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// ============================================================================
// ==                                                                        ==
// == AMDiS - Adaptive multidimensional simulations                          ==
// ==                                                                        ==
// ============================================================================
// ==                                                                        ==
// ==  TU Dresden                                                            ==
// ==  Institut fr Wissenschaftliches Rechnen                               ==
// ==  Zellescher Weg 12-14                                                  ==
// ==  01069 Dresden                                                         ==
// ==  germany                                                               ==
// ==                                                                        ==
// ============================================================================
// ==                                                                        ==
// ==                      ==
// ==                                                                        ==
// ============================================================================

/** \file ElInfo2d.h */


#include "ElInfo.h"

namespace AMDiS {

  /** \ingroup Traverse
   * \brief
   * ElInfo class for 2-dimensional elements (\ref Triangle).
  class ElInfo2d : public ElInfo
    /// Constructor. Calls ElInfo's protected Constructor.
    ElInfo2d(Mesh* aMesh);

    /// 2-dimensional realisation of ElInfo's fillElInfo method.
    void fillElInfo(int ichild, const ElInfo *elinfo_old);

    /// 2-dimensional realisation of ElInfo's fillMacroInfo method.
    void fillMacroInfo(const MacroElement*);
    /// 2-dimensional realisation of ElInfo's worldToCoord method.
    const int worldToCoord(const WorldVector<double>& w, DimVec<double>* l) const;

    /// 2-dimensional realisation of ElInfo's calcGrdLambda method.
    double calcGrdLambda(DimVec<WorldVector<double> >& grd_lam);
    /// 2-dimensional realisation of ElInfo's getNormal method.
    double getNormal(int side, WorldVector<double> &normal);
    /// 2-dimensional realisation of ElInfo's getElementNormal method.
    double getElementNormal(WorldVector<double> &normal) const;
    mtl::dense2D<double>& getSubElemCoordsMat(int degree) const;
    mtl::dense2D<double>& getSubElemGradCoordsMat(int degree) const;
    /// Temp vectors for function \ref calcGrdLambda.
    WorldVector<double> *e1, *e2, *normal;

    static double mat_d1_val[3][3];
    static mtl::dense2D<double> mat_d1;

    static double mat_d1_left_val[3][3];
    static mtl::dense2D<double> mat_d1_left;

    static double mat_d1_right_val[3][3];
    static mtl::dense2D<double> mat_d1_right;

    static double mat_d2_val[6][6];
    static mtl::dense2D<double> mat_d2;

    static double mat_d2_left_val[6][6];
    static mtl::dense2D<double> mat_d2_left;

    static double mat_d2_right_val[6][6];
    static mtl::dense2D<double> mat_d2_right;


#endif // AMDIS_ELINFO2D_H