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Commit 6da41f3c authored by Oliver Sander's avatar Oliver Sander Committed by sander
Browse files

new project about nonlinear rods

[[Imported from SVN: r410]]
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# $Id$
# possible options
noinst_PROGRAMS = staticrod
staticrod_SOURCES =
# don't follow the full GNU-standard
# we need automake 1.5
AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign 1.5
README 0 → 100644
Preparing the Sources
Additional to the software mentioned in README you'll need the
following programs installed on your system:
automake >= 1.5
autoconf >= 2.50
Getting started
If these preliminaries are met, you should run the script
which calls the GNU autoconf/automake to create a ./configure-script
and the Makefiles. Most probably you'll have to provide where to find
the DUNE-files by
./ --with-dune=PATH
where PATH is a directory with a dune/-subdirectory inside (this
convention is needed to keep the #include-syntax consistent even when
the headers are installed into /usr/include/dune later).
Passing options to ./configure
------------------------------ also calls the newly created configure-script to
conveniently pass on options about the used compiler. Thus you'll have
to provide any options you want configure to get, e.g.
./ --with-dune=... --with-albert=... --without-x
Choosing the compiler and the options
The selection of the compiler works as follows: if --gnu or --intel is
passed to autogen it reads the content of gcc.opts or icc.opts to get
the default compiler flags. With the option --optim you can switch the
compiler-specific optimization parameters on.
If you want to change the compiler options to your favourites you can
- adapt the appropriate .opts-file and rerun Please don't
commit this changed file to CVS if you're not sure if the options
work for everybody.
- copy an existing .opts-file to a new name, change the options and
./ --opts=my.opts
More info
./ --help
and (if it exists)
./configure --help
for further options.
The full build-system is described in the dune/doc/Buildsystem (not in
# $Id$
#### barf on errors
set -e
# may be used to force a certain automake-version e.g. 1.7
# everybody who checks out the CVS wants the maintainer-mode to be enabled
# (should be off for source distributions, this should happen automatically)
# default values
usage () {
echo "Usage: ./ [options]"
echo " -i, --intel use intel compiler"
echo " -g, --gnu use gnu compiler (default)"
echo " --opts=FILE use compiler-options from FILE"
echo " -d, --debug switch debug-opts on"
echo " -n, --nodebug switch debug-opts off"
echo " -o, --optim switch optimization on"
echo " --with-dune=PATH directory with dune/ inside"
echo " -h, --help you already found this :)"
echo "Parameters not in the list above are directly passed to configure. See"
echo " ./configure --help"
echo "for a list of additional options"
# no compiler set yet
for OPT in $* ; do
set +e
# stolen from configure...
# when no option is set, this returns an error code
arg=`expr "x$OPT" : 'x[^=]*=\(.*\)'`
set -e
case "$OPT" in
-i|--intel) . ./icc.opts ; COMPSET=1 ;;
-g|--gnu) . ./gcc.opts ; COMPSET=1 ;;
if [ -r $arg ] ; then
echo "reading options from $arg..."
. ./$arg ;
echo "Cannot open compiler options file $arg!" ;
exit 1;
fi ;;
-d|--debug) DEBUG=1 ;;
-n|--nodebug) DEBUG=0 ;;
-o|--optim) OPTIM=1 ;;
-h|--help) usage ; exit 0 ;;
# special hack: use the with-dune-dir for aclocal-includes
eval DUNEDIR=$arg
# add the option anyway
# pass unknown opts to ./configure
# set special m4-path if --with-dune is set
if [ x$DUNEDIR != x ] ; then
# aclocal from automake 1.8 seems to need an absolute path for inclusion
FULLDIR=`cd $DUNEDIR && pwd`
# automagically use directory above if complete Dune-dir was supplied
if test `basename $FULLDIR` = "dune" ; then
FULLDIR=`cd $FULLDIR/.. && pwd`
# use the free compiler as default :-)
if [ "$COMPSET" != "1" ] ; then
echo "No compiler set, using GNU compiler as default"
. ./gcc.opts
# create flags
# maybe add debug flag
if [ "$DEBUG" = "1" ] ; then
# maybe add optimization flag
if [ "$OPTIM" = "1" ] ; then
# check if automake-version was set
if test "x$AMVERS" != x ; then
echo Warning: explicitly using automake version $AMVERS
# binaries are called automake-$AMVERS
#### create all autotools-files
echo "--> libtoolize..."
