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Add membrane-energy and parset files for Patrizios experiment

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#include <dune/common/fmatrix.hh>
#include <dune/common/parametertree.hh>
#include <dune/geometry/quadraturerules.hh>
#include <dune/fufem/boundarypatch.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/localenergy.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/mixedlocalgeodesicfestiffness.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/localprojectedfefunction.hh>
#include "localgeodesicfefunction.hh"
#include <dune/gfe/rigidbodymotion.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/tensor3.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/orthogonalmatrix.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/cosseratstrain.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/cosseratenergystiffness.hh>
template<class Basis, int dim, class field_type=double>
class CosseratMembraneStiffness
: public Dune::GFE::LocalEnergy<Basis,RigidBodyMotion<field_type,dim> >,
public MixedLocalGeodesicFEStiffness<Basis,
Rotation<field_type,dim> >
// grid types
typedef typename Basis::GridView GridView;
typedef typename GridView::ctype DT;
typedef RigidBodyMotion<field_type,dim> TargetSpace;
typedef typename TargetSpace::ctype RT;
typedef typename GridView::template Codim<0>::Entity Entity;
// some other sizes
enum {gridDim=GridView::dimension};
enum {dimworld=GridView::dimensionworld};
// use this with: gridDim = 2, dimworld = 2, dim = 3 (the shell moves out of the 2D-setting and bends/wrinkles/moves into 3D)
/** \brief Constructor with a set of material parameters
* \param parameters The material parameters
CosseratMembraneStiffness(const Dune::ParameterTree& parameters,
const BoundaryPatch<GridView>* neumannBoundary,
const std::function<Dune::FieldVector<double,3>(Dune::FieldVector<double,dimworld>)> neumannFunction,
const std::function<Dune::FieldVector<double,3>(Dune::FieldVector<double,dimworld>)> volumeLoad)
: neumannBoundary_(neumannBoundary),
// The shell thickness
thickness_ = parameters.template get<double>("thickness");
// Lame constants
mu_ = parameters.template get<double>("mu");
lambda_ = parameters.template get<double>("lambda");
// Cosserat couple modulus
mu_c_ = parameters.template get<double>("mu_c");
// Length scale parameter
L_c_ = parameters.template get<double>("L_c");
// Curvature exponent
q_ = parameters.template get<double>("q");
// Flag for using geometric mean or not
useGeometricMean_ = parameters.template get<bool>("useGeometricMean", false);
/** \brief Assemble the energy for a single element */
RT energy (const typename Basis::LocalView& localView,
const std::vector<TargetSpace>& localSolution) const override;
/** \brief Assemble the energy for a single element */
RT energy (const typename Basis::LocalView& localView,
const std::vector<RealTuple<field_type,dim> >& localDisplacementConfiguration,
const std::vector<Rotation<field_type,dim> >& localOrientationConfiguration) const override;
// !!! dimworld = 2, dim = 3 !!!!
/** \brief Part 1 of the Membrane energy, everything but the term with the harmonic mean of mu and mu_c
RT membraneEnergyPart1(const Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,dim,dimworld>& deformationGradient,
const Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,dim,dim>& R) const // R - Rotation matrix, in the format (R1|R2|R3)
Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,dim,dimworld> R1R2Transposed(0);
for (int i=0; i<dimworld; i++)
for (int j=0; j<dim; j++)
R1R2Transposed[i][j] = R[j][i]; //check all actions on R!!! does that not need to be the other way round?
