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  • Sander, Oliver's avatar
    Allow to use surface grids · 6f7eedf6
    Sander, Oliver authored
    In this case, two different refinements of the grids are not
    necessarily geometrically identical.  This means we cannot
    use hierarchic search with the global position of a quadrature
    point, and expect to find the point on the other grid as well.
    Instead, we go done to the coarsest grid, and make the transfer
    to the other grid there.
    Allow to use surface grids
    Sander, Oliver authored
    In this case, two different refinements of the grids are not
    necessarily geometrically identical.  This means we cannot
    use hierarchic search with the global position of a quadrature
    point, and expect to find the point on the other grid as well.
    Instead, we go done to the coarsest grid, and make the transfer
    to the other grid there. 32.02 KiB
#include <config.h>

#include <array>

#include <dune/common/parametertree.hh>
#include <dune/common/parametertreeparser.hh>

#include <dune/grid/uggrid.hh>
#include <dune/grid/common/mcmgmapper.hh>
#include <dune/grid/io/file/gmshreader.hh>
#include <dune/grid/utility/structuredgridfactory.hh>

#include <dune/foamgrid/foamgrid.hh>
#include <dune/grid/onedgrid.hh>

#include <dune/functions/functionspacebases/lagrangebasis.hh>

#include <dune/matrix-vector/genericvectortools.hh>

#include <dune/fufem/discretizationerror.hh>
#include <dune/fufem/dunepython.hh>
#include <dune/fufem/makesphere.hh>

#include <dune/gfe/rotation.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/unitvector.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/realtuple.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/localgeodesicfefunction.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/localprojectedfefunction.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/embeddedglobalgfefunction.hh>

// grid dimension
const int dim = 2;
const int dimworld = 2;

using namespace Dune;

/** \brief Check whether given local coordinates are contained in the reference element
    \todo This method exists in the Dune grid interface!  But we need the eps.
static bool checkInside(const Dune::GeometryType& type,
                        const Dune::FieldVector<double, dim> &loc,
                        double eps)
  switch (type.dim())
    case 0: // vertex
      return false;

    case 1: // line
      return -eps <= loc[0] && loc[0] <= 1+eps;

    case 2:

      if (type.isSimplex()) {
        return -eps <= loc[0] && -eps <= loc[1] && (loc[0]+loc[1])<=1+eps;
      } else if (type.isCube()) {
        return -eps <= loc[0] && loc[0] <= 1+eps
            && -eps <= loc[1] && loc[1] <= 1+eps;
      } else
        DUNE_THROW(Dune::GridError, "checkInside():  ERROR:  Unknown type " << type << " found!");

    case 3:
      if (type.isSimplex()) {
        return -eps <= loc[0] && -eps <= loc[1] && -eps <= loc[2]
              && (loc[0]+loc[1]+loc[2]) <= 1+eps;
      } else if (type.isPyramid()) {
        return -eps <= loc[0] && -eps <= loc[1] && -eps <= loc[2]
              && (loc[0]+loc[2]) <= 1+eps
              && (loc[1]+loc[2]) <= 1+eps;
      } else if (type.isPrism()) {
        return -eps <= loc[0] && -eps <= loc[1]
              && (loc[0]+loc[1])<= 1+eps
              && -eps <= loc[2] && loc[2] <= 1+eps;
      } else if (type.isCube()) {
        return -eps <= loc[0] && loc[0] <= 1+eps
            && -eps <= loc[1] && loc[1] <= 1+eps
            && -eps <= loc[2] && loc[2] <= 1+eps;
        DUNE_THROW(Dune::GridError, "checkInside():  ERROR:  Unknown type " << type << " found!");

      DUNE_THROW(Dune::GridError, "checkInside():  ERROR:  Unknown type " << type << " found!");


/** \param element An element of the source grid
template <class GridType>
auto findSupportingElement(const GridType& sourceGrid,
                           const GridType& targetGrid,
                           typename GridType::template Codim<0>::Entity element,
                           FieldVector<double,dim> pos)
  while (element.level() != 0)
    pos = element.geometryInFather().global(pos);
    element = element.father();

    assert(checkInside(element.type(), pos, 1e-7));

