// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
// vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:

#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <vector>

#include <dune/common/typetraits.hh>
#include <dune/common/version.hh>

#include <dune/grid/utility/hierarchicsearch.hh>

#include <dune/functions/gridfunctions/gridviewentityset.hh>
#include <dune/functions/gridfunctions/gridfunction.hh>
#include <dune/functions/backends/concepts.hh>

#include <dune/gfe/functions/globalgfefunction.hh>

namespace Dune::GFE
  template<typename EGGF>
  class EmbeddedGlobalGFEFunctionDerivative;

   * \brief A geometric finite element function with an embedding into Euclidean space
   * The `GlobalGFEFunction` implements a geometric finite element function.
   * The values of that function implement the `TargetSpace` model.
   * In contrast, the values of the `EmbeddedGlobalGFEFunction` implemented here
   * are the corresponding values in Euclidean space.  The precise type is
   * `TargetSpace::CoordinateType`, which is typically a vector or matrix type.
   * \tparam B Type of global scalar(!) basis
   * \tparam LIR Local interpolation rule for manifold-valued data
   * \tparam TargetSpace Range type of this function
  template<typename B, typename LIR, typename TargetSpace>
  class EmbeddedGlobalGFEFunction
    // There is no separate base class for EmbeddedGlobalGFEFunction, because the base class
    // only handles coefficients and indices.  It is independent of the type of function values.
    : public Impl::GlobalGFEFunctionBase<B, std::vector<TargetSpace>, LIR, typename TargetSpace::CoordinateType>
    : public Impl::GlobalGFEFunctionBase<B, std::vector<TargetSpace>, LIR>
    using Base = Impl::GlobalGFEFunctionBase<B, std::vector<TargetSpace>, LIR, typename TargetSpace::CoordinateType>;
    using Base = Impl::GlobalGFEFunctionBase<B, std::vector<TargetSpace>, LIR>;
    using Data = typename Base::Data;

    using Basis = typename Base::Basis;
    using Vector = typename Base::Vector;
    using Data = typename Impl::Data<Basis,Vector>;
    using LocalInterpolationRule = LIR;

    using Domain = typename Base::Domain;
    using Range = typename TargetSpace::CoordinateType;

    using Traits = Functions::Imp::GridFunctionTraits<Range (Domain), typename Base::EntitySet, Functions::DefaultDerivativeTraits, 16>;

    class LocalFunction
      : public Base::LocalFunctionBase
      using LocalBase = typename Base::LocalFunctionBase;
      using size_type = typename Base::Tree::size_type;


      using GlobalFunction = EmbeddedGlobalGFEFunction;
      using Domain = typename LocalBase::Domain;
      using Range = GlobalFunction::Range;
      using Element = typename LocalBase::Element;

      //! Create a local-function from the associated grid-function
      LocalFunction(const EmbeddedGlobalGFEFunction& globalFunction)
        : LocalBase(globalFunction.data_)
        /* Nothing. */

       * \brief Evaluate this local-function in coordinates `x` in the bound element.
       * The result of this method is undefined if you did
       * not call bind() beforehand or changed the coefficient
       * vector after the last call to bind(). In the latter case
       * you have to call bind() again in order to make operator()
       * usable.
      Range operator()(const Domain& x) const
        return this->localInterpolationRule_->evaluate(x).globalCoordinates();

      //! Local function of the derivative
      friend typename EmbeddedGlobalGFEFunctionDerivative<EmbeddedGlobalGFEFunction>::LocalFunction derivative(const LocalFunction& lf)
        auto dlf = localFunction(EmbeddedGlobalGFEFunctionDerivative<EmbeddedGlobalGFEFunction>(lf.data_));
        if (lf.bound())
        return dlf;

    //! Create a grid-function, by wrapping the arguments in `std::shared_ptr`.
    template<class B_T, class V_T>
    EmbeddedGlobalGFEFunction(B_T && basis, V_T && coefficients)
      : Base(std::make_shared<Data>(Data{{basis.gridView()}, wrap_or_move(std::forward<B_T>(basis)), wrap_or_move(std::forward<V_T>(coefficients))}))

    //! Create a grid-function, by moving the arguments in `std::shared_ptr`.
    EmbeddedGlobalGFEFunction(std::shared_ptr<const Basis> basis, std::shared_ptr<const Vector> coefficients)
      : Base(std::make_shared<Data>(Data{{basis->gridView()}, basis, coefficients}))

