From 7550c4a71098f4b51dbce2231d31d5bd9f906c50 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Lisa Julia Nebel <>
Date: Tue, 14 May 2019 17:36:30 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Add film-on-substrate

Added program to solve a combined minimization problem:
Minmize the sum of an elastic energy (representing the substrate)
and a cosserat energy (representing a thin film on the substrate).
 dune/gfe/sumcosseratenergy.hh      |  61 +++
 dune/gfe/surfacecosseratenergy.hh  | 599 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/ |  17 +
 src/           | 482 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/film-on-substrate.parset       | 123 ++++++
 5 files changed, 1282 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 dune/gfe/sumcosseratenergy.hh
 create mode 100644 dune/gfe/surfacecosseratenergy.hh
 create mode 100644 src/
 create mode 100644 src/
 create mode 100644 src/film-on-substrate.parset

diff --git a/dune/gfe/sumcosseratenergy.hh b/dune/gfe/sumcosseratenergy.hh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0f146a84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dune/gfe/sumcosseratenergy.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+#include <dune/elasticity/assemblers/localfestiffness.hh>
+#include <dune/gfe/localgeodesicfestiffness.hh>
+namespace Dune {
+namespace GFE {
+template<class Basis, class TargetSpace, class field_type=double, class GradientRT=double>
+class SumCosseratEnergy
+: public LocalGeodesicFEStiffness<Basis, TargetSpace>
+ // grid types
+  typedef typename Basis::GridView GridView;
+  typedef typename GridView::ctype ctype;
+  typedef typename Basis::LocalView::Tree::FiniteElement LocalFiniteElement;
+  typedef typename GridView::ctype DT;
+  typedef typename TargetSpace::ctype RT;
+  enum {dim=GridView::dimension};
+  /** \brief Constructor with elastic energy and cosserat energy
+   * \param elasticEnergy The elastic energy
+   * \param cosseratEnergy The cosserat energy
+   */
+  SumCosseratEnergy(std::shared_ptr<LocalFEStiffness<GridView,LocalFiniteElement,std::vector<Dune::FieldVector<field_type,dim> > , std::vector<GradientRT> > > elasticEnergy,
+            std::shared_ptr<LocalGeodesicFEStiffness<Basis, TargetSpace>> cosseratEnergy)
+  : elasticEnergy_(elasticEnergy),
+    cosseratEnergy_(cosseratEnergy)
+  {}
+  /** \brief Assemble the energy for a single element */
+  RT energy (const typename Basis::LocalView& localView,
+               const std::vector<TargetSpace>& localSolution) const
+  { 
+    auto&& element = localView.element();
+    auto&& localFiniteElement = localView.tree().finiteElement();
+    std::vector<Dune::FieldVector<field_type,dim>> localConfiguration(localSolution.size());
+    for (int i = 0; i < localSolution.size(); i++) {
+      localConfiguration[i] = localSolution[i].r;
+    }
+    return elasticEnergy_->energy(element, localFiniteElement, localConfiguration) + cosseratEnergy_->energy(localView, localSolution);
+  }
+  std::shared_ptr<LocalFEStiffness<GridView,LocalFiniteElement,std::vector<Dune::FieldVector<field_type,dim> >, std::vector<GradientRT> > > elasticEnergy_;
+  std::shared_ptr<LocalGeodesicFEStiffness<Basis, TargetSpace> > cosseratEnergy_;
+}  // namespace GFE
+}  // namespace Dune
diff --git a/dune/gfe/surfacecosseratenergy.hh b/dune/gfe/surfacecosseratenergy.hh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..905ab45d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dune/gfe/surfacecosseratenergy.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,599 @@
+#include <dune/geometry/quadraturerules.hh>
+#include <dune/fufem/functions/virtualgridfunction.hh>
+#include <dune/fufem/boundarypatch.hh>
+#include <dune/gfe/cosseratstrain.hh>
+#include <dune/gfe/localgeodesicfefunction.hh>
+#include <dune/gfe/localprojectedfefunction.hh>
+#include <dune/gfe/mixedlocalgeodesicfestiffness.hh>
+#include <dune/gfe/orthogonalmatrix.hh>
+#include <dune/gfe/rigidbodymotion.hh>
+#include <dune/gfe/tensor3.hh>
+#include <dune/gfe/vertexnormals.hh>
+template <class Basis, std::size_t i>
+class LocalFiniteElementFactory
+  static auto get(const typename Basis::LocalView& localView,
+           std::integral_constant<std::size_t, i> iType)
+    -> decltype(localView.tree().child(iType).finiteElement())
+  {
+    return localView.tree().child(iType).finiteElement();
+  }
+/** \brief Specialize for scalar bases, here we cannot call tree().child() */
+template <class GridView, int order, std::size_t i>
+class LocalFiniteElementFactory<Dune::Functions::LagrangeBasis<GridView,order>,i>
+  static auto get(const typename Dune::Functions::LagrangeBasis<GridView,order>::LocalView& localView,
+           std::integral_constant<std::size_t, i> iType)
+    -> decltype(localView.tree().finiteElement())
+  {
+    return localView.tree().finiteElement();
+  }
+template<class Basis, class TargetSpace, class field_type=double, class GradientRT=double>
+class SurfaceCosseratEnergy
+: public LocalGeodesicFEStiffness<Basis,TargetSpace>
+ // grid types
+  typedef typename Basis::GridView GridView;
+  typedef typename GridView::ctype ctype;
+  typedef typename Basis::LocalView::Tree::FiniteElement LocalFiniteElement;
+  typedef typename GridView::ctype DT;
+  typedef typename TargetSpace::ctype RT;
+  typedef typename GridView::template Codim<0>::Entity Entity;
+  typedef typename TargetSpace::template rebind<adouble>::other ATargetSpace;
+  enum {dim=GridView::dimension};
+  enum {dimworld=GridView::dimensionworld};
+  enum {gridDim=GridView::dimension};
+  static constexpr int boundaryDim = gridDim - 1;
+  /** \brief Compute the symmetric part of a matrix A, i.e. \f$ \frac 12 (A + A^T) \f$ */
+  static Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,dim,dim> sym(const Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,dim,dim>& A)
+  {
