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# Variadic XXX
## functions, templates, macros, operators, ...
Simon Praetorius **
*Institute for Scientific Computing*<br />
*Technische Universität Dresden*
# Motivating Example
## Type-Safe *printf*
Old C-style:
printf("Hello %s, %d is less than %f\n", "Bob", 7, 8.5);
New `C++` (17) style:
std::cout << "Hello %s, %d is less than %f\n"_format("Bob", 7, 8.5);
- Type-safe
- Compiler-error if types are not convertible in format specifier
- Python-like syntax.
print "Hello {}, {:d} is less than {:f}\n".format("Bob", 7, 8.5)
# Variadic functions
Functions that take a variable number of arguments
- Ellipsis (`...`) as last argument (comma is optional)
- number of passed arguments must be known
- function macros `va_start`, `va_arg`, `va_list`, `va_end` to access the args
- Undefined behavior if something is not correct (wrong type given, read above the end, ...)
- **variadic parameters have the lowest rank in overload resolution**
int sum_f(int count, ...)
int result = 0;
va_list args;
va_start(args, count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
result += va_arg(args, int);
return result;
std::cout << sum_f(4, 25, 25, 50, 50) << '\n';
# Variadic macros
Use Ellipsis (...) and `__VA_ARGS__` to define a variadic macro and expand the
variadic arguments
Example: Pidgeonhole principle to count number of passed arguments
#define PP_NARG_IMPL(...) PP_ARG_N(__VA_ARGS__)
#define PP_ARG_N( _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, _9, _10, N, ...) N
#define PP_RSEQ_N() 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0
Implementation of varidatic function without `count` argument:
#define SUM(...) sum_f(COUNT_ARGS(__VA_ARGS__), __VA_ARGS__)
- Trick introduced in [comp.std.c forum](!topic/comp.std.c/d-6Mj5Lko_s)
# Variadic templates
Templates that take a variable number of template type parameters
### Pre `C++11`:
- Specify each template separately
template <class T0> int sum_t(T0 a0);
template <class T0, class T1> int sum_t(T0 a0, T1 a1);
template <class T0, class T1, class T2> int sum_t(T0 a0, T1 a1, T2 a2);
- Use Macro-hacks to generate a large number of overloads with different nr. of types:
(may be automatized with `Boost.Preprocessor`)
#define SUM_FUNCTION(z, n, _) \
template< BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS_Z(z, n, class T) > \
int sum_t( BOOST_PP_ENUM_BINARY_PARAMS_Z(z, n, T, a) );
# Variadic templates
Templates that take a variable number of template type parameters
### From `C++11`:
- Ellipsis mark parameter packs (list of parameters)
template <class... Ts> // types
template <int... Is> // non-type parameters
template <template <class T> class... Us> // template template parameters
// Function parameter packs (expand types in argument list)
template <class... Ts> sum_t(Ts... as);
- Variadic parameters can be mixed with classical parameters
- No runtime-overhead due to variadic argument list
- Empty packs are allowed!
### Problems:
- Individual types and arguments can not be accessed (directly)
- Work with variadic templates is often based on recursion
- Break condition is based on fixed nr. of arguments (or empty list)
# Recursion with variadic templates
## Example: Access the i'th tuple element
- Tuple as list of types:
template <class... Ts> struct Tuple {};
- Get the ith element using template specialization and recursion:
template <int i, class List> Get; // primary template
template <int i, class T0, class... Ts> // specialization for tuples
struct Get<i, Tuple<T0, Ts...>> : public Get<i-1, Tuple<Ts...>> {};
template <class T0, class... Ts> // break condition
struct Get<0, Tuple<T0, Ts...>> { using type = T0; };
- Usage:
using T = Tuple<int, double, float, long>;
using T1 = typename Get<1, T>::type; // = double
# Parameter pack expansion
## Only use of parameter pack: expand it!
- Expansion: Name of the pack + Ellipsis
template <class... Ts>
auto sum_t(Ts... args) {
// expand template parameter pack `Ts` first,
// then function parameter pack `args`
std::tuple<Ts...> argsTuple{args...};
// ...
sum(3.5, 1, 4u);
- Corresponds to
auto sum_t(double args_1, int args_2, unsigned args_3) {
std::tuple<double, int, unsigned> argsTuple{args_1, args_2, args_3};
# sizeof...
- Return number of elements in a parameter pack.
