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  • osander/dune-gfe
  • lnebel/dune-gfe
  • spraetor/dune-gfe
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with 643 additions and 1768 deletions
#include <array>
#include <vector>
#include <dune/common/fvector.hh>
#include <dune/geometry/type.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/localgeodesicfefunction.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/tensor3.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/linearalgebra.hh>
#include <dune/localfunctions/common/localfiniteelementtraits.hh>
#include <dune/localfunctions/common/localbasis.hh>
// forward declaration
template <class LocalFiniteElement, class TargetSpace>
class LocalGfeTestFunctionBasis;
template <class LocalFiniteELement, class TargetSpace>
class LocalGfeTestFunctionInterpolation;
/** \brief The local gfe test function finite element
* \tparam LagrangeLfe - A Lagrangian finite element whose shape functions define the interpolation weights
* \tparam TargetSpace - The manifold the tangent spaces this basis for from belong to.
template <class LagrangeLfe, class TargetSpace>
class LocalGfeTestFunctionFiniteElement
typedef typename LagrangeLfe::Traits::LocalBasisType::Traits LagrangeBasisTraits;
typedef LocalGfeTestFunctionBasis<LagrangeLfe, TargetSpace> LocalBasis;
typedef LocalGfeTestFunctionInterpolation<LagrangeLfe, TargetSpace> LocalInterpolation;
//! Traits
typedef Dune::LocalFiniteElementTraits<LocalBasis,typename LagrangeLfe::Traits::LocalCoefficientsType, LocalInterpolation> Traits;
/** Construct local finite element from the base coefficients and Lagrange local finite element.
* \param lfe - The Lagrange local finite element.
* \param baseCoeff - The coefficients of the base points the tangent spaces live at.
LocalGfeTestFunctionFiniteElement(const LagrangeLfe& lfe, const std::vector<TargetSpace> baseCoeff) :
basis_(lfe, baseCoeff_),
/** \brief Get reference to the local basis.*/
const typename Traits::LocalBasisType& localBasis () const
return basis_;
/** \brief Get reference to the local coefficients. */
const typename Traits::LocalCoefficientsType& localCoefficients () const
return coefficients_;
/** \brief Get reference to the local interpolation handler. */
const typename Traits::LocalInterpolationType& localInterpolation () const
return interpolation_;
/** \brief Get the element type this finite element lives on. */
Dune::GeometryType type () const
return gt_;
/** \brief Get base coefficients. */
const std::vector<TargetSpace>& getBaseCoefficients() const {return baseCoeff_;}
const std::vector<TargetSpace> baseCoeff_;
LocalBasis basis_;
const typename Traits::LocalCoefficientsType coefficients_;
LocalInterpolation interpolation_;
Dune::GeometryType gt_;
/** \brief A local basis of the first variations of a given geodesic finite element function.
* \tparam LocalFiniteElement A Lagrangian finite element whose shape functions define the interpolation weights
* \tparam TargetSpace The manifold that the function takes its values in
* Note that the shapefunctions of this local basis are given blockwise. Each dof corresponds to a local basis of
* the tangent space at that dof. Thus the methods return a vector of arrays.
template <class LocalFiniteElement, class TargetSpace>
class LocalGfeTestFunctionBasis
typedef typename LocalFiniteElement::Traits::LocalBasisType::Traits LagrangeBasisTraits;
static const int dim = LagrangeBasisTraits::dimDomain;
typedef typename LagrangeBasisTraits::DomainFieldType ctype;
typedef typename TargetSpace::EmbeddedTangentVector EmbeddedTangentVector;
static const int embeddedDim = EmbeddedTangentVector::dimension;
static const int spaceDim = TargetSpace::TangentVector::dimension;
//! The local basis traits
typedef Dune::LocalBasisTraits<ctype, dim, Dune::FieldVector<ctype,dim>,
typename EmbeddedTangentVector::value_type, embeddedDim, std::array<EmbeddedTangentVector,spaceDim>,
std::array<Dune::FieldMatrix<ctype, embeddedDim, dim>,spaceDim> > Traits;
/** \brief Constructor
LocalGfeTestFunctionBasis(const LocalFiniteElement& localFiniteElement,
const std::vector<TargetSpace>& baseCoefficients)
: localGFEFunction_(localFiniteElement, baseCoefficients)
/** \brief The number of Lagrange points, NOT the number of basis functions */
unsigned int size() const
return localGFEFunction_.size();
/** \brief Evaluate all shape functions at the given point */
void evaluateFunction(const typename Traits::DomainType& local,
std::vector<typename Traits::RangeType>& out) const;
/** \brief Evaluate the derivatives of all shape functions function */
void evaluateJacobian(const typename Traits::DomainType& local,
std::vector<typename Traits::JacobianType>& out) const;
/** \brief Polynomial order */
unsigned int order() const
return localGFEFunction_.localFiniteElement_.order();
/** \brief The scalar local finite element, which provides the weighting factors
const LocalGeodesicFEFunction<dim,ctype,LocalFiniteElement,TargetSpace> localGFEFunction_;
template <class LocalFiniteElement, class TargetSpace>
void LocalGfeTestFunctionBasis<LocalFiniteElement,TargetSpace>::evaluateFunction(const typename Traits::DomainType& local,
std::vector<typename Traits::RangeType>& out) const
for (size_t i=0; i<size(); i++) {
Dune::FieldMatrix< double, embeddedDim, embeddedDim > derivative;
/** \todo This call internally keeps computing the value of the gfe function at 'local'.
* This is expensive. Eventually we should precompute it once and reused the result. */
localGFEFunction_.evaluateDerivativeOfValueWRTCoefficient (local, i, derivative);
Dune::FieldMatrix<ctype,spaceDim,embeddedDim> basisVectors = localGFEFunction_.coefficient(i).orthonormalFrame();
for (int j=0; j<spaceDim; j++)[j], out[i][j]);
template <class LocalFiniteElement, class TargetSpace>
void LocalGfeTestFunctionBasis<LocalFiniteElement,TargetSpace>::evaluateJacobian(const typename Traits::DomainType& local,
std::vector<typename Traits::JacobianType>& out) const
for (size_t i=0; i<size(); i++) {
/** \todo This call internally keeps computing the value of the gfe function at 'local'.
* This is expensive. Eventually we should precompute it once and reused the result. */
Tensor3< double, embeddedDim, embeddedDim, dim > derivative;
localGFEFunction_.evaluateDerivativeOfGradientWRTCoefficient (local, i, derivative);
Dune::FieldMatrix<ctype,spaceDim,embeddedDim> basisVectors = localGFEFunction_.coefficient(i).orthonormalFrame();
for (int j=0; j<spaceDim; j++) {
out[i][j] = 0;
// Contract the second index of the derivative with the tangent vector at the i-th Lagrange point.
// Add that to the result.
for (int k=0; k<embeddedDim; k++)
for (int l=0; l<embeddedDim; l++)
for (int m=0; m<dim; m++)
out[i][j][k][m] += derivative[k][l][m] * basisVectors[j][l];
template <class LocalFiniteElement, class TargetSpace>
class LocalGfeTestFunctionInterpolation
#include <vector>
#include <dune/common/fvector.hh>
#include <dune/geometry/type.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/linearalgebra.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/polardecomposition.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/spaces/realtuple.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/spaces/productmanifold.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/spaces/rotation.hh>
namespace Dune {
namespace GFE {
/** \brief Interpolate in an embedding Euclidean space, and project back onto the Riemannian manifold
* \tparam dim Dimension of the reference element
* \tparam ctype Type used for coordinates on the reference element
* \tparam LocalFiniteElement A Lagrangian finite element whose shape functions define the interpolation weights
* \tparam TargetSpace The manifold that the function takes its values in
* \tparam conforming Geometrical conformity of the functions (omits projections when set to false)
template <int dim, class ctype, class LocalFiniteElement, class TS, bool conforming=true>
class LocalProjectedFEFunction
using TargetSpace=TS;
typedef typename TargetSpace::ctype RT;
typedef typename TargetSpace::EmbeddedTangentVector EmbeddedTangentVector;
static const int embeddedDim = EmbeddedTangentVector::dimension;
/** \brief The type used for derivatives */
typedef Dune::FieldMatrix<RT, embeddedDim, dim> DerivativeType;
/** \brief Constructor
* \param localFiniteElement A Lagrangian finite element that provides the interpolation points
* \param coefficients Values of the function at the Lagrange points
LocalProjectedFEFunction(const LocalFiniteElement& localFiniteElement,
const std::vector<TargetSpace>& coefficients)
: localFiniteElement_(localFiniteElement),
assert(localFiniteElement_.localBasis().size() == coefficients_.size());
/** \brief Rebind the FEFunction to another TargetSpace */
template<class U>
struct rebind
using other = LocalProjectedFEFunction<dim,ctype,LocalFiniteElement,U,conforming>;
/** \brief The number of Lagrange points */
unsigned int size() const
return localFiniteElement_.localBasis().size();
/** \brief The type of the reference element */
Dune::GeometryType type() const
return localFiniteElement_.type();
/** \brief The scalar finite element used as the interpolation weights
* \note This method was added for InterpolationDerivatives, which needs it
* to construct a copy of a LocalGeodesicFEFunction with ADOL-C's adouble
* number type. This is not optimal, because the localFiniteElement
* really is an implementation detail of LocalGeodesicFEFunction and
* should not be needed just to copy an entire object. Other non-Euclidean
* interpolation rules may not have such a finite element at all.
* Therefore, this method may disappear again eventually.
const LocalFiniteElement& localFiniteElement() const
return localFiniteElement_;
/** \brief Evaluate the function */
auto evaluate(const Dune::FieldVector<ctype, dim>& local) const;
/** \brief Evaluate the derivative of the function */
DerivativeType evaluateDerivative(const Dune::FieldVector<ctype, dim>& local) const;
/** \brief Evaluate the derivative of the function, if you happen to know the function value (much faster!)
* \param local Local coordinates in the reference element where to evaluate the derivative
* \param q Value of the local gfe function at 'local'. If you provide something wrong here the result will be wrong, too!
* \note This method is only usable in the conforming setting, because it requires the caller
* to hand over the interpolation value as a TargetSpace object.
DerivativeType evaluateDerivative(const Dune::FieldVector<ctype, dim>& local,
const TargetSpace& q) const;
/** \brief Evaluate the value and the derivative of the interpolation function
* \return A std::pair containing the value and the first derivative of the interpolation function.
* If the interpolation is conforming then the first member of the pair will be a TargetSpace.
