diff --git a/tex/header/preamble.tex b/tex/header/preamble.tex
index 06454bb17a8b4ff59e4f0a58afb89d215161128e..5b1f598db219b02f43eb6ea5da2eb089345ddd9f 100644
--- a/tex/header/preamble.tex
+++ b/tex/header/preamble.tex
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
 %   \RedeclareSectionCommand
 %     [beforeskip=-1.5ex plus -.1ex minus -.1ex,
 %      afterskip=.5ex plus .1ex minus .1ex]{subsection}
+% cannot happen in packages since it has to work during package loading:
+% (and it is really not a fault of the packages but the calling)
+\usepackage{silence}                  % Package that lets ignore warnings and errors for using packages in subdirectories
+\WarningFilter{latex}{You have requested package `.maindir/tex/header/}
 \usepackage[tikz]{.maindir/tex/header/stdmath} % , scriptLetters
 \setmainfont{Latin Modern Roman}