# force to write new versions of files, otherwise upgrading libtools
# doesn't do anything...
libtoolize --force
echo "--> aclocal..."
# sanity check to catch missing --with-dune
if ! grep DUNE aclocal.m4 > /dev/null ; then
echo "aclocal.m4 doesn't contain any DUNE-macros, this would crash autoconf"
echo "or automake later. Maybe you should provide a --with-dune=PATH parameter"
exit 1
echo "--> autoheader..."
echo "--> automake..."
automake$AMVERS --add-missing
echo "--> autoconf..."
#### start configure with special environment
export CC="$COMP"
export CXX="$CXXCOMP"
export CPP="$COMP -E"
# -*- Autoconf -*-
# Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.
AC_INIT(rods, 1.0,
# we need no more than the standard DUNE-stuff
# implicitly set the Dune-flags everywhere
# finally print the summary information
gcc.opts 0 → 100644
# $Id$
# options for gcc/g++
# remember to run ./ after changing these values!
# name of compiler binaries
# flags set in any case
# additional flags for debugging
# additional flags for optimization
icc.opts 0 → 100644
# $Id$
# options for icc
# remember to run ./ after changing these values!
# name of compiler binaries
# flags set in any case
# additional flags for debugging
# additional flags for optimization
OPTIMFLAGS="-O3 -Ob2 -unroll"
#include <dune/istl/bcrsmatrix.hh>
#include <dune/common/fmatrix.hh>
#include <dune/istl/matrixindexset.hh>
#include <dune/common/matrix.hh>
#include <dune/quadrature/quadraturerules.hh>
template <class FunctionSpaceType, int polOrd>
void Dune::RodAssembler<FunctionSpaceType, polOrd>::
getNeighborsPerVertex(MatrixIndexSet& nb) const
const int gridDim = GridType::dimension;
int i, j;
int n = grid_->size(grid_->maxlevel(), gridDim);
nb.resize(n, n);
ElementIterator it = grid_->template lbegin<0>( grid_->maxlevel() );
ElementIterator endit = grid_->template lend<0> ( grid_->maxlevel() );
for (; it!=endit; ++it) {
for (i=0; i<it->template count<gridDim>(); i++) {
for (j=0; j<it->template count<gridDim>(); j++) {
int iIdx = it->template subIndex<gridDim>(i);
int jIdx = it->template subIndex<gridDim>(j);
nb.add(iIdx, jIdx);
template <class FunctionSpaceType, int polOrd>
void Dune::RodAssembler<FunctionSpaceType, polOrd>::
assembleMatrix(const BlockVector<FieldVector<double, blocksize> >& sol,
BCRSMatrix<MatrixBlock>& matrix)
//int n = grid_->size(grid_->maxlevel(), dim);
MatrixIndexSet neighborsPerVertex;
matrix = 0;
ElementIterator it = grid_->template lbegin<0>( grid_->maxlevel() );
ElementIterator endit = grid_->template lend<0> ( grid_->maxlevel() );
Matrix<MatrixBlock> mat;
for( ; it != endit; ++it ) {
const BaseFunctionSetType & baseSet = functionSpace_.getBaseFunctionSet( *it );
const int numOfBaseFct = baseSet.getNumberOfBaseFunctions();
mat.resize(numOfBaseFct, numOfBaseFct);
// Extract local solution
BlockVector<FieldVector<double, blocksize> > localSolution(numOfBaseFct);
//BlockVector<FieldVector<double, dim> > localRhs(numOfBaseFct);
for (int i=0; i<numOfBaseFct; i++)
localSolution[i] = sol[functionSpace_.mapToGlobal(*it,i)];
// setup matrix
getLocalMatrix( *it, localSolution, numOfBaseFct, mat);
// Add element matrix to global stiffness matrix
for(int i=0; i<numOfBaseFct; i++) {
int row = functionSpace_.mapToGlobal( *it , i );
for (int j=0; j<numOfBaseFct; j++ ) {
int col = functionSpace_.mapToGlobal( *it , j );
matrix[row][col] += mat[i][j];
template <class FunctionSpaceType, int polOrd>
template <class MatrixType>
void Dune::RodAssembler<FunctionSpaceType, polOrd>::
getLocalMatrix( EntityType &entity,
const BlockVector<FieldVector<double, blocksize> >& localSolution,
const int matSize, MatrixType& localMat) const
/* ndof is the number of vectors of the element */
int ndof = matSize;
for (int i=0; i<matSize; i++)
for (int j=0; j<matSize; j++)