+    Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,dim,dim> result;
+    for (int i=0; i<dim; i++)
+      for (int j=0; j<dim; j++)
+        result[i][j] = 0.5 * (A[i][j] + A[j][i]);
+    return result;
+  }
+  /** \brief Compute the antisymmetric part of a matrix A, i.e. \f$ \frac 12 (A - A^T) \f$ */
+  static Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,dim,dim> skew(const Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,dim,dim>& A)
+  {
+    Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,dim,dim> result;
+    for (int i=0; i<dim; i++)
+      for (int j=0; j<dim; j++)
+        result[i][j] = 0.5 * (A[i][j] - A[j][i]);
+    return result;
+  }
+  /** \brief Compute the deviator of a matrix A */
+  static Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,dim,dim> dev(const Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,dim,dim>& A)
+  {
+    Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,dim,dim> result = A;
+    auto t = trace(A);
+    for (int i=0; i<dim; i++)
+      result[i][i] -= t / dim;
+    return result;
+  }
+  /** \brief Return the trace of a matrix */
+  template <class T, int N>
+  static T trace(const Dune::FieldMatrix<T,N,N>& A)
+  {
+    T trace = 0;
+    for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
+      trace += A[i][i];
+    return trace;
+  }
+  /** \brief Return the square of the trace of a matrix */
+  template <int N>
+  static field_type traceSquared(const Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,N,N>& A)
+  {
+    field_type trace = 0;
+    for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
+      trace += A[i][i];
+    return trace*trace;
+  }
+  template <class T, int N>
+  static T frobeniusProduct(const Dune::FieldMatrix<T,N,N>& A, const Dune::FieldMatrix<T,N,N>& B)
+  {
+    T result(0.0);
+    for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
+      for (int j=0; j<N; j++)
+        result += A[i][j] * B[i][j];
+    return result;
+  }
+  template <int N>
+  static auto dyadicProduct(const Dune::FieldVector<adouble,N>& A, const Dune::FieldVector<adouble,N>& B)
+    -> Dune::FieldMatrix<adouble,N,N>
+  {
+    Dune::FieldMatrix<adouble,N,N> result;
+    for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
+      for (int j=0; j<N; j++)
+        result[i][j] = A[i]*B[j];
+    return result;
+  }
+  template <int N>
+  static auto dyadicProduct(const Dune::FieldVector<double,N>& A, const Dune::FieldVector<double,N>& B)
+    -> Dune::FieldMatrix<double,N,N>
+  {
+    Dune::FieldMatrix<double,N,N> result;
+    for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
+      for (int j=0; j<N; j++)
+        result[i][j] = A[i]*B[j];
+    return result;
+  }
+  template <int N>
+  static auto dyadicProduct(const Dune::FieldVector<adouble,N>& A, const Dune::FieldVector<double,N>& B)
+    -> Dune::FieldMatrix<adouble,N,N>
+  {
+    Dune::FieldMatrix<adouble,N,N> result;
+    for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
+      for (int j=0; j<N; j++)
+        result[i][j] = A[i]*B[j];
+    return result;
+  }
+  template <class T, int N>
+  static Dune::FieldMatrix<T,N,N> transpose(const Dune::FieldMatrix<T,N,N>& A)
+  {
+    Dune::FieldMatrix<T,N,N> result;
+    for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
+      for (int j=0; j<N; j++)
+        result[i][j] = A[j][i];
+    return result;
+  }
+  /** \brief Compute the derivative of the rotation (with respect to x), but wrt matrix coordinates
+      \param value Value of the gfe function at a certain point
+      \param derivative First derivative of the gfe function wrt x at that point, in quaternion coordinates
+      \param DR First derivative of the gfe function wrt x at that point, in matrix coordinates
+   */
+  static void computeDR(const RigidBodyMotion<field_type,dimworld>& value,
+                        const Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,7,boundaryDim>& derivative,
+                        Tensor3<field_type,3,3,boundaryDim>& DR)
+  {
+    // The LocalGFEFunction class gives us the derivatives of the orientation variable,
+    // but as a map into quaternion space.  To obtain matrix coordinates we use the
+    // chain rule, which means that we have to multiply the given derivative with
+    // the derivative of the embedding of the unit quaternion into the space of 3x3 matrices.
+    // This second derivative is almost given by the method getFirstDerivativesOfDirectors.
+    // However, since the directors of a given unit quaternion are the _columns_ of the
+    // corresponding orthogonal matrix, we need to invert the i and j indices
+    //
+    // So, DR[i][j][k] contains \partial R_ij / \partial k
+    Tensor3<field_type,3 , 3, 4> dd_dq;
+    value.q.getFirstDerivativesOfDirectors(dd_dq);
+    DR = field_type(0);
+    for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
+      for (int j=0; j<3; j++)
+        for (int k=0; k<boundaryDim; k++)
+          for (int l=0; l<4; l++)
+            DR[i][j][k] += dd_dq[j][i][l] * derivative[l+3][k];
+  }
+  /** \brief Constructor with a set of material parameters
+   * \param parameters The material parameters
+   */
+  SurfaceCosseratEnergy(const Dune::ParameterTree& parameters, const std::vector<UnitVector<double,3> >& vertexNormals, const BoundaryPatch<GridView>* shellBoundary)
+  : shellBoundary_(shellBoundary),
+    vertexNormals_(vertexNormals)
+  {
+    // The shell thickness
+    thickness_ = parameters.template get<double>("thickness");
+    // Lame constants
+    mu_ = parameters.template get<double>("mu_cosserat");
+    lambda_ = parameters.template get<double>("lambda_cosserat");
+    // Cosserat couple modulus
+    mu_c_ = parameters.template get<double>("mu_c");
+    // Length scale parameter
+    L_c_ = parameters.template get<double>("L_c");
+    // Curvature exponent