// Multiply R1R2Transposed with the deformationGradient, this returns a 2x2 matrix
// the "elastic non-symmetric stretch tensor in 2D" - U2D
// And directly subtract 1 on the diagonal ;)
Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,dimworld,dimworld> U2DMinus1(0);
for (int i=0; i<dimworld; i++) {
for (int j=0; j<dimworld; j++) {
for (int k=0; k<dim; k++) {
U2DMinus1[i][j] += R1R2Transposed[i][k]*deformationGradient[k][j];
U2DMinus1[i][i] -= 1;
return mu_ * Dune::GFE::sym(U2DMinus1).frobenius_norm2()
+ mu_c_ * Dune::GFE::skew(U2DMinus1).frobenius_norm2()
+ (mu_*lambda_)/(2*mu_ + lambda_) * Dune::GFE::traceSquared(U2DMinus1);
/** \brief Part 2 of the Membrane energy, only the term with the harmonic mean of mu and mu_c
RT membraneEnergyPart2(const Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,dim,dimworld>& deformationGradient,
const Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,dim,dim>& R) const
// R - Rotation matrix, in the format (R1|R2|R3), so the column R3 is (R[0][2],R[1][2],R[2][2])^T
//(R_3,m_x)^2 + (R_3,m_y)
field_type R3mx = 0;
field_type R3my = 0;
for (int i=0; i<dim; i++) {
R3mx += R[i][2]*deformationGradient[i][0];
R3my += R[i][2]*deformationGradient[i][1];
if (useGeometricMean_)
return (R3mx*R3mx + R3my*R3my)*(mu_ + mu_c_)/2;
return (R3mx*R3mx + R3my*R3my)*(2* mu_*mu_c_)/(mu_ + mu_c_);
RT curvatureEnergy(const Tensor3<field_type,3,3,gridDim>& DR) const
using std::pow;
return mu_ * pow(L_c_ * L_c_ * DR.frobenius_norm2(),q_/2.0)/2.0;
/** \brief The shell thickness */
double thickness_;
/** \brief Lame constants */
double mu_, lambda_;
/** \brief Cosserat couple modulus, preferably 0 */
double mu_c_;
/** \brief Length scale parameter */
double L_c_;
/** \brief Curvature exponent */
double q_;
/** \brief Flag for using geometric mean or not */
bool useGeometricMean_;
/** \brief The Neumann boundary */
const BoundaryPatch<GridView>* neumannBoundary_;
/** \brief The function implementing the Neumann data */
const std::function<Dune::FieldVector<double,3>(Dune::FieldVector<double,dimworld>)> neumannFunction_;
/** \brief The function implementing a volume load */
const std::function<Dune::FieldVector<double,3>(Dune::FieldVector<double,dimworld>)> volumeLoad_;
template <class Basis, int dim, class field_type>
typename CosseratMembraneStiffness<Basis,dim,field_type>::RT
energy(const typename Basis::LocalView& localView,
const std::vector<RigidBodyMotion<field_type,dim> >& localSolution) const
RT energy = 0;
DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "CosseratMembraneStiffness for usage with RigidBodyMotion");
return energy;
template <class Basis, int dim, class field_type>
typename CosseratMembraneStiffness<Basis,dim,field_type>::RT
energy(const typename Basis::LocalView& localView,
const std::vector<RealTuple<field_type,dim> >& localDeformationConfiguration,
const std::vector<Rotation<field_type,dim> >& localOrientationConfiguration) const
auto element = localView.element();
RT energy = 0;
using namespace Dune::TypeTree::Indices;
const auto& deformationLocalFiniteElement = LocalFiniteElementFactory<Basis,0>::get(localView,_0);
const auto& orientationLocalFiniteElement = LocalFiniteElementFactory<Basis,1>::get(localView,_1);
typedef Dune::GFE::LocalProjectedFEFunction<gridDim, DT, decltype(deformationLocalFiniteElement), RealTuple<field_type,dim> >
typedef LocalGeodesicFEFunction<gridDim, DT, decltype(deformationLocalFiniteElement), RealTuple<field_type,dim> >
LocalDeformationGFEFunctionType localDeformationGFEFunction(deformationLocalFiniteElement,localDeformationConfiguration);
typedef Dune::GFE::LocalProjectedFEFunction<gridDim, DT, decltype(orientationLocalFiniteElement), Rotation<field_type,dim> > LocalOrientationGFEFunctionType;
typedef LocalGeodesicFEFunction<gridDim, DT, decltype(orientationLocalFiniteElement), Rotation<field_type,dim> > LocalOrientationGFEFunctionType;
