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Commit cba30f67 authored by Praetorius, Simon's avatar Praetorius, Simon
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parameter documentation

parent a07d4e7c
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Estimator|Global Estimator Parameters|\renewcommand{\basis}{{(estimator)->}}
error norm|enum \{\texttt{NO\_NORM, L2\_NORM, H1\_NORM}\}|NO\_NORM|Used norm
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|Parameters for the \textbf{RecoveryEstimator}|\renewcommand{\basis}{{(estimator)->}}
rec method|int \{0,1,2\}|0|Recovery method: 0: superconvergent patch recovery (discrete ZZ), 1: local L2-averaging (continuous ZZ-recovery), 2: simple averaging
rel error|int \{0,1\}|0|
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|Parameters for the \textbf{ResidualEstimator}|\renewcommand{\basis}{{(estimator)->}}
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|Parameters for the \textbf{SimpleResidualEstimator}|\renewcommand{\basis}{{(estimator)->}}
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FileWriter|Parameters for Data output. Typically the label ist \texttt{(name)}:=\texttt{(problem-name)->output}|\renewcommand{\basis}{{(problem-name)->output->}}
filename|string||Used filename prefix.
AMDiS format|bool|0|0: Don't write AMDiS files; 1: Write AMDiS files.
AMDiS mesh ext|string|.mesh|AMDiS mesh-file extension.
AMDiS data ext|string|.dat|AMDiS solution-file extension.
ParaView format|bool|0|0: Don't write ParaView files; 1: Write ParaView files.
ParaView vector format|bool|0|0: Don't write ParaView vector files; 1: Write ParaView vector files.
ParaView animation|bool|0|0: Don't write ParaView animation file; 1: Write ParaView animation file.
ParaView ext|string|.vtu|VTK file extension.
Periodic format|bool|0|0: Don't write periodic files; 1: Write periodic files.
Periodic ext|string|.per|Periodic file extension.
PNG format|bool|0|0: Don't write png files; 1: Write png image files.
PNG type|int|0|0: Gray color picture; 1: RGB picture.
append index|int|0|0: Don't append time index to filename prefix, 1: Append time index to filename prefix.
index length|int|5|Total length of appended time index.
index decimals|int|3|Number of decimals in time index.
write every i-th timestep|int|1|Timestep modulo: write only every tsModulo-th timestep!
Povray format|bool|0|0: Don't write Povray scripts; 1: Write Povray scripts
Povray template|string||name of the template file that will be prepended to all created *.pov files
Povray camera location|string||camera position for povray script files
Povray camera look\_at|string||orientation for camera in povray script files
DOF format|bool|0|0: Don't write DOF files; 1: Write DOF files
ARH format|bool|0|0: Don't write ARH files; 1: Write ARH files
compression|enum \{\texttt{gz, gzip, bz2, bzip2}\}||
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Meshdistributor|The label \texttt{(name)} represents the string that is passed to the constructor of MeshDistributor.
repartitioning|bool|0|En/disables repartitioning of the macro mesh, when derivation of mean number of DOFs exceeds a threshold value.
repartition ith change|int|20|Sets number of mesh changes to wait before threshold check for repartitioning will be performed.
partitioner|enum\{parmetis, zoltan, simple\}|parmetis|Defines the external tool that performs the partitioning of the, e.g.~by graph-partitioning. {\em simple} does not change the initial partitioning, i.e., its a random distribution of the macro elements to the processors.
partitioner|enum \{\texttt{parmetis, zoltan, simple}\}|parmetis|Defines the external tool that performs the partitioning of the, e.g.~by graph-partitioning. {\em simple} does not change the initial partitioning, i.e., its a random distribution of the macro elements to the processors.
box partitioning|bool|0|If the macro mesh is globally refined from macro.stand.2d or macro.stand.3d, than the partitioner may compute the partitioning not based on triangled or tetrahedron, but on (composed) rectangles or boxes. Till now this is implemented only for 3D and Zoltan partitioner.
log main rank|bool|0|If set to {\em true}, stdout output will be printed only by the main rank 0. Otherwise, all ranks stdout output will be created.
pre refine|int|-1|If set to -1, the number of pre refinements for the macro mesh will be calculated for the given number of processors. This value can be overwritten by setting a value $>= 0$.
OEMSolver|Standard parameters for OEMSolver|\renewcommand{\basis}{{(solver)->}}
left precon|enum \{diag,ilu,ic,no\}|no|left preconditioner
right precon|enum \{diag,ilu,ic,no\}|no|right preconditioner
left precon|enum \{\texttt{diag,ilu,ic,no}\}|no|left preconditioner
right precon|enum \{\texttt{diag,ilu,ic,no}\}|no|right preconditioner
ell|int|1|additional solver parameter
tolerance|double|0.0|Solver tolerance norm(r).
relative tolerance|double|0.0|Relative solver tolerance norm(r)/norm(r0).
|Parameters for the direct sparse LU-solver \textbf{Umfpack}|\renewcommand{\basis}{{(solver)->}}
store symbolic|int|0|
symmetric strategy|int|0|
alloc init|double|0.7|
......@@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ mesh|string||Name of the mesh
dim|int|0|problem dimension
refinement set[i]|int|-1|$i=0,\ldots,$\texttt{nComponents},
polynomial degree[i]|int|1|$i=0,\ldots,$\texttt{nComponents},
solver|enum \{cg, cgs, bicg, bicgstab, bicgstab2, bicgstab\_ell, qmr, tfqmr, gmres, idr\_s, minres, (umfpack), 0\}|0|iterative/direct solver for the linear system
estimator[i]|enum \{residual, simple-residual, recovery, 0\}|0|$i=0,\ldots,$\texttt{nComponents},estimator type for each components
solver|enum \{\texttt{cg, cgs, bicg, bicgstab, bicgstab2, bicgstab\_ell, qmr, tfqmr, gmres, idr\_s, minres, (umfpack), 0}\}|0|iterative/direct solver for the linear system
estimator[i]|enum \{\texttt{residual, simple-residual, recovery, 0}\}|0|$i=0,\ldots,$\texttt{nComponents}, estimator type for each components
output->write serialization|int|0|write serialization files
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rosenbrock method|enum \{\texttt{ros2, rowda3, ros3p, rodasp}\}||Rosenbrock method that should be used.
fix first timesteps|int|0|If greater than 0, than for the first given number of timesteps the timestep will be not changed and is set to the very first one.
rosenbrock->timestep study|bool|0|If true, the first timestep is calculated with different timesteps. This is usually used to make a study how the time error estimator behavous for different timesteps.
rosenbrock->timestep study steps|bool|0|If dbgTimestepStudy is set to true, then this array contains the timesteps for which the first timestep should be calculated.
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