import math #from python_matrix_operations import * import ctypes import os import sys import numpy as np # import elasticity_toolbox as elast class ParameterSet(dict): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ParameterSet, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.__dict__ = self parameterSet = ParameterSet() #--------------------------------------------------------------- ############################################# # Paths ############################################# # Path for results and logfile parameterSet.outputPath='/home/klaus/Desktop/Dune_release/dune-microstructure/experiment/perforated-bilayer/results' parameterSet.baseName= 'perforated_wood_lower' #(needed for Output-Filename) # Path for material description # parameterSet.geometryFunctionPath =experiment/wood-bilayer/ #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Wooden bilayer, #--- define indicator function # x[0] : y1-component -1/2 to 1/2 # x[1] : y2-component -1/2 to 1/2 # x[2] : x3-component range -1/2 to 1/2 #--- define indicator function def indicatorFunction(x): pRadius = math.sqrt(param_beta/np.pi) if (x[2]>=(0.5-param_r)): # if(np.sqrt(x[0]**2 + x[1]**2) < pRadius): #inside perforation return 1 #Phase1 else : if((x[0]**2 + x[1]**2) < pRadius**2): #inside perforation return 3 #Phase3 else: return 2 #Phase2 # def indicatorFunction(x): # factor=1 # pRadius = 0.25 # if (x[2]>=(0.5-param_r) and np.sqrt(x[0]**2 + x[1]**2) < pRadius): # return 3 # elif((x[2]>=(0.5-param_r))): # return 1 #Phase1 # else : # return 2 #Phase2 # # --- Number of material phases # parameterSet.Phases=3 # def indicatorFunction(x): # factor=1 # pRadius = 1 # # if (np.sqrt(x[0]*x[0] + x[1]*x[1]) < pRadius): # if ((x[0] < 0 and math.sqrt(pow(x[1],2) + pow(x[2],2) ) < pRadius/4.0) or ( 0 < x[0] and math.sqrt(pow(x[1],2) + pow(x[2],2) ) > pRadius/4.0)): # return 1 # else : # return 2 #Phase2 # --- Number of material phases parameterSet.Phases=3 # Parameters of the model # -- (thickness upper layer) / (thickness) # param_r = 0.22 param_r = 0.49 # -- thickness [meter] param_h = 0.008 # -- moisture content in the flat state [%] param_omega_flat = 17.01520754 # -- moisture content in the target state [%] param_omega_target = 9.341730605 # -- Drehwinkel param_theta = 0.0 # Design Parameter ratio between perforaton (cylindrical) volume and volume of upper layer param_beta = 0.3 # # # # -- increment of the moisture content delta_omega=param_omega_target-param_omega_flat # moisture content for material law omega=param_omega_target # --- Material properties from # --- for European beech, moisture content omega = 15% # --- L=direction orthogonal to layering and fibres = orthogonal to wood stem cross-section # --- T=tangential zu layering # --- R=orthogonal zu layering # --- in MPa # --- Properties are defined by affine function in dependence of moisture content omega via property = b_0+b_1 \omega # --- coefficients of affine function are contained in the following array # --- data taken from properties_coefficients=np.array([ # [b_0, b_1] [2565.6,-59.7], # E_R [MPa] [885.4, -23.4], # E_T [MPa] [17136.7,-282.4], # E_L [MPa] [667.8, -15.19], # G_RT [MPa] [1482, -15.26], # G_RL [MPa] [1100, -17.72], # G_TL [MPa] [0.2933, -0.001012], # nu_TR [1] [0.383, -0.008722], # nu_LR [1] [0.3368, -0.009071] # nu_LT [1] ]) # Compute actual material properties E_R = properties_coefficients[0,0]+properties_coefficients[0,1]*omega E_T = properties_coefficients[1,0]+properties_coefficients[1,1]*omega E_L = properties_coefficients[2,0]+properties_coefficients[2,1]*omega G_RT = properties_coefficients[3,0]+properties_coefficients[3,1]*omega G_LR = properties_coefficients[4,0]+properties_coefficients[4,1]*omega G_LT = properties_coefficients[5,0]+properties_coefficients[5,1]*omega nu_TR = properties_coefficients[6,0]+properties_coefficients[6,1]*omega nu_LR = properties_coefficients[7,0]+properties_coefficients[7,1]*omega nu_LT = properties_coefficients[8,0]+properties_coefficients[8,1]*omega # Compute the remaining Poisson ratios nu_TL=nu_LT*E_T/E_L nu_RT=nu_TR*E_R/E_T nu_RL=nu_LR*E_R/E_L # # --- differential swelling strain # --- relation to swelling strain eps: eps=alpha* delta_omega with delta_omega = change of water content in % alpha_L=0.00011 # PLOS paper alpha_R=0.00191 # PLOS paper alpha_T=0.00462 # PLOS paper # Umrechnen #alpha_L=(1-1/(1+delta_omega*alpha_L))/delta_omega #alpha_R=(1-1/(1+delta_omega*alpha_R))/delta_omega #alpha_T=(1-1/(1+delta_omega*alpha_T))/delta_omega # --- define geometry # --- PHASE 1 # y_1-direction: L # y_2-direction: T # x_3-direction: R # phase1_type="orthotropic" # materialParameters_phase1 = [E_L,E_T,E_R,G_TL,G_RT,G_RL,nu_LT,nu_LR,nu_TR] parameterSet.phase1_type="general_anisotropic" [E_1,E_2,E_3]=[E_L,E_T,E_R] [nu_12,nu_13,nu_23]=[nu_LT,nu_LR,nu_TR] [nu_21,nu_31,nu_32]=[nu_TL,nu_RL,nu_RT] [G_12,G_31,G_23]=[G_LT,G_LR,G_RT] compliance_S=np.array([[1/E_1, -nu_21/E_2, -nu_31/E_3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-nu_12/E_1, 