  //   Find the corresponding coarse grid element on the adaptive grid.
  //   This is a linear algorithm, but we expect the coarse grid to be small.
  LevelMultipleCodimMultipleGeomTypeMapper<GridType> sourceP0Mapper (sourceGrid, 0, mcmgElementLayout());
  LevelMultipleCodimMultipleGeomTypeMapper<GridType> targetP0Mapper(targetGrid, 0, mcmgElementLayout());
  const auto coarseIndex = sourceP0Mapper.index(element);

  auto targetLevelView = targetGrid.levelGridView(0);

  for (auto&& targetElement : elements(targetLevelView))
    if (targetP0Mapper.index(targetElement) == coarseIndex)
      element = std::move(targetElement);

  //   Find a corresponding point (not necessarily vertex) on the leaf level
  //   of the adaptive grid.

  while (!element.isLeaf())
    FieldVector<double,dim> childPos;
    assert(checkInside(element.type(), pos, 1e-7));

    auto hIt    = element.hbegin(element.level()+1);
    auto hEndIt = element.hend(element.level()+1);

    for (; hIt!=hEndIt; ++hIt)
      childPos = hIt->geometryInFather().local(pos);
      if (checkInside(hIt->type(), childPos, 1e-7))

    element = *hIt;
    pos     = childPos;

  return std::tie(element, pos);

template <class GridView, int order, class TargetSpace>
void measureDiscreteEOC(const GridView gridView,
                        const GridView referenceGridView,
                        const ParameterTree& parameterSet)
  typedef std::vector<TargetSpace> SolutionType;

  //  Construct the scalar function space bases corresponding to the GFE space

  typedef Dune::Functions::LagrangeBasis<GridView, order> FEBasis;
  FEBasis feBasis(gridView);
  FEBasis referenceFEBasis(referenceGridView);

  //typedef LocalGeodesicFEFunction<GridView::dimension, double, typename FEBasis::LocalView::Tree::FiniteElement, TargetSpace> LocalInterpolationRule;
  //if (parameterSet["interpolationMethod"] != "geodesic")
  //  DUNE_THROW(Exception, "Inconsistent choice of interpolation method");
  typedef GFE::LocalProjectedFEFunction<GridView::dimension, double, typename FEBasis::LocalView::Tree::FiniteElement, TargetSpace> LocalInterpolationRule;
  if (parameterSet["interpolationMethod"] != "projected")
    DUNE_THROW(Exception, "Inconsistent choice of interpolation method");
  std::cout << "Using local interpolation: " << className<LocalInterpolationRule>() << std::endl;

  //  Read the data whose error is to be measured

  // Input data
  typedef BlockVector<typename TargetSpace::CoordinateType> EmbeddedVectorType;

  EmbeddedVectorType embeddedX(feBasis.size());
  std::ifstream inFile(parameterSet.get<std::string>("simulationData"), std::ios_base::binary);
  if (not inFile)
    DUNE_THROW(IOError, "File " << parameterSet.get<std::string>("simulationData") << " could not be opened.");
  MatrixVector::Generic::readBinary(inFile, embeddedX);
  inFile.peek();   // try to advance beyond the end of the file
  if (not inFile.eof())
    DUNE_THROW(IOError, "File '" << parameterSet.get<std::string>("simulationData") << "' does not have the correct size!");

  SolutionType x(embeddedX.size());
  for (size_t i=0; i<x.size(); i++)
    x[i] = TargetSpace(embeddedX[i]);

  // The numerical solution, as a grid function
  GFE::EmbeddedGlobalGFEFunction<FEBasis, LocalInterpolationRule, TargetSpace> numericalSolution(feBasis, x);

  // Read the reference configuration
  EmbeddedVectorType embeddedReferenceX(referenceFEBasis.size());<std::string>("referenceData"), std::ios_base::binary);
  if (not inFile)
    DUNE_THROW(IOError, "File " << parameterSet.get<std::string>("referenceData") << " could not be opened.");
  MatrixVector::Generic::readBinary(inFile, embeddedReferenceX);
  inFile.peek();   // try to advance beyond the end of the file
  if (not inFile.eof())
    DUNE_THROW(IOError, "File '" << parameterSet.get<std::string>("referenceData") << "' does not have the correct size!");