+    q_ = parameters.template get<double>("q");
+    // Shear correction factor
+    kappa_ = parameters.template get<double>("kappa");
+    b1_ = parameters.template get<double>("b1");
+    b2_ = parameters.template get<double>("b2");
+    b3_ = parameters.template get<double>("b3");
+  }
+    /** \brief The energy \f$ W_{mp}(\overline{U}) \f$, as written in
+   * the first equation of (4.4) in Neff's paper
+   */
+  RT quadraticMembraneEnergy(const Dune::GFE::CosseratStrain<field_type,3,dim>& U) const
+  {
+      Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,3,3> UMinus1 = U.matrix();
+      for (int i=0; i<dim; i++)
+          UMinus1[i][i] -= 1;
+      return mu_ * sym(UMinus1).frobenius_norm2()
+              + mu_c_ * skew(UMinus1).frobenius_norm2()
+              + (mu_*lambda_)/(2*mu_ + lambda_) * traceSquared(sym(UMinus1));
+  }
+  /** \brief The energy \f$ W_{mp}(\overline{U}) \f$, as written in
+   * the second equation of (4.4) in Neff's paper
+   */
+  RT longQuadraticMembraneEnergy(const Dune::GFE::CosseratStrain<field_type,3,dim>& U) const
+  {
+      RT result = 0;
+      // shear-stretch energy
+      Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,dim-1,dim-1> sym2x2;
+      for (int i=0; i<dim-1; i++)
+          for (int j=0; j<dim-1; j++)
+              sym2x2[i][j] = 0.5 * (U.matrix()[i][j] + U.matrix()[j][i]) - (i==j);
+      result += mu_ * sym2x2.frobenius_norm2();
+      // first order drill energy
+      Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,dim-1,dim-1> skew2x2;
+      for (int i=0; i<dim-1; i++)
+          for (int j=0; j<dim-1; j++)
+              skew2x2[i][j] = 0.5 * (U.matrix()[i][j] - U.matrix()[j][i]);
+      result += mu_c_ * skew2x2.frobenius_norm2();
+      // classical transverse shear energy
+      result += kappa_ * (mu_ + mu_c_)/2 * (U.matrix()[2][0]*U.matrix()[2][0] + U.matrix()[2][1]*U.matrix()[2][1]);
+      // elongational stretch energy
+      result += mu_*lambda_ / (2*mu_ + lambda_) * traceSquared(sym2x2);
+      return result;
+  }
+  /** \brief Energy for large-deformation problems (private communication by Patrizio Neff)
+   */
+  RT nonquadraticMembraneEnergy(const Dune::GFE::CosseratStrain<field_type,3,dim>& U) const
+  {
+      Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,3,3> UMinus1 = U.matrix();
+      for (int i=0; i<dim; i++)
+          UMinus1[i][i] -= 1;
+      RT detU = U.determinant();
+      return mu_ * sym(UMinus1).frobenius_norm2() + mu_c_ * skew(UMinus1).frobenius_norm2()
+              + (mu_*lambda_)/(2*mu_ + lambda_) * 0.5 * ((detU-1)*(detU-1) + (1.0/detU -1)*(1.0/detU -1));
+  }
+  /** \brief The energy \f$ W_{mp}(\overline{U}) \f$, as written in
+   * the second equation of (4.4) in Neff's paper
+   */
+  RT longNonquadraticMembraneEnergy(const Dune::GFE::CosseratStrain<field_type,dim,dim-1>& U) const
+  {
+      RT result = 0;
+      // shear-stretch energy
+      Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,dim-1,dim-1> sym2x2;
+      for (int i=0; i<dim-1; i++)
+          for (int j=0; j<dim-1; j++)
+              sym2x2[i][j] = 0.5 * (U.matrix()[i][j] + U.matrix()[j][i]) - (i==j);
+      result += mu_ * sym2x2.frobenius_norm2();
+      // first order drill energy
+      Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,dim-1,dim-1> skew2x2;
+      for (int i=0; i<dim-1; i++)
+          for (int j=0; j<dim-1; j++)
+              skew2x2[i][j] = 0.5 * (U.matrix()[i][j] - U.matrix()[j][i]);
+      result += mu_c_ * skew2x2.frobenius_norm2();
+      // classical transverse shear energy
+      result += kappa_ * (mu_ + mu_c_)/2 * (U.matrix()[2][0]*U.matrix()[2][0] + U.matrix()[2][1]*U.matrix()[2][1]);
+      // elongational stretch energy
+      RT detU = U.determinant();
+      result += (mu_*lambda_)/(2*mu_ + lambda_) * 0.5 * ((detU-1)*(detU-1) + (1.0/detU -1)*(1.0/detU -1));
+      return result;
+  }
+  RT curvatureEnergy(const Tensor3<field_type,3,3,dim-1>& DR) const
+  {
+      return mu_ * std::pow(L_c_ * L_c_ * DR.frobenius_norm2(),q_/2.0);
+      return mu_ * std::pow(L_c_ * L_c_ * curl(DR).frobenius_norm2(),q_/2.0);
+  }
+  RT bendingEnergy(const Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,dim,dim>& R, const Tensor3<field_type,3,3,dim-1>& DR) const
+  {
+      // left-multiply the derivative of the third director (in DR[][2][]) with R^T
+      Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,3,3> RT_DR3(0);
+      for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
+          for (int j=0; j<dim; j++)
+              for (int k=0; k<3; k++)
+                  RT_DR3[i][j] += R[k][i] * DR[k][2][j];
+      return mu_ * sym(RT_DR3).frobenius_norm2()
+             + mu_c_ * skew(RT_DR3).frobenius_norm2()
+             + mu_*lambda_/(2*mu_+lambda_) * traceSquared(RT_DR3);
+  }
+RT energy(const typename Basis::LocalView& localView,
+       const std::vector<RigidBodyMotion<field_type,dim> >& localSolution) const
+  // The element geometry
+  auto element = localView.element();
+  auto geometry = element.geometry();
+  // The set of shape functions on this element
+  const auto& localFiniteElement = localView.tree().finiteElement();
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Construct a linear (i.e., non-constant!) normal field on each element
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  auto gridView = localView.globalBasis().gridView();
+  assert(vertexNormals_.size() == gridView.indexSet().size(gridDim));
+  std::vector<UnitVector<double,3> > cornerNormals(element.subEntities(gridDim));
+  for (size_t i=0; i<cornerNormals.size(); i++)
+    cornerNormals[i] = vertexNormals_[gridView.indexSet().subIndex(element,i,gridDim)];
+  typedef typename Dune::PQkLocalFiniteElementCache<DT, double, gridDim, 1> P1FiniteElementCache;
+  typedef typename P1FiniteElementCache::FiniteElementType P1LocalFiniteElement;
+  //it.type()?
