diff --git a/tex/header/preamble.tex b/tex/header/preamble.tex
index 4a371a77f7d44940e9bda2ecbe08e4da189649a3..3d7739963ff1d240ea6b7cd42f54103ef7d2f76a 100644
--- a/tex/header/preamble.tex
+++ b/tex/header/preamble.tex
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 % Abkürzunngen
 % weitere Befehle
 % Typografisches
diff --git a/tex/main.tex b/tex/main.tex
index 8a36a5241e70ee2072b13f9c3a06517045a282cd..71fc359051b59ace6a7c2a82d7c9a1aae52bd240 100644
--- a/tex/main.tex
+++ b/tex/main.tex
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 % use \textinput as described in /header and _TEMPLATE
 % \begin{appendices}
   % \textinput{some-appendix-section}
diff --git a/tex/reynold.tex b/tex/reynold.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..93a996bb27d18487be50a60e41ce55cdd3cbd2cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/reynold.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+%! TEX program = lualatex
+% inputs the preamble only if necessary
+\section{Reynolds number}
+In order to calculate the mean inflow velocity to achieve a specific Reynolds number,
+consider the definition of the Reynolds number:
+  \Rey = \frac{\bar u d}{ν}
+where $d = \SI{0.1}{\metre}$ is the diameter of the cylinder and $ν = \SI{10e-3}{\square\metre\per\second}$ is the kinematic viscosity\footnote{\url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viscosity#Kinematic_viscosity}}.
+  \bar u = \frac{\Rey ν}{d} = \frac{\Rey · \SI{10e-3}{\square\metre\per\second}}{\SI{0.1}{\metre}} = \frac{\Rey}{100} \si{\metre\per\second} \\
+  \bar u = \SI{0.2}{\metre\per\second} \quad \text{for } \Rey = 20 \\
+  \bar u = \SI{1}{\metre\per\second} \quad \text{for } \Rey = 100
+This can be changed the inlet velocity computation where a variable is used that is set in the file |scale|.