  SolutionType referenceX(embeddedReferenceX.size());
  for (size_t i=0; i<referenceX.size(); i++)
    referenceX[i] = TargetSpace(embeddedReferenceX[i]);

  // The reference solution, as a grid function
  GFE::EmbeddedGlobalGFEFunction<FEBasis, LocalInterpolationRule, TargetSpace> referenceSolution(referenceFEBasis, referenceX);

  //   Measure the discretization error

  HierarchicSearch<typename GridView::Grid,typename GridView::IndexSet> hierarchicSearch(gridView.grid(), gridView.indexSet());

  if (std::is_same<TargetSpace,RigidBodyMotion<double,3> >::value)
    double deformationL2ErrorSquared = 0;
    double orientationL2ErrorSquared = 0;
    double deformationH1ErrorSquared = 0;
    double orientationH1ErrorSquared = 0;

    for (const auto& rElement : elements(referenceGridView))
      const auto& quadRule = QuadratureRules<double, dim>::rule(rElement.type(), 6);

      for (const auto& qp : quadRule)
        auto integrationElement = rElement.geometry().integrationElement(qp.position());

        auto globalPos = rElement.geometry().global(qp.position());

        auto element = hierarchicSearch.findEntity(globalPos);
        auto localPos = element.geometry().local(globalPos);

        auto diff = referenceSolution(rElement, qp.position()) - numericalSolution(element, localPos);

        for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
          deformationL2ErrorSquared += integrationElement * qp.weight() * diff[i] * diff[i];

        for (int i=3; i<7; i++)
          orientationL2ErrorSquared += integrationElement * qp.weight() * diff[i] * diff[i];

        auto derDiff = referenceSolution.derivative(rElement, qp.position()) - numericalSolution.derivative(element, localPos);

        for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
          deformationH1ErrorSquared += integrationElement * qp.weight() * derDiff[i].two_norm2();

        for (int i=3; i<7; i++)
          orientationH1ErrorSquared += integrationElement * qp.weight() * derDiff[i].two_norm2();


    std::cout << "levels: " << gridView.grid().maxLevel()+1
              << "      "
              << "L^2 error deformation: " << std::sqrt(deformationL2ErrorSquared)
              << "      "
              << "L^2 error orientation: " << std::sqrt(orientationL2ErrorSquared)
              << "      "
              << "H^1 error deformation: " << std::sqrt(deformationH1ErrorSquared)
              << "      "
              << "H^1 error orientation: " << std::sqrt(orientationH1ErrorSquared)
              << std::endl;

  if constexpr (std::is_same<TargetSpace,Rotation<double,3> >::value)
    double l2ErrorSquared = 0;
    double h1ErrorSquared = 0;

    for (const auto& rElement : elements(referenceGridView))
      const auto& quadRule = QuadratureRules<double, dim>::rule(rElement.type(), 6);

      for (const auto& qp : quadRule)
        auto integrationElement = rElement.geometry().integrationElement(qp.position());

        auto globalPos = rElement.geometry().global(qp.position());

        auto element = hierarchicSearch.findEntity(globalPos);
        auto localPos = element.geometry().local(globalPos);

        FieldMatrix<double,3,3> referenceValue, numericalValue;
        auto refValue = referenceSolution(rElement, qp.position());
        Rotation<double,3> referenceRotation(refValue);

        auto numValue = numericalSolution(element, localPos);
        Rotation<double,3> numericalRotation(numValue);

        auto diff = referenceValue - numericalValue;

        l2ErrorSquared += integrationElement * qp.weight() * diff.frobenius_norm2();

        auto referenceDerQuat = referenceSolution.derivative(rElement, qp.position());
        auto numericalDerQuat = numericalSolution.derivative(element, localPos);

        // Transform to matrix coordinates
        Tensor3<double,3,3,4> derivativeQuaternionToMatrixRef = Rotation<double,3>::derivativeOfQuaternionToMatrix(refValue);
        Tensor3<double,3,3,4> derivativeQuaternionToMatrixNum = Rotation<double,3>::derivativeOfQuaternionToMatrix(numValue);