+  P1FiniteElementCache p1FiniteElementCache;
+  const auto& p1LocalFiniteElement = p1FiniteElementCache.get(element.type());
+  Dune::GFE::LocalProjectedFEFunction<gridDim, DT, P1LocalFiniteElement, UnitVector<double,3> > unitNormals(p1LocalFiniteElement, cornerNormals);
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Set up the local nonlinear finite element function
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  typedef LocalGeodesicFEFunction<gridDim, DT, LocalFiniteElement, TargetSpace> LocalGFEFunctionType;
+  LocalGFEFunctionType localGeodesicFEFunction(localFiniteElement,localSolution);
+  RT energy = 0;
+  for (auto&& it : intersections(shellBoundary_->gridView(), element)) {
+    if (not shellBoundary_->contains(it))
+      continue;
+    auto quadOrder = (it.type().isSimplex()) ? localFiniteElement.localBasis().order()
+                                                  : localFiniteElement.localBasis().order() * gridDim;
+    const auto& quad = Dune::QuadratureRules<DT, boundaryDim>::rule(it.type(), quadOrder);
+    for (size_t pt=0; pt<quad.size(); pt++) {
+      // Local position of the quadrature point
+      const Dune::FieldVector<DT,gridDim>& quadPos = it.geometryInInside().global(quad[pt].position());;
+      const DT integrationElement = it.geometry().integrationElement(quad[pt].position());
+      // The value of the local function
+      RigidBodyMotion<field_type,dim> value = localGeodesicFEFunction.evaluate(quadPos);
+      // The derivative of the local function
+      auto derivative = localGeodesicFEFunction.evaluateDerivative(quadPos,value);
+      Dune::FieldMatrix<RT,7,2> derivative2D;
+      for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
+        for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
+          derivative2D[i][j] = derivative[i][j];
+        }
+      }
+      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+      //  The rotation and its derivative
+      //  Note: we need it in matrix coordinates
+      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+      Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,dim,dim> R;
+      value.q.matrix(R);
+      auto RT = transpose(R);
+      Tensor3<field_type,3,3,boundaryDim> DR;
+      computeDR(value, derivative2D, DR);
+      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+      //  Fundamental forms and curvature
+      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+      // First fundamental form
+      Dune::FieldMatrix<double,3,3> aCovariant;
+      // If dimworld==3, then the first two lines of aCovariant are simply the jacobianTransposed
+      // of the element.  If dimworld<3 (i.e., ==2), we have to explicitly enters 0.0 in the last column.
+      const auto jacobianTransposed = it.geometry().jacobianTransposed(quad[pt].position());
+      // auto jacobianTransposed = geometry.jacobianTransposed(quadPos);
+      for (int i=0; i<2; i++)
+      {
+        for (int j=0; j<dimworld; j++)
+          aCovariant[i][j] = jacobianTransposed[i][j];
+        for (int j=dimworld; j<3; i++)
+          aCovariant[i][j] = 0.0;
+      }
+      aCovariant[2] = Dune::MatrixVector::crossProduct(aCovariant[0], aCovariant[1]);
+      aCovariant[2] /= aCovariant[2].two_norm();
+      auto aContravariant = aCovariant;
+      aContravariant.invert();
+      Dune::FieldMatrix<double,3,3> a(0);
+      for (int alpha=0; alpha<boundaryDim; alpha++)
+        a += dyadicProduct(aCovariant[alpha], aContravariant[alpha]);
+      auto a00 = aCovariant[0] * aCovariant[0];
+      auto a01 = aCovariant[0] * aCovariant[1];
+      auto a10 = aCovariant[1] * aCovariant[0];
+      auto a11 = aCovariant[1] * aCovariant[1];
+      auto aScalar = std::sqrt(a00*a11 - a10*a01);
+      // Alternator tensor
+      Dune::FieldMatrix<int,2,2> eps = {{0,1},{-1,0}};
+      Dune::FieldMatrix<double,3,3> c(0);
+      for (int alpha=0; alpha<2; alpha++)
+        for (int beta=0; beta<2; beta++)
+          c += sqrt(aScalar) * eps[alpha][beta] * dyadicProduct(aContravariant[alpha], aContravariant[beta]);
+      // Second fundamental form
+      // The derivative of the normal field
+      auto normalDerivative = unitNormals.evaluateDerivative(quadPos);
+      Dune::FieldMatrix<double,3,3> b(0);
+      for (int alpha=0; alpha<boundaryDim; alpha++)
+      {
+        Dune::FieldVector<double,3> vec;
+        for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
+          vec[i] = normalDerivative[i][alpha];
+        b -= dyadicProduct(vec, aContravariant[alpha]);
+      }
+      // Gauss curvature
+      auto K = b.determinant();
+      // Mean curvatue
+      auto H = 0.5 * trace(b);
+      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+      //  Strain tensors
+      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+      // Elastic shell strain
+      Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,3,3> Ee(0);
+      Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,3,3> grad_s_m(0);
+      for (int alpha=0; alpha<boundaryDim; alpha++)
+      {
+        Dune::FieldVector<field_type,3> vec;
+        for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
+          vec[i] = derivative[i][alpha];
+        grad_s_m += dyadicProduct(vec, aContravariant[alpha]);
+      }
+      Ee = RT * grad_s_m - a;
+      // Elastic shell bending-curvature strain
+      Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,3,3> Ke(0);
+      for (int alpha=0; alpha<boundaryDim; alpha++)
+      {
+        Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,3,3> tmp;
+        for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
+          for (int j=0; j<3; j++)
+            tmp[i][j] = DR[i][j][alpha];
+        auto tmp2 = RT * tmp;
+        Ke += dyadicProduct(SkewMatrix<field_type,3>(tmp2).axial(), aContravariant[alpha]);
+      }
+      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+      // Add the local energy density
+      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+      // Add the membrane energy density
+      auto energyDensity = (thickness_ - K*Dune::Power<3>::eval(thickness_) / 12.0) * W_m(Ee);
+      energyDensity += (Dune::Power<3>::eval(thickness_) / 12.0 - K * Dune::Power<5>::eval(thickness_) / 80.0)*W_m(Ee*b + c*Ke);
+      energyDensity += Dune::Power<3>::eval(thickness_) / 6.0 * W_mixt(Ee, c*Ke*b - 2*H*c*Ke);
+      energyDensity += Dune::Power<5>::eval(thickness_) / 80.0 * W_mp( (Ee*b + c*Ke)*b);
+      // Add the bending energy density
+      energyDensity += (thickness_ - K*Dune::Power<3>::eval(thickness_) / 12.0) * W_curv(Ke)
+                     + (Dune::Power<3>::eval(thickness_) / 12.0 - K * Dune::Power<5>::eval(thickness_) / 80.0)*W_curv(Ke*b)
