the symmetric part of a matrix A, i.e. \f$ \frac 12 (A + A^T) \f$ */
-  static Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,dim,dim> sym(const Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,dim,dim>& A)
-  {
-    Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,dim,dim> result;
-    for (int i=0; i<dim; i++)
-      for (int j=0; j<dim; j++)
-        result[i][j] = 0.5 * (A[i][j] + A[j][i]);
-    return result;
-  }
-  /** \brief Compute the antisymmetric part of a matrix A, i.e. \f$ \frac 12 (A - A^T) \f$ */
-  static Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,dim,dim> skew(const Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,dim,dim>& A)
-  {
-    Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,dim,dim> result;
-    for (int i=0; i<dim; i++)
-      for (int j=0; j<dim; j++)
-        result[i][j] = 0.5 * (A[i][j] - A[j][i]);
-    return result;
-  }
-  /** \brief Compute the deviator of a matrix A */
-  static Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,dim,dim> dev(const Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,dim,dim>& A)
-  {
-    Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,dim,dim> result = A;
-    auto t = trace(A);
-    for (int i=0; i<dim; i++)
-      result[i][i] -= t / dim;
-    return result;
-  }
-  /** \brief Return the trace of a matrix */
-  template <class T, int N>
-  static T trace(const Dune::FieldMatrix<T,N,N>& A)
-  {
-    T trace = 0;
-    for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
-      trace += A[i][i];
-    return trace;
-  }
-  /** \brief Return the square of the trace of a matrix */
-  template <int N>
-  static field_type traceSquared(const Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,N,N>& A)
-  {
-    field_type trace = 0;
-    for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
-      trace += A[i][i];
-    return trace*trace;
-  }
-  template <class T, int N>
-  static T frobeniusProduct(const Dune::FieldMatrix<T,N,N>& A, const Dune::FieldMatrix<T,N,N>& B)
-  {
-    T result(0.0);
-    for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
-      for (int j=0; j<N; j++)
-        result += A[i][j] * B[i][j];
-    return result;
-  }
-  template <int N>
-  static auto dyadicProduct(const Dune::FieldVector<adouble,N>& A, const Dune::FieldVector<adouble,N>& B)
-    -> Dune::FieldMatrix<adouble,N,N>
-  {
-    Dune::FieldMatrix<adouble,N,N> result;
-    for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
-      for (int j=0; j<N; j++)
-        result[i][j] = A[i]*B[j];
-    return result;
-  }
-  template <int N>
-  static auto dyadicProduct(const Dune::FieldVector<double,N>& A, const Dune::FieldVector<double,N>& B)
-    -> Dune::FieldMatrix<double,N,N>
-  {
-    Dune::FieldMatrix<double,N,N> result;
-    for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
-      for (int j=0; j<N; j++)
-        result[i][j] = A[i]*B[j];
-    return result;
-  }
-  template <int N>
-  static auto dyadicProduct(const Dune::FieldVector<adouble,N>& A, const Dune::FieldVector<double,N>& B)
-    -> Dune::FieldMatrix<adouble,N,N>
-  {
-    Dune::FieldMatrix<adouble,N,N> result;
-    for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
-      for (int j=0; j<N; j++)
-        result[i][j] = A[i]*B[j];
-    return result;
-  }
-  template <class T, int N>
-  static Dune::FieldMatrix<T,N,N> transpose(const Dune::FieldMatrix<T,N,N>& A)
-  {
-    Dune::FieldMatrix<T,N,N> result;
-    for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
-      for (int j=0; j<N; j++)
-        result[i][j] = A[j][i];
-    return result;
-  }
   /** \brief Constructor with a set of material parameters
@@ -192,19 +79,20 @@ public:
   RT W_mixt(const Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,3,3>& S, const Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,3,3>& T) const
-    return mu_ * frobeniusProduct(sym(S), sym(T))
-         + mu_c_ * frobeniusProduct(skew(S), skew(T))