        Tensor3<double,3,3,dim> refDerivative(0);
        Tensor3<double,3,3,dim> numDerivative(0);

        for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
          for (int j=0; j<3; j++)
            for (int k=0; k<dim; k++)
              for (int l=0; l<4; l++)
                refDerivative[i][j][k] = derivativeQuaternionToMatrixRef[i][j][l] * referenceDerQuat[l][k];
                numDerivative[i][j][k] = derivativeQuaternionToMatrixNum[i][j][l] * numericalDerQuat[l][k];

        auto derDiff = refDerivative - numDerivative;  // compute the difference
        h1ErrorSquared += derDiff.frobenius_norm2() * qp.weight() * integrationElement;


    std::cout << "levels: " << gridView.grid().maxLevel()+1
              << "      "
              << "L^2 error: " << std::sqrt(l2ErrorSquared)
              << "      "
              << "h^1 error: " << std::sqrt(h1ErrorSquared)
              << std::endl;
  double l2ErrorSquared = 0;
  double h1ErrorSquared = 0;

  for (const auto& rElement : elements(referenceGridView))
    const auto& quadRule = QuadratureRules<double, dim>::rule(rElement.type(), 6);

    for (const auto& qp : quadRule)
      auto integrationElement = rElement.geometry().integrationElement(qp.position());

      // Given a point with local coordinates qp.position() on element rElement of the reference grid
      // find the element and local coordinates on the grid of the numerical simulation
      auto supportingElement = findSupportingElement(referenceGridView.grid(),
                                                     rElement, qp.position());
      auto element  = std::get<0>(supportingElement);
      auto localPos = std::get<1>(supportingElement);

      auto diff = referenceSolution(rElement, qp.position()) - numericalSolution(element, localPos);

      l2ErrorSquared += integrationElement * qp.weight() * diff.two_norm2();

      auto derDiff = referenceSolution.derivative(rElement, qp.position()) - numericalSolution.derivative(element, localPos);

      h1ErrorSquared += integrationElement * qp.weight() * derDiff.frobenius_norm2();


  std::cout << "levels: " << gridView.grid().maxLevel()+1
            << "      "
            << "L^2 error: " << std::sqrt(l2ErrorSquared)
            << "      "
            << "h^1 error: " << std::sqrt(h1ErrorSquared)
            << std::endl;

template <class GridView, int order, class TargetSpace>
void measureAnalyticalEOC(const GridView gridView,
                          const ParameterTree& parameterSet)
  typedef std::vector<TargetSpace> SolutionType;

  //  Construct the scalar function space bases corresponding to the GFE space

  typedef Dune::Functions::LagrangeBasis<GridView, order> FEBasis;
  FEBasis feBasis(gridView);

  //  Read the data whose error is to be measured

  // Input data
  typedef BlockVector<typename TargetSpace::CoordinateType> EmbeddedVectorType;

  EmbeddedVectorType embeddedX(feBasis.size());
  std::ifstream inFile(parameterSet.get<std::string>("simulationData"), std::ios_base::binary);
  if (not inFile)
    DUNE_THROW(IOError, "File " << parameterSet.get<std::string>("simulationData") << " could not be opened.");
  MatrixVector::Generic::readBinary(inFile, embeddedX);
  inFile.peek();   // try to advance beyond the end of the file
  if (not inFile.eof())
    DUNE_THROW(IOError, "File '" << parameterSet.get<std::string>("simulationData") << "' does not have the correct size!");

  SolutionType x(embeddedX.size());
  for (size_t i=0; i<x.size(); i++)
    x[i] = TargetSpace(embeddedX[i]);

  //   Measure the discretization error

  // Read reference solution and its derivative into a PythonFunction
  typedef VirtualDifferentiableFunction<FieldVector<double, dim>, typename TargetSpace::CoordinateType> FBase;

  Python::Module module = Python::import(parameterSet.get<std::string>("referenceSolution"));
  auto referenceSolution = module.get("fdf").toC<std::shared_ptr<FBase>>();