+                     + Dune::Power<5>::eval(thickness_) / 80.0 * W_curv(Ke*b*b);
+      // Add energy density
+      energy += quad[pt].weight() * integrationElement * energyDensity;
+    }
+  }
+  return energy;
+  RT W_m(const Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,3,3>& S) const
+  {
+    return W_mixt(S,S);
+  }
+  RT W_mixt(const Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,3,3>& S, const Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,3,3>& T) const
+  {
+    return mu_ * frobeniusProduct(sym(S), sym(T))
+         + mu_c_ * frobeniusProduct(skew(S), skew(T))
+         + lambda_ * mu_ / (lambda_ + 2*mu_) * trace(S) * trace(T);
+  }
+  RT W_mp(const Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,3,3>& S) const
+  {
+    return mu_ * sym(S).frobenius_norm2() + mu_c_ * skew(S).frobenius_norm2() + lambda_ * 0.5 * traceSquared(S);
+  }
+  RT W_curv(const Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,3,3>& S) const
+  {
+    return mu_ * L_c_ * L_c_ * (b1_ * dev(sym(S)).frobenius_norm2() + b2_ * skew(S).frobenius_norm2() + b3_ * traceSquared(S));
+  }
+  /** \brief The Neumann boundary */
+  const BoundaryPatch<GridView>* shellBoundary_;
+  /** \brief The normal vectors at the grid vertices.  This are used to compute the reference surface curvature. */
+  std::vector<UnitVector<double,3> > vertexNormals_;
+  /** \brief The shell thickness */
+  double thickness_;
+  /** \brief Lame constants */
+  double mu_, lambda_;
+  /** \brief Cosserat couple modulus, preferably 0 */
+  double mu_c_;
+  /** \brief Length scale parameter */
+  double L_c_;
+  /** \brief Curvature exponent */
+  double q_;
+  /** \brief Shear correction factor */
+  double kappa_;
+  /** \brief Curvature parameters */
+  double b1_, b2_, b3_;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4de4795d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+import math
+class DirichletValues:
+    def __init__(self, homotopyParameter):
+        self.homotopyParameter = homotopyParameter
+    def deformation(self, x):
+        # Dirichlet b.c. simply clamp the shell in the reference configuration
+        out = x
+        return out
+    def orientation(self, x):
+        rotation = [[1,0,0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]
+        return rotation
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..16dbc219
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <config.h>
+// Includes for the ADOL-C automatic differentiation library
+// Need to come before (almost) all others.
+#include <adolc/adouble.h>
+#include <adolc/drivers/drivers.h>    // use of "Easy to Use" drivers
+#include <adolc/taping.h>
+#include <dune/fufem/utilities/adolcnamespaceinjections.hh>
+#include <dune/common/bitsetvector.hh>
+#include <dune/common/parametertree.hh>
+#include <dune/common/parametertreeparser.hh>
+#include <dune/grid/uggrid.hh>
+#include <dune/grid/utility/structuredgridfactory.hh>
+#include <dune/grid/io/file/gmshreader.hh>
+#include <dune/grid/io/file/vtk.hh>
+#include <dune/elasticity/materials/exphenckyenergy.hh>
+#include <dune/elasticity/materials/henckyenergy.hh>
+#include <dune/elasticity/materials/mooneyrivlinenergy.hh>
+#include <dune/elasticity/materials/neohookeenergy.hh>
+#include <dune/elasticity/materials/neumannenergy.hh>
+#include <dune/elasticity/materials/sumenergy.hh>
+#include <dune/elasticity/materials/stvenantkirchhoffenergy.hh>
+#include <dune/functions/functionspacebases/interpolate.hh>
+#include <dune/functions/functionspacebases/lagrangebasis.hh>
+#include <dune/functions/gridfunctions/discreteglobalbasisfunction.hh>
+#include <dune/functions/functionspacebases/powerbasis.hh>
+#include <dune/fufem/boundarypatch.hh>
+#include <dune/fufem/functiontools/boundarydofs.hh>
+#include <dune/fufem/functiontools/basisinterpolator.hh>
+#include <dune/fufem/functionspacebases/dunefunctionsbasis.hh>
+#include <dune/fufem/dunepython.hh>
+#include <dune/gfe/rigidbodymotion.hh>
+#include <dune/gfe/localgeodesicfeadolcstiffness.hh>
+#include <dune/gfe/cosseratvtkwriter.hh>
+#include <dune/gfe/geodesicfeassembler.hh>
+#include <dune/gfe/riemanniantrsolver.hh>
+#include <dune/gfe/vertexnormals.hh>
+#include <dune/gfe/surfacecosseratenergy.hh>
+#include <dune/gfe/sumcosseratenergy.hh>
+#include <dune/solvers/solvers/iterativesolver.hh>
+#include <dune/solvers/norms/energynorm.hh>
+// grid dimension
+#ifndef WORLD_DIM
+#  define WORLD_DIM 3
+const int dim = WORLD_DIM;
+const int order = 1;
+//differentiation method
+typedef adouble ValueType;
+typedef adouble GradientValueType;
+using namespace Dune;
+/** \brief A constant vector-valued function, for simple Neumann boundary values */
+struct NeumannFunction
+    : public Dune::VirtualFunction<FieldVector<double,dim>, FieldVector<double,dim> >
+  NeumannFunction(const FieldVector<double,dim> values,
+                  double homotopyParameter)
+  : values_(values),
+    homotopyParameter_(homotopyParameter)
+  {}
+  void evaluate(const FieldVector<double, dim>& x, FieldVector<double,dim>& out) const
+  {
+    out = 0;
+    out.axpy(-homotopyParameter_, values_);
+  }
+  FieldVector<double,dim> values_;
+  double homotopyParameter_;
+struct VolumeLoad
+    : public Dune::VirtualFunction<FieldVector<double,dim>, FieldVector<double,3> >
+    VolumeLoad(const FieldVector<double,3> values,
+               double homotopyParameter)
+    : values_(values),
+      homotopyParameter_(homotopyParameter)
+    {}
+    void evaluate(const FieldVector<double, dim>& x, FieldVector<double,3>& out) const {
+        out = 0;
+        out.axpy(homotopyParameter_, values_);
+    }
+    FieldVector<double,3> values_;
+    double homotopyParameter_;
+int main (int argc, char *argv[]) try
+  // initialize MPI, finalize is done automatically on exit
+  Dune::MPIHelper& mpiHelper = MPIHelper::instance(argc, argv);
+  // Start Python interpreter
+  Python::start();
+  Python::Reference main = Python::import("__main__");
+  Python::run("import math");
+  //feenableexcept(FE_INVALID);
+  Python::runStream()
+        << std::endl << "import sys"
+        << std::endl << "import os"
+        << std::endl << "sys.path.append(os.getcwd() + '/../../src/')"
+        << std::endl;
+  typedef BlockVector<FieldVector<double,dim> > SolutionType;
+  typedef RigidBodyMotion<double,dim> TargetSpace;
+  typedef std::vector<TargetSpace> SolutionTypeCosserat;
+  const int blocksize = TargetSpace::TangentVector::dimension;
+  // parse data file
+  ParameterTree parameterSet;
+  ParameterTreeParser::readINITree(argv[1], parameterSet);
+  ParameterTreeParser::readOptions(argc, argv, parameterSet);
+  // read solver settings
+  const int numLevels                   = parameterSet.get<int>("numLevels");