* Otherwise it will be a RealTuple.
auto evaluateValueAndDerivative(const Dune::FieldVector<ctype, dim>& local) const;
/** \brief Get the i'th base coefficient. */
const TargetSpace& coefficient(int i) const
return coefficients_[i];
/** \brief The scalar local finite element, which provides the weighting factors
* \todo We really only need the local basis
const LocalFiniteElement& localFiniteElement_;
/** \brief The coefficient vector */
std::vector<TargetSpace> coefficients_;
template <int dim, class ctype, class LocalFiniteElement, class TargetSpace, bool conforming>
auto LocalProjectedFEFunction<dim,ctype,LocalFiniteElement,TargetSpace,conforming>::
evaluate(const Dune::FieldVector<ctype, dim>& local) const
// Evaluate the weighting factors---these are the Lagrangian shape function values at 'local'
std::vector<Dune::FieldVector<ctype,1> > w;
typename TargetSpace::CoordinateType c(0);
for (size_t i=0; i<coefficients_.size(); i++)
c.axpy(w[i][0], coefficients_[i].globalCoordinates());
if constexpr (conforming)
return TargetSpace::projectOnto(c);
return (RealTuple<RT, TargetSpace::CoordinateType::dimension>)c;
template <int dim, class ctype, class LocalFiniteElement, class TargetSpace,bool conforming>
typename LocalProjectedFEFunction<dim,ctype,LocalFiniteElement,TargetSpace,conforming>::DerivativeType
evaluateDerivative(const Dune::FieldVector<ctype, dim>& local) const
if constexpr(conforming)
// the function value at the point where we are evaluating the derivative
TargetSpace q = evaluate(local);
// Actually compute the derivative
return evaluateDerivative(local, q);
else {
std::vector<Dune::FieldMatrix<ctype, 1, dim> > wDer;
localFiniteElement_.localBasis().evaluateJacobian(local, wDer);
Dune::FieldMatrix<RT, embeddedDim, dim> derivative(0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < embeddedDim; i++)
for (size_t j = 0; j < dim; j++)
for (size_t k = 0; k < coefficients_.size(); k++)
derivative[i][j] += wDer[k][0][j] * coefficients_[k].globalCoordinates()[i];
return derivative;
template <int dim, class ctype, class LocalFiniteElement, class TargetSpace,bool conforming>
typename LocalProjectedFEFunction<dim,ctype,LocalFiniteElement,TargetSpace,conforming>::DerivativeType
evaluateDerivative(const Dune::FieldVector<ctype, dim>& local, const TargetSpace& q) const
// Evaluate the weighting factors---these are the Lagrangian shape function values at 'local'
std::vector<Dune::FieldVector<ctype,1> > w;
std::vector<Dune::FieldMatrix<ctype,1,dim> > wDer;
typename TargetSpace::CoordinateType embeddedInterpolation(0);
for (size_t i=0; i<coefficients_.size(); i++)
embeddedInterpolation.axpy(w[i][0], coefficients_[i].globalCoordinates());
Dune::FieldMatrix<RT,embeddedDim,dim> derivative(0);
for (size_t i=0; i<embeddedDim; i++)
for (size_t j=0; j<dim; j++)
for (size_t k=0; k<coefficients_.size(); k++)
derivative[i][j] += wDer[k][0][j] * coefficients_[k].globalCoordinates()[i];
auto derivativeOfProjection = TargetSpace::derivativeOfProjection(embeddedInterpolation);
return derivativeOfProjection*derivative;
template <int dim, class ctype, class LocalFiniteElement, class TargetSpace,bool conforming>
evaluateValueAndDerivative(const Dune::FieldVector<ctype, dim>& local) const
// Construct the type of the result -- it depends on whether the interpolation
// is conforming or not.
using Value = std::conditional_t<conforming,TargetSpace,RealTuple<RT,embeddedDim> >;
std::pair<Value,DerivativeType> result;
// Compute the value of the interpolation function
std::vector<Dune::FieldVector<ctype,1> > w;
typename TargetSpace::CoordinateType embeddedInterpolation(0);
for (size_t i=0; i<coefficients_.size(); i++)
embeddedInterpolation.axpy(w[i][0], coefficients_[i].globalCoordinates());
if constexpr (conforming)
result.first = TargetSpace::projectOnto(embeddedInterpolation);
result.first = (RealTuple<RT, TargetSpace::CoordinateType::dimension>)embeddedInterpolation;
// Compute the derivative of the interpolation function
// Compute the interpolation in the surrounding space
std::vector<Dune::FieldMatrix<ctype,1,dim> > wDer;
result.second = 0.0;
for (size_t i=0; i<embeddedDim; i++)
for (size_t j=0; j<dim; j++)
for (size_t k=0; k<coefficients_.size(); k++)
result.second[i][j] += wDer[k][0][j] * coefficients_[k].globalCoordinates()[i];
// The derivative of the projection onto the manifold
if constexpr(conforming)
result.second = TargetSpace::derivativeOfProjection(embeddedInterpolation) * result.second;
return result;
/** \brief Interpolate in an embedding Euclidean space, and project back onto the Riemannian manifold -- specialization for SO(3)
* \tparam dim Dimension of the reference element
* \tparam ctype Type used for coordinates on the reference element
* \tparam LocalFiniteElement A Lagrangian finite element whose shape functions define the interpolation weights
template <int dim, class ctype, class LocalFiniteElement, class field_type, bool conforming>
class LocalProjectedFEFunction<dim,ctype,LocalFiniteElement,Rotation<field_type,3>,conforming>
typedef Rotation<field_type,3> TargetSpace;
typedef typename TargetSpace::ctype RT;
typedef typename TargetSpace::EmbeddedTangentVector EmbeddedTangentVector;
static const int embeddedDim = EmbeddedTangentVector::dimension;
* \param A The argument of the projection
* \param polar The image of the projection, i.e., the polar factor of A
static std::array<std::array<FieldMatrix<field_type,3,3>, 3>, 3> derivativeOfProjection(const FieldMatrix<field_type,3,3>& A,
FieldMatrix<field_type,3,3>& polar)
std::array<std::array<FieldMatrix<field_type,3,3>, 3>, 3> result;
for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
for (int j=0; j<3; j++)
for (int k=0; k<3; k++)
for (int l=0; l<3; l++)
result[i][j][k][l] = (i==k) and (j==l);
polar = A;
// Use Heron's method
const size_t maxIterations = 100;
double tol = 0.001;
for (size_t iteration=0; iteration<maxIterations; iteration++)
auto oldPolar = polar;
auto polarInvert = polar;
for (size_t i=0; i<polar.N(); i++)
for (size_t j=0; j<polar.M(); j++)
polar[i][j] = 0.5 * (polar[i][j] + polarInvert[j][i]);
// Alternative name to align the code better with a description in a math text
const auto& dQT = result;
// Multiply from the right with Q^{-T}
decltype(result) tmp2;
for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
for (int j=0; j<3; j++)
for (int k=0; k<3; k++)
for (int l=0; l<3; l++)
tmp2[i][j][k][l] = 0.0;
for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
for (int j=0; j<3; j++)
for (int k=0; k<3; k++)
for (int l=0; l<3; l++)
for (int m=0; m<3; m++)
for (int o=0; o<3; o++)
tmp2[i][j][k][l] += polarInvert[m][i] * dQT[o][m][k][l] * polarInvert[j][o];
for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
for (int j=0; j<3; j++)
for (int k=0; k<3; k++)
for (int l=0; l<3; l++)
result[i][j][k][l] = 0.5 * (result[i][j][k][l] - tmp2[i][j][k][l]);
oldPolar -= polar;
if (oldPolar.frobenius_norm() < tol) {
return result;
/** \brief The type used for derivatives */
typedef Dune::FieldMatrix<RT, embeddedDim, dim> DerivativeType;
/** \brief Constructor
* \param localFiniteElement A Lagrangian finite element that provides the interpolation points
* \param coefficients Values of the function at the Lagrange points
LocalProjectedFEFunction(const LocalFiniteElement& localFiniteElement,
const std::vector<TargetSpace>& coefficients)
: localFiniteElement_(localFiniteElement),
assert(localFiniteElement_.localBasis().size() == coefficients_.size());
/** \brief Rebind the FEFunction to another TargetSpace */
template<class U>
struct rebind
using other = LocalProjectedFEFunction<dim,ctype,LocalFiniteElement,U>;
/** \brief The number of Lagrange points */
unsigned int size() const
return localFiniteElement_.size();
/** \brief The type of the reference element */
Dune::GeometryType type() const
return localFiniteElement_.type();
/** \brief The scalar finite element used as the interpolation weights
* \note This method was added for InterpolationDerivatives, which needs it
* to construct a copy of a LocalGeodesicFEFunction with ADOL-C's adouble
* number type. This is not optimal, because the localFiniteElement
* really is an implementation detail of LocalGeodesicFEFunction and
* should not be needed just to copy an entire object. Other non-Euclidean
* interpolation rules may not have such a finite element at all.
* Therefore, this method may disappear again eventually.
const LocalFiniteElement& localFiniteElement() const
return localFiniteElement_;
/** \brief Evaluate the function */
TargetSpace evaluate(const Dune::FieldVector<ctype, dim>& local) const
Rotation<field_type,3> result;
// Evaluate the weighting factors---these are the Lagrangian shape function values at 'local'
std::vector<Dune::FieldVector<ctype,1> > w;
// Interpolate in R^{3x3}
FieldMatrix<field_type,3,3> interpolatedMatrix(0);
for (size_t i=0; i<coefficients_.size(); i++)
FieldMatrix<field_type,3,3> coefficientAsMatrix;
interpolatedMatrix.axpy(w[i][0], coefficientAsMatrix);
// Project back onto SO(3)
return result;
/** \brief Evaluate the derivative of the function */
DerivativeType evaluateDerivative(const Dune::FieldVector<ctype, dim>& local) const
// the function value at the point where we are evaluating the derivative
TargetSpace q = evaluate(local);
// Actually compute the derivative
return evaluateDerivative(local,q);
/** \brief Evaluate the derivative of the function, if you happen to know the function value (much faster!)
* \param local Local coordinates in the reference element where to evaluate the derivative
* \param q Value of the local function at 'local'. If you provide something wrong here the result will be wrong, too!
DerivativeType evaluateDerivative(const Dune::FieldVector<ctype, dim>& local,
const TargetSpace& q) const
// Evaluate the weighting factors---these are the Lagrangian shape function values at 'local'
std::vector<Dune::FieldVector<ctype,1> > w;
std::vector<Dune::FieldMatrix<ctype,1,dim> > wDer;
// Compute matrix representations for all coefficients (we only have them in quaternion representation)
std::vector<Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,3,3> > coefficientsAsMatrix(coefficients_.size());
for (size_t i=0; i<coefficients_.size(); i++)
// Interpolate in R^{3x3}
FieldMatrix<field_type,3,3> interpolatedMatrix(0);
for (size_t i=0; i<coefficients_.size(); i++)
interpolatedMatrix.axpy(w[i][0], coefficientsAsMatrix[i]);
Tensor3<RT,dim,3,3> derivative(0);
for (size_t dir=0; dir<dim; dir++)
for (size_t i=0; i<3; i++)
for (size_t j=0; j<3; j++)
for (size_t k=0; k<coefficients_.size(); k++)
derivative[dir][i][j] += wDer[k][0][dir] * coefficientsAsMatrix[k][i][j];
FieldMatrix<field_type,3,3> polarFactor;
auto derivativeOfProjection = this->derivativeOfProjection(interpolatedMatrix,polarFactor);
Tensor3<field_type,dim,3,3> intermediateResult(0);
for (size_t dir=0; dir<dim; dir++)
for (size_t i=0; i<3; i++)
for (size_t j=0; j<3; j++)
for (size_t k=0; k<3; k++)
for (size_t l=0; l<3; l++)
intermediateResult[dir][i][j] += derivativeOfProjection[i][j][k][l]*derivative[dir][k][l];
// One more application of the chain rule: we need to go from orthogonal matrices to quaternions
Tensor3<field_type,4,3,3> derivativeOfMatrixToQuaternion = Rotation<field_type,3>::derivativeOfMatrixToQuaternion(polarFactor);
DerivativeType result(0);
for (size_t dir0=0; dir0<4; dir0++)
for (size_t dir1=0; dir1<dim; dir1++)
for (size_t i=0; i<3; i++)
for (size_t j=0; j<3; j++)
result[dir0][dir1] += derivativeOfMatrixToQuaternion[dir0][i][j] * intermediateResult[dir1][i][j];
return result;
/** \brief Evaluate the value and the derivative of the interpolation function
* \return A std::pair containing the value and the first derivative of the interpolation function.