  // The numerical solution, as a grid function
  std::unique_ptr<VirtualGridViewFunction<GridView, typename TargetSpace::CoordinateType> > numericalSolution;

  if (parameterSet["interpolationMethod"] == "geodesic")
    numericalSolution = std::make_unique<GFE::EmbeddedGlobalGFEFunction<FEBasis,
                                                                        LocalGeodesicFEFunction<dim, double, typename FEBasis::LocalView::Tree::FiniteElement, TargetSpace>,
                                                                        TargetSpace> > (feBasis, x);

  if (parameterSet["interpolationMethod"] == "projected")
    numericalSolution = std::make_unique<GFE::EmbeddedGlobalGFEFunction<FEBasis,
                                                                        GFE::LocalProjectedFEFunction<dim, double, typename FEBasis::LocalView::Tree::FiniteElement, TargetSpace>,
                                                                        TargetSpace> > (feBasis, x);

  // QuadratureRule for the integral of the L^2 error
  QuadratureRuleKey quadKey(dim,6);

  // Compute errors in the L2 norm and the h1 seminorm.
  // SO(3)-valued maps need special treatment, because they are stored as quaternions,
  // but the errors need to be computed in matrix space.
  if constexpr (std::is_same<TargetSpace,Rotation<double,3> >::value)
    constexpr int blocksize = TargetSpace::CoordinateType::dimension;

    // The error to be computed
    double l2ErrorSquared = 0;
    double h1ErrorSquared = 0;

    for (auto&& element : elements(gridView))
      // Get quadrature formula
      const auto& quad = QuadratureRuleCache<double, dim>::rule(quadKey);

      for (auto quadPoint : quad)
        auto quadPos = quadPoint.position();
        const auto integrationElement = element.geometry().integrationElement(quadPos);
        const auto weight = quadPoint.weight();

        // Evaluate function a
        FieldVector<double,blocksize> numValue;
        numericalSolution.get()->evaluateLocal(element, quadPos,numValue);

        // Evaluate function b.  If it is a grid function use that to speed up the evaluation
        FieldVector<double,blocksize> refValue;
        if (std::dynamic_pointer_cast<const VirtualGridViewFunction<GridView,FieldVector<double,blocksize> >>(referenceSolution))
            std::dynamic_pointer_cast<const VirtualGridViewFunction<GridView,FieldVector<double,blocksize> >>(referenceSolution)->evaluateLocal(element,
          referenceSolution->evaluate(element.geometry().global(quadPos), refValue);

        // Get error in matrix space
        Rotation<double,3> numRotation(numValue);
        FieldMatrix<double,3,3> numValueMatrix;

        Rotation<double,3> refRotation(refValue);
        FieldMatrix<double,3,3> refValueMatrix;

        // Evaluate derivatives in quaternion space
        FieldMatrix<double,blocksize,dimworld> num_di;
        FieldMatrix<double,blocksize,dimworld> ref_di;

        if (dynamic_cast<const VirtualGridViewFunction<GridView,FieldVector<double,blocksize> >*>(numericalSolution.get()))
          dynamic_cast<const VirtualGridViewFunction<GridView,FieldVector<double,blocksize> >*>(numericalSolution.get())->evaluateDerivativeLocal(element,
          numericalSolution->evaluateDerivative(element.geometry().global(quadPos), num_di);

        if (std::dynamic_pointer_cast<const VirtualGridViewFunction<GridView,FieldVector<double,blocksize> >>(referenceSolution))
        std::dynamic_pointer_cast<const VirtualGridViewFunction<GridView,FieldVector<double,blocksize> >>(referenceSolution)->evaluateDerivativeLocal(element,
          referenceSolution->evaluateDerivative(element.geometry().global(quadPos), ref_di);

        // Transform into matrix space
        Tensor3<double,3,3,4> derivativeQuaternionToMatrixNum = Rotation<double,3>::derivativeOfQuaternionToMatrix(numValue);
        Tensor3<double,3,3,4> derivativeQuaternionToMatrixRef = Rotation<double,3>::derivativeOfQuaternionToMatrix(refValue);