+  int numHomotopySteps                  = parameterSet.get<int>("numHomotopySteps");
+  const double tolerance                = parameterSet.get<double>("tolerance");
+  const int maxTrustRegionSteps         = parameterSet.get<int>("maxTrustRegionSteps");
+  const double initialTrustRegionRadius = parameterSet.get<double>("initialTrustRegionRadius");
+  const int multigridIterations         = parameterSet.get<int>("numIt");
+  const int nu1                         = parameterSet.get<int>("nu1");
+  const int nu2                         = parameterSet.get<int>("nu2");
+  const int mu                          = parameterSet.get<int>("mu");
+  const int baseIterations              = parameterSet.get<int>("baseIt");
+  const double mgTolerance              = parameterSet.get<double>("mgTolerance");
+  const double baseTolerance            = parameterSet.get<double>("baseTolerance");
+  const bool instrumented               = parameterSet.get<bool>("instrumented");
+  std::string resultPath                = parameterSet.get("resultPath", "");
+  // ///////////////////////////////////////
+  //    Create the grid
+  // ///////////////////////////////////////
+  typedef UGGrid<dim> GridType;
+  std::shared_ptr<GridType> grid;
+  FieldVector<double,dim> lower(0), upper(1);
+  if (parameterSet.get<bool>("structuredGrid")) {
+    lower = parameterSet.get<FieldVector<double,dim> >("lower");
+    upper = parameterSet.get<FieldVector<double,dim> >("upper");
+    std::array<unsigned int,dim> elements = parameterSet.get<std::array<unsigned int,dim> >("elements");
+    grid = StructuredGridFactory<GridType>::createCubeGrid(lower, upper, elements);
+  } else {
+    std::string path                = parameterSet.get<std::string>("path");
+    std::string gridFile            = parameterSet.get<std::string>("gridFile");
+    grid = std::shared_ptr<GridType>(GmshReader<GridType>::read(path + "/" + gridFile));
+  }
+  grid->globalRefine(numLevels-1);
+  grid->loadBalance();
+  if (mpiHelper.rank()==0)
+    std::cout << "There are " << grid->leafGridView().comm().size() << " processes" << std::endl;
+  typedef GridType::LeafGridView GridView;
+  GridView gridView = grid->leafGridView();
+  // FE basis spanning the FE space that we are working in
+  typedef Dune::Functions::LagrangeBasis<GridView, order> FEBasis;
+  FEBasis feBasis(gridView);
+  // dune-fufem-style FE basis for the transition from dune-fufem to dune-functions
+  typedef DuneFunctionsBasis<FEBasis> FufemFEBasis;
+  FufemFEBasis fufemFEBasis(feBasis);
+  // /////////////////////////////////////////
+  //   Read Dirichlet values
+  // /////////////////////////////////////////
+  BitSetVector<1> dirichletVertices(gridView.size(dim), false);
+  BitSetVector<1> neumannVertices(gridView.size(dim), false);
+  BitSetVector<1> surfaceShellVertices(gridView.size(dim), false);
+  const GridView::IndexSet& indexSet = gridView.indexSet();
+  // Make Python function that computes which vertices are on the Dirichlet boundary,
+  // based on the vertex positions.
+  std::string lambda = std::string("lambda x: (") + parameterSet.get<std::string>("dirichletVerticesPredicate") + std::string(")");
+  PythonFunction<FieldVector<double,dim>, bool> pythonDirichletVertices(Python::evaluate(lambda));
+  // Same for the Neumann boundary
+  lambda = std::string("lambda x: (") + parameterSet.get<std::string>("neumannVerticesPredicate", "0") + std::string(")");
+  PythonFunction<FieldVector<double,dim>, bool> pythonNeumannVertices(Python::evaluate(lambda));
+  // Same for the boundary that will get wrinkled
+  lambda = std::string("lambda x: (") + parameterSet.get<std::string>("surfaceShellVerticesPredicate", "0") + std::string(")");
+  PythonFunction<FieldVector<double,dim>, bool> pythonSurfaceShellVertices(Python::evaluate(lambda));
+  for (auto&& v : vertices(gridView))
+  {
+    bool isDirichlet;
+    pythonDirichletVertices.evaluate(v.geometry().corner(0), isDirichlet);
+    dirichletVertices[indexSet.index(v)] = isDirichlet;
+    bool isNeumann;
+    pythonNeumannVertices.evaluate(v.geometry().corner(0), isNeumann);
+    neumannVertices[indexSet.index(v)] = isNeumann;
+    bool isSurfaceShell;
+    pythonSurfaceShellVertices.evaluate(v.geometry().corner(0), isSurfaceShell);
+    surfaceShellVertices[indexSet.index(v)] = isSurfaceShell;
+  }
+  BoundaryPatch<GridView> dirichletBoundary(gridView, dirichletVertices);
+  BoundaryPatch<GridView> neumannBoundary(gridView, neumannVertices);
+  BoundaryPatch<GridView> surfaceShellBoundary(gridView, surfaceShellVertices);
+  if (mpiHelper.rank()==0)
+    std::cout << "Neumann boundary has " << neumannBoundary.numFaces() << " faces\n";
+  BitSetVector<1> dirichletNodes(feBasis.size(), false);
+  constructBoundaryDofs(dirichletBoundary,feBasis,dirichletNodes);
+  BitSetVector<1> neumannNodes(feBasis.size(), false);
+  constructBoundaryDofs(neumannBoundary,feBasis,neumannNodes);
+  BitSetVector<1> surfaceShellNodes(feBasis.size(), false);
+  constructBoundaryDofs(surfaceShellBoundary,feBasis,surfaceShellNodes);
+  BitSetVector<blocksize> dirichletDofs(feBasis.size(), false);
+  for (size_t i=0; i<feBasis.size(); i++)
+    for (int j=0; j<blocksize; j++) {
+      if (dirichletNodes[i][0])
+        dirichletDofs[i][j] = true;
+    }
+  for (size_t i=0; i<feBasis.size(); i++)
+    for (int j=3; j<blocksize; j++) {
+      if (not surfaceShellNodes[i][0])
+        dirichletDofs[i][j] = true;
+    }
+  // //////////////////////////
+  //   Initial iterate
+  // //////////////////////////
+  SolutionTypeCosserat x(feBasis.size());
+  //Solution in 3D, without the Cosserat directors on the boundary
+  BlockVector<FieldVector<double,3> > v;
+  lambda = std::string("lambda x: (") + parameterSet.get<std::string>("initialDeformation") + std::string(")");
+  PythonFunction<FieldVector<double,dim>, FieldVector<double,dim> > pythonInitialDeformation(Python::evaluate(lambda));
+  ::Functions::interpolate(fufemFEBasis, v, pythonInitialDeformation);
+  //Copy over the parts of the boundary
+  for (size_t i=0; i<x.size(); i++) {
+      x[i].r = v[i];
+  }
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //   Main homotopy loop
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  using namespace Dune::Functions::BasisFactory;
+  auto powerBasis = makeBasis(
+    gridView,
+    power<dim>(
+      lagrange<order>(),
+      blockedInterleaved()
+  ));
+  BlockVector<FieldVector<double,dim>> identity;
+  Dune::Functions::interpolate(powerBasis, identity, [](FieldVector<double,dim> x){ return x; });
+  BlockVector<FieldVector<double,dim> > displacement(v.size());
+  for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
+    displacement[i] = v[i];
+  }
+  displacement -= identity;
