#include <config.h> #include <dune/common/bitfield.hh> #include <dune/common/configparser.hh> #include <dune/grid/onedgrid.hh> #include <dune/istl/io.hh> #include <dune/ag-common/boundarypatch.hh> #include <dune/ag-common/projectedblockgsstep.hh> #include <dune/ag-common/solvers/mmgstep.hh> #include <dune/ag-common/iterativesolver.hh> #include <dune/ag-common/geomestimator.hh> #include <dune/ag-common/norms/energynorm.hh> #include <dune/ag-common/contactobsrestrict.hh> #include "src/rodwriter.hh" #include "src/planarrodassembler.hh" // Number of degrees of freedom: // 3 (x, y, theta) for a planar rod const int blocksize = 3; using namespace Dune; using std::string; void setTrustRegionObstacles(double trustRegionRadius, std::vector<BoxConstraint<double,blocksize> >& trustRegionObstacles, const std::vector<BoxConstraint<double,blocksize> >& trueObstacles, const BitField& dirichletNodes) { //std::cout << "True obstacles\n" << trueObstacles << std::endl; for (int j=0; j<trustRegionObstacles.size(); j++) { for (int k=0; k<blocksize; k++) { if (dirichletNodes[j*blocksize+k]) continue; trustRegionObstacles[j].lower(k) = (trueObstacles[j].lower(k) < -1e10) ? std::min(-trustRegionRadius, trueObstacles[j].upper(k) - trustRegionRadius) : trueObstacles[j].lower(k); trustRegionObstacles[j].upper(k) = (trueObstacles[j].upper(k) > 1e10) ? std::max(trustRegionRadius,trueObstacles[j].lower(k) + trustRegionRadius) : trueObstacles[j].upper(k); } } //std::cout << "TrustRegion obstacles\n" << trustRegionObstacles << std::endl; } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) try { // Some types that I need typedef BCRSMatrix<FieldMatrix<double, blocksize, blocksize> > MatrixType; typedef BlockVector<FieldVector<double, blocksize> > VectorType; // parse data file ConfigParser parameterSet; parameterSet.parseFile("staticrod.parset"); // read solver settings const int maxLevel = parameterSet.get("maxLevel", int(0)); double loadIncrement = parameterSet.get("loadIncrement", double(0)); const int maxNewtonSteps = parameterSet.get("maxNewtonSteps", int(0)); const int numIt = parameterSet.get("numIt", int(0)); const int nu1 = parameterSet.get("nu1", int(0)); const int nu2 = parameterSet.get("nu2", int(0)); const int mu = parameterSet.get("mu", int(0)); const int baseIt = parameterSet.get("baseIt", int(0)); const double tolerance = parameterSet.get("tolerance", double(0)); const double baseTolerance = parameterSet.get("baseTolerance", double(0)); // Problem settings const int numRodBaseElements = parameterSet.get("numRodBaseElements", int(0)); // /////////////////////////////////////// // Create the two grids // /////////////////////////////////////// typedef OneDGrid RodGridType; RodGridType rod(numRodBaseElements, 0, 1); // refine uniformly until maxLevel for (int i=0; i<maxLevel; i++) rod.globalRefine(1); int maxlevel = rod.maxLevel(); int numRodElements = rod.size(maxlevel, 0); std::vector<BitField> dirichletNodes; dirichletNodes.resize(maxLevel+1); for (int i=0; i<=maxlevel; i++) { dirichletNodes[i].resize( blocksize * rod.size(i,1), false ); for (int j=0; j<blocksize; j++) { dirichletNodes[i][j] = true; dirichletNodes[i][dirichletNodes[i].size()-1-j] = true; } } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Create solution and rhs vectors // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// VectorType rhs; VectorType x; VectorType corr; MatrixType hessianMatrix; PlanarRodAssembler<RodGridType,4> rodAssembler(rod); rodAssembler.setParameters(1, 100, 100); MatrixIndexSet indices(numRodElements+1, numRodElements+1); rodAssembler.getNeighborsPerVertex(indices); indices.exportIdx(hessianMatrix); rhs.resize(rod.size(maxlevel,1)); x.resize(rod.size(maxlevel,1)); corr.resize(rod.size(maxlevel,1)); // Initial solution x = 0; for (int i=0; i<numRodElements+1; i++) { x[i][0] = i/((double)numRodElements); x[i][1] = 0; x[i][2] = M_PI/2; } x[0][0] = x[numRodElements][0] = 0; x[0][1] = x[numRodElements][1] = 0; x[0][2] = 0; x[numRodElements][2] = 2*M_PI; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Create obstacles // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// std::vector<BitField> hasObstacle; hasObstacle.resize(maxLevel+1); for (int i=0; i<hasObstacle.size(); i++) { hasObstacle[i].resize(rod.size(i, 1)); hasObstacle[i].setAll(); } std::vector<std::vector<BoxConstraint<double,3> > > trueObstacles(maxlevel+1); std::vector<std::vector<BoxConstraint<double,3> > > trustRegionObstacles(maxlevel+1); for (int i=0; i<maxlevel+1; i++) { trueObstacles[i].resize(rod.size(i,1)); trustRegionObstacles[i].resize(rod.size(i,1)); } for (int i=0; i<trueObstacles[maxlevel].size(); i++) { trueObstacles[maxlevel][i].clear(); //trueObstacles[maxlevel][i].val[0] = - x[i][0]; trueObstacles[maxlevel][i].upper(0) = 0.1 - x[i][0]; } // //////////////////////////////// // Create a multigrid solver // //////////////////////////////// // First create a gauss-seidel