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  • Jonathan Schöbel's avatar
    include VCS version description in build · 2044c530
    Jonathan Schöbel authored
    This is generated using git describe. A file is used, because it should
    not trigger a rebuild everytime, but a rebuild of must be
    triggered on checkout, even if its sources are never changed. The file
    is also updated, by a git-checkout hook. This must be added manually
    since it can't be version controlled.
    The version is printed at startup.
    include VCS version description in build
    Jonathan Schöbel authored
    This is generated using git describe. A file is used, because it should
    not trigger a rebuild everytime, but a rebuild of must be
    triggered on checkout, even if its sources are never changed. The file
    is also updated, by a git-checkout hook. This must be added manually
    since it can't be version controlled.
    The version is printed at startup.