localMat[i][j] = 0;
typedef typename FunctionSpaceType::BaseFunctionSetType BaseFunctionSetType;
const BaseFunctionSetType & baseSet = this->functionSpace_.getBaseFunctionSet( entity );
// Get quadrature rule
const QuadratureRule<double, gridDim>& quad = QuadratureRules<double, gridDim>::rule(entity.geometry().type(), polOrd);
/* Loop over all integration points */
for (int ip=0; ip<quad.size(); ip++) {
// Local position of the quadrature point
const FieldVector<double,gridDim>& quadPos = quad[ip].position();
// calc Jacobian inverse before integration element is evaluated
const FieldMatrix<double,gridDim,gridDim>& inv = entity.geometry().jacobianInverse(quadPos);
const double integrationElement = entity.geometry().integrationElement(quadPos);
/* Compute the weight of the current integration point */
double weight = quad[ip].weight() * integrationElement;
/* compute gradients of the shape functions */
Array<JacobianRange> shapeGrad(ndof);
for (int dof=0; dof<ndof; dof++) {
baseSet.jacobian(dof, quadPos, shapeGrad[dof]);
// multiply with jacobian inverse
JacobianRange tmp(0);
inv.umv(shapeGrad[dof][0], tmp[0]);
shapeGrad[dof][0] = tmp[0];
RangeType shapeFunction[matSize];
for(int i=0; i<matSize; i++)
// //////////////////////////////////
// Interpolate
// //////////////////////////////////
double x_s = localSolution[0][0]*shapeGrad[0][0][0] + localSolution[1][0]*shapeGrad[1][0][0];
double y_s = localSolution[0][1]*shapeGrad[0][0][0] + localSolution[1][1]*shapeGrad[1][0][0];
double theta_s = localSolution[0][2]*shapeGrad[0][0][0] + localSolution[1][2]*shapeGrad[1][0][0];
double theta = localSolution[0][2]*shapeFunction[0] + localSolution[1][2]*shapeFunction[1];
for (int i=0; i<matSize; i++) {
for (int j=0; j<matSize; j++) {
// \partial J^2 / \partial x_i \partial x_j
localMat[i][j][0][0] += weight * shapeGrad[i][0][0] * shapeGrad[j][0][0]
* (A1 * cos(theta) * cos(theta) + A3 * sin(theta) * sin(theta));
// \partial J^2 / \partial x_i \partial y_j
localMat[i][j][0][1] += weight * shapeGrad[i][0][0] * shapeGrad[j][0][0]
* (-A1 * + A3) * sin(theta)* cos(theta);
// \partial J^2 / \partial x_i \partial theta_j
localMat[i][j][0][2] += weight * shapeGrad[i] * shapeFunction[j]
* (-A1 * (x_s*sin(theta) + y_s*cos(theta)) * cos(theta)
- A1* (x_s*cos(theta) - y_s*sin(theta)) * sin(theta)
+A3 * (x_s*cos(theta) - y_s*sin(theta)) * sin(theta)
+A3 * (x_s*sin(theta) + y_s*cos(theta) - 1) * cos(theta));
// \partial J^2 / \partial y_i \partial x_j
localMat[i][j][1][0] += weight * shapeGrad[i][0][0] * shapeGrad[j][0][0]
* (-A1 * sin(theta)* cos(theta) + A3 * cos(theta) * sin(theta));
// \partial J^2 / \partial y_i \partial y_j
localMat[i][j][1][1] += weight * shapeGrad[i] * shapeGrad[j]
* (A1 * sin(theta)*sin(theta) + A3 * cos(theta)*cos(theta));
// \partial J^2 / \partial y_i \partial theta_j
localMat[i][j][1][2] += weight * shapeGrad[i] * shapeFunction[j]
* (A1 * (x_s * sin(theta) + y_s * cos(theta)) * sin(theta)
-A1 * (x_s * cos(theta) - y_s * sin(theta)) * cos(theta)
+A3 * (x_s * cos(theta) - y_s * sin(theta)) * cos(theta)
-A3 * (x_s * sin(theta) + y_s * cos(theta) - 1) * sin(theta));
// \partial J^2 / \partial theta_i \partial x_j
localMat[i][j][2][0] += weight * shapeFunction[i] * shapeGrad[j]
* (-A1 * (x_s*sin(theta) + y_s*cos(theta)) * cos(theta)
- A1* (x_s*cos(theta) - y_s*sin(theta)) * sin(theta)
+A3 * (x_s*cos(theta) - y_s*sin(theta)) * sin(theta)
+A3 * (x_s*sin(theta) + y_s*cos(theta) - 1) * cos(theta));
// \partial J^2 / \partial theta_i \partial y_j
localMat[i][j][2][1] += weight * shapeFunction[i] * shapeGrad[j]
* (A1 * (x_s * sin(theta) + y_s * cos(theta)) * sin(theta)
-A1 * (x_s * cos(theta) - y_s * sin(theta)) * cos(theta)
+A3 * (x_s * cos(theta) - y_s * sin(theta)) * cos(theta)
-A3 * (x_s * sin(theta) + y_s * cos(theta) - 1) * sin(theta));