        Tensor3<double,3,3,dim> numDerivative(0);
        Tensor3<double,3,3,dim> refDerivative(0);

        for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
          for (int j=0; j<3; j++)
            for (int k=0; k<dim; k++)
              for (int l=0; l<blocksize; l++)
                numDerivative[i][j][k] = derivativeQuaternionToMatrixNum[i][j][l] * num_di[l][k];
                refDerivative[i][j][k] = derivativeQuaternionToMatrixRef[i][j][l] * ref_di[l][k];

        // integrate error
        l2ErrorSquared += (numValueMatrix - refValueMatrix).frobenius_norm2() * weight * integrationElement;
        auto diff = numDerivative - refDerivative;
        h1ErrorSquared += diff.frobenius_norm2() * weight * integrationElement;

    std::cout << "elements: " << gridView.size(0)
              << "      "
              << "L^2 error: " << std::sqrt(l2ErrorSquared)
              << "      ";
    std::cout << "h^1 error: " << std::sqrt(h1ErrorSquared) << std::endl;
    auto l2Error = DiscretizationError<GridView>::computeL2Error(numericalSolution.get(),

    auto h1Error = DiscretizationError<GridView>::computeH1HalfNormDifferenceSquared(gridView,

    std::cout << "elements: " << gridView.size(0)
              << "      "
              << "L^2 error: " << l2Error
              << "      ";
    std::cout << "h^1 error: " << std::sqrt(h1Error) << std::endl;

template <class GridType, class TargetSpace>
void measureEOC(const std::shared_ptr<GridType> grid,
                const std::shared_ptr<GridType> referenceGrid,
                const ParameterTree& parameterSet)
  const int order = parameterSet.get<int>("order");

  if (parameterSet.get<std::string>("discretizationErrorMode")=="discrete")
    switch (order)
      case 1:
      measureDiscreteEOC<typename GridType::LeafGridView,1,TargetSpace>(grid->leafGridView(), referenceGrid->leafGridView(), parameterSet);

      case 2:
      measureDiscreteEOC<typename GridType::LeafGridView,2,TargetSpace>(grid->leafGridView(), referenceGrid->leafGridView(), parameterSet);

      case 3:
      measureDiscreteEOC<typename GridType::LeafGridView,3,TargetSpace>(grid->leafGridView(), referenceGrid->leafGridView(), parameterSet);

        DUNE_THROW(NotImplemented, "Order '" << order << "' is not implemented");
    return;  // Success

  if (parameterSet.get<std::string>("discretizationErrorMode")=="analytical")
    switch (order)
      case 1:
      measureAnalyticalEOC<typename GridType::LeafGridView,1,TargetSpace>(grid->leafGridView(), parameterSet);

      case 2:
      measureAnalyticalEOC<typename GridType::LeafGridView,2,TargetSpace>(grid->leafGridView(), parameterSet);

      case 3:
      measureAnalyticalEOC<typename GridType::LeafGridView,3,TargetSpace>(grid->leafGridView(), parameterSet);

        DUNE_THROW(NotImplemented, "Order '" << order << "' is not implemented");
    return;  // Success

  DUNE_THROW(NotImplemented, "Unknown discretization error mode encountered!");

int main (int argc, char *argv[]) try
  MPIHelper::instance(argc, argv);

  // Start Python interpreter
  Python::Reference main = Python::import("__main__");
  Python::run("import math");

      << std::endl << "import sys"
      << std::endl << "sys.path.append('/home/sander/dune/dune-gfe/problems')"
      << std::endl;

  // parse data file
  ParameterTree parameterSet;
  if (argc < 2)
    DUNE_THROW(Exception, "Usage: ./compute-disc-error <parameter file>");

  ParameterTreeParser::readINITree(argv[1], parameterSet);

  ParameterTreeParser::readOptions(argc, argv, parameterSet);

  // Print all parameters, to have them in the log file;

  //    Create the grids
    typedef std::conditional<dim==1 or dim!=dimworld,FoamGrid<dim,dimworld>,UGGrid<dim> >::type GridType;
    static_assert(dim==dimworld, "You need to have dune-foamgrid installed for dim != dimworld!");
    typedef std::conditional<dim==1,OneDGrid,UGGrid<dim> >::type GridType;

  const int numLevels = parameterSet.get<int>("numLevels");

  shared_ptr<GridType> grid, referenceGrid;