- Works with types and arguments
template <class... Ts>
auto sum_t(Ts... args) {
return sum_f(sizeof...(args), args...);
# initializer lists
- `initializer_list` = tuple of elements of the **same type**
- `auto` with `{}` gives `initializer_list`:
auto l = {1,2,3,4,5}; // -> std::initializer_list<int>
- More simple implementation of `sum(...)` function:
template <class... Ts>
int sum_t(Ts... ts) {
int result = 0;
for (auto el : {ts...}) // all elements in initializer_list
result += el;
return result;
# Apply function to elements:
- Example: Append all argument to a vector
template <class... Ts>
auto make_vec(Ts... ts) {
using T = std::common_type_t<Ts...>;
std::vector<T> vec;
auto x = {(vec.push_back(ts),0)...}; // warning: unused variable
return vec;
- Better: use `initializer_list` explicitly:
template <class... Ts>
auto make_vec(Ts... ts) {
using T = std::common_type_t<Ts...>;
std::vector<T> vec;
return vec;
# Apply function to elements:
- Generic implementation:
template <class F, class... Ts>
void apply(F f, Ts... ts) {
template <class... Ts>
auto make_vec(Ts... ts) {
using T = std::common_type_t<Ts...>;
std::vector<T> vec;
apply([&vec](T t) { vec.push_back(t); }, ts...);
return vec;
# Fold expressions
Instead of looping over all elements in a initializter_list or tuple, to add the values up,
apply the `operator+` directly to all elements:
template <class... Ts>
auto sum_o(Ts... ts) {
return (ts + ...); // brackets () are necessary
- (unary) right fold: `(args + ...) = (arg1 + (arg2 + (... + argN)))`
- (unary) left fold: `(... | args) = (((arg1 | arg2) | ... ) | argN)`
- Binary (right) fold: `(args * ... * X) = (arg1 * ( ... * (argN * X))`
- Special conditions for empty packs (not allowed for all operators)
# Fold expressions
Instead of looping over all elements in a initializter_list or tuple, to add the values up,
apply the `operator+` directly to all elements:
template <class... Ts>
auto sum_o(Ts... ts) {
return (ts + ...); // brackets () are necessary
- Can be combined with function call:
template <class T> T sqr(T t) { return t*t; }
template <class... Ts>
auto norm(Ts... ts) {
return std::sqrt((sqr(ts) + ...)); // additional brackets () are necessary
- Also the `,`-operator can be used, instead of initializer lists
template <class F, class... Ts>
void apply(F f, Ts... ts)
((void)f(ts), ...);
# User defined (string) literals
- User defined literals (available in different form, here template variadic form):
- Transform sequence of chars to value
template <char... Chars>
auto operator""_kg() { ... }
- Usage:
auto weight = 100_kg + 10_kg;
- In `C++17`: User defined string literals:
template <class CharT, CharT... Chars>
auto operator""_format() { ... }
- Usage:
auto s = "this is a string"_format;
# User defined literals
## Example: Generate integral constants
constexpr unsigned char2digit(const char c) {
return unsigned(c) - unsigned('0'); // maybe provide explicit mapping
template <int N>
constexpr int chars2int(const char (&arr)[N]) {
int result=0, power=1;
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
result+= char2digit( arr[N - 1 - i] ) * power;
power *= 10;
return result;
template <char... digits>
constexpr auto operator"" _c() {
return std::integral_constant<int,chars2int<sizeof...(digits)>({digits...})>{};
// Usage:
auto i = 123_c; // i = std::integral_constant<int, 123>
- See [Boost.hana](
# Finally: Type-safe *printf*
1. **Idea:** Use user defined string literal to transform format string into char sequence