// \partial J^2 / \partial theta_i \partial theta_j
localMat[i][j][2][2] += weight * B * shapeGrad[i] * shapeGrad[j];
localMat[i][j][2][2] += weight * shapeFunction[i] * shapeFunction[j]
* (+ A1 * (x_s*sin(theta) + y_s*cos(theta)) * (x_s*sin(theta) + y_s*cos(theta))
+ A1 * (x_s*cos(theta) - y_s*sin(theta)) * (-x_s*cos(theta)+ y_s*sin(theta))
+ A3 * (x_s*cos(theta) - y_s*sin(theta)) * (x_s*cos(theta) - y_s*sin(theta))
- A3 * (x_s*sin(theta) + y_s*cos(theta) - 1) * (x_s*sin(theta) - y_s*cos(theta)));
#if 0
static int eleme = 0;
printf("********* Element %d **********\n", eleme++);
for (int row=0; row<matSize; row++) {
for (int rcomp=0; rcomp<dim; rcomp++) {
for (int col=0; col<matSize; col++) {
for (int ccomp=0; ccomp<dim; ccomp++)
std::cout << mat[row][col][rcomp][ccomp] << " ";
std::cout << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
template <class FunctionSpaceType, int polOrd>
void Dune::RodAssembler<FunctionSpaceType, polOrd>::
assembleGradient(const BlockVector<FieldVector<double, blocksize> >& sol,
BlockVector<FieldVector<double, blocksize> >& grad) const
const int maxlevel = grid_->maxlevel();
if (sol.size()!=grid_->size(maxlevel, gridDim))
DUNE_THROW(Exception, "Solution vector doesn't match the grid!");
grad = 0;
ElementIterator it = grid_->template lbegin<0>(maxlevel);
ElementIterator endIt = grid_->template lend<0>(maxlevel);
// Loop over all elements
for (; it!=endIt; ++it) {
// Extract local solution on this element
const BaseFunctionSetType & baseSet = functionSpace_.getBaseFunctionSet( *it );
const int numOfBaseFct = baseSet.getNumberOfBaseFunctions();
FieldVector<double, blocksize> localSolution[numOfBaseFct];
for (int i=0; i<numOfBaseFct; i++)
localSolution[i] = sol[functionSpace_.mapToGlobal(*it,i)];
// Get quadrature rule
const QuadratureRule<double, gridDim>& quad = QuadratureRules<double, gridDim>::rule(it->geometry().type(), polOrd);
for (int pt=0; pt<quad.size(); pt++) {
// Local position of the quadrature point
const FieldVector<double,gridDim>& quadPos = quad[pt].position();
const FieldMatrix<double,1,1>& inv = it->geometry().jacobianInverse(quadPos);
const double integrationElement = it->geometry().integrationElement(quadPos);
double weight = quad[pt].weight() * integrationElement;
// ///////////////////////////////////////
// Compute deformation gradient
// ///////////////////////////////////////
Array<JacobianRange> shapeGrad(numOfBaseFct);
for (int dof=0; dof<numOfBaseFct; dof++) {
baseSet.jacobian(dof, quadPos, shapeGrad[dof]);
// multiply with jacobian inverse
JacobianRange tmp(0);
inv.umv(shapeGrad[dof][0], tmp[0]);
shapeGrad[dof][0] = tmp[0];
// Get the value of the shape functions
RangeType shapeFunction[2];
for(int i=0; i<2; i++)
// //////////////////////////////////
// Interpolate
// //////////////////////////////////
double x_s = localSolution[0][0]*shapeGrad[0][0][0] + localSolution[1][0]*shapeGrad[1][0][0];
double y_s = localSolution[0][1]*shapeGrad[0][0][0] + localSolution[1][1]*shapeGrad[1][0][0];
double theta_s = localSolution[0][2]*shapeGrad[0][0][0] + localSolution[1][2]*shapeGrad[1][0][0];
double theta = localSolution[0][2]*shapeFunction[0] + localSolution[1][2]*shapeFunction[1];
// /////////////////////////////////////////////
// Sum it all up
// /////////////////////////////////////////////
double partA1 = A1 * (x_s * cos(theta) - y_s * sin(theta));
double partA3 = A3 * (x_s * sin(theta) + y_s * cos(theta) - 1);
for (int dof=0; dof<numOfBaseFct; dof++) {
int globalDof = functionSpace_.mapToGlobal(*it,dof);
//printf("globalDof: %d partA1: %g partA3: %g\n", globalDof, partA1, partA3);
// \partial J / \partial x^i
grad[globalDof][0] += weight * (partA1 * cos(theta) + partA3 * sin(theta)) * shapeGrad[dof][0][0];
// \partial J / \partial y^i