LocalOrientationGFEFunctionType localOrientationGFEFunction(orientationLocalFiniteElement,localOrientationConfiguration);
// \todo Implement smarter quadrature rule selection for more efficiency, i.e., less evaluations of the Rotation GFE function
int quadOrder = deformationLocalFiniteElement.localBasis().order() * ((element.type().isSimplex()) ? 1 : gridDim);
const auto& quad = Dune::QuadratureRules<DT, gridDim>::rule(element.type(), quadOrder);
for (size_t pt=0; pt<quad.size(); pt++)
// Local position of the quadrature point
const Dune::FieldVector<DT,gridDim>& quadPos = quad[pt].position();
const DT integrationElement = element.geometry().integrationElement(quadPos);
const auto jacobianInverseTransposed = element.geometry().jacobianInverseTransposed(quadPos);
DT weight = quad[pt].weight() * integrationElement;
// The value of the local deformation
RealTuple<field_type,dim> deformationValue = localDeformationGFEFunction.evaluate(quadPos);
Rotation<field_type,dim> orientationValue = localOrientationGFEFunction.evaluate(quadPos);
// The derivative of the local function defined on the reference element
typename LocalDeformationGFEFunctionType::DerivativeType deformationReferenceDerivative = localDeformationGFEFunction.evaluateDerivative(quadPos,deformationValue);
typename LocalOrientationGFEFunctionType::DerivativeType orientationReferenceDerivative = localOrientationGFEFunction.evaluateDerivative(quadPos,orientationValue);
// The derivative of the function defined on the actual element
typename LocalDeformationGFEFunctionType::DerivativeType deformationDerivative;
typename LocalOrientationGFEFunctionType::DerivativeType orientationDerivative;
for (size_t comp=0; comp<deformationReferenceDerivative.N(); comp++)[comp], deformationDerivative[comp]);
for (size_t comp=0; comp<orientationReferenceDerivative.N(); comp++)[comp], orientationDerivative[comp]);
// compute U, the Cosserat strain
static_assert(dim>=gridDim, "Codim of the grid must be nonnegative");
Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,dim,dim> R;
// Compute the derivative of the rotation
// Note: we need it in matrix coordinates
Tensor3<field_type,3,3,gridDim> DR = orientationValue.quaternionTangentToMatrixTangent(orientationDerivative);
// Add the local energy density
if (gridDim==2) {
energy += weight * thickness_ * membraneEnergyPart1(deformationDerivative,R);
energy += weight * thickness_ * membraneEnergyPart2(deformationDerivative,R);
energy += weight * thickness_ * curvatureEnergy(DR);
} else if (gridDim==3) {
DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "CosseratMembraneStiffness for 3d grids");
//energy += weight * quadraticMembraneEnergy(U);
//energy += weight * curvatureEnergy(DR);
} else
DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "CosseratMembraneStiffness for 1d grids");
// Assemble boundary contributions
if (not neumannFunction_)
return energy;
for (auto&& it : intersections(neumannBoundary_->gridView(),element) )
if (not neumannBoundary_ or not neumannBoundary_->contains(it))
const auto& quad = Dune::QuadratureRules<DT, gridDim-1>::rule(it.type(), quadOrder);
for (size_t pt=0; pt<quad.size(); pt++) {
// Local position of the quadrature point
const Dune::FieldVector<DT,gridDim>& quadPos = it.geometryInInside().global(quad[pt].position());
const DT integrationElement = it.geometry().integrationElement(quad[pt].position());
// The value of the local function
RealTuple<field_type,dim> deformationValue = localDeformationGFEFunction.evaluate(quadPos);
// Value of the Neumann data at the current position
auto neumannValue = neumannFunction_(it.geometry().global(quad[pt].position()));
// Only translational dofs are affected by the Neumann force
for (size_t i=0; i<neumannValue.size(); i++)
energy += thickness_ * (neumannValue[i] * deformationValue.globalCoordinates()[i]) * quad[pt].weight() * integrationElement;
return energy;