    /** \brief Evaluate at a point given in world coordinates
     * \warning This has to find the element that the evaluation point is in.
     *   It is therefore very slow.
    Range operator() (const Domain& x) const
      HierarchicSearch search(this->data_->basis->gridView().grid(), this->data_->basis->gridView().indexSet());

      const auto e = search.findEntity(x);
      auto localThis = localFunction(*this);
      return localThis(e.geometry().local(x));

    //! Derivative of the `EmbeddedGlobalGFEFunction`
    friend EmbeddedGlobalGFEFunctionDerivative<EmbeddedGlobalGFEFunction> derivative(const EmbeddedGlobalGFEFunction& f)
      return EmbeddedGlobalGFEFunctionDerivative<EmbeddedGlobalGFEFunction>(f.data_);

     * \brief Construct local function from a EmbeddedGlobalGFEFunction.
     * The obtained local function satisfies the concept
     * `Dune::Functions::Concept::LocalFunction`. It must be bound
     * to an entity from the entity set of the EmbeddedGlobalGFEFunction
     * before it can be used.
    friend LocalFunction localFunction(const EmbeddedGlobalGFEFunction& t)
      return LocalFunction(t);

    using Element = typename Basis::GridView::template Codim<0>::Entity;
    /** \brief Evaluate the function at local coordinates. */
    void evaluateLocal(const Element& element, const Domain& local, typename TargetSpace::CoordinateType& out) const override
      out = this->operator()(element,local);

    /** \brief Evaluate the function at local coordinates. */
    typename TargetSpace::CoordinateType operator()(const Element& element, const Domain& local) const
      auto localView = this->basis().localView();
      auto numOfBaseFct = localView.size();

      // Extract local coefficients
      std::vector<TargetSpace> localCoeff(numOfBaseFct);

      for (size_t i=0; i<numOfBaseFct; i++)
        localCoeff[i] = this->dofs()[localView.index(i)];

      // create local gfe function
      LocalInterpolationRule localInterpolationRule(localView.tree().finiteElement(),localCoeff);
      return localInterpolationRule.evaluate(local).globalCoordinates();

    /** \brief evaluation of derivative in local coordinates
     *  \param e Evaluate in local coordinates with respect to this element.
     *  \param x point in local coordinates at which to evaluate the derivative
     *  \param d will contain the derivative at x after return
    void evaluateDerivativeLocal(const Element& element, const Domain& local,
                                 typename Functions::SignatureTraits<typename EmbeddedGlobalGFEFunction::Traits::DerivativeInterface>::Range& out) const override
      auto localView = this->basis().localView();
      auto numOfBaseFct = localView.size();

      // Extract local coefficients
      std::vector<TargetSpace> localCoeff(numOfBaseFct);

      for (decltype(numOfBaseFct) i=0; i<numOfBaseFct; i++)
        localCoeff[i] = this->dofs()[localView.index(i)];

      // create local gfe function
      LocalInterpolationRule localInterpolationRule(localView.tree().finiteElement(),localCoeff);

      // use it to evaluate the derivative
      auto refJac = localInterpolationRule.evaluateDerivative(local);

      out =0.0;

      //transform the gradient
      const auto jacInvTrans = element.geometry().jacobianInverseTransposed(local);
      for (size_t k=0; k< refJac.N(); k++)

   * \brief Derivative of a `EmbeddedGlobalGFEFunction`
   * Function returning the derivative of the given `EmbeddedGlobalGFEFunction`
   * with respect to global coordinates.
   * \tparam EGGF instance of the `EmbeddedGlobalGFEFunction` this is a derivative of
  template<typename EGGF>
  class EmbeddedGlobalGFEFunctionDerivative
    // There is no separate base class for EmbeddedGlobalGFEFunction, because the base class
    // only handles coefficients and indices.  It is independent of the type of function values.
    : public Impl::GlobalGFEFunctionBase<typename EGGF::Basis, typename EGGF::Vector, typename EGGF::LocalInterpolationRule,
          Dune::FieldMatrix<double, EGGF::Vector::value_type::EmbeddedTangentVector::dimension, EGGF::Basis::GridView::dimensionworld> >
    : public Impl::GlobalGFEFunctionBase<typename EGGF::Basis, typename EGGF::Vector, typename EGGF::LocalInterpolationRule>
    using Base = Impl::GlobalGFEFunctionBase<typename EGGF::Basis, typename EGGF::Vector, typename EGGF::LocalInterpolationRule,
        Dune::FieldMatrix<double, EGGF::Vector::value_type::EmbeddedTangentVector::dimension, EGGF::Basis::GridView::dimensionworld> >;
    using Base = Impl::GlobalGFEFunctionBase<typename EGGF::Basis, typename EGGF::Vector, typename EGGF::LocalInterpolationRule>;
    using Data = typename Base::Data;