grad[globalDof][1] += weight * (-partA1 * sin(theta) + partA3 * cos(theta)) * shapeGrad[dof][0][0];
// \partial J / \partial \theta^i
grad[globalDof][2] += weight * (B * theta_s * shapeGrad[dof][0][0]
+ partA1 * (-x_s * sin(theta) - y_s * cos(theta)) * shapeFunction[dof]
+ partA3 * ( x_s * cos(theta) - y_s * sin(theta)) * shapeFunction[dof]);
template <class FunctionSpaceType, int polOrd>
double Dune::RodAssembler<FunctionSpaceType, polOrd>::
computeEnergy(const BlockVector<FieldVector<double, blocksize> >& sol) const
const int maxlevel = grid_->maxlevel();
double energy = 0;
if (sol.size()!=grid_->size(maxlevel, gridDim))
DUNE_THROW(Exception, "Solution vector doesn't match the grid!");
ElementIterator it = grid_->template lbegin<0>(maxlevel);
ElementIterator endIt = grid_->template lend<0>(maxlevel);
// Loop over all elements
for (; it!=endIt; ++it) {
// Extract local solution on this element
const BaseFunctionSetType & baseSet = functionSpace_.getBaseFunctionSet( *it );
const int numOfBaseFct = baseSet.getNumberOfBaseFunctions();
FieldVector<double, blocksize> localSolution[numOfBaseFct];
for (int i=0; i<numOfBaseFct; i++)
localSolution[i] = sol[functionSpace_.mapToGlobal(*it,i)];
// Get quadrature rule
const QuadratureRule<double, gridDim>& quad = QuadratureRules<double, gridDim>::rule(it->geometry().type(), polOrd);
for (int pt=0; pt<quad.size(); pt++) {
// Local position of the quadrature point
const FieldVector<double,gridDim>& quadPos = quad[pt].position();
const FieldMatrix<double,1,1>& inv = it->geometry().jacobianInverse(quadPos);
const double integrationElement = it->geometry().integrationElement(quadPos);
double weight = quad[pt].weight() * integrationElement;
// ///////////////////////////////////////
// Compute deformation gradient
// ///////////////////////////////////////
Array<JacobianRange> shapeGrad(numOfBaseFct);
for (int dof=0; dof<numOfBaseFct; dof++) {
baseSet.jacobian(dof, quadPos, shapeGrad[dof]);
//std::cout << "Gradient " << dof << ": " << shape_grads[dof] << std::endl;
// multiply with jacobian inverse
JacobianRange tmp(0);
inv.umv(shapeGrad[dof][0], tmp[0]);
shapeGrad[dof][0] = tmp[0];
//std::cout << "Gradient " << dof << ": " << shape_grads[dof] << std::endl;
// Get the value of the shape functions
RangeType shapeFunction[2];
for(int i=0; i<2; i++)
// //////////////////////////////////
// Interpolate
// //////////////////////////////////
double x_s = localSolution[0][0]*shapeGrad[0][0][0] + localSolution[1][0]*shapeGrad[1][0][0];
double y_s = localSolution[0][1]*shapeGrad[0][0][0] + localSolution[1][1]*shapeGrad[1][0][0];
double theta_s = localSolution[0][2]*shapeGrad[0][0][0] + localSolution[1][2]*shapeGrad[1][0][0];
double theta = localSolution[0][2]*shapeFunction[0] + localSolution[1][2]*shapeFunction[1];
// /////////////////////////////////////////////
// Sum it all up
// /////////////////////////////////////////////
double partA1 = x_s * cos(theta) - y_s * sin(theta);
double partA3 = x_s * sin(theta) + y_s * cos(theta) - 1;
energy += 0.5 * weight * (B * theta_s * theta_s
+ A1 * partA1 * partA1
+ A3 * partA3 * partA3);
// printf("energy %g\n", energy);
return energy;
#include <dune/istl/bcrsmatrix.hh>
#include <dune/common/fmatrix.hh>
#include <dune/istl/matrixindexset.hh>
#include <dune/common/matrix.hh>
namespace Dune
/** \brief The FEM operator for an extensible, shearable rod
template <class FunctionSpaceType, int polOrd>
class RodAssembler {
//! The grid
typedef typename FunctionSpaceType::GridType GridType;
typedef typename GridType::template Codim<0>::Entity EntityType;
typedef typename GridType::template Codim<0>::LevelIterator ElementIterator;
typedef typename FunctionSpaceType::BaseFunctionSetType BaseFunctionSetType;
//! Dimension of the grid. This needs to be one!