+  auto displacementFunction = Dune::Functions::makeDiscreteGlobalBasisFunction<FieldVector<double,dim>>(feBasis, displacement);
+  auto localDisplacementFunction = localFunction(displacementFunction);
+  auto neumannValues = parameterSet.get<FieldVector<double,dim> >("neumannValues");
+  std::cout << "Neumann values: " << neumannValues << std::endl;
+  //  We need to subsample, because VTK cannot natively display real second-order functions
+  SubsamplingVTKWriter<GridView> vtkWriter(gridView, Dune::refinementLevels(order));
+  vtkWriter.addVertexData(localDisplacementFunction, VTK::FieldInfo("displacement", VTK::FieldInfo::Type::scalar, dim));
+  vtkWriter.write(resultPath + "finite-strain_homotopy_" + parameterSet.get<std::string>("energy") +  "_" + std::to_string(neumannValues[0]) + "_0");
+  for (int i=0; i<numHomotopySteps; i++)
+  {
+    double homotopyParameter = (i+1)*(1.0/numHomotopySteps);
+    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //   Create an assembler for the energy functional
+    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    const ParameterTree& materialParameters = parameterSet.sub("materialParameters");
+    std::shared_ptr<VolumeLoad> volumeLoad;
+    std::shared_ptr<NeumannFunction> neumannFunction;
+    if (parameterSet.hasKey("neumannValues"))
+    {
+      neumannFunction = make_shared<NeumannFunction>(parameterSet.get<FieldVector<double,dim> >("neumannValues"),
+                                                     homotopyParameter);
+      std::cout << "Neumann values: " << parameterSet.get<FieldVector<double,dim> >("neumannValues") << std::endl;
+    }
+    if (mpiHelper.rank() == 0)
+    {
+      std::cout << "Homotopy step: " << i << ",    parameter: " << homotopyParameter << std::endl;
+      std::cout << "Material parameters:" << std::endl;
+    }
+    // Assembler using ADOL-C
+    std::cout << "Selected energy is: " << parameterSet.get<std::string>("energy") << std::endl;
+    std::shared_ptr<LocalFEStiffness<GridView,
+                                     FEBasis::LocalView::Tree::FiniteElement,
+                                     std::vector<Dune::FieldVector<ValueType, dim>>,
+                                     std::vector<GradientValueType> > > elasticEnergy;
+    if (parameterSet.get<std::string>("energy") == "stvenantkirchhoff")
+      elasticEnergy = std::make_shared<StVenantKirchhoffEnergy<GridView,
+                                                               FEBasis::LocalView::Tree::FiniteElement,
+                                                               ValueType, GradientValueType> >(materialParameters);
+    if (parameterSet.get<std::string>("energy") == "mooneyrivlin")
+      elasticEnergy = std::make_shared<MooneyRivlinEnergy<GridView,
+                                                               FEBasis::LocalView::Tree::FiniteElement,
+                                                               ValueType, GradientValueType> >(materialParameters);
+    if (parameterSet.get<std::string>("energy") == "neohooke")
+      elasticEnergy = std::make_shared<NeoHookeEnergy<GridView,
+                                                      FEBasis::LocalView::Tree::FiniteElement,
+                                                      ValueType, GradientValueType> >(materialParameters);
+    if (parameterSet.get<std::string>("energy") == "hencky")
+      elasticEnergy = std::make_shared<HenckyEnergy<GridView,
+                                                    FEBasis::LocalView::Tree::FiniteElement,
+                                                    ValueType, GradientValueType> >(materialParameters);
+    if (parameterSet.get<std::string>("energy") == "exphencky")
+      elasticEnergy = std::make_shared<ExpHenckyEnergy<GridView,
+                                                       FEBasis::LocalView::Tree::FiniteElement,
+                                                       ValueType, GradientValueType> >(materialParameters);
+    if(!elasticEnergy)
+      DUNE_THROW(Exception, "Error: Selected energy not available!");
+    auto neumannEnergy = std::make_shared<NeumannEnergy<GridView,
+                                                        FEBasis::LocalView::Tree::FiniteElement,
+                                                        ValueType, GradientValueType> >(&neumannBoundary,neumannFunction.get());
+    auto elasticAndNeumann = std::make_shared<SumEnergy<GridView,
+          FEBasis::LocalView::Tree::FiniteElement,
+          ValueType, GradientValueType>>(elasticEnergy, neumannEnergy);
+    using LocalEnergyBase = LocalGeodesicFEStiffness<FEBasis,RigidBodyMotion<adouble, dim> >;
+    std::shared_ptr<LocalEnergyBase> surfaceCosseratEnergy;
+    std::vector<UnitVector<double,3> > vertexNormals(gridView.size(3));
+    Dune::FieldVector<double,3> vertexNormalRaw = {0,0,1};
+    for (int i = 0; i< vertexNormals.size(); i++) {
+      UnitVector vertexNormal(vertexNormalRaw);
+      vertexNormals[i] = vertexNormal;
+    }
+    surfaceCosseratEnergy = std::make_shared<SurfaceCosseratEnergy<FEBasis,RigidBodyMotion<adouble, dim>, adouble, adouble>>(materialParameters, std::move(vertexNormals), &surfaceShellBoundary);
+    std::shared_ptr<LocalEnergyBase> totalEnergy;
+    totalEnergy = std::make_shared<GFE::SumCosseratEnergy<FEBasis,RigidBodyMotion<adouble, dim>, adouble, adouble>> (elasticAndNeumann, surfaceCosseratEnergy);
+    LocalGeodesicFEADOLCStiffness<FEBasis,
+                                  TargetSpace> localGFEADOLCStiffness(totalEnergy.get());
+    GeodesicFEAssembler<FEBasis,TargetSpace> assembler(gridView, &localGFEADOLCStiffness);
+    // /////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //   Create a Riemannian trust-region solver
+    // /////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    RiemannianTrustRegionSolver<FEBasis,TargetSpace> solver;
+    solver.setup(*grid,
+                 &assembler,
+                 x,
+                 dirichletDofs,
+                 tolerance,
+                 maxTrustRegionSteps,
+                 initialTrustRegionRadius,
+                 multigridIterations,
+                 mgTolerance,
+                 mu, nu1, nu2,
+                 baseIterations,
+                 baseTolerance,
+                 instrumented);
+    solver.setScaling(parameterSet.get<FieldVector<double,6> >("trustRegionScaling"));
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //   Set Dirichlet values
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    Python::Reference dirichletValuesClass = Python::import(parameterSet.get<std::string>("problem") + "-dirichlet-values");
+    Python::Callable C = dirichletValuesClass.get("DirichletValues");
+    // Call a constructor.