* If the interpolation is conforming then the first member of the pair will be a TargetSpace.
* Otherwise it will be a RealTuple.
auto evaluateValueAndDerivative(const Dune::FieldVector<ctype, dim>& local) const
// Construct the type of the result -- it depends on whether the interpolation
// is conforming or not.
using Value = std::conditional_t<conforming,TargetSpace,RealTuple<RT,embeddedDim> >;
std::pair<Value,DerivativeType> result;
// Evaluate the weighting factors---these are the Lagrangian shape function values at 'local'
std::vector<Dune::FieldVector<ctype,1> > w;
// Interpolate in R^{3x3}
FieldMatrix<field_type,3,3> interpolatedMatrix(0);
for (size_t i=0; i<coefficients_.size(); i++)
FieldMatrix<field_type,3,3> coefficientAsMatrix;
interpolatedMatrix.axpy(w[i][0], coefficientAsMatrix);
// Project back onto SO(3)
static_assert(conforming, "Nonconforming interpolation into SO(3) is not implemented!");
result.second = evaluateDerivative(local, result.first);
return result;
/** \brief Get the i'th base coefficient. */
const TargetSpace& coefficient(int i) const
return coefficients_[i];
/** \brief The scalar local finite element, which provides the weighting factors
* \todo We really only need the local basis
const LocalFiniteElement& localFiniteElement_;
/** \brief The coefficient vector */
std::vector<TargetSpace> coefficients_;
/** \brief Interpolate in an embedding Euclidean space, and project back onto the Riemannian manifold -- specialization for R^3 x SO(3)
* \tparam dim Dimension of the reference element
* \tparam ctype Type used for coordinates on the reference element
* \tparam LocalFiniteElement A Lagrangian finite element whose shape functions define the interpolation weights
template <int dim, class ctype, class LocalFiniteElement, class field_type>
class LocalProjectedFEFunction<dim,ctype,LocalFiniteElement,ProductManifold<RealTuple<field_type,3>,Rotation<field_type,3> > >
using TargetSpace = ProductManifold<RealTuple<field_type,3>,Rotation<field_type,3> >;
typedef typename TargetSpace::ctype RT;
typedef typename TargetSpace::EmbeddedTangentVector EmbeddedTangentVector;
static const int embeddedDim = EmbeddedTangentVector::dimension;
/** \brief The type used for derivatives */
typedef Dune::FieldMatrix<RT, embeddedDim, dim> DerivativeType;
/** \brief Constructor
* \param localFiniteElement A Lagrangian finite element that provides the interpolation points
* \param coefficients Values of the function at the Lagrange points
LocalProjectedFEFunction(const LocalFiniteElement& localFiniteElement,
const std::vector<TargetSpace>& coefficients)
: localFiniteElement_(localFiniteElement),
assert(localFiniteElement.localBasis().size() == coefficients.size());
using namespace Dune::Indices;
for (size_t i=0; i<coefficients.size(); i++)
translationCoefficients_[i] = coefficients[i][_0].globalCoordinates();
std::vector<Rotation<field_type,3> > orientationCoefficients(coefficients.size());
for (size_t i=0; i<coefficients.size(); i++)
orientationCoefficients[i] = coefficients[i][_1];
orientationFunction_ = std::make_unique<LocalProjectedFEFunction<dim,ctype,LocalFiniteElement,Rotation<field_type,3> > > (localFiniteElement,orientationCoefficients);
/** \brief Rebind the FEFunction to another TargetSpace */
template<class U>
struct rebind
using other = LocalProjectedFEFunction<dim,ctype,LocalFiniteElement,U>;
/** \brief The number of Lagrange points */
unsigned int size() const
return localFiniteElement_.size();
/** \brief The type of the reference element */
Dune::GeometryType type() const
return localFiniteElement_.type();
/** \brief Evaluate the function */
TargetSpace evaluate(const Dune::FieldVector<ctype, dim>& local) const
using namespace Dune::Indices;
TargetSpace result;
// Evaluate the weighting factors---these are the Lagrangian shape function values at 'local'
std::vector<Dune::FieldVector<ctype,1> > w;
result[_0] = FieldVector<field_type,3>(0.0);
for (size_t i=0; i<w.size(); i++)
result[_0].globalCoordinates().axpy(w[i][0], translationCoefficients_[i]);
result[_1] = orientationFunction_->evaluate(local);
return result;
/** \brief Evaluate the derivative of the function */
DerivativeType evaluateDerivative(const Dune::FieldVector<ctype, dim>& local) const
// the function value at the point where we are evaluating the derivative
TargetSpace q = evaluate(local);
// Actually compute the derivative
return evaluateDerivative(local,q);
/** \brief Evaluate the derivative of the function, if you happen to know the function value (much faster!)
* \param local Local coordinates in the reference element where to evaluate the derivative
* \param q Value of the local function at 'local'. If you provide something wrong here the result will be wrong, too!
DerivativeType evaluateDerivative(const Dune::FieldVector<ctype, dim>& local,
const TargetSpace& q) const
using namespace Dune::Indices;
DerivativeType result(0);
// get translation part
std::vector<Dune::FieldMatrix<ctype,1,dim> > sfDer(translationCoefficients_.size());
localFiniteElement_.localBasis().evaluateJacobian(local, sfDer);
for (size_t i=0; i<translationCoefficients_.size(); i++)
for (int j=0; j<3; j++)
result[j].axpy(translationCoefficients_[i][j], sfDer[i][0]);
// get orientation part
Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,4,dim> qResult = orientationFunction_->evaluateDerivative(local,q[_1]);
for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
for (int j=0; j<dim; j++)
result[3+i][j] = qResult[i][j];
return result;
/** \brief Get the i'th base coefficient. */
const TargetSpace& coefficient(int i) const
return coefficients_[i];
/** \brief The scalar local finite element, which provides the weighting factors
* \todo We really only need the local basis
const LocalFiniteElement& localFiniteElement_;
// The coefficients of this interpolation rule
std::vector<TargetSpace> coefficients_;
// The coefficients again. Yes, we store it twice: To evaluate the interpolation rule efficiently
// we need access to the coefficients for the various factor spaces separately.
std::vector<Dune::FieldVector<field_type,3> > translationCoefficients_;
std::unique_ptr<LocalProjectedFEFunction<dim,ctype,LocalFiniteElement,Rotation<field_type, 3> > > orientationFunction_;
#include <vector>
#include <dune/common/fvector.hh>
#include <dune/geometry/type.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/linearalgebra.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/spaces/rotation.hh>
namespace Dune {
namespace GFE {
/** \brief Interpolate on a manifold, as fast as we can
* This class implements interpolation of values on a manifold in a 'quick-and-dirty' way.
* No particular interpolation rule is used consistently for all manifolds. Rather, it is
* used whatever is quickest and 'reasonable' for any given space. The reason to have this
* is to provide initial iterates for the iterative solvers used to solve the local
* geodesic-FE minimization problems.
* \note In particular, we currently do not implement the derivative of the interpolation,
* because it is not needed for producing initial iterates!
* \tparam dim Dimension of the reference element
* \tparam ctype Type used for coordinates on the reference element
* \tparam LocalFiniteElement A Lagrangian finite element whose shape functions define the interpolation weights
* \tparam TargetSpace The manifold that the function takes its values in
template <int dim, class ctype, class LocalFiniteElement, class TS>
class LocalQuickAndDirtyFEFunction
using TargetSpace=TS;
typedef typename TargetSpace::ctype RT;
typedef typename TargetSpace::EmbeddedTangentVector EmbeddedTangentVector;
static const int embeddedDim = EmbeddedTangentVector::dimension;
static const int spaceDim = TargetSpace::TangentVector::dimension;
/** \brief The type used for derivatives */
typedef Dune::FieldMatrix<RT, embeddedDim, dim> DerivativeType;
/** \brief Constructor
* \param localFiniteElement A Lagrangian finite element that provides the interpolation points
* \param coefficients Values of the function at the Lagrange points
LocalQuickAndDirtyFEFunction(const LocalFiniteElement& localFiniteElement,
const std::vector<TargetSpace>& coefficients)
: localFiniteElement_(localFiniteElement),
assert(localFiniteElement_.localBasis().size() == coefficients_.size());
/** \brief The number of Lagrange points */
unsigned int size() const
return localFiniteElement_.localBasis().size();
/** \brief The type of the reference element */
Dune::GeometryType type() const
return localFiniteElement_.type();
/** \brief Evaluate the function */
TargetSpace evaluate(const Dune::FieldVector<ctype, dim>& local) const;
/** \brief Get the i'th base coefficient. */
TargetSpace coefficient(int i) const
return coefficients_[i];
/** \brief The scalar local finite element, which provides the weighting factors
* \todo We really only need the local basis
const LocalFiniteElement& localFiniteElement_;
/** \brief The coefficient vector */
std::vector<TargetSpace> coefficients_;
template <int dim, class ctype, class LocalFiniteElement, class TargetSpace>
TargetSpace LocalQuickAndDirtyFEFunction<dim,ctype,LocalFiniteElement,TargetSpace>::
evaluate(const Dune::FieldVector<ctype, dim>& local) const
// Evaluate the weighting factors---these are the Lagrangian shape function values at 'local'
std::vector<Dune::FieldVector<ctype,1> > w;
// Special-casing for the Rotations. This is quite a challenge:
// Projection-based interpolation in the
// unit quaternions is not a good idea, here, because you may end up on the
// wrong sheet of the covering of SO(3) by the unit quaternions. The minimization
// solver for the weighted distance functional may then actually converge
// to the wrong local minimizer -- the interpolating functions wraps "the wrong way"
// around SO(3).
// Projection-based interpolation in SO(3) is not a good idea, because it is about as
// expensive as the geodesic interpolation itself. That's not good if all we want
// is an initial iterate.
// Averaging in R^{3x3} followed by QR decomposition is not a good idea either:
// The averaging can give you singular matrices quite quickly (try two matrices that
// differ by a rotation of pi/2). Then, the QR factorization of the identity may
// not be the identity (but differ in sign)! I tried that with the implementation
// from Numerical Recipes.
// What do we do instead? We start from the coefficient that produces the lowest
// value of the objective functional.
if constexpr (std::is_same<TargetSpace,Rotation<double,3> >::value)
AverageDistanceAssembler averageDistance(coefficients_,w);
auto minDistance = averageDistance.value(coefficients_[0]);
std::size_t minCoefficient = 0;
for (std::size_t i=1; i<coefficients_.size(); i++)
auto distance = averageDistance.value(coefficients_[i]);
if (distance < minDistance)
minDistance = distance;
minCoefficient = i;
return coefficients_[minCoefficient];
typename TargetSpace::CoordinateType c(0);
for (size_t i=0; i<coefficients_.size(); i++)
c.axpy(w[i][0], coefficients_[i].globalCoordinates());
return TargetSpace(c);
} // namespace GFE
} // namespace Dune
#include <vector>
#include <dune/common/fvector.hh>
#include <dune/geometry/type.hh>
namespace Dune {
namespace GFE {
/** \brief Interpolate on a tangent space
* \tparam dim Dimension of the reference element
* \tparam ctype Type used for coordinates on the reference element
* \tparam LocalFiniteElement A Lagrangian finite element whose shape functions define the interpolation weights
* \tparam TargetSpace The manifold that the function takes its values in
template <int dim, class ctype, class LocalFiniteElement, class TargetSpace>
class LocalTangentFEFunction
typedef typename TargetSpace::ctype RT;
typedef typename TargetSpace::EmbeddedTangentVector EmbeddedTangentVector;
static const int embeddedDim = EmbeddedTangentVector::dimension;
static const int spaceDim = TargetSpace::TangentVector::dimension;
/** \brief The type used for derivatives */
typedef Dune::FieldMatrix<RT, embeddedDim, dim> DerivativeType;
/** \brief Constructor
* \param localFiniteElement A Lagrangian finite element that provides the interpolation points
* \param coefficients Values of the function at the Lagrange points
LocalTangentFEFunction(const LocalFiniteElement& localFiniteElement,
const std::vector<TargetSpace>& coefficients)
: localFiniteElement_(localFiniteElement),
assert(localFiniteElement_.localBasis().size() == coefficients_.size());
/** \brief The number of Lagrange points */
unsigned int size() const
return localFiniteElement_.localBasis().size();
/** \brief The type of the reference element */
Dune::GeometryType type() const
return localFiniteElement_.type();
/** \brief Evaluate the function */
TargetSpace evaluate(const Dune::FieldVector<ctype, dim>& local) const;
/** \brief Evaluate the derivative of the function */
DerivativeType evaluateDerivative(const Dune::FieldVector<ctype, dim>& local) const;
/** \brief Evaluate the derivative of the function, if you happen to know the function value (much faster!)
