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Commit ddd1060b authored by Happel, Lea's avatar Happel, Lea
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actually add RefinedGridFunction

parent 1afde968
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#pragma once
#include <functional>
#include <type_traits>
#include <dune/common/referencehelper.hh>
#include <dune/functions/gridfunctions/gridviewentityset.hh>
// backport of dune/functions/gridfunctions/refinedgridfunction.hh
namespace AMDiS {
* \brief A grid function defining data on a coarser entity level than bound to
* \ingroup FunctionImplementations
* This wrapper function allows to bind the wrapped grid function to elements on a finer
* grid than this grid function was defined on. It works by traversing from the refined element
* through the hierarchy until a coarser element is found that is in the entity-set of the
* bound grid function.
* \tparam GV The GridView the wrapper is bound to
* \tparam GF A GridFunction that is bound to a coarser GridView
template <class GV, class GF>
class RefinedGridFunction
/** \brief The set of entities this function can be evaluated on */
using EntitySet = Dune::Functions::GridViewEntitySet<GV,0>;
/** \brief The global coordinates */
using Domain = typename EntitySet::GlobalCoordinate;
/** \brief The result type of the function */
using Range = std::invoke_result_t<GF, Domain>;
/** \brief The local coordinates */
using LocalDomain = typename EntitySet::LocalCoordinate;
/** \brief Type of the grid element the LocalFunction can be bound to */
using Element = typename EntitySet::Element;
template <class ES, class LF>
class RefinedLocalFunction
using Domain = LocalDomain;
using Range = std::invoke_result_t<LF, LocalDomain>;
using Element = RefinedGridFunction::Element;
/** \brief Constructor. Stores the `localFct` by value. */
RefinedLocalFunction (const ES& entitySet, const LF& localFct)
: entitySet_{entitySet}
, localFct_{localFct}
RefinedLocalFunction (const ES& entitySet, LF&& localFct)
: entitySet_{entitySet}
, localFct_{std::move(localFct)}
RefinedLocalFunction (const RefinedLocalFunction& that) = default;
RefinedLocalFunction (RefinedLocalFunction&& that) = default;
RefinedLocalFunction& operator= (const RefinedLocalFunction& that) = default;
RefinedLocalFunction& operator= (RefinedLocalFunction&& that) = default;
* \brief Bind the wrapped local-function to grid element.
* The given `element` might not be the element the wrapped local-function can be
* bound to. It has to be iterated in the hierarchy up (to coarser elements) until the
* entity-set of the local function contains the found father element.
void bind (const Element& element)
element_ = element;
local_ = [](const Domain& x) { return x; };
while (!entitySet_.contains(*father_) && father_->hasFather()) {
// store the coordinate transform
local_ = [local=local_, geo=father_->geometryInFather()](const Domain& x) {
bound_ = true;
/** \brief Unbind the wrapped local-function */
void unbind ()
bound_ = false;
/** \brief Check whether the local function is bound to an element */
bool bound () const
return bound_;
/** \brief Evaluate LocalFunction at bound element. */
Range operator() (const Domain& x) const
return localFct_(local_(x));
template <class Entity>
void print (Entity const& entity) const
auto geo = entity.geometry();
std::cout << "element (l=" << entity.level() << ") [ ";
for (int i = 0; i < geo.corners(); ++i)
auto x = geo.corner(i);
std::cout << "(" << x[0] << ", " << x[1] << ") ";
std::cout << "]\n";
/** \brief Return the element this LocalFunction is bound to */
const Element& localContext () const
return element_;
/** \brief Construct a derivative by wrapping the derivative of the wrapped local-function */
template <class LF_ = LF>
auto makeDerivative () const
-> RefinedLocalFunction<ES,
std::decay_t<decltype(derivative(std::declval<const LF_&>()))>>
auto dLocalFct = derivative(localFct_);
auto dRefinedLocalFct = RefinedLocalFunction<ES,decltype(dLocalFct)>{entitySet_, std::move(dLocalFct)};
if (bound())
return dRefinedLocalFct;
ES entitySet_;
LF localFct_;
// the following members are initialized during bind
Element element_;
std::optional<Element> father_ = std::nullopt;
std::function<Domain(const Domain&)> local_ = nullptr;
bool bound_ = false;
* \brief Constructor.
* Stores the GridFunction by value. Use a reference wrapper if copying the GridFunction
* is an expensive operation!
RefinedGridFunction (const GV& gridView, const GF& gridFct)
: gridView_{gridView}
, entitySet_{gridView}
, gridFct_{gridFct}
RefinedGridFunction (const GV& gridView, GF&& gridFct)
: gridView_{gridView}
, entitySet_{gridView}
, gridFct_{std::move(gridFct)}
/** \brief Evaluate the wrapped grid-function. */
Range operator() (const Domain& x) const
return gridFct_(x);
/** \brief Construct a derivative by wrapping the derivative of the wrapped grid-function */
template <class GF_ = GF>
auto makeDerivative () const
-> RefinedGridFunction<GV,
std::decay_t<decltype(derivative(Dune::resolveRef(std::declval<const GF_&>())))>>
return {gridView_, derivative(Dune::resolveRef(gridFct_))};
* \brief Construct local function from a DiscreteGlobalBasisFunction
* \ingroup FunctionImplementations
friend auto localFunction (const RefinedGridFunction& t)
using ES = std::decay_t<decltype(t.gridFct_.entitySet())>;
using LF = std::decay_t<decltype(localFunction(Dune::resolveRef(t.gridFct_)))>;
using LocalFunction = RefinedLocalFunction<ES,LF>;
return LocalFunction{t.gridFct_.entitySet(),
/** \brief Get associated EntitySet */
const EntitySet& entitySet () const
return entitySet_;
/** \brief Get associated grid function */
const GF& gridFunction () const
return gridFct_;
GF& gridFunction ()
return gridFct_;
GV gridView_;
EntitySet entitySet_;
GF gridFct_;
template <class F>
auto derivative (F const& f)
-> decltype(f.makeDerivative())
return f.makeDerivative();
} // end namespace AMDiS
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