enum { gridDim = GridType::dimension };
//! Each block is x, y, theta
enum { blocksize = 3 };
typedef FieldMatrix<double, blocksize, blocksize> MatrixBlock;
//! ???
typedef typename FunctionSpaceType::JacobianRange JacobianRange;
//! ???
typedef typename FunctionSpaceType::RangeField RangeFieldType;
typedef typename FunctionSpaceType::Range RangeType;
/** \todo Does actually belong into the base class */
const GridType* grid_;
/** \todo Does actually belong into the base class */
const FunctionSpaceType& functionSpace_;
/** \brief Material constants */
double B;
double A1;
double A3;
//! ???
RodAssembler(const FunctionSpaceType &f) :
grid_ = &f.getGrid();
B = 1;
A1 = 1;
A3 = 1;
~RodAssembler() {}
void getNeighborsPerVertex(MatrixIndexSet& nb) const;
/** \brief Assemble the tangent stiffness matrix and the right hand side
void assembleMatrix(const BlockVector<FieldVector<double, blocksize> >& sol,
BCRSMatrix<MatrixBlock>& matrix);
/** \brief Compute the element tangent stiffness matrix */
template <class MatrixType>
void getLocalMatrix( EntityType &entity,
const BlockVector<FieldVector<double, blocksize> >& localSolution,
const int matSize, MatrixType& mat) const;
void assembleGradient(const BlockVector<FieldVector<double, blocksize> >& sol,
BlockVector<FieldVector<double, blocksize> >& grad) const;
/** \brief Compute the energy of a deformation state */
double computeEnergy(const BlockVector<FieldVector<double, blocksize> >& sol) const;
}; // end class
} // end namespace
#include ""
#include <config.h>
#include <dune/grid/onedgrid.hh>
#include <dune/fem/lagrangebase.hh>
#include <dune/istl/io.hh>
//#include "../common/boundarytreatment.hh"
#include "../common/boundarypatch.hh"
#include <dune/common/bitfield.hh>
//#include "../common/readbitfield.hh"
#include "src/rodassembler.hh"
//#include "../common/linearipopt.hh"
#include "../common/projectedblockgsstep.hh"
#include <dune/solver/iterativesolver.hh>
#include "../common/geomestimator.hh"
#include "../common/energynorm.hh"
#include <dune/common/configparser.hh>
// Choose a solver
//#define IPOPT
//#define MULTIGRID
//#define IPOPT_BASE
// Number of degrees of freedom:
// 3 (x, y, theta) for a planar rod
const int blocksize = 3;
using namespace Dune;
using std::string;
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) try
// Some types that I need
typedef BCRSMatrix<FieldMatrix<double, blocksize, blocksize> > MatrixType;
typedef BlockVector<FieldVector<double, blocksize> > VectorType;
// parse data file
ConfigParser parameterSet;
// read solver settings
const int minLevel = parameterSet.get("minLevel", int(0));
const int maxLevel = parameterSet.get("maxLevel", int(0));
double loadIncrement = parameterSet.get("loadIncrement", double(0));
const int maxNewtonSteps = parameterSet.get("maxNewtonSteps", int(0));
const int numIt = parameterSet.get("numIt", int(0));
const int nu1 = parameterSet.get("nu1", int(0));
const int nu2 = parameterSet.get("nu2", int(0));
const int mu = parameterSet.get("mu", int(0));
const int baseIt = parameterSet.get("baseIt", int(0));
const double tolerance = parameterSet.get("tolerance", double(0));
const double baseTolerance = parameterSet.get("baseTolerance", double(0));
// Problem settings
const int numRodElements = parameterSet.get("numRodElements", int(0));
// ///////////////////////////////////////
// Create the two grids
// ///////////////////////////////////////
typedef OneDGrid<1,1> RodGridType;
RodGridType rod(numRodElements, 0, 1);
Array<BitField> dirichletNodes;
dirichletNodes[0].resize( blocksize * (numRodElements+1) );
dirichletNodes[0][0] = dirichletNodes[0][1] = dirichletNodes[0][2] = true;