1/E_2, -nu_32/E_3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-nu_13/E_1, -nu_23/E_2, 1/E_3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1/G_23, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1/G_31, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1/G_12]]); materialParameters_phase1 = compliance_S def prestrain_phase1(x): # hB=delta_omega * alpha with delta_omega increment of moisture content and alpha swelling factor. return [[1/param_h*delta_omega*alpha_L, 0, 0], [0,1/param_h*delta_omega*alpha_T,0], [0,0,1/param_h*delta_omega*alpha_R]] # --- PHASE 2 # y_1-direction: R # y_2-direction: L # x_3-direction: T parameterSet.phase2_type="general_anisotropic" [E_1,E_2,E_3]=[E_R,E_L,E_T] [nu_12,nu_13,nu_23]=[nu_RL,nu_RT,nu_LT] [nu_21,nu_31,nu_32]=[nu_LR,nu_TR,nu_TL] [G_12,G_31,G_23]=[G_LR,G_RT,G_LT] compliance_S=np.array([[1/E_1, -nu_21/E_2, -nu_31/E_3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-nu_12/E_1, 1/E_2, -nu_32/E_3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-nu_13/E_1, -nu_23/E_2, 1/E_3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1/G_23, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1/G_31, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1/G_12]]); materialParameters_phase2 = compliance_S def prestrain_phase2(x): return [[1/param_h*delta_omega*alpha_R, 0, 0], [0,1/param_h*delta_omega*alpha_L,0], [0,0,1/param_h*delta_omega*alpha_T]] #Rotation um 2. Achse (= L) parameterSet.phase2_axis = 1 # phase2_angle = param_theta # -- Drehwinkel parameterSet.phase2_angle = param_theta # --- PHASE 3 parameterSet.phase3_type="isotropic" epsilon = 1e-8 materialParameters_phase3 = [epsilon, epsilon] def prestrain_phase3(x): return [[0, 0, 0], [0,0,0], [0,0,0]] # # --- PHASE 3 = Phase 1 gedreht # # y_1-direction: L # # y_2-direction: R # # x_3-direction: T # parameterSet.phase3_type="general_anisotropic" # # Drehung um theta um Achse 2 = x_3-Achse # N=elast.rotation_matrix_compliance(2,param_theta) # materialParameters_phase3 =,materialParameters_phase1),N.T) # materialParameters_phase3 = 0.5*(materialParameters_phase3.T+materialParameters_phase3) # # rotation of strain # def prestrain_phase3(x): # return elast.voigt_to_strain(,param_theta),,N.T))).tolist() # --- Choose scale ratio gamma: parameterSet.gamma=1.0 ############################################# # Grid parameters ############################################# ## numLevels : Number of Levels on which solution is computed. starting with a 2x2x2 cube mesh. ## {start,finish} computes on all grid from 2^(start) to 2^finish refinement #---------------------------------------------------- parameterSet.numLevels= '3 3' # computes all levels from first to second entry # parameterSet.numLevels= '4 4' ############################################# # Assembly options ############################################# parameterSet.set_IntegralZero = 1 #(default = false) parameterSet.set_oneBasisFunction_Zero = 1 #(default = false) #parameterSet.arbitraryLocalIndex = 7 #(default = 0) #parameterSet.arbitraryElementNumber = 3 #(default = 0) ############################################# # Solver Options, Type: #1: CG - SOLVER , #2: GMRES - SOLVER, #3: QR - SOLVER (default), #4: UMFPACK - SOLVER ############################################# parameterSet.Solvertype = 3 # recommended to use iterative solver (e.g GMRES) for finer grid-levels parameterSet.Solver_verbosity = 0 #(default = 2) degree of information for solver output ############################################# # Write/Output options #(default=false) ############################################# # --- (Optional output) write Material / prestrain / Corrector functions to .vtk-Files: parameterSet.write_materialFunctions = 1 # VTK indicator function for material/prestrain definition #parameterSet.write_prestrainFunctions = 1 # VTK norm of B (currently not implemented) # --- (Additional debug output) parameterSet.print_debug = 0 #(default=false) # --- Write Correctos to VTK-File: parameterSet.write_VTK = 1 # The grid can be refined several times for a higher resolution in the VTK-file. parameterSet.subsamplingRefinement = 2 # --- (Optional output) L2Error, integral mean: #parameterSet.write_L2Error = 1 #parameterSet.write_IntegralMean = 1 # --- check orthogonality (75) from paper: parameterSet.write_checkOrthogonality = 0 # --- Write corrector-coefficients to log-File: #parameterSet.write_corrector_phi1 = 1 #parameterSet.write_corrector_phi2 = 1 #parameterSet.write_corrector_phi3 = 1 # --- Print Condition number of matrix (can be expensive): #parameterSet.print_conditionNumber= 1 #(default=false) # --- write effective quantities to Matlab-folder for symbolic minimization: parameterSet.write_toMATLAB = 1 # writes effective quantities to .txt-files QMatrix.txt and BMatrix.txt