A seminar in relaxed atmosphere about topics around the programming language C++.
Location and time
Every Wednesday, 14:00 in WIL/B216 (Kommunikationsraum of the IWR)
Date | Presenter | Topic |
May 9th 2017 | Simon Praetorius | Variadics everywhere I |
May 17th 2017 | Simon Praetorius | Variadics everywhere II |
May 24th 2017 | Matthias Wagner | Thrust - Transition from CPU to GPU programming |
May 31st 2017 | Ansgar Burchardt | Class template deduction |
Information about the next presentation or changes in time and space will be announced on the mailinglist cpp-shots-seminar.
Presentation material
Here, a list of given presentations will be shown, so that you can recapitulate any talk you heard or missed.
See also the wiki page for some ideas about topics. Choose one or add your own idea.