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  • feature/debian_package
  • feature/dirichlet_bc
  • feature/parallel_rosenbrock
  • issue/petsc_3-7
  • master default
  • rainer_production
6 results
Created with Raphaël 2.2.016Dec151413109863130Nov2926252423221918171615121110931Oct302928272625242214130Sep292726252423212019181716151411976526Aug171613111096432131Jul3029282726232221201918161514131298652130Jun29282726252422211817161514121110987432131May30282726252120191817151412111098765432130Apr29282726242322212019181716151413129876131Mar302928272524232221161211109875432127Feb26252423222019181715141312111098542129Jan2827262522211918171514128654331Dec2827262118171615mistake in postrm scriptAMDiS also needs debian update :) adapted postrm for debian upgrade mechanismAdd support for serialization-deserialization in parallel computation with mesh repartitioning.testing update process in debian systems Iupdated meshtest with dofadmins and checking the functionname pointer in addGlobalParameter nowAnd a second Gridwriter bugfix.Fixed valgrind errors in GridWriter.corrected debian directory creationextended boost dependenciesdeb-repository seems working nowdirectory creation for debsdebian and ubuntu needs special directory handling :( test gui-packingdvipng dependence of guiadded datadir search paths and commandline optionsadded petsc finding for cmake and corrected cmakelists.txtupdated tests to current amdis, hiding mesh name in project, checking for umfpack in firstorder testsAdded one test exit.Updated serialization in parallel code.Fixed the multi-mesh bug.meshconv v2.10Wow, mesh repartitioning works...Work on parallelization, merge to deimos.enabled out-of-source builds and cannot load simple meshes. See meshtestadded tester, look for testing latermoving demo project implementation in shared libraryadded the current demo results for testingfirst tests data production, need to change data for speedupTransfer of DOFVectors in mesh repartitioning.Some code refactoring and fixed some small problems in mesh repartitioning.added test data creation programsupdated parametric to current function namesrepared install-processcompiler errorWork on parallelization.And solved all the compilation problems due to the last update.Moved IO-related files to new io-directory.First working repartitioning of parallel distributed mesh.Code refactoring and work on parallelization.