* \param local Local coordinates in the reference element where to evaluate the derivative
* \param q Value of the local gfe function at 'local'. If you provide something wrong here the result will be wrong, too!
DerivativeType evaluateDerivative(const Dune::FieldVector<ctype, dim>& local,
const TargetSpace& q) const;
/** \brief Get the i'th base coefficient. */
TargetSpace coefficient(int i) const
return coefficients_[i];
/** \brief The scalar local finite element, which provides the weighting factors
* \todo We really only need the local basis
const LocalFiniteElement& localFiniteElement_;
/** \brief The coefficient vector */
std::vector<TargetSpace> coefficients_;
template <int dim, class ctype, class LocalFiniteElement, class TargetSpace>
TargetSpace LocalTangentFEFunction<dim,ctype,LocalFiniteElement,TargetSpace>::
evaluate(const Dune::FieldVector<ctype, dim>& local) const
// Evaluate the weighting factors---these are the Lagrangian shape function values at 'local'
std::vector<Dune::FieldVector<ctype,1> > w;
// This is the base point of the tangent space that we are interpolating on
// HACK: This point is reasonable only for spheres
typename TargetSpace::CoordinateType baseEmb(0);
baseEmb[0] = 1.0;
TargetSpace base(baseEmb);
// Map all points onto the tangent space at 'base'
std::vector<typename TargetSpace::EmbeddedTangentVector> tangentCoefficients(coefficients_.size());
for (size_t i=0; i<coefficients_.size(); i++)
tangentCoefficients[i] = TargetSpace::log(base,coefficients_[i]);
// Interpolate on the tangent space
typename TargetSpace::EmbeddedTangentVector c(0);
for (size_t i=0; i<tangentCoefficients.size(); i++)
c.axpy(w[i][0], tangentCoefficients[i]);
return TargetSpace::exp(base,c);
template <int dim, class ctype, class LocalFiniteElement, class TargetSpace>
typename LocalTangentFEFunction<dim,ctype,LocalFiniteElement,TargetSpace>::DerivativeType
evaluateDerivative(const Dune::FieldVector<ctype, dim>& local) const
// the function value at the point where we are evaluating the derivative
TargetSpace q = evaluate(local);
// Actually compute the derivative
return evaluateDerivative(local,q);
template <int dim, class ctype, class LocalFiniteElement, class TargetSpace>
typename LocalTangentFEFunction<dim,ctype,LocalFiniteElement,TargetSpace>::DerivativeType
evaluateDerivative(const Dune::FieldVector<ctype, dim>& local, const TargetSpace& q) const
DUNE_THROW(NotImplemented, "evaluateDerivative not implemented yet!");
......@@ -5,95 +5,101 @@
#include <dune/solvers/common/boxconstraint.hh>
template <int blocksize, class field_type=double>
class MaxNormTrustRegion
namespace Dune::GFE
MaxNormTrustRegion(size_t size, field_type initialRadius)
: obstacles_(size)
template <int blocksize, class field_type=double>
class MaxNormTrustRegion
MaxNormTrustRegion(size_t size, field_type initialRadius)
: obstacles_(size)
void set(field_type radius) {
void set(field_type radius) {
radius_ = radius;
radius_ = radius;
for (size_t i=0; i<obstacles_.size(); i++) {
for (size_t i=0; i<obstacles_.size(); i++) {
for (int k=0; k<blocksize; k++) {
for (int k=0; k<blocksize; k++) {
obstacles_[i].lower(k) = -radius;
obstacles_[i].upper(k) = radius;
obstacles_[i].lower(k) = -radius;
obstacles_[i].upper(k) = radius;
/** \brief Set trust region radius with a separate scaling for each vector block component
void set(field_type radius, const Dune::FieldVector<field_type, blocksize>& scaling) {
/** \brief Set trust region radius with a separate scaling for each vector block component
void set(field_type radius, const Dune::FieldVector<field_type, blocksize>& scaling) {
radius_ = radius;
radius_ = radius;
for (size_t i=0; i<obstacles_.size(); i++) {
for (size_t i=0; i<obstacles_.size(); i++) {
for (int k=0; k<blocksize; k++) {
for (int k=0; k<blocksize; k++) {
obstacles_[i].lower(k) = -radius*scaling[k];
obstacles_[i].upper(k) = radius*scaling[k];
obstacles_[i].lower(k) = -radius*scaling[k];
obstacles_[i].upper(k) = radius*scaling[k];
/** \brief Return true if the given vector is not contained in the trust region */
bool violates(const Dune::BlockVector<Dune::FieldVector<double,blocksize> >& v) const
assert(v.size() == obstacles_.size());
for (size_t i=0; i<v.size(); i++)
for (size_t j=0; j<blocksize; j++)
if (v[i][j] < obstacles_[i].lower(j) or v[i][j] > obstacles_[i].upper(j))
return true;
/** \brief Return true if the given vector is not contained in the trust region */
bool violates(const Dune::BlockVector<Dune::FieldVector<double,blocksize> >& v) const
assert(v.size() == obstacles_.size());
for (size_t i=0; i<v.size(); i++)
for (size_t j=0; j<blocksize; j++)
if (v[i][j] < obstacles_[i].lower(j) or v[i][j] > obstacles_[i].upper(j))
return true;
return false;
return false;
field_type radius() const {
return radius_;
field_type radius() const {
return radius_;
void scale(field_type factor) {
void scale(field_type factor) {
radius_ *= factor;
radius_ *= factor;
for (size_t i=0; i<obstacles_.size(); i++) {
for (size_t i=0; i<obstacles_.size(); i++) {
for (int k=0; k<blocksize; k++) {
for (int k=0; k<blocksize; k++) {
obstacles_[i].lower(k) *= factor;
obstacles_[i].upper(k) *= factor;
obstacles_[i].lower(k) *= factor;
obstacles_[i].upper(k) *= factor;
const std::vector<BoxConstraint<field_type,blocksize> >& obstacles() const {
return obstacles_;
const std::vector<BoxConstraint<field_type,blocksize> >& obstacles() const {
return obstacles_;
std::vector<BoxConstraint<field_type,blocksize> > obstacles_;
std::vector<BoxConstraint<field_type,blocksize> > obstacles_;
field_type radius_;
field_type radius_;
} // namespace Dune::GFE
......@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ void Dune::GFE::MixedRiemannianProximalNewtonSolver<MixedBasis,Basis0,TargetSpac
// Proximal Newton Solver
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
using namespace Dune::TypeTree::Indices;
using namespace Dune::Indices;
Dune::Timer energyTimer;
double oldEnergy = assembler_->computeEnergy(x_[_0], x_[_1]);
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ template <class GridType,
class Basis,
class Basis0, class TargetSpace0,
class Basis1, class TargetSpace1>
void MixedRiemannianTrustRegionSolver<GridType,Basis,Basis0,TargetSpace0,Basis1,TargetSpace1>::
void Dune::GFE::MixedRiemannianTrustRegionSolver<GridType,Basis,Basis0,TargetSpace0,Basis1,TargetSpace1>::
setup(const GridType& grid,
const MixedGFEAssembler<Basis, TargetSpace>* assembler,
const Basis0& tmpBasis0,
......@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ template <class GridType,
class Basis,
class Basis0, class TargetSpace0,
class Basis1, class TargetSpace1>
void MixedRiemannianTrustRegionSolver<GridType,Basis,Basis0,TargetSpace0,Basis1,TargetSpace1>::solve()
void Dune::GFE::MixedRiemannianTrustRegionSolver<GridType,Basis,Basis0,TargetSpace0,Basis1,TargetSpace1>::solve()
int argc = 0;
char** argv;
......@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ void MixedRiemannianTrustRegionSolver<GridType,Basis,Basis0,TargetSpace0,Basis1,
// Trust-Region Solver
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
using namespace Dune::TypeTree::Indices;
using namespace Dune::Indices;
double oldEnergy = assembler_->computeEnergy(x_[_0], x_[_1]);
oldEnergy = mpiHelper.getCommunication().sum(oldEnergy);
......@@ -22,168 +22,174 @@
#include <dune/gfe/assemblers/mixedgfeassembler.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/spaces/productmanifold.hh>
/** \brief Riemannian trust-region solver for geodesic finite-element problems */
template <class GridType,
class Basis,
class Basis0, class TargetSpace0,
class Basis1, class TargetSpace1>
class MixedRiemannianTrustRegionSolver
: public NumProc
const static int blocksize0 = TargetSpace0::TangentVector::dimension;
const static int blocksize1 = TargetSpace1::TangentVector::dimension;
const static int gridDim = GridType::dimension;
using TargetSpace = Dune::GFE::ProductManifold<TargetSpace0,TargetSpace1>;
// Centralize the field type here
typedef double field_type;
// Some types that I need
typedef Dune::BCRSMatrix<Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type, blocksize0, blocksize0> > MatrixType00;
typedef Dune::BCRSMatrix<Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type, blocksize0, blocksize1> > MatrixType01;
typedef Dune::BCRSMatrix<Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type, blocksize1, blocksize0> > MatrixType10;
typedef Dune::BCRSMatrix<Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type, blocksize1, blocksize1> > MatrixType11;
typedef Dune::MultiTypeBlockMatrix<Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector<MatrixType00,MatrixType01>,
Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector<MatrixType10,MatrixType11> > MatrixType;
typedef Dune::BlockVector<Dune::FieldVector<field_type, blocksize0> > CorrectionType0;
typedef Dune::BlockVector<Dune::FieldVector<field_type, blocksize1> > CorrectionType1;
typedef Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector<CorrectionType0, CorrectionType1> CorrectionType;
typedef Dune::TupleVector<std::vector<TargetSpace0>, std::vector<TargetSpace1> > SolutionType;
/** \brief Records information about the last run of the RiemannianTrustRegionSolver
* This is used primarily for unit testing.
