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// == AMDiS - Adaptive multidimensional simulations                          ==
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// ==  TU Dresden                                                            ==
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// ==  Institut für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen                               ==
// ==  Zellescher Weg 12-14                                                  ==
// ==  01069 Dresden                                                         ==
// ==  germany                                                               ==
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/** \file PITL_Solver.h */


#include "ITL_Solver.h"

namespace AMDiS {
  namespace Parallel {
    typedef mtl::matrix::distributed< MTLTypes::MTLMatrix > MTLMatrix;
    typedef mtl::vector::distributed< MTLTypes::MTLVector > MTLVector;
    typedef CreatorInterface< ITL_BasePreconditioner< MTLVector > > ParallelPreconditionCreator;
    typedef ITL_BasePreconditioner< MTLVector > ParallelPreconditioner;

    template< typename ITLSolver >
    class PITL_Solver : public AMDiS::MTL4Solver< MTLMatrix, MTLVector, ITL_OEMSolver_runner< ITLSolver > > {
	PITL_Solver(std::string name):
	  AMDiS::MTL4Solver< MTLMatrix, MTLVector, ITL_OEMSolver_runner< ITLSolver > >(name) {}

	int solveSystem(const SolverMatrix<Matrix<DOFMatrix*> >& A,
			    SystemVector& x, 
			    SystemVector& b,
			    ParallelMapper& m) 
	  return AMDiS::MTL4Solver< MTLMatrix, MTLVector, ITL_OEMSolver_runner< ITLSolver > >::solve(A,x,b,m);

	/// Creator class used in the OEMSolverMap.
    	class Creator : public OEMSolverCreator
	    virtual ~Creator() {}
            /// Returns a new CGSolver object.
	    OEMSolver* create() 
	      return new PITL_Solver<ITLSolver>(this->name); 

    template< typename ITLSolver >
    class PITL_Solver_para : public AMDiS::MTL4Solver< MTLMatrix, MTLVector, ITL_OEMSolver_para_runner< ITLSolver > > {
	PITL_Solver_para(std::string name):
	  AMDiS::MTL4Solver< MTLMatrix, MTLVector, ITL_OEMSolver_para_runner< ITLSolver > >(name) {}

	/// Creator class used in the OEMSolverMap.
    	class Creator : public OEMSolverCreator
	    virtual ~Creator() {}
            /// Returns a new CGSolver object.
	    OEMSolver* create() 
	      return new PITL_Solver_para<ITLSolver>(this->name); 

     * \ingroup Solver
     * \brief
     * Solves a linear system by the conjugate gradient method (CG) and can be used for
     * symmetric positive definite system matrices.
     * Right preconditioner is ignored.
    class CGSolver : public PITL_Solver<cg_solver_type>
      /// The constructor reads required parameters and sets solvers \ref name.
      CGSolver(std::string name) : PITL_Solver<cg_solver_type>(name) {}

     * \ingroup Solver
     * \brief
     * Solves a linear system by the squared conjugate gradient method (CGS).
     * Right preconditioner is ignored.
    class CGSSolver : public PITL_Solver<cgs_solver_type>
      /// The constructor reads required parameters and sets solvers \ref name.
      CGSSolver(std::string name) : PITL_Solver<cgs_solver_type>(name) {}

     * \ingroup Solver
     * \brief
     * Solves a linear system by a stabilized BiCG method and can be used for 
     * system matrices.
    class BiCGSolver : public PITL_Solver<bicg_solver_type>
      /// The constructor reads required parameters and sets solvers \ref name.
      BiCGSolver(std::string name) : PITL_Solver<bicg_solver_type>(name) {}

     * \ingroup Solver
     * \brief
     * Solves a linear system by a stabilized BiCG method and can be used for 
     * system matrices.
    class BiCGStabSolver : public PITL_Solver<bicgstab_type>
      /// The constructor reads required parameters and sets solvers \ref name.
      BiCGStabSolver(std::string name) : PITL_Solver<bicgstab_type>(name) {}

     * \ingroup Solver
     * \brief
     * Solves a linear system by a stabilized BiCG method and can be used for 
     * system matrices.
    class BiCGStab2Solver : public PITL_Solver<bicgstab2_type>
      /// The constructor reads required parameters and sets solvers \ref name.
      BiCGStab2Solver(std::string name) : PITL_Solver<bicgstab2_type>(name) {}

     * \ingroup Solver
     * \brief
     * Solves a linear system by the Quasi-Minimal Residual method (QMR).
    class QMRSolver : public PITL_Solver<qmr_solver_type>
      /// The constructor reads required parameters and sets solvers \ref name.
      QMRSolver(std::string name) : PITL_Solver<qmr_solver_type>(name) {}