-         + lambda_ * mu_ / (lambda_ + 2*mu_) * trace(S) * trace(T);
+    return mu_ * Dune::GFE::frobeniusProduct(Dune::GFE::sym(S), Dune::GFE::sym(T))
+         + mu_c_ * Dune::GFE::frobeniusProduct(Dune::GFE::skew(S), Dune::GFE::skew(T))
+         + lambda_ * mu_ / (lambda_ + 2*mu_) * Dune::GFE::trace(S) * Dune::GFE::trace(T);
   RT W_mp(const Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,3,3>& S) const
-    return mu_ * sym(S).frobenius_norm2() + mu_c_ * skew(S).frobenius_norm2() + lambda_ * 0.5 * traceSquared(S);
+    return mu_ * Dune::GFE::sym(S).frobenius_norm2() + mu_c_ * Dune::GFE::skew(S).frobenius_norm2() + lambda_ * 0.5 * Dune::GFE::traceSquared(S);
   RT W_curv(const Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,3,3>& S) const
-    return mu_ * L_c_ * L_c_ * (b1_ * dev(sym(S)).frobenius_norm2() + b2_ * skew(S).frobenius_norm2() + b3_ * traceSquared(S));
+    return mu_ * L_c_ * L_c_ * (b1_ * Dune::GFE::dev(Dune::GFE::sym(S)).frobenius_norm2()
+         + b2_ * Dune::GFE::skew(S).frobenius_norm2() + b3_ * Dune::GFE::traceSquared(S));
   /** \brief The shell thickness */
@@ -297,7 +185,7 @@ energy(const typename Basis::LocalView& localView,
     Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,dim,dim> R;
-    auto RT = transpose(R);
+    auto RT = Dune::GFE::transpose(R);
     Tensor3<field_type,3,3,gridDim> DR = value.quaternionTangentToMatrixTangent(derivative);
@@ -328,7 +216,7 @@ energy(const typename Basis::LocalView& localView,
     Dune::FieldMatrix<double,3,3> a(0);
     for (int alpha=0; alpha<gridDim; alpha++)
-      a += dyadicProduct(aCovariant[alpha], aContravariant[alpha]);
+      a += Dune::GFE::dyadicProduct(aCovariant[alpha], aContravariant[alpha]);
     auto a00 = aCovariant[0] * aCovariant[0];
     auto a01 = aCovariant[0] * aCovariant[1];
@@ -342,7 +230,7 @@ energy(const typename Basis::LocalView& localView,
     for (int alpha=0; alpha<2; alpha++)
       for (int beta=0; beta<2; beta++)
-        c += sqrt(aScalar) * eps[alpha][beta] * dyadicProduct(aContravariant[alpha], aContravariant[beta]);
+        c += sqrt(aScalar) * eps[alpha][beta] * Dune::GFE::dyadicProduct(aContravariant[alpha], aContravariant[beta]);
     // Second fundamental form
     // The derivative of the normal field
@@ -354,14 +242,14 @@ energy(const typename Basis::LocalView& localView,
       Dune::FieldVector<double,3> vec;
       for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
         vec[i] = normalDerivative[i][alpha];
-      b -= dyadicProduct(vec, aContravariant[alpha]);
+      b -= Dune::GFE::dyadicProduct(vec, aContravariant[alpha]);
     // Gauss curvature
     auto K = b.determinant();
     // Mean curvatue
-    auto H = 0.5 * trace(b);
+    auto H = 0.5 * Dune::GFE::trace(b);
     //  Strain tensors
@@ -375,7 +263,7 @@ energy(const typename Basis::LocalView& localView,
       Dune::FieldVector<field_type,3> vec;
       for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
         vec[i] = derivative[i][alpha];
-      grad_s_m += dyadicProduct(vec, aContravariant[alpha]);
+      grad_s_m += Dune::GFE::dyadicProduct(vec, aContravariant[alpha]);
     Ee = RT * grad_s_m - a;
@@ -389,7 +277,7 @@ energy(const typename Basis::LocalView& localView,
         for (int j=0; j<3; j++)
           tmp[i][j] = DR[i][j][alpha];
       auto tmp2 = RT * tmp;
-      Ke += dyadicProduct(SkewMatrix<field_type,3>(tmp2).axial(), aContravariant[alpha]);
+      Ke += Dune::GFE::dyadicProduct(SkewMatrix<field_type,3>(tmp2).axial(), aContravariant[alpha]);
diff --git a/dune/gfe/surfacecosseratenergy.hh b/dune/gfe/surfacecosseratenergy.hh
index 805cd8ae3eb67b1d176cef37f0cc0749879d45dd..1aad21afc16e0769232786189914aa4772a8305a 100644
--- a/dune/gfe/surfacecosseratenergy.hh
+++ b/dune/gfe/surfacecosseratenergy.hh
@@ -59,121 +59,6 @@ class SurfaceCosseratEnergy
   enum {gridDim=GridView::dimension};
   static constexpr int boundaryDim = gridDim - 1;
