Oliver Sander authored
The inline expression in the parameter file that we used previously is too short and limited. In particular, we want to be able to use the same expression for error measurements. However, for that we need a function with a derivative.
Oliver Sander authoredThe inline expression in the parameter file that we used previously is too short and limited. In particular, we want to be able to use the same expression for error measurements. However, for that we need a function with a derivative.
harmonicmaps-stereographic-measurement.parset 1.50 KiB
# Grid parameters
#structuredGrid = true
#lower = -5 -5
#upper = 5 5
#elements = 10 10
structuredGrid = false
path = /home/sander/data/liquidcrystals
gridFile = irregular-square.msh
# Number of grid levels
numLevels = 2
# Solver parameters
# Tolerance of the trust region solver
tolerance = 1e-12
# Max number of steps of the trust region solver
maxTrustRegionSteps = 0
# Initial trust-region radius
initialTrustRegionRadius = 1
# Number of multigrid iterations per trust-region step
numIt = 200
# Number of presmoothing steps
nu1 = 3
# Number of postsmoothing steps
nu2 = 3
# Number of coarse grid corrections
mu = 1
# Number of base solver iterations
baseIt = 100
# Tolerance of the multigrid solver
mgTolerance = 1e-10
# Tolerance of the base grid solver
baseTolerance = 1e-8
# Problem specifications
# Type of energy we are minimizing
energy = harmonic
# Inverse stereographic projection
initialIterate = inverse-stereographic-projection
# Discretization error measurements
# none / analytical / gridfunction
discretizationErrorMode = analytical
# The python file implementing the reference solution and its derivative
referenceSolution = inverse-stereographic-projection