diff --git a/microstructure_testsuite/microstructure_testsuite.py b/microstructure_testsuite/microstructure_testsuite.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4cf31a637d831f249c534c4936bf413f9b1449df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/microstructure_testsuite/microstructure_testsuite.py
@@ -0,0 +1,537 @@
+import subprocess
+import re
+import os
+import numpy as np
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import math
+import fileinput
+import time
+import matplotlib.ticker as tickers
+import matplotlib as mpl
+from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator,FormatStrFormatter,MaxNLocator
+import codecs
+import sys
+# import sympy as sym
+# from prettytable import PrettyTable
+# import latextable
+# from texttable import Texttable
+# from tabulate import tabulate
+def run_CellProblem(executable, parset, gridLevel, gamma, mu1,lambda1, rho1, alpha, beta, theta, material_prestrain_imp, outputPath, write_materialFunctions, write_prestrainFunctions, write_VTK,write_L2Error ,write_IntegralMean, write_LOG ):
+    print('----- RUN Cell-Problem ----')
+    processList = []
+    LOGFILE = "Cell-Problem_output.log"
+    print('LOGFILE:',LOGFILE)
+    print('executable:',executable)
+    print('parset:',parset)
+        # start_time = time.time()
+    if write_LOG:
+        p = subprocess.Popen(executable + parset
+                                        # + " -numLevels " + str(gridLevel) + " " + str(gridLevel)
+                                        + " -gamma " + str(gamma)
+                                        + " -mu1 " + str(mu1)
+                                        + " -lambda1 " + str(lambda1)
+                                        + " -alpha " + str(alpha)
+                                        + " -beta " + str(beta)
+                                        + " -theta " + str(theta)
+                                        + " -material_prestrain_imp " + str(material_prestrain_imp)
+                                        + " -write_materialFunctions " + str(write_materialFunctions)
+                                        + " -outputPath " + str(outputPath)
+                                        + " | tee " + LOGFILE, shell=True)
+    else:
+        p = subprocess.Popen(executable + parset
+                                        # + " -numLevels " + str(gridLevel) + " " + str(gridLevel)
+                                        + " -gamma " + str(gamma)
+                                        + " -mu1 " + str(mu1)
+                                        + " -lambda1 " + str(lambda1)
+                                        + " -alpha " + str(alpha)
+                                        + " -beta " + str(beta)
+                                        + " -theta " + str(theta)
+                                        + " -material_prestrain_imp " + str(material_prestrain_imp)
+                                        + " -write_materialFunctions " + str(write_materialFunctions)
+                                        + " -outputPath " + str(outputPath), stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, shell=True )  # surpress Logging
+    p.wait() # wait
+    # print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
+    # print('------FINISHED PROGRAM on level:' + str(gridLevel))
+    processList.append(p)
+    ###Wait for all simulation subprocesses before proceeding
+    exit_codes = [p.wait() for p in processList]
+    return
+def ReadEffectiveQuantities(QFilePath = os.path.dirname(os.getcwd()) + '/outputs/QMatrix.txt', BFilePath = os.path.dirname(os.getcwd())+ '/outputs/BMatrix.txt'):
+    # Read Output Matrices (effective quantities)
+    # From Cell-Problem output Files : ../outputs/Qmatrix.txt , ../outputs/Bmatrix.txt