-  /** \brief Compute the symmetric part of a matrix A, i.e. \f$ \frac 12 (A + A^T) \f$ */
-  static Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,dim,dim> sym(const Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,dim,dim>& A)
-  {
-    Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,dim,dim> result;
-    for (int i=0; i<dim; i++)
-      for (int j=0; j<dim; j++)
-        result[i][j] = 0.5 * (A[i][j] + A[j][i]);
-    return result;
-  }
-  /** \brief Compute the antisymmetric part of a matrix A, i.e. \f$ \frac 12 (A - A^T) \f$ */
-  static Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,dim,dim> skew(const Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,dim,dim>& A)
-  {
-    Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,dim,dim> result;
-    for (int i=0; i<dim; i++)
-      for (int j=0; j<dim; j++)
-        result[i][j] = 0.5 * (A[i][j] - A[j][i]);
-    return result;
-  }
-  /** \brief Compute the deviator of a matrix A */
-  static Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,dim,dim> dev(const Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,dim,dim>& A)
-  {
-    Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,dim,dim> result = A;
-    auto t = trace(A);
-    for (int i=0; i<dim; i++)
-      result[i][i] -= t / dim;
-    return result;
-  }
-  /** \brief Return the trace of a matrix */
-  template <class T, int N>
-  static T trace(const Dune::FieldMatrix<T,N,N>& A)
-  {
-    T trace = 0;
-    for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
-      trace += A[i][i];
-    return trace;
-  }
-  /** \brief Return the square of the trace of a matrix */
-  template <int N>
-  static field_type traceSquared(const Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,N,N>& A)
-  {
-    field_type trace = 0;
-    for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
-      trace += A[i][i];
-    return trace*trace;
-  }
-  template <class T, int N>
-  static T frobeniusProduct(const Dune::FieldMatrix<T,N,N>& A, const Dune::FieldMatrix<T,N,N>& B)
-  {
-    T result(0.0);
-    for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
-      for (int j=0; j<N; j++)
-        result += A[i][j] * B[i][j];
-    return result;
-  }
-  template <int N>
-  static auto dyadicProduct(const Dune::FieldVector<adouble,N>& A, const Dune::FieldVector<adouble,N>& B)
-    -> Dune::FieldMatrix<adouble,N,N>
-  {
-    Dune::FieldMatrix<adouble,N,N> result;
-    for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
-      for (int j=0; j<N; j++)
-        result[i][j] = A[i]*B[j];
-    return result;
-  }
-  template <int N>
-  static auto dyadicProduct(const Dune::FieldVector<double,N>& A, const Dune::FieldVector<double,N>& B)
-    -> Dune::FieldMatrix<double,N,N>
-  {
-    Dune::FieldMatrix<double,N,N> result;
-    for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
-      for (int j=0; j<N; j++)
-        result[i][j] = A[i]*B[j];
-    return result;
-  }
-  template <int N>
-  static auto dyadicProduct(const Dune::FieldVector<adouble,N>& A, const Dune::FieldVector<double,N>& B)
-    -> Dune::FieldMatrix<adouble,N,N>
-  {
-    Dune::FieldMatrix<adouble,N,N> result;
-    for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
-      for (int j=0; j<N; j++)
-        result[i][j] = A[i]*B[j];
-    return result;
-  }
-  template <class T, int N>
-  static Dune::FieldMatrix<T,N,N> transpose(const Dune::FieldMatrix<T,N,N>& A)
-  {
-    Dune::FieldMatrix<T,N,N> result;
-    for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
-      for (int j=0; j<N; j++)
-        result[i][j] = A[j][i];
-    return result;
-  }
   /** \brief Compute the derivative of the rotation (with respect to x), but wrt matrix coordinates
       \param value Value of the gfe function at a certain point
       \param derivative First derivative of the gfe function wrt x at that point, in quaternion coordinates