struct Statistics
std::size_t finalIteration;
field_type finalEnergy;
: NumProc(NumProc::FULL),
namespace Dune::GFE
h1SemiNorm0_(nullptr), h1SemiNorm1_(nullptr)
std::fill(std::get<0>(scaling_).begin(), std::get<0>(scaling_).end(), 1.0);
std::fill(std::get<1>(scaling_).begin(), std::get<1>(scaling_).end(), 1.0);
/** \brief Set up the solver using a monotone multigrid method as the inner solver */
void setup(const GridType& grid,
const MixedGFEAssembler<Basis, TargetSpace>* assembler,
const Basis0& basis0,
const Basis1& basis1,
const SolutionType& x,
const Dune::BitSetVector<blocksize0>& dirichletNodes0,
const Dune::BitSetVector<blocksize1>& dirichletNodes1,
double tolerance,
int maxTrustRegionSteps,
double initialTrustRegionRadius,
int multigridIterations,
double mgTolerance,
int mu,
int nu1,
int nu2,
int baseIterations,
double baseTolerance,
bool instrumented);
void setScaling(const Dune::FieldVector<double,blocksize0+blocksize1>& scaling)
/** \brief Riemannian trust-region solver for geodesic finite-element problems */
template <class GridType,
class Basis,
class Basis0, class TargetSpace0,
class Basis1, class TargetSpace1>
class MixedRiemannianTrustRegionSolver
: public NumProc
for (int i=0; i<blocksize0; i++)
std::get<0>(scaling_)[i] = scaling[i];
for (int i=0; i<blocksize1; i++)
std::get<1>(scaling_)[i] = scaling[i+blocksize0];
const static int blocksize0 = TargetSpace0::TangentVector::dimension;
const static int blocksize1 = TargetSpace1::TangentVector::dimension;
const static int gridDim = GridType::dimension;
using TargetSpace = Dune::GFE::ProductManifold<TargetSpace0,TargetSpace1>;
// Centralize the field type here
typedef double field_type;
// Some types that I need
typedef Dune::BCRSMatrix<Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type, blocksize0, blocksize0> > MatrixType00;
typedef Dune::BCRSMatrix<Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type, blocksize0, blocksize1> > MatrixType01;
typedef Dune::BCRSMatrix<Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type, blocksize1, blocksize0> > MatrixType10;
typedef Dune::BCRSMatrix<Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type, blocksize1, blocksize1> > MatrixType11;
typedef Dune::MultiTypeBlockMatrix<Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector<MatrixType00,MatrixType01>,
Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector<MatrixType10,MatrixType11> > MatrixType;
typedef Dune::BlockVector<Dune::FieldVector<field_type, blocksize0> > CorrectionType0;
typedef Dune::BlockVector<Dune::FieldVector<field_type, blocksize1> > CorrectionType1;
typedef Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector<CorrectionType0, CorrectionType1> CorrectionType;
typedef Dune::TupleVector<std::vector<TargetSpace0>, std::vector<TargetSpace1> > SolutionType;
/** \brief Records information about the last run of the RiemannianTrustRegionSolver
* This is used primarily for unit testing.
struct Statistics
std::size_t finalIteration;
field_type finalEnergy;
: NumProc(NumProc::FULL),
h1SemiNorm0_(nullptr), h1SemiNorm1_(nullptr)
std::fill(std::get<0>(scaling_).begin(), std::get<0>(scaling_).end(), 1.0);
std::fill(std::get<1>(scaling_).begin(), std::get<1>(scaling_).end(), 1.0);
/** \brief Set up the solver using a monotone multigrid method as the inner solver */
void setup(const GridType& grid,
const MixedGFEAssembler<Basis, TargetSpace>* assembler,
const Basis0& basis0,
const Basis1& basis1,
const SolutionType& x,
const Dune::BitSetVector<blocksize0>& dirichletNodes0,
const Dune::BitSetVector<blocksize1>& dirichletNodes1,
double tolerance,
int maxTrustRegionSteps,
double initialTrustRegionRadius,
int multigridIterations,
double mgTolerance,
int mu,
int nu1,
int nu2,
int baseIterations,
double baseTolerance,
bool instrumented);
void setScaling(const Dune::FieldVector<double,blocksize0+blocksize1>& scaling)
for (int i=0; i<blocksize0; i++)
std::get<0>(scaling_)[i] = scaling[i];
for (int i=0; i<blocksize1; i++)
std::get<1>(scaling_)[i] = scaling[i+blocksize0];
#if 0
void setIgnoreNodes(const Dune::BitSetVector<blocksize0>& ignoreNodes)
ignoreNodes_ = &ignoreNodes;
Dune::shared_ptr<LoopSolver<CorrectionType> > loopSolver = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LoopSolver<CorrectionType> >(innerSolver_);
loopSolver->iterationStep_->ignoreNodes_ = ignoreNodes_;
void setIgnoreNodes(const Dune::BitSetVector<blocksize0>& ignoreNodes)
ignoreNodes_ = &ignoreNodes;
Dune::shared_ptr<LoopSolver<CorrectionType> > loopSolver = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LoopSolver<CorrectionType> >(innerSolver_);
loopSolver->iterationStep_->ignoreNodes_ = ignoreNodes_;
void solve();
void solve();
void setInitialIterate(const SolutionType& x)
x_ = x;
void setInitialIterate(const SolutionType& x)
x_ = x;
SolutionType getSol() const
return x_;
SolutionType getSol() const
return x_;
const Statistics& getStatistics() const {return statistics_;}
const Statistics& getStatistics() const {return statistics_;}
#if 0
std::unique_ptr<GUIndex> guIndex_;
std::unique_ptr<GUIndex> guIndex_;
/** \brief The grid */
const GridType* grid_;
/** \brief The grid */
const GridType* grid_;
/** \brief The solution vectors */
SolutionType x_;
/** \brief The solution vectors */
SolutionType x_;
/** \brief The initial trust-region radius in the maximum-norm */
double initialTrustRegionRadius_;
/** \brief The initial trust-region radius in the maximum-norm */
double initialTrustRegionRadius_;
/** \brief Trust-region norm scaling */
std::tuple<Dune::FieldVector<double,blocksize0>, Dune::FieldVector<double,blocksize1> > scaling_;
/** \brief Trust-region norm scaling */
std::tuple<Dune::FieldVector<double,blocksize0>, Dune::FieldVector<double,blocksize1> > scaling_;
/** \brief Maximum number of trust-region steps */
int maxTrustRegionSteps_;
/** \brief Maximum number of trust-region steps */
int maxTrustRegionSteps_;
/** \brief Maximum number of multigrid iterations */
int innerIterations_;
/** \brief Maximum number of multigrid iterations */
int innerIterations_;
/** \brief Error tolerance of the multigrid QP solver */
double innerTolerance_;
/** \brief Error tolerance of the multigrid QP solver */
double innerTolerance_;
/** \brief Hessian matrix */
std::unique_ptr<MatrixType> hessianMatrix_;
/** \brief Hessian matrix */
std::unique_ptr<MatrixType> hessianMatrix_;
/** \brief The assembler for the material law */
const MixedGFEAssembler<Basis, TargetSpace>* assembler_;
/** \brief The assembler for the material law */
const MixedGFEAssembler<Basis, TargetSpace>* assembler_;
/** \brief TEMPORARY: The two separate matrices */
std::unique_ptr<Basis0> basis0_;
std::unique_ptr<Basis1> basis1_;
/** \brief TEMPORARY: The two separate matrices */
std::unique_ptr<Basis0> basis0_;
std::unique_ptr<Basis1> basis1_;
/** \brief The solver for the quadratic inner problems */
std::shared_ptr<Solver> innerSolver_;
/** \brief The solver for the quadratic inner problems */
std::shared_ptr<Solver> innerSolver_;
MonotoneMGStep<MatrixType00, CorrectionType0>* mmgStep0;
MonotoneMGStep<MatrixType11, CorrectionType1>* mmgStep1;
MonotoneMGStep<MatrixType00, CorrectionType0>* mmgStep0;
MonotoneMGStep<MatrixType11, CorrectionType1>* mmgStep1;
double tolerance_;
double tolerance_;
/** \brief Contains 'true' everywhere -- the trust-region is bounded */
Dune::BitSetVector<blocksize0> hasObstacle0_;
Dune::BitSetVector<blocksize1> hasObstacle1_;
/** \brief Contains 'true' everywhere -- the trust-region is bounded */
Dune::BitSetVector<blocksize0> hasObstacle0_;
Dune::BitSetVector<blocksize1> hasObstacle1_;
/** \brief The Dirichlet nodes */
const Dune::BitSetVector<blocksize0>* ignoreNodes0_;
const Dune::BitSetVector<blocksize1>* ignoreNodes1_;
/** \brief The Dirichlet nodes */
const Dune::BitSetVector<blocksize0>* ignoreNodes0_;
const Dune::BitSetVector<blocksize1>* ignoreNodes1_;
/** \brief The norm used to measure multigrid convergence */
H1SemiNorm<CorrectionType0>* h1SemiNorm0_;
H1SemiNorm<CorrectionType1>* h1SemiNorm1_;
/** \brief The norm used to measure multigrid convergence */
H1SemiNorm<CorrectionType0>* h1SemiNorm0_;
H1SemiNorm<CorrectionType1>* h1SemiNorm1_;
/** \brief Store information about solver runs for testing */
Statistics statistics_;
/** \brief Store information about solver runs for testing */
Statistics statistics_;
} // namespace Dune::GFE
#include ""
......@@ -5,12 +5,17 @@
#include <dune/fufem/boundarypatch.hh>
#include <dune/elasticity/assemblers/localenergy.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/assemblers/localenergy.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/spaces/productmanifold.hh>
namespace Dune::GFE
namespace Dune::GFE {
/** \brief Integrate a density over a part of the domain boundary
* This is typically used to implement Neumann boundary conditions. Hence the name.
* This is typically used to implement Neumann boundary conditions for Cosserat materials.
* Essentially it works only for that: It is implicitly assumed that the target space
* is a product, and that the first factor is a RealTuple.
template<class Basis, class ... TargetSpaces>
class NeumannEnergy
......@@ -24,6 +29,10 @@ namespace Dune::GFE {
using RT = typename Dune::GFE::LocalEnergy<Basis,TargetSpace>::RT;
constexpr static int dim = GridView::dimension;
constexpr static int dimworld = GridView::dimensionworld;
// TODO: Remove the hard-coded first factor space!