+    # -- Read Matrix Qhom
+    X = []
+    # with codecs.open(path + '/outputs/QMatrix.txt', encoding='utf-8-sig') as f:
+    with codecs.open(QFilePath, encoding='utf-8-sig') as f:
+        for line in f:
+            s = line.split()
+            X.append([float(s[i]) for i in range(len(s))])
+    Q = np.array([[X[0][2], X[1][2], X[2][2]],
+                  [X[3][2], X[4][2], X[5][2]],
+                  [X[6][2], X[7][2], X[8][2]] ])
+    # -- Read Beff (as Vector)
+    X = []
+    # with codecs.open(path + '/outputs/BMatrix.txt', encoding='utf-8-sig') as f:
+    with codecs.open(BFilePath, encoding='utf-8-sig') as f:
+        for line in f:
+            s = line.split()
+            X.append([float(s[i]) for i in range(len(s))])
+    B = np.array([X[0][2], X[1][2], X[2][2]])
+    return Q, B
+# ----- Setup Paths -----
+outputPath = " ../outputs"
+QFilePath = os.path.dirname(os.getcwd()) + '/outputs/QMatrix.txt'
+BFilePath = os.path.dirname(os.getcwd())+ '/outputs/BMatrix.txt'
+print('---- Input parameters: -----')
+mu1 = 10.0
+rho1 = 1.0
+alpha = 2.8
+beta = 2.0
+theta = 1.0/4.0
+gamma = 0.75
+lambda1= 10.0
+gridLevel = 4
+#  Choose preferred Geometry/Prestrain/Material
+#material_prestrain_imp= "analytical_Example"
+material_prestrain_imp= "parametrized_Laminate"
+#  Solver Type: #1: CG - SOLVER (default), #2: GMRES - SOLVER, #3: QR - SOLVER
+Solvertype = 1 #(default = 1)
+Solver_verbosity = 0  #(default = 2)  degree of information for solver output
+set_IntegralZero = True
+#  Output-Options
+write_materialFunctions = False
+write_prestrainFunctions = False
+write_VTK = False
+# write_L2Error = True
+# write_IntegralMean = True
+write_L2Error = False
+write_IntegralMean = False
+write_LOG = False   # writes Cell-Problem output-LOG in "Cell-Problem_output.log"
+print('mu1: ', mu1)
+print('rho1: ', rho1)
+print('alpha: ', alpha)
+print('beta: ', beta)
+print('theta: ', theta)
+print('gamma:', gamma)
+print('material_prestrain_imp: ', material_prestrain_imp)
+print('gridLevel: ', gridLevel)
+parset = ' ../inputs/cellsolver.parset'
+executable = ' ../build-cmake/src/Cell-Problem'
+                parset,
+                gridLevel,
+                gamma,
+                mu1,
+                lambda1,
+                rho1,
+                alpha,
+                beta,
+                theta,
+                material_prestrain_imp,
+                outputPath,
+                write_materialFunctions,
+                write_prestrainFunctions,
+                write_VTK,
+                write_L2Error,
+                write_IntegralMean,
+                write_LOG
+                )
+print('Read effective quantities...')
+Q, B = ReadEffectiveQuantities(QFilePath,BFilePath)
+# Q, B = ReadEffectiveQuantities()
+print('Q:', Q)
+print('B:', B)
+# for kappa in [4]:
+#     print('--- RUN COMPUTATION FOR KAPPA=',kappa)
+#     # --- map R2 into R2
+#     if domainDim == 2 and targetDim ==2:
+#         print('domainDim == 2 and targetDim == 2')
+#         if kappa == 0 or kappa == 1:
+#             initialIterate = "initialIterateR2_R2"
+#         else:
+#             initialIterate = "initialIterateR2_R2_deg"+str(kappa)
+#         # initialIterate = "initialIterateR2_R2"
+#         # initialIterate = "initialIterateR2_R2_deg2"
+#         # initialIterate = "initialIterateR2_R2_deg3"
+#         # initialIterate = "initialIterateR2_R2_deg4"
+#         # initialIterate = "initialIterateR2_R2_deg5"
+#         # initialIterate = "initialIterateR2_R2_deg8"
+#         executable = '../build-cmake/src/harmonicmaps_2d'
+#         parset = ' ../parsets/harmonicmaps_EOC_2d.parset'
+#     # --- map R2 into R3
+#     if domainDim == 2 and targetDim ==3:
+#         print('domainDim == 2 and targetDim == 3')
+#         # initialIterate = "initialIterateR2_R3"
