Oliver Sander authored
[[Imported from SVN: r5726]]
Oliver Sander authored[[Imported from SVN: r5726]]
harmonicmaps.parset 902 B
# Number of grid levels
numLevels = 1
# Tolerance of the trust region solver
tolerance = 1e-12
# Max number of steps of the trust region solver
maxTrustRegionSteps = 10
# Initial trust-region radius
initialTrustRegionRadius = 1
# Number of multigrid iterations per trust-region step
numIt = 200
# Number of presmoothing steps
nu1 = 3
# Number of postsmoothing steps
nu2 = 3
# Number of coarse grid corrections
mu = 1
# Number of base solver iterations
baseIt = 100
# Tolerance of the multigrid solver
mgTolerance = 1e-10
# Tolerance of the base grid solver
baseTolerance = 1e-8
# Measure convergence
instrumented = 0
# Problem specifications
# 2d problem
#path = /home/haile/sander/data/richards/twosquares/
#gridFile = twosquares0.grid
# 3d problem
path = /home/haile/sander/data/contact/tetracubes/
gridFile = tetracube0.grid