     * \ingroup Solver
     * \brief
     * Solves a linear system by the Transposed-Free Quasi-Minimal Residual method (TFQMR).
     * Does not use preconditioning currently.
    class TFQMRSolver : public PITL_Solver<tfqmr_solver_type>
      /// The constructor reads required parameters and sets solvers \ref name.
      TFQMRSolver(std::string name) : PITL_Solver<tfqmr_solver_type>(name) {}

     * \ingroup Solver
     * \brief
     * Solves a linear system by a stabilized BiCG(l) method and can be used for 
     * system matrices.
    class BiCGStabEllSolver : public PITL_Solver_para<bicgstab_ell_type>
      /// The constructor reads required parameters and sets solvers \ref name.
      BiCGStabEllSolver(std::string name) : PITL_Solver_para<bicgstab_ell_type>(name) {}

     * \ingroup Solver
     * \brief
     * Solves a linear system by the GMRES method.
     * The parameter ell is the maximal number of orthogonalized vectors.
     * The method is not preconditioned 
    class GMResSolver : public PITL_Solver_para<gmres_type>
      /// The constructor reads required parameters and sets solvers \ref name.
      GMResSolver(std::string name) : PITL_Solver_para<gmres_type>(name) {}

     * \ingroup Solver
     * \brief
     * Solves a linear system by an Induced Dimension Reduction method and can be used for 
     * system matrices.
     * The parameter s can be specified as ell.
     * Peter Sonneveld and Martin B. van Gijzen, IDR(s): a family of simple and fast algorithms for solving large nonsymmetric linear systems. 
     * SIAM J. Sci. Comput. Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 1035-1062 (2008). (copyright SIAM)
    class IDRsSolver : public PITL_Solver_para<idr_s_type>
      /// The constructor reads required parameters and sets solvers \ref name.
      IDRsSolver(std::string name) : PITL_Solver_para<idr_s_type>(name) {}

     * \ingroup Solver
     * \brief
     * Solves a linear system by the Minres method. Can be used for symmetric 
     * indefinite systems.
    class MinResSolver : public PITL_Solver<minres_solver_type>
      /// The constructor reads required parameters and sets solvers \ref name.
      MinResSolver(std::string name) : PITL_Solver<minres_solver_type>(name) {}

   * \ingroup Solver
   * \brief
   * Diagonal preconditioner. 
  class DiagonalPreconditioner 
    : public ITL_Preconditioner<itl::pc::diagonal<MTLMatrix >, MTLVector, MTLMatrix >
    typedef ITL_Preconditioner<itl::pc::diagonal<MTLMatrix >, MTLVector, MTLMatrix > base;

    DiagonalPreconditioner(const MTLMatrix& A) : base(A) {}

   * \ingroup Solver
   * \brief
   * Identity preconditioner. Behaves like no preconditioning.
  class IdentityPreconditioner 
    : public ITL_Preconditioner<itl::pc::identity<MTLMatrix >, MTLVector, MTLMatrix >
    typedef ITL_Preconditioner<itl::pc::identity<MTLMatrix >, MTLVector, MTLMatrix > base;

      IdentityPreconditioner(const MTLMatrix& A) : base(A) {}

  // ============================================================================
  // ===== class ILUPreconditioner ==============================================
  // ============================================================================

   * \ingroup Solver
   * \brief
   * ILU (Incomplete LU factorization) preconditioner.
   * The preconditioner is used from ITL. It corresponds for instance to "Iterative Methods for
   * Sparce Linear Systems", second edition, Yousef Saad. The preconditioner is
   * described in chapter 10.3 (algorithm 10.4).
  class ILUPreconditioner 
      : public ITL_Preconditioner< itl::pc::ilu_0<MTLMatrix >,MTLVector, MTLMatrix >

  class ICPreconditioner 
      : public ITL_Preconditioner< itl::pc::ic_0<MTLMatrix >, MTLVector, MTLMatrix >

  template< >
  struct Collection< Parallel::MTLMatrix > {
    typedef mtl::matrix::inserter< Parallel::MTLMatrix , mtl::update_plus< Parallel::MTLMatrix::value_type > > Inserter;

  template< >
  struct Collection< Parallel::MTLVector > {
    typedef mtl::vector::inserter< Parallel::MTLVector , mtl::update_plus< Parallel::MTLVector::value_type > > Inserter;
    typedef Parallel::MTLMatrix PreconditionMatrix;

} // namespace AMDiS