+#         # initialIterate = "initialIterateR2_R3_smoothed"
+#         if kappa == 0 or kappa == 1:
+#             # initialIterate = "initialIterateR2_R3"
+#             initialIterate = "initialIterateR2_R3_smoothed"
+#         else:
+#             initialIterate = "initialIterateR2_R2_deg"+str(kappa)
+#         # initialIterate = "initialIterateR2_R3_deg2"
+#         # initialIterate = "initialIterateR2_R3_deg3"
+#         # initialIterate = "initialIterateR2_R3_deg4"
+#         # initialIterate = "initialIterateR2_R3_deg5"
+#         executable = '../build-cmake/src/harmonicmaps_2d'
+#         parset = ' ../parsets/harmonicmaps_EOC_2d.parset'
+#      # --- map R3 into R3
+#     if domainDim == 3 and targetDim ==3:
+#         print('domainDim == 3 and targetDim == 3')
+#         if kappa == 0 or kappa == 1:
+#             initialIterate = "initialIterateR3_R3"
+#         else:
+#             initialIterate = "initialIterateR3_R3_deg"+str(kappa)
+#         # initialIterate = "initialIterateR3_R3_pertubed"
+#         # initialIterate = "initialIterateR2_R2"
+#         # initialIterate = "initialIterateR3_R3_deg2"
+#         # initialIterate = "initialIterateR3_R3_deg3"
+#         # initialIterate = "initialIterateR3_R3_deg4"
+#         # initialIterate = "initialIterateR3_R3_deg5"
+#         # initialIterate = "initialIterateR3_R3_deg8"
+#         # initialIterate = "initialIterateR3_R3_deg12"
+#         # initialIterate = "initialIterateR3_R3_deg3_Pert"
+#         # initialIterate = "initialIterateR3_R3_deg3_newOrigin"
+#         executable = '../build-cmake/src/harmonicmaps_3d'
+#         parset = ' ../parsets/harmonicmaps_EOC_3d.parset'
+#     print(' InitialIterate used: ', initialIterate)
+#     path = os.getcwd()
+#     print("Path: ", path)
+#     for order in [1]:
+        # minLevel =  5 + 1 - order;
+        # maxLevel = 10 + 1 - order;
+        # minLevel =  2 + 1 - order;
+        # maxLevel = 8 + 1 - order;
+        #--- Setup LatexTable
+        # table_1 = Texttable()
+        # # table_1.maketitle = "Test"
+        # table_1.set_cols_align(["l", "r", "c"])
+        # table_1.set_cols_valign(["t", "m", "b"])
+        # table_1.add_rows([["Name", "Age", "Nickname"],
+        #                  ["Mr\nXavier\nHuon", 32, "Xav'"],
+        #                  ["Mr\nBaptiste\nClement", 1, "Baby"],
+        #                  ["Mme\nLouise\nBourgeau", 28, "Lou\n \nLoue"]])
+        #
+        # # table_1.add_rows("\multicolumn{3}{c}{ Projection-based-FE of order: 1, $\kappa = 2$}")
+        # print('-- Example 1: Basic --')
+        # print('Texttable Output:')
+        # print(table_1.draw())
+        # print('\nLatextable Output:')
+        # print(latextable.draw_latex(table_1, caption="An example table.", label="table:example_table"))
+        #
+        # rows = [['Rocket', 'Organisation', 'LEO Payload (Tonnes)', 'Maiden Flight'],
+        #         ['Saturn V', 'NASA', '140', '1967'],
+        #         ['Space Shuttle', 'NASA', '24.4', '1981'],
+        #         ['Falcon 9 FT-Expended', 'SpaceX', '22.8', '2017'],
+        #         ['Ariane 5 ECA', 'ESA', '21', '2002']]
+        #
+        # table = Texttable()
+        # table.set_cols_align(["c"] * 4)
+        # table.set_deco(Texttable.HEADER | Texttable.VLINES)
+        # table.add_rows(rows)
+        #
+        # print('Tabulate Table:')
+        # print(tabulate(rows, headers='firstrow'))
+        #
+        # # print('\nTexttable Table:')
+        # # print(table.draw())
+        #
+        # print('\nTabulate Latex:')
+        # print(tabulate(rows, headers='firstrow', tablefmt='latex'))
+        # print('\nTexttable Latex:')
+        # print(latextable.draw_latex(table, caption="A comparison of rocket features."))