2. Parse char sequence and add all pairs `%X` with `X` a format specifier, to a list of types, i.e.
`%d -> int`
3. Wrapping call to `printf` in function with argument types given by this calculated list of types.
4. Finally call `std::printf`. Now all types are checked.
# Finally: Type-safe *printf*
- Helper class that stored Types:
template <class... Ts> struct Types {
template <class T> using push_front = Types<T, Ts...>;
template <template <class...> class F> using apply = F<Ts...>;
- Generator for class `Types` from char sequence:
template <char... Chars>
struct FormatTypes : Types< /*implementation detail*/ >;
- Functor that calls `printf`, parametrized with argument types:
template <class... Args>
struct Formatter {
int operator()(Args... args) {
return std::printf(str, args...);
const char *str;
# Finally: Type-safe *printf*
- The actual string literal:
template <class CharT, CharT... Chars>
typename FormatTypes<Chars...>::template apply<Formatter>
operator""_printf() {
static const char str[] = { Chars..., 0 };
return { str };
- Idea from: N3599 (Proposal for C++17 standard)
- Some material from [Arne-Metz Blog](
class: center, middle
# Thank you for your attention
# Appendix:
- Simplified implementation
// Select a type from a format character.
template<char K> struct format_type_impl;
template<> struct format_type_impl<'d'> { using type = int; };
template<> struct format_type_impl<'f'> { using type = double; };
template<> struct format_type_impl<'s'> { using type = const char *; };
// ...
template<char K> using format_type = typename format_type_impl<K>::type;
// Build a tuple of types from a format string.
template<char... Chars>
struct FormatTypes;
struct FormatTypes<> : Types<> {};
template<char Char, char... Chars>
struct FormatTypes<Char, String...> : FormatTypes<Chars...> {};
template<char... Chars>
struct FormatTypes<'%', '%', String...>
: FormatTypes<Chars...> {};
template<char Fmt, char... Chars>
struct FormatTypes<'%', Fmt, String...>
: FormatTypes<String...>::template push_front<format_type<Fmt>> {};
- Full implementation can be found in the GitLab repository
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class: center, middle
# Variadic XXX
## functions, templates, macros, operators, ...
Simon Praetorius **
*Institute for Scientific Computing*<br />
*Technische Universität Dresden*
# Motivating Example
## Type-Safe *printf*
Old C-style:
printf("Hello %s, %d is less than %f\n", "Bob", 7, 8.5);
New type-safe `printf` with `C++` (17) style:
std::cout << "Hello %s, %d is less than %f\n"_format("Bob", 7, 8.5);
- Type-safe
- Compiler-error if types are not convertible in format specifier
- Python-like syntax.
print "Hello {}, {:d} is less than {:f}\n".format("Bob", 7, 8.5)
# Variadic functions
Functions that take a variable number of arguments
- Ellipsis (`...`) as last argument (comma is optional)
- number of passed arguments must be known
- function macros `va_start`, `va_arg`, `va_list`, `va_end` to access the args
- Undefined behavior if something is not correct (wrong type given, read above the end, ...)
- **variadic parameters have the lowest rank in overload resolution**
int sum_f(int count, ...)
int result = 0;
va_list args;
va_start(args, count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
result += va_arg(args, int);
return result;
std::cout << sum_f(4, 25, 25, 50, 50) << '\n';
# Variadic macros
Use Ellipsis (...) and `__VA_ARGS__` to define a variadic macro and expand the
variadic arguments
Example: Pidgeonhole principle to count number of passed arguments
#define PP_NARG_IMPL(...) PP_ARG_N(__VA_ARGS__)
#define PP_ARG_N( _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, _9, _10, N, ...) N
#define PP_RSEQ_N() 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0
Implementation of varidatic function without `count` argument:
#define SUM(...) sum_f(COUNT_ARGS(__VA_ARGS__), __VA_ARGS__)
- Trick introduced in [comp.std.c forum](!topic/comp.std.c/d-6Mj5Lko_s)
# Variadic templates
Templates that take a variable number of template type parameters
### Pre `C++11`:
- Specify each template separately
template <class T0> int sum_t(T0 a0);
template <class T0, class T1> int sum_t(T0 a0, T1 a1);
template <class T0, class T1, class T2> int sum_t(T0 a0, T1 a1, T2 a2);
- Use Macro-hacks to generate a large number of overloads with different nr. of types:
(may be automatized with `Boost.Preprocessor`)
#define SUM_FUNCTION(z, n, _) \
template< BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS_Z(z, n, class T) > \
int sum_t( BOOST_PP_ENUM_BINARY_PARAMS_Z(z, n, T, a) );
# Variadic templates
Templates that take a variable number of template type parameters
### From `C++11`:
- Ellipsis mark parameter packs (list of parameters)
template <class... Ts> // types
template <int... Is> // non-type parameters
template <template <class T> class... Us> // template template parameters
// Function parameter packs (expand types in argument list)
template <class... Ts> sum_t(Ts... as);
- Variadic parameters can be mixed with classical parameters
- No runtime-overhead due to variadic argument list
- Empty packs are allowed!
