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localquickanddirtyfefunction.hh 5.53 KiB
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    #include <vector>
    #include <dune/common/fvector.hh>
    #include <dune/geometry/type.hh>
    #include <dune/gfe/linearalgebra.hh>
    #include <dune/gfe/spaces/rotation.hh>
    namespace Dune::GFE
      /** \brief Interpolate on a manifold, as fast as we can
       * This class implements interpolation of values on a manifold in a 'quick-and-dirty' way.
       * No particular interpolation rule is used consistently for all manifolds.  Rather, it is
       * used whatever is quickest and 'reasonable' for any given space.  The reason to have this
       * is to provide initial iterates for the iterative solvers used to solve the local
       * geodesic-FE minimization problems.
       * \note In particular, we currently do not implement the derivative of the interpolation,
       *   because it is not needed for producing initial iterates!
       * \tparam dim Dimension of the reference element
       * \tparam ctype Type used for coordinates on the reference element
       * \tparam LocalFiniteElement A Lagrangian finite element whose shape functions define the interpolation weights
       * \tparam TargetSpace The manifold that the function takes its values in
      template <int dim, class ctype, class LocalFiniteElement, class TS>
      class LocalQuickAndDirtyFEFunction
        using TargetSpace=TS;
        typedef typename TargetSpace::ctype RT;
        typedef typename TargetSpace::EmbeddedTangentVector EmbeddedTangentVector;
        static const int embeddedDim = EmbeddedTangentVector::dimension;
        static const int spaceDim = TargetSpace::TangentVector::dimension;
        /** \brief The type used for derivatives */
        typedef Dune::FieldMatrix<RT, embeddedDim, dim> DerivativeType;
        /** \brief Constructor
         * \param localFiniteElement A Lagrangian finite element that provides the interpolation points
         * \param coefficients Values of the function at the Lagrange points
        LocalQuickAndDirtyFEFunction(const LocalFiniteElement& localFiniteElement,
                                     const std::vector<TargetSpace>& coefficients)
          : localFiniteElement_(localFiniteElement),
          assert(localFiniteElement_.localBasis().size() == coefficients_.size());
        /** \brief The number of Lagrange points */
        unsigned int size() const
          return localFiniteElement_.localBasis().size();
        /** \brief The type of the reference element */
        Dune::GeometryType type() const
          return localFiniteElement_.type();
        /** \brief Evaluate the function */
        TargetSpace evaluate(const Dune::FieldVector<ctype, dim>& local) const;
        /** \brief Get the i'th base coefficient. */
        TargetSpace coefficient(int i) const
          return coefficients_[i];
        /** \brief The scalar local finite element, which provides the weighting factors
         *        \todo We really only need the local basis
        const LocalFiniteElement& localFiniteElement_;
        /** \brief The coefficient vector */
        std::vector<TargetSpace> coefficients_;
      template <int dim, class ctype, class LocalFiniteElement, class TargetSpace>
      TargetSpace LocalQuickAndDirtyFEFunction<dim,ctype,LocalFiniteElement,TargetSpace>::
      evaluate(const Dune::FieldVector<ctype, dim>& local) const
        // Evaluate the weighting factors---these are the Lagrangian shape function values at 'local'
        std::vector<Dune::FieldVector<ctype,1> > w;
        // Special-casing for the Rotations.  This is quite a challenge:
        // Projection-based interpolation in the
        // unit quaternions is not a good idea, here, because you may end up on the
        // wrong sheet of the covering of SO(3) by the unit quaternions.  The minimization
        // solver for the weighted distance functional may then actually converge
        // to the wrong local minimizer -- the interpolating functions wraps "the wrong way"
        // around SO(3).
        // Projection-based interpolation in SO(3) is not a good idea, because it is about as
        // expensive as the geodesic interpolation itself.  That's not good if all we want
        // is an initial iterate.
        // Averaging in R^{3x3} followed by QR decomposition is not a good idea either:
        // The averaging can give you singular matrices quite quickly (try two matrices that
        // differ by a rotation of pi/2).  Then, the QR factorization of the identity may
        // not be the identity (but differ in sign)!  I tried that with the implementation
        // from Numerical Recipes.
        // What do we do instead?  We start from the coefficient that produces the lowest
        // value of the objective functional.
        if constexpr (std::is_same<TargetSpace,Rotation<double,3> >::value)
          AverageDistanceAssembler averageDistance(coefficients_,w);
          auto minDistance = averageDistance.value(coefficients_[0]);
          std::size_t minCoefficient = 0;
          for (std::size_t i=1; i<coefficients_.size(); i++)
            auto distance = averageDistance.value(coefficients_[i]);
            if (distance < minDistance)
              minDistance = distance;
              minCoefficient = i;
          return coefficients_[minCoefficient];
          typename TargetSpace::CoordinateType c(0);
          for (size_t i=0; i<coefficients_.size(); i++)
            c.axpy(w[i][0], coefficients_[i].globalCoordinates());
          return TargetSpace(c);
    }   // namespace Dune::GFE