+#         #--- Setup Output-Table:
+#         x = PrettyTable()
+#         x.title = interpolationMethod + "-FE" + ' of order ' + str(order) + " into R" + str(targetDim)
+#         # x.field_names = ["k", "#Triang/#DOF", "# TR-Steps","$E^{Di}(0)$", "$E^{Di}$" , "$EOC_h^{L^2}$", "$EOC_h^{H^1}$", "$EOC_h^{E}$", "$\lnorm{u_h-u_{2h}$", "$\lnorm{u_{2h}-u_{4h}$", "$\seminorm{u_h-u_{2h}}$", "$\seminorm{u_{2h}-u_{4h}}$" ]
+#         x.field_names = ["k", "#Triang/#DOF", "# TR-Steps","$E^{Di}(0)$", "$E^{Di}$", "$\delta_1[u_h]$" , "$EOC_h^{L^2}$", "$EOC_h^{H^1}$", "$EOC_h^{E}$", "$\lnorm{u_h-u_{2h}$", "$\lnorm{u_{2h}-u_{4h}$", "$\seminorm{u_h-u_{2h}}$", "$\seminorm{u_{2h}-u_{4h}}$" , "wall-time" ]
+#         x.align["k"] = "l" # Left align city names
+#         x.padding_width = 1 # One space between column edges and contents (default)
+#         rows = []
+#         rows.append(["k", "#Triang/#DOF", "# TR-Steps","$E^{Di}(0)$", "$E^{Di}$", "$\delta_1[u_h]$" , "$EOC_h^{L^2}$", "$EOC_h^{H^1}$", "$EOC_h^{E}$" , "wall-time" ])
+#         # rows.append(["k", "#Triang/#DOF", "# TR-Steps","wall-time","$E^{Di}(0)$", "$E^{Di}$" , "$EOC_h^{L^2}$", "$EOC_h^{H^1}$", "$EOC_h^{E}$" ])
+#         print('rows:', rows)
+#         if compute_HarmonicMaps:
+#             computeHarmonicMap(minLevel,maxLevel,domainDim,targetDim,order,interpolationMethod,maxTrustRegionSteps,initialIterate,randomInitialIterate,readConfiguration,configurationFile,pertubation,pertubationRadius,epsilon,tolerance,executable,parset  )
+#         # --------------------
+#         if compute_Error:
+#             print("-------------------------------------------------------")
+#             print("Now measuring errors with discretizationErrorMode:" + str(discretizationErrorMode))
+#         # subprocess.call(["echo", "Now measuring errors"])
+#             # EOC_l2_list = ["-","-"]
+#             energyList = []
+#             initial_energyList = []
+#             stepList = []
+#             ndofList = []
+#             timeList = []
+#             # EOC_l2_list = []
+#         #
+#             for numLevels in range(minLevel,maxLevel+1):
+#                 print("NUMBER OF LEVELS:", numLevels)
+#                 # Measure the discretization errors against the solution on the finest grid
+#                 # LOGFILE = "./compute-disc-error_" + str(order) + "_" + str(numLevels) + ".log"
+#                 #subprocess.Popen(["../build-cmake/src/compute-disc-error", "compute-disc-error-skyrmions-hexagon.parset",
+#                                                 #"-order", str(order),
+#                                                 #"-numLevels", str(numLevels),
+#                                                 #"-numReferenceLevels", str(maxLevel),
+#                                                 #"-simulationData", "harmonicmaps-result-" + str(order) + "-" + str(numLevels) + ".data",
+#                                                 #"-referenceData", "harmonicmaps-result-" + str(order) + "-" + str(maxLevel) + ".data"])
+#                 # ------------  Get Energy / nDofs/Steps etc. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#                 LOGFILE_comp = "./harmonicmapsR"+ str(domainDim) +"_intoR"+ str(targetDim) +  "_deg" + str(kappa) + "_"+ interpolationMethod + "_" + str(order) + "_" + str(numLevels) + ".log"
+#                 # Read Energy Values:
+#                 with open(LOGFILE_comp, 'r') as file:
+#                     output  = file.read()
+#                 try:
+#                     # tmp_energy = re.search(r'(?m)energy: (-?\d\d?\.\d+[Ee]?[+\-]?\d\d?)',output).group(1)     # muss nun nichtmehr am Zeilenanfang stehen! :)
+#                     # tmp_energy = re.findall(r'(?m)energy: (-?\d\d?\.\d+[Ee]?[+\-]?\d\d?)',output).group(1)
+#                     # tmp_energy = re.findall(r'(?m)energy: (-?\d\d?\.\d+[Ee]?[+\-]?\d\d?)',output)
+#                     # tmp_energy = re.findall(r'(?m)energy: (-?\d\d?\d?\d?\.\d+[Ee]?[+\-]?\d\d?)',output)
+#                     tmp_energy = re.findall(r'(?m)energy: (-?\d?\d?\d?\.?\d+[Ee]?[+\-]?\d?\d?)',output)
+#                     tmp_step = re.findall(r'(?m)Step Number: (\d+)',output)
