// ============================================================================
// == ==
// == AMDiS - Adaptive multidimensional simulations ==
// == ==

Thomas Witkowski
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Thomas Witkowski
// Software License for AMDiS
// Copyright (c) 2010 Dresden University of Technology
// All rights reserved.
// Authors: Simon Vey, Thomas Witkowski et al.
// This file is part of AMDiS
// See also license.opensource.txt in the distribution.

Thomas Witkowski
/** \file ParallelDebug.h */

Thomas Witkowski

Thomas Witkowski
#include "parallel/MeshDistributor.h"

Thomas Witkowski
class ParallelDebug
typedef std::vector<WorldVector<double> > CoordsVec;
/// Defines a mapping type from rank numbers to sets of coordinates.
typedef std::map<int, CoordsVec> RankToCoords;

Thomas Witkowski
* Tests the interior and the periodic boundaries on all ranks if their order
* fits together.
* \param[in] pdb Parallel problem definition used for debugging.
static void testInteriorBoundary(MeshDistributor &pdb);
/** \brief
* Test if all periodic boundaries are set in a consistent way on all ranks.
* \param[in] pdb Parallel problem definition used for debugging.
static void testPeriodicBoundary(MeshDistributor &pdb);

Thomas Witkowski
/** \brief
* Test if all periodic boundaries are set in a consistent way on all ranks.
* \param[in] pdb Parallel problem definition used for debugging.
* \oaram[in] feSpace FE space for which the DOFs are tested.
static void testPeriodicBoundary(MeshDistributor &pdb,
const FiniteElemSpace *feSpace);
/** \brief
* This function is used for debugging only. It traverses all interior boundaries

Thomas Witkowski
* and compares the DOF indices on them with the dof indices of the boundarys
* neighbours. The function fails, when dof indices on an interior boundary do
* not fit together.
* \param[in] pdb Parallel problem definition used for debugging.
* \param[in] printCoords If true, the coords of all common dofs are printed
* to the screen.
static void testCommonDofs(MeshDistributor &pdb, bool printCoords = false);

Thomas Witkowski
/** \brief
* This function is used for debugging only. It checks if on all ranks DOFs with
* the same coordinates have the same global index. For this, the function genartes
* on all ranks a list of all DOFs with their coordinates and global indices and
* sends the list to all neighbouring ranks.
* \param[in] pdb Parallel problem definition used for debugging.
static void testGlobalIndexByCoords(MeshDistributor &pdb);
/** \brief
* Tests if all elements in the macro mesh are memeber of exactly one rank.
* \param[in] pdb Parallel problem definition used for debugging.
static void testAllElements(MeshDistributor &pdb);
/** \brief
* Tests for all ranks simultaneously, if the number of all send and received
* DOFs fits together for all communication partners.
* \param[in] pdb Parallel problem definition used for debugging.
* \param[in] sendDofs The map of all DOFs the rank will send.
* \param[in] recvDofs The map of all DOFs the rank will receive.
static void testDofContainerCommunication(MeshDistributor &pdb,

Thomas Witkowski
map<int, map<const FiniteElemSpace*, DofContainer> > &sendDofs,
map<int, map<const FiniteElemSpace*, DofContainer> > &recvDofs);
/// Tests if there are multiple DOFs in mesh with the same coords.
static void testDoubleDofs(Mesh *mesh);
/** \brief
* This function is used for debugging only. It prints all information from
* the local to global dof mapping, see \ref mapLocalGlobalDofs.
* \param[in] pdb Parallel problem definition used for debugging.
* \param[in] rank If specified, only the information from the given rank
* is printed.
static void printMapLocalGlobal(MeshDistributor &pdb, int rank = -1);
/** \brief
* This function is used for debugging only. It prints all information about
* the periodic mapping of dofs, that are on periodic boundaries.
* \param[in] pdb Parallel problem definition used for debugging.
* \param[in] rank If specified, only the information from the given rank
* is printed.
static void printMapPeriodic(MeshDistributor &pdb, int rank = -1);
/** \brief
* This function is used for debugging only. It prints information about dofs
* in rank's partition.
* \param[in] pdb Parallel problem definition used for debugging.
* \param[in] rank If specified, only the information from the given
* rank is printed.
* \param[in] rankDofs List of all dofs in ranks partition that are owned
* by rank.
* \param[in] rankAllDofs List of all dofs in ranks partition.
static void printRankDofs(MeshDistributor &pdb,
int rank,
DofContainer& rankDofs,
DofContainer& rankAllDofs);
/** \brief
* This functions prints all information about all interior boundaries on all ranks.
* \param[in] pdb Parallel problem definition used for debugging.
static void printBoundaryInfo(MeshDistributor &pdb);

Thomas Witkowski
static void writeDebugFile(MeshDistributor &pdb,
std::string prefix, std::string postfix);

Thomas Witkowski
/** \brief
* This functions create a Paraview file with the macro mesh where the elements
* are colored by the partition they are part of.
static void writePartitioning(MeshDistributor &pdb, string filename);
/** \brief
* The mesh is written to a value and all values are assigned by the rank number
* where the vertex is contained in.
* \param[in] filename Name of the output file without extension (.vtu).
* \param[in] counter Counter index. If not negative, this number is added
* to the filename.
* \param[in] feSpace
static void writePartitioningFile(std::string filename,
int counter,

Thomas Witkowski
const FiniteElemSpace *feSpace);
static bool followThisBound(int rankElIndex, int neighElIndex);
static void followBoundary(MeshDistributor &pdb);
static void followBoundary(Mesh *mesh,
AtomicBoundary &bound,
MeshStructure &code);