using WorldVector = typename std::tuple_element_t<0, std::tuple<TargetSpaces...> >::EmbeddedTangentVector;
......@@ -31,7 +40,7 @@ namespace Dune::GFE {
* \param parameters The material parameters
NeumannEnergy(const std::shared_ptr<BoundaryPatch<GridView> >& neumannBoundary,
std::function<Dune::FieldVector<double,dim>(Dune::FieldVector<DT,dim>)> neumannFunction)
std::function<WorldVector(Dune::FieldVector<DT,dimworld>)> neumannFunction)
: neumannBoundary_(neumannBoundary),
......@@ -77,9 +86,9 @@ namespace Dune::GFE {
std::vector<Dune::FieldVector<DT,1> > shapeFunctionValues;
localFiniteElement.localBasis().evaluateFunction(quadPos, shapeFunctionValues);
Dune::FieldVector<RT,dim> value(0);
WorldVector value(0);
for (size_t i=0; i<localFiniteElement.size(); i++)
for (int j=0; j<dim; j++)
for (int j=0; j<WorldVector::dimension; j++)
value[j] += shapeFunctionValues[i] * localSolution[i][j];
// Value of the Neumann data at the current position
......@@ -101,7 +110,7 @@ namespace Dune::GFE {
const std::shared_ptr<BoundaryPatch<GridView> > neumannBoundary_;
/** \brief The function implementing the Neumann data */
std::function<Dune::FieldVector<double,dim>(Dune::FieldVector<DT,dim>)> neumannFunction_;
std::function<WorldVector(Dune::FieldVector<DT,dimworld>)> neumannFunction_;
} // namespace Dune::GFE
......@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@
#include <dune/parmg/parallel/datahandle.hh>
namespace Dune {
namespace Dune::GFE
template <class Basis>
class GlobalMapper
......@@ -63,5 +64,6 @@ namespace Dune {
std::size_t size_;
} // namespace Dune::GFE
......@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
#include <dune/gfe/parallel/globalmapper.hh>
namespace Dune {
namespace Dune::GFE
template <class Basis>
class GlobalP1Mapper : public GlobalMapper<Basis>
......@@ -79,5 +80,6 @@ namespace Dune {
} // namespace Dune::GFE
......@@ -7,10 +7,11 @@
#include <dune/gfe/parallel/globalmapper.hh>
namespace Dune {
namespace Dune::GFE
template <class Basis>
class GlobalP2Mapper : public Dune::GlobalMapper<Basis>
class GlobalP2Mapper : public GlobalMapper<Basis>
using GridView = typename Basis::GridView;
using P2BasisMapper = Functions::LagrangeBasis<GridView,2>;
......@@ -119,5 +120,7 @@ namespace Dune {
P2BasisMapper p2Mapper_;
} // namespace Dune::GFE
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ namespace Dune::GFE
template <typename GridView>
struct MapperFactory<Functions::LagrangeBasis<GridView,1> >
typedef Dune::GlobalP1Mapper<Functions::LagrangeBasis<GridView,1> > GlobalMapper;
typedef GlobalP1Mapper<Functions::LagrangeBasis<GridView,1> > GlobalMapper;
typedef Dune::MultipleCodimMultipleGeomTypeMapper<GridView> LocalMapper;
static LocalMapper createLocalMapper(const GridView& gridView)
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ namespace Dune::GFE
template <typename GridView>
struct MapperFactory<Dune::Functions::LagrangeBasis<GridView,2> >
typedef Dune::GlobalP2Mapper<Functions::LagrangeBasis<GridView,2> > GlobalMapper;
typedef GlobalP2Mapper<Functions::LagrangeBasis<GridView,2> > GlobalMapper;
typedef P2BasisMapper<GridView> LocalMapper;
static LocalMapper createLocalMapper(const GridView& gridView)
......@@ -9,169 +9,174 @@
#include <dune/gfe/parallel/mpifunctions.hh>
template<typename RowGlobalMapper, typename GridView1, typename GridView2, typename MatrixType, typename LocalMapper1, typename LocalMapper2, typename ColumnGlobalMapper=RowGlobalMapper>
class MatrixCommunicator {
namespace Dune::GFE
struct TransferMatrixTuple {
typedef typename MatrixType::block_type EntryType;
template<typename RowGlobalMapper, typename GridView1, typename GridView2, typename MatrixType, typename LocalMapper1, typename LocalMapper2, typename ColumnGlobalMapper=RowGlobalMapper>
class MatrixCommunicator {
size_t row, col;
EntryType entry;
struct TransferMatrixTuple {
typedef typename MatrixType::block_type EntryType;
TransferMatrixTuple() {}
TransferMatrixTuple(const size_t& r, const size_t& c, const EntryType& e) : row(r), col(c), entry(e) {}
size_t row, col;
EntryType entry;
void transferMatrix(const MatrixType& localMatrix) {
// Create vector for transfer data
std::vector<TransferMatrixTuple> localMatrixEntries;
TransferMatrixTuple() {}
TransferMatrixTuple(const size_t& r, const size_t& c, const EntryType& e) : row(r), col(c), entry(e) {}
// Convert local matrix to serializable array
typedef typename MatrixType::row_type::ConstIterator ColumnIterator;
void transferMatrix(const MatrixType& localMatrix) {
// Create vector for transfer data
std::vector<TransferMatrixTuple> localMatrixEntries;
for (typename MatrixType::ConstIterator rIt = localMatrix.begin(); rIt != localMatrix.end(); ++rIt)
for (ColumnIterator cIt = rIt->begin(); cIt != rIt->end(); ++cIt) {
const int i = rIt.index();
const int j = cIt.index();
// Convert local matrix to serializable array
typedef typename MatrixType::row_type::ConstIterator ColumnIterator;
localMatrixEntries.push_back(TransferMatrixTuple(localToGlobal1_[i], localToGlobal2_[j], *cIt));
for (typename MatrixType::ConstIterator rIt = localMatrix.begin(); rIt != localMatrix.end(); ++rIt)
for (ColumnIterator cIt = rIt->begin(); cIt != rIt->end(); ++cIt) {
const int i = rIt.index();
const int j = cIt.index();
// Get number of matrix entries on each process
std::vector<int> localMatrixEntriesSizes(MPIFunctions::shareSizes(communicator_, localMatrixEntries.size()));
localMatrixEntries.push_back(TransferMatrixTuple(localToGlobal1_[i], localToGlobal2_[j], *cIt));
// Get matrix entries from every process
globalMatrixEntries = MPIFunctions::gatherv(communicator_, localMatrixEntries, localMatrixEntriesSizes, root_rank);
// Get number of matrix entries on each process
std::vector<int> localMatrixEntriesSizes(MPIFunctions::shareSizes(communicator_, localMatrixEntries.size()));
MatrixCommunicator(const RowGlobalMapper& rowGlobalMapper, const GridView1& gridView, const LocalMapper1& localMapper1, const LocalMapper2& localMapper2, const int& root)
: rowGlobalMapper_(rowGlobalMapper),
// Get matrix entries from every process
globalMatrixEntries = MPIFunctions::gatherv(communicator_, localMatrixEntries, localMatrixEntriesSizes, root_rank);
MatrixCommunicator(const RowGlobalMapper& rowGlobalMapper, const ColumnGlobalMapper& columnGlobalMapper,
const GridView1& gridView1, const GridView2& gridView2,
const LocalMapper1& localMapper1, const LocalMapper2& localMapper2, const int& root)
: rowGlobalMapper_(rowGlobalMapper),
MatrixCommunicator(const RowGlobalMapper& rowGlobalMapper, const GridView1& gridView, const LocalMapper1& localMapper1, const LocalMapper2& localMapper2, const int& root)
: rowGlobalMapper_(rowGlobalMapper),
MatrixType reduceAdd(const MatrixType& local)
MatrixCommunicator(const RowGlobalMapper& rowGlobalMapper, const ColumnGlobalMapper& columnGlobalMapper,
const GridView1& gridView1, const GridView2& gridView2,
const LocalMapper1& localMapper1, const LocalMapper2& localMapper2, const int& root)
: rowGlobalMapper_(rowGlobalMapper),
MatrixType globalMatrix;
MatrixType reduceAdd(const MatrixType& local)
// Create occupation pattern in matrix
Dune::MatrixIndexSet occupationPattern;
MatrixType globalMatrix;
occupationPattern.resize(rowGlobalMapper_.size(), columnGlobalMapper_.size());
// Create occupation pattern in matrix
Dune::MatrixIndexSet occupationPattern;
for (size_t k = 0; k < globalMatrixEntries.size(); ++k)
occupationPattern.add(globalMatrixEntries[k].row, globalMatrixEntries[k].col);
occupationPattern.resize(rowGlobalMapper_.size(), columnGlobalMapper_.size());
for (size_t k = 0; k < globalMatrixEntries.size(); ++k)
occupationPattern.add(globalMatrixEntries[k].row, globalMatrixEntries[k].col);
// Initialize matrix to zero
globalMatrix = 0;
// Move entries to matrix
for(size_t k = 0; k < globalMatrixEntries.size(); ++k)
globalMatrix[globalMatrixEntries[k].row][globalMatrixEntries[k].col] += globalMatrixEntries[k].entry;
// Initialize matrix to zero
globalMatrix = 0;
return globalMatrix;
// Move entries to matrix
for(size_t k = 0; k < globalMatrixEntries.size(); ++k)
globalMatrix[globalMatrixEntries[k].row][globalMatrixEntries[k].col] += globalMatrixEntries[k].entry;
MatrixType reduceCopy(const MatrixType& local)
return globalMatrix;
MatrixType globalMatrix;
MatrixType reduceCopy(const MatrixType& local)
// Create occupation pattern in matrix
Dune::MatrixIndexSet occupationPattern;
MatrixType globalMatrix;
occupationPattern.resize(rowGlobalMapper_.size(), columnGlobalMapper_.size());
// Create occupation pattern in matrix
Dune::MatrixIndexSet occupationPattern;
for (size_t k = 0; k < globalMatrixEntries.size(); ++k)
occupationPattern.add(globalMatrixEntries[k].row, globalMatrixEntries[k].col);
occupationPattern.resize(rowGlobalMapper_.size(), columnGlobalMapper_.size());
for (size_t k = 0; k < globalMatrixEntries.size(); ++k)
occupationPattern.add(globalMatrixEntries[k].row, globalMatrixEntries[k].col);
// Move entries to matrix
for(size_t k = 0; k < globalMatrixEntries.size(); ++k)
globalMatrix[globalMatrixEntries[k].row][globalMatrixEntries[k].col] = globalMatrixEntries[k].entry;
// Move entries to matrix
for(size_t k = 0; k < globalMatrixEntries.size(); ++k)
globalMatrix[globalMatrixEntries[k].row][globalMatrixEntries[k].col] = globalMatrixEntries[k].entry;
return globalMatrix;
return globalMatrix;
void setLocalToGlobalRows(const GridView1& gridView)
for (auto it = gridView.template begin<0>(); it != gridView.template end<0>(); ++it)
for (int codim = 0; codim <= GridView1::dimension; codim++)
for (size_t i=0; i<it->subEntities(codim); i++)
typename LocalMapper1::Index localIdx;
typename RowGlobalMapper::Index globalIdx;
if (localMapper1_.contains(*it,i,codim,localIdx)
and rowGlobalMapper_.contains(*it,i,codim,globalIdx))
localToGlobal1_[localIdx] = globalIdx;
void setLocalToGlobalRows(const GridView1& gridView)
void setLocalToGlobalColumns(const GridView2& gridView)
for (auto it = gridView.template begin<0>(); it != gridView.template end<0>(); ++it)
for (int codim = 0; codim <= GridView2::dimension; codim++)
for (size_t i=0; i<it->subEntities(codim); i++)
typename LocalMapper2::Index localIdx;
typename ColumnGlobalMapper::Index globalIdx;
if (localMapper2_.contains(*it,i,codim,localIdx)
and columnGlobalMapper_.contains(*it,i,codim,globalIdx))
localToGlobal2_[localIdx] = globalIdx;
for (auto it = gridView.template begin<0>(); it != gridView.template end<0>(); ++it)
for (int codim = 0; codim <= GridView1::dimension; codim++)
for (size_t i=0; i<it->subEntities(codim); i++)
typename LocalMapper1::Index localIdx;
typename RowGlobalMapper::Index globalIdx;
if (localMapper1_.contains(*it,i,codim,localIdx)
and rowGlobalMapper_.contains(*it,i,codim,globalIdx))
localToGlobal1_[localIdx] = globalIdx;
void setLocalToGlobalColumns(const GridView2& gridView)
// Mappers for the global numbering
const RowGlobalMapper& rowGlobalMapper_;
const ColumnGlobalMapper& columnGlobalMapper_;
for (auto it = gridView.template begin<0>(); it != gridView.template end<0>(); ++it)