+#                     tmp_dofs = re.findall(r'(?m)powerBasis: (\d+)',output)
+#                     # tmp_time = re.findall(r'(?m)Time: (-?\d\d?\d?\.\d+[Ee]?[+\-]?\d\d?)',output)
+#                     # tmp_time = re.findall(r'(?m)Time: (-?\d+\.\d+[Ee]?[+\-]?\d\d?)',output)
+#                     tmp_time = re.findall(r'(?m)Time: (-?\d+\.\d+\d?)',output)
+#                 except AttributeError:
+#                     # tmp_energy = re.search(r'(?m)energy: (-?\d\d?\.\d+[Ee]?[+\-]?\d\d?)',output)    # muss nun nichtmehr am Zeilenanfang stehen! :)
+#                     tmp_energy = re.search(r'(?m)energy: (-?\d?\d?\d?\.?\d+[Ee]?[+\-]?\d?\d?)',output)
+#                     tmp_step = re.findall(r'(?m)Step Number: (\d+)',output)
+#                     tmp_dofs = re.findall(r'(?m)powerBasis: (\d+)',output)
+#                     # tmp_time = re.findall(r'(?m)Time: (-?\d\d?\d?\d?\d?\.\d+[Ee]?[+\-]?\d\d?)',output)
+#                     # tmp_time = re.findall(r'(?m)Time: (-?\d+\.\d+[Ee]?[+\-]?\d\d?)',output)
+#                     tmp_time = re.findall(r'(?m)Time: (-?\d+\.\d+\d?)',output)
+#                 if maxTrustRegionSteps>0 :
+#                     print('tmp_step:',tmp_step)
+#                     print('tmp_step last:', int(tmp_step[-1]))
+#                     print('tmp_dofs:',tmp_dofs)
+#                     print('tmp_dofs last:', int(tmp_dofs[-1]))
+#                     print('type tmp_energy:', type(tmp_energy))
+#                     print('tmp_energy:', tmp_energy)
+#                     print('tmp_energy last:', tmp_energy[-1])
+#                     print('tmp_time:', tmp_time)
+#                     energy = float(tmp_energy[-1])   #[1] since otherwise it recognizes "2" from L2error...
+#                     energyList.append(energy)
+#                     initialEnergy = float(tmp_energy[0])
+#                     initial_energyList.append(initialEnergy)
+#                     steps = int(tmp_step[-1])+1   #starts with zero therefore +1
+#                     stepList.append(steps)
+#                     ndofs = int(tmp_dofs[-1])
+#                     ndofList.append(ndofs)
+#                     time = float(tmp_time[-1])
+#                     timeList.append(time)
+#                 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#                 if numLevels >= (minLevel+2) and discretizationErrorMode=='discrete':
+#                     [EOC_l2, EOC_h1, EOC_energy, L2_fine , L2_coarse , H1_fine , H1_coarse, constraintError] \
+#                         = computeError_discrete(numLevels,minLevel,domainDim,targetDim,order,interpolationMethod,discretizationErrorMode,maxTrustRegionSteps,energyList,ndofList,stepList,initial_energyList)
+#                     # x.add_row([numLevels, currentDofs ,  currentSteps,currentInitialEnergy,  currentEnergy, EOC_l2, EOC_h1, EOC_energy , format(l2_fine, "5.3e"), format(l2_coarse, "5.3e"), format(h1_fine, "5.3e"), format(h1_coarse, "5.3e") ])
+#                     # x.add_row([numLevels, "-" , "-", "energy", EOC_l2, EOC_h1, "EOC_h^{E}" , format(l2_fine, "5.3e"), format(l2_coarse, "5.3e"), format(h1_fine, "5.3e"), format(h1_coarse, "5.3e") ])
+#                 elif numLevels >= (minLevel+1)  and discretizationErrorMode=='analytical':
+#                     [EOC_l2, EOC_h1, EOC_energy,L2_fine , L2_coarse , H1_fine , H1_coarse, constraintError] \
+#                         = computeError_analytical(numLevels,domainDim,targetDim,order,interpolationMethod,discretizationErrorMode,maxTrustRegionSteps,energyList,ndofList,stepList,initial_energyList,referenceSolution,numReferenceLevels)
+#                 else:
+#                     EOC_l2 = "-"
+#                     EOC_h1 = "-"
+#                     EOC_energy = "-"
+#                     L2_fine = "-"
+#                     L2_coarse = "-"
+#                     H1_fine = "-"
+#                     H1_coarse = "-"
+#                     constraintError = "-"
+#                     # if maxTrustRegionSteps > 0 :
+#                     #     print('energyList', energyList)
+#                     #     # currentEnergy = energyList[numLevels-1]
+#                     #     currentEnergy = energyList[-1]              #  better like this?