### Challenges:
- Individual types and arguments can not be accessed (directly)
- Work with variadic templates is often based on recursion
- Break condition is based on fixed nr. of arguments (or empty list)
# Recursion with variadic templates
## Example: Access the i'th tuple element
- Tuple as list of types:
template <class... Ts> struct Tuple {};
- Get the ith element using template specialization and recursion:
template <int i, class List> Get; // primary template
template <int i, class T0, class... Ts> // specialization for tuples
struct Get<i, Tuple<T0, Ts...>> : public Get<i-1, Tuple<Ts...>> {};
template <class T0, class... Ts> // break condition
struct Get<0, Tuple<T0, Ts...>> { using type = T0; };
- Usage:
using T = Tuple<int, double, float, long>;
using T1 = typename Get<1, T>::type; // = double
# Parameter pack expansion
## Only use of parameter pack: expand it!
- Expansion: Name of the pack + Ellipsis
template <class... Ts>
auto sum_t(Ts... args) {
// expand template parameter pack `Ts` first,
// then function parameter pack `args`
std::tuple<Ts...> argsTuple{args...};
// ...
sum(3.5, 1, 4u);
- Corresponds to
auto sum_t(double args_1, int args_2, unsigned args_3) {
std::tuple<double, int, unsigned> argsTuple{args_1, args_2, args_3};
# sizeof...
- Return number of elements in a parameter pack.
- Works with types and arguments
template <class... Ts>
auto sum_t(Ts... args) {
return sum_f(sizeof...(args), args...);
# initializer lists
- `initializer_list` = tuple of elements of the **same type**
- `auto` with `{}` gives `initializer_list`:
auto l = {1,2,3,4,5}; // -> std::initializer_list<int>
- More simple implementation of `sum(...)` function:
template <class... Ts>
int sum_t(Ts... ts) {
int result = 0;
for (auto el : {ts...}) // all elements in initializer_list
result += el;
return result;
# Apply function to elements:
- Example: Append all argument to a vector
template <class... Ts>
auto make_vec(Ts... ts) {
using T = std::common_type_t<Ts...>;
std::vector<T> vec;
auto x = {(vec.push_back(ts),0)...}; // warning: unused variable
return vec;
- Better: use `initializer_list` explicitly:
template <class... Ts>
auto make_vec(Ts... ts) {
using T = std::common_type_t<Ts...>;
std::vector<T> vec;
return vec;
# Apply function to elements:
- Generic implementation:
template <class F, class... Ts>
void apply(F f, Ts... ts) {
template <class... Ts>
void print(Ts... ts) {
apply([](T t) { std::cout << t << ' '; }, ts...);
- or a bit more stylish:
template <class T0, class... Ts>
void print(T0 t0, Ts... ts) {
std::cout << "[" << t0;
apply([](T t) { std::cout << ", " << t; }, ts...);
std::cout << "]\n";
class: center, middle
# Part II
## fold expressions, user defined literals, printf
# Fold expressions
Instead of looping over all elements in an `initializter_list` or `tuple` to add the values up,
apply the `operator+` directly to all elements:
template <class... Ts>
auto sum_o(Ts... ts) {
return (ts + ...); // brackets () are necessary
- unary right fold: `(args + ...) = (arg1 + (arg2 + (... + argN)))`
- unary left fold: `(... | args) = (((arg1 | arg2) | ... ) | argN)`
- binary right fold: `(args * ... * X) = (arg1 * ( ... * (argN * X))`
- binary left fold: analogously
- Special conditions for empty packs (not allowed for all operators)
# Fold expressions
Instead of looping over all elements in an `initializter_list` or `tuple` to add the values up,
apply the `operator+` directly to all elements:
template <class... Ts>
auto sum_o(Ts... ts) { return (ts + ...); }
- Can be combined with function call:
template <class T> T sqr(T t) { return t*t; }