for (int codim = 0; codim <= GridView2::dimension; codim++)
for (size_t i=0; i<it->subEntities(codim); i++)
typename LocalMapper2::Index localIdx;
typename ColumnGlobalMapper::Index globalIdx;
if (localMapper2_.contains(*it,i,codim,localIdx)
and columnGlobalMapper_.contains(*it,i,codim,globalIdx))
localToGlobal2_[localIdx] = globalIdx;
// Mappers for the local numbering
const LocalMapper1& localMapper1_;
const LocalMapper2& localMapper2_;
const typename GridView1::Communication& communicator_;
int root_rank;
// Mappers for the global numbering
const RowGlobalMapper& rowGlobalMapper_;
const ColumnGlobalMapper& columnGlobalMapper_;
std::vector<typename RowGlobalMapper::Index> localToGlobal1_;
std::vector<typename ColumnGlobalMapper::Index> localToGlobal2_;
// Mappers for the local numbering
const LocalMapper1& localMapper1_;
const LocalMapper2& localMapper2_;
const typename GridView1::Communication& communicator_;
int root_rank;
std::vector<typename RowGlobalMapper::Index> localToGlobal1_;
std::vector<typename ColumnGlobalMapper::Index> localToGlobal2_;
std::vector<TransferMatrixTuple> globalMatrixEntries;
std::vector<TransferMatrixTuple> globalMatrixEntries;
} // namespace Dune::GFE
......@@ -4,67 +4,72 @@
#include <numeric>
#include <vector>
struct MPIFunctions {
static std::vector<int> offsetsFromSizes(const std::vector<int>& sizes) {
std::vector<int> offsets(sizes.size());
for (size_t k = 0; k < offsets.size(); ++k)
offsets[k] = std::accumulate(sizes.begin(), sizes.begin() + k, 0);
namespace Dune::GFE
return offsets;
struct MPIFunctions {
static std::vector<int> offsetsFromSizes(const std::vector<int>& sizes) {
std::vector<int> offsets(sizes.size());
template<typename Communicator>
static std::vector<int> shareSizes(const Communicator& communicator, const int& shareRef) {
std::vector<int> sizesVector(communicator.size());
for (size_t k = 0; k < offsets.size(); ++k)
offsets[k] = std::accumulate(sizes.begin(), sizes.begin() + k, 0);
int share = shareRef;
communicator.template allgather<int>(&share, 1,;
return offsets;
template<typename Communicator>
static std::vector<int> shareSizes(const Communicator& communicator, const int& shareRef) {
std::vector<int> sizesVector(communicator.size());
return sizesVector;
int share = shareRef;
communicator.template allgather<int>(&share, 1,;
template<typename Communicator, typename T>
static void scatterv(const Communicator& communicator, std::vector<T>& localVec, std::vector<T>& globalVec, std::vector<int>& sizes, int root_rank) {
int mysize = localVec.size();
std::vector<int> offsets(offsetsFromSizes(sizes));
return sizesVector;
communicator.template scatterv(,,,, mysize, root_rank);
template<typename Communicator, typename T>
static void scatterv(const Communicator& communicator, std::vector<T>& localVec, std::vector<T>& globalVec, std::vector<int>& sizes, int root_rank) {
int mysize = localVec.size();
template<typename Communicator, typename T>
static std::vector<T> gatherv(const Communicator& communicator, std::vector<T>& localVec, std::vector<int>& sizes, int root_rank) {
int mysize = localVec.size();
std::vector<int> offsets(offsetsFromSizes(sizes));
std::vector<T> globalVec;
communicator.scatterv(,,,, mysize, root_rank);
if (communicator.rank() == root_rank)
globalVec.resize(std::accumulate(sizes.begin(), sizes.end(), 0));
template<typename Communicator, typename T>
static std::vector<T> gatherv(const Communicator& communicator, std::vector<T>& localVec, std::vector<int>& sizes, int root_rank) {
int mysize = localVec.size();
std::vector<int> offsets(offsetsFromSizes(sizes));
std::vector<T> globalVec;
communicator.template gatherv(, mysize,,,, root_rank);
if (communicator.rank() == root_rank)
globalVec.resize(std::accumulate(sizes.begin(), sizes.end(), 0));
std::vector<int> offsets(offsetsFromSizes(sizes));
return globalVec;
communicator.gatherv(, mysize,,,, root_rank);
template<typename Communicator, typename T>
static std::vector<T> allgatherv(const Communicator& communicator, std::vector<T>& localVec, std::vector<int>& sizes) {
int mysize = localVec.size();
std::vector<T> globalVec(std::accumulate(sizes.begin(), sizes.end(), 0));
return globalVec;
std::vector<int> offsets(offsetsFromSizes(sizes));
template<typename Communicator, typename T>
static std::vector<T> allgatherv(const Communicator& communicator, std::vector<T>& localVec, std::vector<int>& sizes) {
int mysize = localVec.size();
communicator.template allgatherv(, mysize,,,;
std::vector<T> globalVec(std::accumulate(sizes.begin(), sizes.end(), 0));
std::vector<int> offsets(offsetsFromSizes(sizes));
return globalVec;
communicator.allgatherv(, mysize,,,;
return globalVec;
} // namespace Dune::GFE
......@@ -8,45 +8,51 @@
#include <dune/functions/functionspacebases/lagrangebasis.hh>
/** \brief Mimic a dune-grid mapper for a P2 space, using the dune-functions dof ordering of such a space
template<class GridView>
class P2BasisMapper
namespace Dune::GFE
typedef typename GridView::Grid::template Codim<0>::Entity Element;
typedef typename Dune::Functions::LagrangeBasis<GridView,2>::MultiIndex::value_type Index;
/** \brief Mimic a dune-grid mapper for a P2 space, using the dune-functions dof ordering of such a space
template<class GridView>
class P2BasisMapper
typedef typename GridView::Grid::template Codim<0>::Entity Element;
P2BasisMapper(const GridView& gridView)
: p2Basis_(gridView)
typedef typename Dune::Functions::LagrangeBasis<GridView,2>::MultiIndex::value_type Index;
std::size_t size() const
return p2Basis_.size();
P2BasisMapper(const GridView& gridView)
: p2Basis_(gridView)
template <class Entity>
bool contains(const Entity& entity, uint subEntity, uint codim, Index& result) const
auto localView = p2Basis_.localView();
std::size_t size() const
return p2Basis_.size();
for (size_t i=0; i<localView.size(); i++)
template <class Entity>
bool contains(const Entity& entity, uint subEntity, uint codim, Index& result) const
if (localView.tree().finiteElement().localCoefficients().localKey(i).subEntity() == subEntity
and localView.tree().finiteElement().localCoefficients().localKey(i).codim() == codim)
auto localView = p2Basis_.localView();
for (size_t i=0; i<localView.size(); i++)
result = localView.index(i);
return true;
if (localView.tree().finiteElement().localCoefficients().localKey(i).subEntity() == subEntity
and localView.tree().finiteElement().localCoefficients().localKey(i).codim() == codim)
result = localView.index(i);
return true;
return false;
return false;
Dune::Functions::LagrangeBasis<GridView,2> p2Basis_;
Dune::Functions::LagrangeBasis<GridView,2> p2Basis_;
} // namespace Dune::GFE
......@@ -7,98 +7,103 @@
#include <dune/gfe/parallel/mpifunctions.hh>
template<typename GUIndex, typename Communicator, typename VectorType>
class VectorCommunicator {
namespace Dune::GFE
struct TransferVectorTuple {
typedef typename VectorType::value_type EntryType;
template<typename GUIndex, typename Communicator, typename VectorType>
class VectorCommunicator {
size_t globalIndex_;
EntryType value_;
struct TransferVectorTuple {
typedef typename VectorType::value_type EntryType;
TransferVectorTuple() {}
TransferVectorTuple(const size_t& r, const EntryType& e)
: globalIndex_(r),
value_(e) {}
size_t globalIndex_;
EntryType value_;
TransferVectorTuple() {}
TransferVectorTuple(const size_t& r, const EntryType& e)
: globalIndex_(r),
value_(e) {}
void transferVector(const VectorType& localVector) {
// Create vector for transfer data
std::vector<TransferVectorTuple> localVectorEntries;
void transferVector(const VectorType& localVector) {
// Create vector for transfer data
std::vector<TransferVectorTuple> localVectorEntries;
// Translate vector entries
for (size_t k=0; k<localVector.size(); k++)
localVectorEntries.push_back(TransferVectorTuple(guIndex.index(k), localVector[k]));
// Translate vector entries
for (size_t k=0; k<localVector.size(); k++)
localVectorEntries.push_back(TransferVectorTuple(guIndex.index(k), localVector[k]));
// Get number of vector entries on each process
localVectorEntriesSizes = MPIFunctions::shareSizes(communicator_, localVectorEntries.size());
// Get number of vector entries on each process
localVectorEntriesSizes = MPIFunctions::shareSizes(communicator_, localVectorEntries.size());
// Get vector entries from every process
globalVectorEntries = MPIFunctions::gatherv(communicator_, localVectorEntries, localVectorEntriesSizes, root_rank);
// Get vector entries from every process
globalVectorEntries = MPIFunctions::gatherv(communicator_, localVectorEntries, localVectorEntriesSizes, root_rank);
VectorCommunicator(const GUIndex& gi,
const Communicator& communicator,
const int& root)
: guIndex(gi), communicator_(communicator), root_rank(root)
VectorCommunicator(const GUIndex& gi,
const Communicator& communicator,
const int& root)
: guIndex(gi), communicator_(communicator), root_rank(root)
VectorType reduceAdd(const VectorType& localVector)
VectorType reduceAdd(const VectorType& localVector)
VectorType globalVector(guIndex.size());
globalVector = 0;
VectorType globalVector(guIndex.size());
globalVector = 0;
for (size_t k = 0; k < globalVectorEntries.size(); ++k)
globalVector[globalVectorEntries[k].globalIndex_] += globalVectorEntries[k].value_;
for (size_t k = 0; k < globalVectorEntries.size(); ++k)
globalVector[globalVectorEntries[k].globalIndex_] += globalVectorEntries[k].value_;
return globalVector;
return globalVector;
VectorType reduceCopy(const VectorType& localVector)
VectorType reduceCopy(const VectorType& localVector)
VectorType globalVector(guIndex.size());
VectorType globalVector(guIndex.size());
for (size_t k = 0; k < globalVectorEntries.size(); ++k)
globalVector[globalVectorEntries[k].globalIndex_] = globalVectorEntries[k].value_;
for (size_t k = 0; k < globalVectorEntries.size(); ++k)
globalVector[globalVectorEntries[k].globalIndex_] = globalVectorEntries[k].value_;
return globalVector;
return globalVector;
VectorType scatter(const VectorType& global)
for (size_t k = 0; k < globalVectorEntries.size(); ++k)
globalVectorEntries[k].value_ = global[globalVectorEntries[k].globalIndex_];
VectorType scatter(const VectorType& global)
for (size_t k = 0; k < globalVectorEntries.size(); ++k)
globalVectorEntries[k].value_ = global[globalVectorEntries[k].globalIndex_];
const int localSize = localVectorEntriesSizes[communicator_.rank()];
const int localSize = localVectorEntriesSizes[communicator_.rank()];
// Create vector for transfer data
std::vector<TransferVectorTuple> localVectorEntries(localSize);
// Create vector for transfer data
std::vector<TransferVectorTuple> localVectorEntries(localSize);
MPIFunctions::scatterv(communicator_, localVectorEntries, globalVectorEntries, localVectorEntriesSizes, root_rank);
MPIFunctions::scatterv(communicator_, localVectorEntries, globalVectorEntries, localVectorEntriesSizes, root_rank);
// Create vector for local solution
VectorType x(localSize);
// Create vector for local solution
VectorType x(localSize);