  FieldVector<double,dimworld> lower(0), upper(1);

  std::string structuredGridType = parameterSet["structuredGrid"];
  if (structuredGridType == "sphere")
    if constexpr (dimworld==3)
      grid          = makeSphereOnOctahedron<GridType>({0,0,0},1);
      referenceGrid = makeSphereOnOctahedron<GridType>({0,0,0},1);
    } else
      DUNE_THROW(Exception, "Dimworld must be 3 to create a sphere grid!");
  else if (structuredGridType == "simplex" || structuredGridType == "cube")
    lower = parameterSet.get<FieldVector<double,dimworld> >("lower");
    upper = parameterSet.get<FieldVector<double,dimworld> >("upper");

    auto elements = parameterSet.get<std::array<unsigned int,dim> >("elements");
    if (structuredGridType == "simplex")
      grid = StructuredGridFactory<GridType>::createSimplexGrid(lower, upper, elements);
    else if (structuredGridType == "cube")
      grid = StructuredGridFactory<GridType>::createCubeGrid(lower, upper, elements);
      DUNE_THROW(Exception, "Unknown structured grid type '" << structuredGridType << "' found!");
    std::string path                = parameterSet.get<std::string>("path");
    std::string gridFile            = parameterSet.get<std::string>("gridFile");
    grid = shared_ptr<GridType>(GmshReader<GridType>::read(path + "/" + gridFile));
    referenceGrid = shared_ptr<GridType>(GmshReader<GridType>::read(path + "/" + gridFile));


  // Do the actual measurement
  const int targetDim = parameterSet.get<int>("targetDim");
  const std::string targetSpace = parameterSet.get<std::string>("targetSpace");

  switch (targetDim)
    case 1:
      if (targetSpace=="RealTuple")
        measureEOC<GridType,RealTuple<double,1> >(grid,
      } else if (targetSpace=="UnitVector")
        measureEOC<GridType,UnitVector<double,1> >(grid,
      } else
        DUNE_THROW(NotImplemented, "Target space '" << targetSpace << "' is not implemented");
    case 2:
      if (targetSpace=="RealTuple")
        measureEOC<GridType,RealTuple<double,2> >(grid,
      } else if (targetSpace=="UnitVector")
        measureEOC<GridType,UnitVector<double,2> >(grid,
#if 0
      } else if (targetSpace=="Rotation")
        measureEOC<GridType,Rotation<double,2> >(grid,
      } else if (targetSpace=="RigidBodyMotion")
        measureEOC<GridType,RigidBodyMotion<double,2> >(grid,
      } else
        DUNE_THROW(NotImplemented, "Target space '" << targetSpace << "' is not implemented");

    case 3:
      if (targetSpace=="RealTuple")
        measureEOC<GridType,RealTuple<double,3> >(grid,
      } else if (targetSpace=="UnitVector")
        measureEOC<GridType,UnitVector<double,3> >(grid,
      } else if (targetSpace=="Rotation")
        measureEOC<GridType,Rotation<double,3> >(grid,
      } else if (targetSpace=="RigidBodyMotion")
        measureEOC<GridType,RigidBodyMotion<double,3> >(grid,
      } else
        DUNE_THROW(NotImplemented, "Target space '" << targetSpace << "' is not implemented");

    case 4:
      if (targetSpace=="RealTuple")
        measureEOC<GridType,RealTuple<double,4> >(grid,
      } else if (targetSpace=="UnitVector")
        measureEOC<GridType,UnitVector<double,4> >(grid,
#if 0
      } else if (targetSpace=="Rotation")
        measureEOC<GridType,Rotation<double,4> >(grid,
      } else if (targetSpace=="RigidBodyMotion")
        measureEOC<GridType,RigidBodyMotion<double,4> >(grid,
      } else
        DUNE_THROW(NotImplemented, "Target space '" << targetSpace << "' is not implemented");

      DUNE_THROW(NotImplemented, "Target dimension '" << targetDim << "' is not implemented");

  return 0;
catch (Exception& e)
  std::cout << e << std::endl;
  return 1;