dirichletNodes[0][blocksize*numRodElements+0] = true;
dirichletNodes[0][blocksize*numRodElements+1] = true;
dirichletNodes[0][blocksize*numRodElements+2] = true;
// refine uniformly until minlevel
for (int i=0; i<minLevel; i++)
int maxlevel = rod.maxlevel();
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Create obstacles
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Array<BitField> hasObstacle;
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Create discrete function spaces
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
typedef FunctionSpace < double , double, 1, 1 > RodFuncSpace;
typedef DefaultGridIndexSet<RodGridType,LevelIndex> RodIndexSet;
typedef LagrangeDiscreteFunctionSpace < RodFuncSpace, RodGridType,RodIndexSet, 1> RodFuncSpaceType;
Array<RodIndexSet*> rodIndexSet(maxlevel+1);
Array<const RodFuncSpaceType*> rodFuncSpace(maxlevel+1);
for (int i=0; i<maxlevel+1; i++) {
rodIndexSet[i] = new RodIndexSet(rod, i);
rodFuncSpace[i] = new RodFuncSpaceType(rod, *rodIndexSet[i], i);
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Create solution and rhs vectors
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
VectorType rhs;
VectorType x;
VectorType corr;
MatrixType hessianMatrix;
// Initial solution
x = 0;
for (int i=0; i<numRodElements+1; i++) {
x[i][0] = i/((double)numRodElements);
x[i][1] = 0;
x[i][2] = M_PI/2;
x[0][1] = x[numRodElements][1] = 1;
RodAssembler<RodFuncSpaceType,2> test(*rodFuncSpace[0]);
test.assembleGradient(x, rhs);
//std::cout << "Solution: " << std::endl << x << std::endl;
//std::cout << "Gradient: " << std::endl << rhs << std::endl;
std::cout << "Energy: " << test.computeEnergy(x) << std::endl;
MatrixIndexSet indices(numRodElements+1, numRodElements+1);
//printmatrix(std::cout, hessianMatrix, "hessianMatrix", "--");
// Create a solver
#if defined IPOPT
typedef LinearIPOptSolver<VectorType> SolverType;
SolverType solver;
solver.dirichletNodes_ = &totalDirichletNodes[maxlevel];
solver.hasObstacle_ = &contactAssembler.hasObstacle_[maxlevel];
solver.obstacles_ = &contactAssembler.obstacles_[maxlevel];
solver.verbosity_ = Solver::FULL;
#elif defined GAUSS_SEIDEL
typedef ProjectedBlockGSStep<MatrixType, VectorType> SmootherType;
SmootherType projectedBlockGSStep(hessianMatrix, corr, rhs);
projectedBlockGSStep.dirichletNodes_ = &dirichletNodes[maxlevel];
projectedBlockGSStep.hasObstacle_ = &hasObstacle[maxlevel];
projectedBlockGSStep.obstacles_ = NULL;//&contactAssembler.obstacles_[maxlevel];
EnergyNorm<MatrixType, VectorType> energyNorm(projectedBlockGSStep);
IterativeSolver<MatrixType, VectorType> solver;
solver.iterationStep = &projectedBlockGSStep;
solver.numIt = numIt;
solver.verbosity_ = Solver::QUIET;
solver.errorNorm_ = &energyNorm;
solver.tolerance_ = tolerance;
#elif defined MULTIGRID
// First create a base solver
LinearIPOptSolver<BlockVector<FieldVector<double,dim> > > baseSolver;
baseSolver.verbosity_ = Solver::FULL;
#else // Gauss-Seidel is the base solver
ProjectedBlockGSStep<MatrixType, BlockVector<FieldVector<double,dim> > > baseSolverStep;
EnergyNorm<MatrixType, BlockVector<FieldVector<double,dim> > > baseEnergyNorm(baseSolverStep);
IterativeSolver<MatrixType, BlockVector<FieldVector<double,dim> > > baseSolver;
baseSolver.iterationStep = &baseSolverStep;
baseSolver.numIt = baseIt;
baseSolver.verbosity_ = Solver::QUIET;
baseSolver.errorNorm_ = &baseEnergyNorm;
baseSolver.tolerance_ = baseTolerance;
// Make pre and postsmoothers
ProjectedBlockGSStep<MatrixType, BlockVector<FieldVector<double,dim> > > presmoother;