+#                     #     print('currentEnergy', currentEnergy)
+#                     #
+#                     #         # currentDofs = ndofList[numLevels-1]
+#                     #     currentDofs = ndofList[-1]
+#                     #     print('currentDofs', currentDofs)
+#                     #
+#                     #     # currentSteps = stepList[numLevels-1]
+#                     #     currentSteps = stepList[-1]
+#                     #     print('currentSteps', currentSteps)
+#                     #
+#                     #     print('initial_energyList', initial_energyList)
+#                     #     currentInitialEnergy = initial_energyList[-1]
+#                     #     print('currentInitialEnergy', currentInitialEnergy)
+#                     #
+#                     # else:
+#                     #     currentEnergy = "-"
+#                     #     currentDofs = "-"
+#                     #     currentSteps = "-"
+#                     #     currentInitialEnergy = "-"
+#                     # x.add_row([numLevels, currentDofs ,  currentSteps, currentInitialEnergy,  currentEnergy, "-", "-" , "-" , "-", "-", "-", "-"])
+#                     # print('Energy List:', energyList)
+#                 if maxTrustRegionSteps > 0 :
+#                     print('energyList', energyList)
+#                     # currentEnergy = energyList[numLevels-1]
+#                     currentEnergy = energyList[-1]              #  better like this?
+#                     print('currentEnergy', currentEnergy)
+#                         # currentDofs = ndofList[numLevels-1]
+#                     currentDofs = ndofList[-1]
+#                     print('currentDofs', currentDofs)
+#                     # currentSteps = stepList[numLevels-1]
+#                     currentSteps = stepList[-1]
+#                     print('currentSteps', currentSteps)
+#                     print('initial_energyList', initial_energyList)
+#                     currentInitialEnergy = initial_energyList[-1]
+#                     print('currentInitialEnergy', currentInitialEnergy)
+#                 else:
+#                     currentEnergy = "-"
+#                     currentDofs = "-"
+#                     currentSteps = "-"
+#                     currentInitialEnergy = "-"
+#                 print('timeList:', timeList)
+#                 currentTime = timeList[-1]
+#                 print('currentSteps:', currentSteps)
+#                 x.add_row([numLevels, currentDofs, currentSteps, currentInitialEnergy, currentEnergy,constraintError, EOC_l2, EOC_h1, EOC_energy,L2_fine , L2_coarse , H1_fine , H1_coarse , currentTime])
+#                 rows.append([numLevels, currentDofs, str(currentSteps), currentInitialEnergy, currentEnergy,constraintError, EOC_l2, EOC_h1, EOC_energy , currentTime])
+#     ## Add extra column:
+#     # print(*EOC_l2_list)
+#     # x.add_column('EOC', EOC_l2_list)
+#     # Write Table to Text-File:
+#     tablefile = open("EOC-table_R"+str(domainDim)+"intoR"+ str(targetDim)+ "_deg" + str(kappa) + "_"  + interpolationMethod+ "_order" +str(order) + "tol" + str(tolerance) + ".txt", "w")
+#     tablefile.write(str(x))
+#     tablefile.write('\n')
+#     tablefile.write(str(tabulate(rows, headers='firstrow', tablefmt='latex')))
+#     tablefile.close()
+#     # print Table
+#     print(x)
+# #--- Try Tabulate:
+# print(tabulate(rows, headers='firstrow', tablefmt='latex'))
+# ##########  end of kappa-loop ##########################