+    Python::Reference dirichletValuesPythonObject = C(homotopyParameter);
+    // Extract object member functions as Dune functions
+    PythonFunction<FieldVector<double,dim>, FieldVector<double,3> >   deformationDirichletValues(dirichletValuesPythonObject.get("deformation"));
+    PythonFunction<FieldVector<double,dim>, FieldMatrix<double,3,3> > orientationDirichletValues(dirichletValuesPythonObject.get("orientation"));
+    std::vector<FieldVector<double,3> > ddV;
+    ::Functions::interpolate(fufemFEBasis, ddV, deformationDirichletValues, dirichletDofs);
+    std::vector<FieldMatrix<double,3,3> > dOV;
+    ::Functions::interpolate(fufemFEBasis, dOV, orientationDirichletValues, dirichletDofs);
+    for (size_t j=0; j<x.size(); j++)
+      if (dirichletNodes[j][0])
+      {
+        x[j].r = ddV[j];
+        x[j].q.set(dOV[j]);
+      }
+    // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //   Solve!
+    // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    solver.setInitialIterate(x);
+    solver.solve();
+    x = solver.getSol();
+    /////////////////////////////////
+    //   Output result
+    /////////////////////////////////
+    for (size_t i=0; i<x.size(); i++)
+      v[i] = x[i].r;
+    // Compute the displacement
+    BlockVector<FieldVector<double,dim> > displacement(v.size());
+    for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
+      displacement[i] = v[i];
+    }
+    displacement -= identity;
+    auto displacementFunction = Dune::Functions::makeDiscreteGlobalBasisFunction<FieldVector<double,dim>>(feBasis, displacement);
+    auto localDisplacementFunction = localFunction(displacementFunction);
+    //  We need to subsample, because VTK cannot natively display real second-order functions
+    SubsamplingVTKWriter<GridView> vtkWriter(gridView, Dune::refinementLevels(order));
+    vtkWriter.addVertexData(localDisplacementFunction, VTK::FieldInfo("displacement", VTK::FieldInfo::Type::scalar, dim));
+    vtkWriter.write(resultPath + "finite-strain_homotopy_" + parameterSet.get<std::string>("energy") + "_" + std::to_string(neumannValues[0]) + "_" + std::to_string(i+1));
+  }
+} catch (Exception& e) {
+    std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/film-on-substrate.parset b/src/film-on-substrate.parset
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..63b64fc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/film-on-substrate.parset
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+#  Grid parameters
+structuredGrid = true
+# bounding box
+lower = 0 0 0
+upper = 10 10 0.5
+elements = 10 10 5
+# Number of grid levels
+numLevels = 2
+#  Solver parameters
+# Number of homotopy steps for the Dirichlet boundary conditions
+numHomotopySteps = 1
+# Tolerance of the trust region solver
+tolerance = 1e-3
+# Max number of steps of the trust region solver
+maxTrustRegionSteps = 20
+trustRegionScaling = 1 1 1 0.01 0.01 0.01
+# Initial trust-region radius
+initialTrustRegionRadius = 3.125
+# Number of multigrid iterations per trust-region step
+numIt = 400
+# Number of presmoothing steps
+nu1 = 3
+# Number of postsmoothing steps
+nu2 = 3
+# Number of coarse grid corrections
+mu = 1
+# Number of base solver iterations
+baseIt = 1
+# Tolerance of the multigrid solver
+mgTolerance = 1e-5
+# Tolerance of the base grid solver
+baseTolerance = 1e-8
+# Measure convergence
+instrumented = 0
+#   Material parameters
+energy = stvenantkirchhoff
+## For the Wriggers L-shape example
+# shell thickness
+thickness = 0.6
+# Lame parameters
+# corresponds to E = 71240 N/mm^2, nu=0.31
+# However, we use units N/m^2
+mu = 2.7191e+4
+lambda = 4.4364e+4
+#Lame parameters for the cosserat material
+mu_cosserat = 2.7191e+4
+lambda_cosserat = 4.4364e+4
+# Cosserat couple modulus
+mu_c = 0
+# Length scale parameter
+L_c = 0.6
+# Curvature exponent
+q = 2
+# Shear correction factor
+kappa = 1
+b1 = 1
+b2 = 1
+b3 = 1
+#  Boundary values
+problem = cantilever
+###  Python predicate specifying all Dirichlet grid vertices
+# x is the vertex coordinate
+dirichletVerticesPredicate = "x[0] < 0.01"
+###  Python predicate specifying all Neumann grid vertices
+# x is the vertex coordinate
+surfaceShellVerticesPredicate = "x[2] > 0.49"
+###  Python predicate specifying all Neumann grid vertices
+# x is the vertex coordinate
+neumannVerticesPredicate = "x[0] > 9.99"
+##  Neumann values
+neumannValues = 1e5 0 0 
+# Initial deformation
+initialDeformation = "x"
+#startFromFile = yes
+#initialIterateFilename = initial_iterate.vtu