// And translate solution again
for (size_t k = 0; k < localVectorEntries.size(); ++k)
x[k] = localVectorEntries[k].value_;
// And translate solution again
for (size_t k = 0; k < localVectorEntries.size(); ++k)
x[k] = localVectorEntries[k].value_;
return x;
return x;
const GUIndex& guIndex;
const Communicator& communicator_;
int root_rank;
const GUIndex& guIndex;
const Communicator& communicator_;
int root_rank;
std::vector<int> localVectorEntriesSizes;
std::vector<TransferVectorTuple> globalVectorEntries;
std::vector<int> localVectorEntriesSizes;
std::vector<TransferVectorTuple> globalVectorEntries;
} // namespace Dune::GFE
......@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@
// Two Methods to compute the Polar Factor of a 3x3 matrix
namespace Dune::GFE {
namespace Dune::GFE
class PolarDecomposition
......@@ -321,6 +322,7 @@ namespace Dune::GFE {
return v;
} // namespace Dune::GFE
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
#include <dune/gfe/parallel/vectorcommunicator.hh>
template <class Basis, class TargetSpace, class Assembler>
void RiemannianProximalNewtonSolver<Basis, TargetSpace, Assembler>::
void Dune::GFE::RiemannianProximalNewtonSolver<Basis, TargetSpace, Assembler>::
setup(const GridType& grid,
const Assembler* assembler,
const SolutionType& x,
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ setup(const GridType& grid,
template <class Basis, class TargetSpace, class Assembler>
void RiemannianProximalNewtonSolver<Basis,TargetSpace,Assembler>::
void Dune::GFE::RiemannianProximalNewtonSolver<Basis,TargetSpace,Assembler>::
setup(const GridType& grid,
const Assembler* assembler,
const SolutionType& x,
......@@ -153,8 +153,8 @@ setup(const GridType& grid,
// Write all intermediate solutions, if requested
if (instrumented_
&& dynamic_cast<IterativeSolver<CorrectionType>*>(innerSolver_.get()))
dynamic_cast<IterativeSolver<CorrectionType>*>(innerSolver_.get())->historyBuffer_ = instrumentedPath_ + "/mgHistory";
&& dynamic_cast<::IterativeSolver<CorrectionType>*>(innerSolver_.get()))
dynamic_cast<::IterativeSolver<CorrectionType>*>(innerSolver_.get())->historyBuffer_ = instrumentedPath_ + "/mgHistory";
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Create Hessian matrix and its occupation structure
......@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ setup(const GridType& grid,
template <class Basis, class TargetSpace, class Assembler>
void RiemannianProximalNewtonSolver<Basis,TargetSpace,Assembler>::solve()
void Dune::GFE::RiemannianProximalNewtonSolver<Basis,TargetSpace,Assembler>::solve()
int rank = grid_->comm().rank();
......@@ -20,150 +20,155 @@
#include <dune/gfe/parallel/mapperfactory.hh>
/** \brief Riemannian proximal-newton solver for geodesic finite-element problems */
template <class Basis, class TargetSpace, class Assembler = GeodesicFEAssembler<Basis,TargetSpace> >
class RiemannianProximalNewtonSolver
: public IterativeSolver<std::vector<TargetSpace>,
Dune::BitSetVector<TargetSpace::TangentVector::dimension> >
namespace Dune::GFE
typedef typename Basis::GridView::Grid GridType;
const static int blocksize = TargetSpace::TangentVector::dimension;
const static int gridDim = GridType::dimension;
// Centralize the field type here
typedef double field_type;
// Some types that I need
typedef Dune::BCRSMatrix<Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type, blocksize, blocksize> > MatrixType;
typedef Dune::BlockVector<Dune::FieldVector<field_type, blocksize> > CorrectionType;
typedef std::vector<TargetSpace> SolutionType;
typedef typename Dune::GFE::MapperFactory<Basis>::GlobalMapper GlobalMapper;
typedef typename Dune::GFE::MapperFactory<Basis>::LocalMapper LocalMapper;
/** \brief Records information about the last run of the RiemannianProximalNewtonSolver
* This is used primarily for unit testing.
struct Statistics
/** \brief Riemannian proximal-newton solver for geodesic finite-element problems */
template <class Basis, class TargetSpace, class Assembler = GeodesicFEAssembler<Basis,TargetSpace> >
class RiemannianProximalNewtonSolver
: public ::IterativeSolver<std::vector<TargetSpace>,
Dune::BitSetVector<TargetSpace::TangentVector::dimension> >
std::size_t finalIteration;
typedef typename Basis::GridView::Grid GridType;
field_type finalEnergy;
const static int blocksize = TargetSpace::TangentVector::dimension;
const static int gridDim = GridType::dimension;
: IterativeSolver<std::vector<TargetSpace>, Dune::BitSetVector<blocksize> >(0,100,NumProc::FULL),
hessianMatrix_(nullptr), h1SemiNorm_(NULL)
std::fill(scaling_.begin(), scaling_.end(), 1.0);
/** \brief Set up the solver using a choldmod or umfpack solver as the inner solver */
void setup(const GridType& grid,
const Assembler* assembler,
const SolutionType& x,
const Dune::BitSetVector<blocksize>& dirichletNodes,
double tolerance,
int maxProximalNewtonSteps,
double initialRegularization,
bool instrumented);
/** \brief Set up the solver using a monotone multigrid method as the inner solver */
void setup(const GridType& grid,
const Assembler* assembler,
const SolutionType& x,
const Dune::BitSetVector<blocksize>& dirichletNodes,
const Dune::ParameterTree& parameterSet);
void setScaling(const Dune::FieldVector<double,blocksize>& scaling)
scaling_ = scaling;
// Centralize the field type here
typedef double field_type;
void setIgnoreNodes(const Dune::BitSetVector<blocksize>& ignoreNodes)
ignoreNodes_ = &ignoreNodes;
innerSolver_->ignoreNodes_ = ignoreNodes_;
void solve();
void setInitialSolution(const SolutionType& x) {
x_ = x;
void setInitialIterate(const SolutionType& x) {
x_ = x;
SolutionType getSol() const {return x_;}
// Some types that I need
typedef Dune::BCRSMatrix<Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type, blocksize, blocksize> > MatrixType;
typedef Dune::BlockVector<Dune::FieldVector<field_type, blocksize> > CorrectionType;
typedef std::vector<TargetSpace> SolutionType;
const Statistics& getStatistics() const {return statistics_;}
typedef typename Dune::GFE::MapperFactory<Basis>::GlobalMapper GlobalMapper;
typedef typename Dune::GFE::MapperFactory<Basis>::LocalMapper LocalMapper;
/** \brief Records information about the last run of the RiemannianProximalNewtonSolver
* This is used primarily for unit testing.
struct Statistics
std::size_t finalIteration;
field_type finalEnergy;
: ::IterativeSolver<std::vector<TargetSpace>, Dune::BitSetVector<blocksize> >(0,100,NumProc::FULL),
hessianMatrix_(nullptr), h1SemiNorm_(NULL)
std::fill(scaling_.begin(), scaling_.end(), 1.0);
/** \brief Set up the solver using a choldmod or umfpack solver as the inner solver */
void setup(const GridType& grid,
const Assembler* assembler,
const SolutionType& x,
const Dune::BitSetVector<blocksize>& dirichletNodes,
double tolerance,
int maxProximalNewtonSteps,
double initialRegularization,
bool instrumented);
/** \brief Set up the solver using a monotone multigrid method as the inner solver */
void setup(const GridType& grid,
const Assembler* assembler,
const SolutionType& x,
const Dune::BitSetVector<blocksize>& dirichletNodes,
const Dune::ParameterTree& parameterSet);
void setScaling(const Dune::FieldVector<double,blocksize>& scaling)
scaling_ = scaling;
void setIgnoreNodes(const Dune::BitSetVector<blocksize>& ignoreNodes)
ignoreNodes_ = &ignoreNodes;
innerSolver_->ignoreNodes_ = ignoreNodes_;
void solve();
void setInitialSolution(const SolutionType& x) {
x_ = x;
void setInitialIterate(const SolutionType& x) {
x_ = x;
SolutionType getSol() const {return x_;}
const Statistics& getStatistics() const {return statistics_;}
std::unique_ptr<GlobalMapper> globalMapper_;
std::unique_ptr<GlobalMapper> globalMapper_;
/** \brief The grid */
const GridType* grid_;
/** \brief The grid */
const GridType* grid_;
/** \brief The solution vector */
SolutionType x_;
/** \brief The solution vector */
SolutionType x_;
/** \brief The initial regularization parameter for the proximal newton step */
double initialRegularization_;
double tolerance_;
/** \brief The initial regularization parameter for the proximal newton step */
double initialRegularization_;
double tolerance_;
/** \brief Regularization scaling */
Dune::FieldVector<double,blocksize> scaling_;
/** \brief Regularization scaling */
Dune::FieldVector<double,blocksize> scaling_;
/** \brief Maximum number of proximal-newton steps */
std::size_t maxProximalNewtonSteps_;
/** \brief Maximum number of proximal-newton steps */
std::size_t maxProximalNewtonSteps_;
/** \brief Hessian matrix */
std::unique_ptr<MatrixType> hessianMatrix_;
/** \brief Hessian matrix */
std::unique_ptr<MatrixType> hessianMatrix_;
/** \brief The assembler for the material law */
const Assembler* assembler_;
/** \brief The assembler for the material law */
const Assembler* assembler_;
/** \brief The solver for the quadratic inner problems */
std::shared_ptr<typename Dune::Solvers::CholmodSolver<MatrixType,CorrectionType> > innerSolver_;
/** \brief The solver for the quadratic inner problems */
std::shared_ptr<typename Dune::Solvers::CholmodSolver<MatrixType,CorrectionType> > innerSolver_;
/** \brief The Dirichlet nodes */
const Dune::BitSetVector<blocksize>* ignoreNodes_;
/** \brief The Dirichlet nodes */
const Dune::BitSetVector<blocksize>* ignoreNodes_;
/** \brief The norm used to measure convergence for statistics*/
std::shared_ptr<H1SemiNorm<CorrectionType> > h1SemiNorm_;
/** \brief The norm used to measure convergence for statistics*/
std::shared_ptr<H1SemiNorm<CorrectionType> > h1SemiNorm_;
/** \brief An L2-norm, really. The H1SemiNorm class is badly named */
std::shared_ptr<H1SemiNorm<CorrectionType> > l2Norm_;
/** \brief An L2-norm, really. The H1SemiNorm class is badly named */
std::shared_ptr<H1SemiNorm<CorrectionType> > l2Norm_;
/** \brief If set to true we log convergence speed and other stuff */
bool instrumented_;
/** \brief If set to true we log convergence speed and other stuff */
bool instrumented_;
/** \brief Output path for instrumented log */
std::string instrumentedPath_ = "/tmp";
/** \brief Output path for instrumented log */
std::string instrumentedPath_ = "/tmp";
/** \brief Norm type used for stopping criterion (default is infinity norm) */
enum class ErrorNormType {infinity, H1semi} normType_ = ErrorNormType::infinity;
/** \brief Norm type used for stopping criterion (default is infinity norm) */
enum class ErrorNormType {infinity, H1semi} normType_ = ErrorNormType::infinity;
/** \brief Norm type used for regularization term (default is Euclidean) */
enum class RegularizationNormType {Euclidean, H1semi, H1, L2} regNormType_ = RegularizationNormType::Euclidean;
/** \brief Norm type used for regularization term (default is Euclidean) */
enum class RegularizationNormType {Euclidean, H1semi, H1, L2} regNormType_ = RegularizationNormType::Euclidean;
/** \brief Store information about solver runs for unit testing */
Statistics statistics_;
/** \brief Store information about solver runs for unit testing */
Statistics statistics_;
} // namespace Dune::GFE
#include ""