@@ -313,7 +198,7 @@ RT energy(const typename Basis::LocalView& localView,
       Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,dim,dim> R;
-      auto RT = transpose(R);
+      auto RT = Dune::GFE::transpose(R);
       Tensor3<field_type,3,3,boundaryDim> DR;
       computeDR(value, derivative2D, DR);
@@ -346,7 +231,7 @@ RT energy(const typename Basis::LocalView& localView,
       Dune::FieldMatrix<double,3,3> a(0);
       for (int alpha=0; alpha<boundaryDim; alpha++)
-        a += dyadicProduct(aCovariant[alpha], aContravariant[alpha]);
+        a += Dune::GFE::dyadicProduct(aCovariant[alpha], aContravariant[alpha]);
       auto a00 = aCovariant[0] * aCovariant[0];
       auto a01 = aCovariant[0] * aCovariant[1];
@@ -360,7 +245,7 @@ RT energy(const typename Basis::LocalView& localView,
       for (int alpha=0; alpha<2; alpha++)
         for (int beta=0; beta<2; beta++)
-          c += sqrt(aScalar) * eps[alpha][beta] * dyadicProduct(aContravariant[alpha], aContravariant[beta]);
+          c += sqrt(aScalar) * eps[alpha][beta] * Dune::GFE::dyadicProduct(aContravariant[alpha], aContravariant[beta]);
       // Second fundamental form
       // The derivative of the normal field
@@ -372,14 +257,14 @@ RT energy(const typename Basis::LocalView& localView,
         Dune::FieldVector<double,3> vec;
         for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
           vec[i] = normalDerivative[i][alpha];
-        b -= dyadicProduct(vec, aContravariant[alpha]);
+        b -= Dune::GFE::dyadicProduct(vec, aContravariant[alpha]);
       // Gauss curvature
       auto K = b.determinant();
       // Mean curvatue
-      auto H = 0.5 * trace(b);
+      auto H = 0.5 * Dune::GFE::trace(b);
       //  Strain tensors
@@ -393,7 +278,7 @@ RT energy(const typename Basis::LocalView& localView,
         Dune::FieldVector<field_type,3> vec;
         for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
           vec[i] = derivative[i][alpha];
-        grad_s_m += dyadicProduct(vec, aContravariant[alpha]);
+        grad_s_m += Dune::GFE::dyadicProduct(vec, aContravariant[alpha]);
       Ee = RT * grad_s_m - a;
@@ -407,7 +292,7 @@ RT energy(const typename Basis::LocalView& localView,
           for (int j=0; j<3; j++)
             tmp[i][j] = DR[i][j][alpha];
         auto tmp2 = RT * tmp;
-        Ke += dyadicProduct(SkewMatrix<field_type,3>(tmp2).axial(), aContravariant[alpha]);
+        Ke += Dune::GFE::dyadicProduct(SkewMatrix<field_type,3>(tmp2).axial(), aContravariant[alpha]);
@@ -440,19 +325,20 @@ RT energy(const typename Basis::LocalView& localView,
   RT W_mixt(const Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,3,3>& S, const Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,3,3>& T, double mu, double lambda) const
-    return mu * frobeniusProduct(sym(S), sym(T))
-         + mu_c_ * frobeniusProduct(skew(S), skew(T))
-         + lambda * mu / (lambda + 2*mu) * trace(S) * trace(T);
+    return mu * Dune::GFE::frobeniusProduct(Dune::GFE::sym(S), Dune::GFE::sym(T))
+         + mu_c_ * Dune::GFE::frobeniusProduct(Dune::GFE::skew(S), Dune::GFE::skew(T))
+         + lambda * mu / (lambda + 2*mu) * Dune::GFE::trace(S) * Dune::GFE::trace(T);
   RT W_mp(const Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,3,3>& S, double mu, double lambda) const
-    return mu * sym(S).frobenius_norm2() + mu_c_ * skew(S).frobenius_norm2() + lambda * 0.5 * traceSquared(S);
+    return mu * Dune::GFE::sym(S).frobenius_norm2() + mu_c_ * Dune::GFE::skew(S).frobenius_norm2() + lambda * 0.5 * Dune::GFE::traceSquared(S);
   RT W_curv(const Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,3,3>& S, double mu) const
-    return mu * L_c_ * L_c_ * (b1_ * dev(sym(S)).frobenius_norm2() + b2_ * skew(S).frobenius_norm2() + b3_ * traceSquared(S));
+    return mu * L_c_ * L_c_ * (b1_ * Dune::GFE::dev(Dune::GFE::sym(S)).frobenius_norm2()
+         + b2_ * Dune::GFE::skew(S).frobenius_norm2() + b3_ * Dune::GFE::traceSquared(S));