ProjectedBlockGSStep<MatrixType, BlockVector<FieldVector<double,dim> > > postsmoother;
ContactMMGStep<MatrixType, BlockVector<FieldVector<double,dim> > , FuncSpaceType > contactMMGStep(maxlevel+1);
contactMMGStep.setMGType(1, nu1, nu2);
contactMMGStep.dirichletNodes_ = &totalDirichletNodes;
contactMMGStep.basesolver_ = &baseSolver;
contactMMGStep.presmoother_ = &presmoother;
contactMMGStep.postsmoother_ = &postsmoother;
contactMMGStep.hasObstacle_ = &hasObstacle;
contactMMGStep.obstacles_ = &contactAssembler.obstacles_;
// Create the transfer operators
for (int i=0; i<contactMMGStep.mgTransfer_.size(); i++)
contactMMGStep.mgTransfer_[i] = NULL;
EnergyNorm<MatrixType, VectorType> energyNorm(contactMMGStep);
IterativeSolver<MatrixType, BlockVector<FieldVector<double,dim> > > solver;
solver.iterationStep = &contactMMGStep;
solver.numIt = numIt;
solver.verbosity_ = Solver::FULL;
solver.errorNorm_ = &energyNorm;
solver.tolerance_ = tolerance;
#warning You have to specify a solver!
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Do a homotopy of the Dirichlet boundary data
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
double loadFactor = 0;
do {
RodAssembler<RodFuncSpaceType, 1> rodAssembler(*rodFuncSpace[maxlevel]);
loadFactor += loadIncrement;
std::cout << "####################################################" << std::endl;
std::cout << "New load factor: " << loadFactor
<< " new load increment: " << loadIncrement << std::endl;
std::cout << "####################################################" << std::endl;
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Newton Solver
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
for (int j=0; j<maxNewtonSteps; j++) {
rhs = 0;
corr = 0;
rodAssembler.assembleGradient(x, rhs);
rodAssembler.assembleMatrix(x, hessianMatrix);
rhs *= -1;
std::cout << "rhs: " << std::endl << rhs << std::endl;
#ifndef IPOPT
solver.iterationStep->setProblem(hessianMatrix, corr, rhs);
solver.setProblem(hessianMatrix, corr, rhs);
// /////////////////////////////
// Solve !
// /////////////////////////////
totalCorr = contactMMGStep.getSol();
std::cout << "Correction: \n" << corr << std::endl;
// line search
printf("------ Line Search ---------\n");
int lSSteps = 10;
double smallestEnergy = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
double smallestFactor = 1;
for (int k=0; k<lSSteps; k++) {
double factor = double(k)/(lSSteps-1);
VectorType sCorr = corr;
sCorr *= factor;
sCorr += x;
double energy = rodAssembler.computeEnergy(sCorr);
if (energy < smallestEnergy) {
smallestEnergy = energy;
smallestFactor = factor;
//printf("factor: %g, energy: %g\n", factor, energy);
std::cout << "Damping factor: " << smallestFactor << std::endl;
// Add correction to the current solution
x.axpy(smallestFactor, corr);
// Output result
std::cout << "Solution:" << std::endl << x << std::endl;
printf("infinity norm of the correction: %g\n", corr[0].infinity_norm());
if (corr.infinity_norm() < 1e-8)
} while (loadFactor < 1);
} catch (Exception e) {
std::cout << e << std::endl;
# Number of grid levels
minLevel = 0
maxLevel = 0
# Initial load increment
loadIncrement = 1
# Max number of steps of the Newton solver
maxNewtonSteps = 10
# Number of multigrid iterations per time step
numIt = 100
# Number of presmoothing steps
nu1 = 3
# Number of postsmoothing steps
nu2 = 3
# Number of coarse grid corrections
mu = 1
# Number of base solver iterations
baseIt = 100
# Tolerance of the solver
tolerance = -1
# Tolerance of the base grid solver
baseTolerance = -1
# Problem specifications
# Number of elements of the rod grid
numRodElements = 40
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