    using EmbeddedGlobalGFEFunction = EGGF;

    using Basis = typename Base::Basis;
    using Vector = typename Base::Vector;
    using Data = typename Impl::Data<Basis,Vector>;

    using Domain = typename Base::Domain;
    using Range = typename Functions::SignatureTraits<typename EmbeddedGlobalGFEFunction::Traits::DerivativeInterface>::Range;

    using Traits = Functions::Imp::GridFunctionTraits<Range (Domain), typename Base::EntitySet, Functions::DefaultDerivativeTraits, 16>;

     * \brief local function evaluating the derivative in reference coordinates
     * Note that the function returns the derivative with respect to global
     * coordinates even when the point is given in reference coordinates on
     * an element.
    class LocalFunction
      : public Base::LocalFunctionBase
      using LocalBase = typename Base::LocalFunctionBase;
      using size_type = typename Base::Tree::size_type;

      using GlobalFunction = EmbeddedGlobalGFEFunctionDerivative;
      using Domain = typename LocalBase::Domain;
      using Range = GlobalFunction::Range;
      using Element = typename LocalBase::Element;

      //! Create a local function from the associated grid function
      LocalFunction(const GlobalFunction& globalFunction)
        : LocalBase(globalFunction.data_)
        /* Nothing. */

       * \brief Bind LocalFunction to grid element.
       * You must call this method before `operator()`
       * and after changes to the coefficient vector.
      void bind(const Element& element)

      //! Unbind the local-function.
      void unbind()

       * \brief Evaluate this local-function in coordinates `x` in the bound element.
       * The result of this method is undefined if you did
       * not call bind() beforehand or changed the coefficient
       * vector after the last call to bind(). In the latter case
       * you have to call bind() again in order to make operator()
       * usable.
       * Note that the function returns the derivative with respect to global
       * coordinates even though the evaluation point is given in reference coordinates
       * on the current element.
      Range operator()(const Domain& x) const
        // Jacobian with respect to local coordinates
        auto refJac = this->localInterpolationRule_->evaluateDerivative(x);

        // Transform to world coordinates
        return refJac * geometry_->jacobianInverse(x);

      //! Not implemented
      friend typename Traits::LocalFunctionTraits::DerivativeInterface derivative(const LocalFunction&)
        DUNE_THROW(NotImplemented, "derivative of derivative is not implemented");

      std::optional<typename Element::Geometry> geometry_;

     * \brief create object from `EmbeddedGlobalGFEFunction` data
     * Please call `derivative(embeddedGlobalGFEFunction)` to create an instance
     * of this class.
    EmbeddedGlobalGFEFunctionDerivative(const std::shared_ptr<const Data>& data)
      : Base(data)
      /* Nothing. */

    /** \brief Evaluate the discrete grid-function derivative in global coordinates
     * \warning This has to find the element that the evaluation point is in.
     *   It is therefore very slow.
    Range operator()(const Domain& x) const
      HierarchicSearch search(this->data_->basis->gridView().grid(), this->data_->basis->gridView().indexSet());

      const auto e = search.findEntity(x);
      auto localThis = localFunction(*this);
      return localThis(e.geometry().local(x));

    friend typename Traits::DerivativeInterface derivative(const EmbeddedGlobalGFEFunctionDerivative& f)
      DUNE_THROW(NotImplemented, "derivative of derivative is not implemented");

    //! Construct local function from a `EmbeddedGlobalGFEFunctionDerivative`
    friend LocalFunction localFunction(const EmbeddedGlobalGFEFunctionDerivative& f)
      return LocalFunction(f);

    using Element = typename Basis::GridView::template Codim<0>::Entity;
    /** \brief Evaluate the function at local coordinates. */
    void evaluateLocal(const Element& element, const Domain& local, Range& out) const override
      // This method will never be called.


} // namespace Dune::GFE