base solver ProjectedBlockGSStep<MatrixType, VectorType> baseSolverStep; EnergyNorm<MatrixType, VectorType> baseEnergyNorm(baseSolverStep); IterativeSolver<VectorType> baseSolver(&baseSolverStep, baseIt, baseTolerance, &baseEnergyNorm, Solver::QUIET); // Make pre and postsmoothers ProjectedBlockGSStep<MatrixType, VectorType> presmoother; ProjectedBlockGSStep<MatrixType, VectorType> postsmoother; MonotoneMGStep<MatrixType, VectorType> multigridStep(maxlevel+1); multigridStep.setMGType(mu, nu1, nu2); multigridStep.dirichletNodes_ = &dirichletNodes; multigridStep.basesolver_ = &baseSolver; multigridStep.presmoother_ = &presmoother; multigridStep.postsmoother_ = &postsmoother; multigridStep.hasObstacle_ = &hasObstacle; multigridStep.obstacles_ = &trustRegionObstacles; multigridStep.obstacleRestrictor_ = new ContactObsRestriction<VectorType>; // Create the transfer operators multigridStep.mgTransfer_.resize(maxlevel); for (int i=0; i<multigridStep.mgTransfer_.size(); i++){ TruncatedMGTransfer<VectorType>* newTransferOp = new TruncatedMGTransfer<VectorType>; newTransferOp->setup(rod,i,i+1); multigridStep.mgTransfer_[i] = newTransferOp; } EnergyNorm<MatrixType, VectorType> energyNorm(multigridStep); IterativeSolver<VectorType> solver(&multigridStep, numIt, tolerance, &energyNorm, Solver::QUIET); // /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Do a homotopy of the material parameters // /////////////////////////////////////////////////// double loadFactor = 0; double trustRegionRadius = 0.1; do { loadFactor += loadIncrement; std::cout << "####################################################" << std::endl; std::cout << "New load factor: " << loadFactor << " new load increment: " << loadIncrement << std::endl; std::cout << "####################################################" << std::endl; // The continuation variable determines the material parameters double A1 = loadFactor * 10000; double A3 = loadFactor * 10000; rodAssembler.setParameters(1, A1, A3); // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Newton Solver // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// for (int j=0; j<maxNewtonSteps; j++) { std::cout << "----------------------------------------------------" << std::endl; std::cout << " Newton Step Number: " << j << std::endl; std::cout << "----------------------------------------------------" << std::endl; rhs = 0; corr = 0; //std::cout <<"Solution: " << x << std::endl; //exit(0); rodAssembler.assembleGradient(x, rhs); rodAssembler.assembleMatrix(x, hessianMatrix); rhs *= -1; // Apply trust-region obstacles setTrustRegionObstacles(trustRegionRadius, trustRegionObstacles[maxlevel], trueObstacles[maxlevel], dirichletNodes[maxlevel]); //std::cout << "rhs: " << std::endl << rhs << std::endl; //std::cout << "Trust Region obstacles:" << std::endl; //std::cout << (*multigridStep.obstacles_)[maxlevel] << std::endl; //solver.iterationStep_->setProblem(hessianMatrix, corr, rhs); DUNE_THROW(NotImplemented,"IterationStep::setProblem, Matrix uebergeben"); solver.preprocess(); multigridStep.preprocess(); // ///////////////////////////// // Solve ! // ///////////////////////////// solver.solve(); corr = multigridStep.getSol(); //std::cout << "Correction: \n" << corr << std::endl; // line search printf("------ Line Search ---------\n"); int lSSteps = 10; double smallestEnergy = std::numeric_limits<double>::max(); double smallestFactor = 1; for (int k=0; k<lSSteps; k++) { double factor = double(k)/(lSSteps-1); VectorType sCorr = corr; sCorr *= factor; sCorr += x; double energy = rodAssembler.computeEnergy(sCorr); if (energy < smallestEnergy) { smallestEnergy = energy; smallestFactor = factor; } printf("factor: %g, energy: %e\n", factor, energy); } std::cout << "Damping factor: " << smallestFactor << std::endl; //exit(0); // Add correction to the current solution x.axpy(smallestFactor, corr); // Output result //std::cout << "Solution:" << std::endl << x << std::endl; printf("infinity norm of the correction: %g\n", smallestFactor*corr.infinity_norm()); if (smallestFactor*corr.infinity_norm() < 1e-8) break; // Subtract correction from the current obstacle for (int k=0; k<corr.size(); k++) { FieldVector<double, blocksize> tmp = corr[k]; tmp *= smallestFactor; trueObstacles[maxlevel][k] -= tmp; } } // Write Lagrange multiplyers std::stringstream a1AsAscii, a3AsAscii; a1AsAscii << A1; a3AsAscii << A3; std::string lagrangeFilename = "pressure/lagrange_" + a1AsAscii.str() + "_" + a3AsAscii.str(); std::ofstream lagrangeFile(lagrangeFilename.c_str()); VectorType lagrangeMultipliers; rodAssembler.assembleGradient(x, lagrangeMultipliers); lagrangeFile << lagrangeMultipliers << std::endl; // Write result grid std::string solutionFilename = "solutions/rod_" + a1AsAscii.str() + "_" + a3AsAscii.str() + ".result"; writeRod(x, solutionFilename); //break; } while (loadFactor < 1); } catch (Exception e) { std::cout << e << std::endl; }