template <class... Ts>
auto norm(Ts... ts) {
return std::sqrt((sqr(ts) + ...)); // additional brackets () are necessary
- Also the `,`-operator can be used, instead of initializer lists
template <class F, class... Ts>
void apply(F f, Ts... ts) {
((void)f(ts), ...);
# User defined (string) literals
- User defined literals (available in different form, here template variadic form):
- Transform sequence of chars to value
template <char... Chars>
auto operator""_kg() { ... }
- Usage:
auto weight = 100_kg + 10_kg;
- In `C++17`: User defined string literals:
template <class CharT, CharT... Chars>
auto operator""_format() { ... }
- Usage:
auto s = "this is a string"_format;
# User defined literals
## Example: Generate integral constants
constexpr unsigned char2digit(const char c) {
return unsigned(c) - unsigned('0'); // maybe provide explicit mapping
template <int N>
constexpr int chars2int(const char (&arr)[N]) {
int result=0, power=1;
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
result+= char2digit( arr[N - 1 - i] ) * power;
power *= 10;
return result;
template <char... digits>
constexpr auto operator"" _c() {
return std::integral_constant<int,chars2int<sizeof...(digits)>({digits...})>{};
// Usage:
auto i = 123_c; // i = std::integral_constant<int, 123>
- See [Boost.hana](
# Finally: Type-safe *printf*
1. **Idea:** Use user defined string literal to transform format string into char sequence
2. Parse char sequence and add all pairs `%X` with `X` a format specifier, to a list of types, i.e.
`%d -> int`
3. Wrapping call to `printf` in function with argument types given by this calculated list of types.
4. Finally call `std::printf`. Now all types are checked.
# Finally: Type-safe *printf*
- Helper class that stored Types:
template <class... Ts> struct Types {
template <class T> using push_front = Types<T, Ts...>;
template <template <class...> class F> using apply = F<Ts...>;
- Generator for class `Types` from char sequence:
template <char... Chars>
struct FormatTypes : Types< /*implementation detail*/ >;
- Functor that calls `printf`, parametrized with argument types:
template <class... Args>
struct Formatter {
int operator()(Args... args) {
return std::printf(str, args...);
const char *str;
# Finally: Type-safe *printf*
- The actual string literal:
template <class CharT, CharT... Chars>
typename FormatTypes<Chars...>::template apply<Formatter>
operator""_printf() {
static const char str[] = { Chars..., 0 };
return { str };
- Idea from: N3599 (Proposal for C++17 standard)
- Some material from [Arne-Metz Blog](
class: center, middle
# Thank you for your attention
count: false
# Appendix:
- Simplified implementation
// Select a type from a format character.
template<char K> struct format_type_impl;
template<> struct format_type_impl<'d'> { using type = int; };
template<> struct format_type_impl<'f'> { using type = double; };
template<> struct format_type_impl<'s'> { using type = const char *; };
// ...
template<char K> using format_type = typename format_type_impl<K>::type;
// Build a tuple of types from a format string.
template<char... Chars>
struct FormatTypes;
struct FormatTypes<> : Types<> {};
template<char Char, char... Chars>
struct FormatTypes<Char, String...> : FormatTypes<Chars...> {};
template<char... Chars>
struct FormatTypes<'%', '%', String...>
: FormatTypes<Chars...> {};
template<char Fmt, char... Chars>
struct FormatTypes<'%', Fmt, String...>
: FormatTypes<String...>::template push_front<format_type<Fmt>> {};
- Full implementation can be found in the GitLab repository
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