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added ProductManifold class

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1 merge request!70added ProductManifold<...>
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#include <iostream>
#include <tuple>
#include <dune/common/fvector.hh>
#include <dune/common/math.hh>
#include <dune/common/hybridutilities.hh>
#include <dune/common/tuplevector.hh>
#include <dune/common/power.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/linearalgebra.hh>
namespace Dune::GFE
namespace Impl
template<typename T, typename ... Ts>
constexpr auto sumDim()
return (T::dim + ... + sumDim<Ts>());
template<typename T, typename ... Ts>
constexpr auto sumEmbeddedDim()
return (T::embeddedDim + ... + sumEmbeddedDim<Ts>());
template<typename T, typename ... Ts>
constexpr auto variadicConvexityRadiusMin()
if constexpr (sizeof...(Ts)!=0)
return std::min(T::convexityRadius , variadicConvexityRadiusMin<Ts ...>());
return T::convexityRadius;
template <typename TS, typename ... TargetSpaces>
class ProductManifold;
template<class U,typename Tfirst,typename ... TargetSpaces2>
struct rebindHelper
typedef ProductManifold<typename Tfirst::template rebind<U>::other ,typename rebindHelper<U,TargetSpaces2...>::other> other;
template<class U,typename Tlast>
struct rebindHelper<U,Tlast>
typedef typename Tlast::template rebind<U>::other other;
/** \brief A Product manifold */
template <typename TS, typename ... TargetSpaces>
class ProductManifold
template<std::size_t I>
using IC = Dune::index_constant<I>;
/** \brief The type used for coordinates. */
using ctype = typename std::common_type<typename TS::ctype, typename TargetSpaces::ctype...>::type ;
using field_type = typename std::common_type<typename TS::ctype, typename TargetSpaces::ctype...>::type ;
/** \brief Number of factors */
static constexpr int numTS = 1 + sizeof...(TargetSpaces);
/** \brief Dimension of manifold */
static constexpr int dim = TS::dim + Impl::sumDim<TargetSpaces ...>();
/** \brief Dimension of the embedding space */
static constexpr int embeddedDim = TS::embeddedDim + Impl::sumEmbeddedDim<TargetSpaces ...>();
/** \brief Type of a tangent of the ProductManifold with inner dimensions*/
typedef Dune::FieldVector<field_type, dim> TangentVector;
/** \brief Type of a tangent of the ProductManifold represented in the embedding space*/
typedef Dune::FieldVector<field_type, embeddedDim> EmbeddedTangentVector;
/** \brief The global convexity radius of the Product space */
static constexpr double convexityRadius = Impl::variadicConvexityRadiusMin<TS,TargetSpaces ...>();
/** \brief The type used for global coordinates */
typedef Dune::FieldVector<field_type ,embeddedDim> CoordinateType;
/** \brief Default constructor */
ProductManifold() = default;
/** \brief Constructor from another ProductManifold */
ProductManifold(const ProductManifold<TS,TargetSpaces ...>& productManifold)
: data_(productManifold.data_)
/** \brief Constructor from a coordinates vector of the embedding space */
explicit ProductManifold(const CoordinateType& globalCoordinates)
DUNE_ASSERT_BOUNDS(globalCoordinates.size()== sumEmbeddedDim)
auto constructorFunctor =[] (auto& argsTuple, std::array<std::size_t,2>& posHelper, const auto& manifoldInt)
auto& res = std::get<0>(argsTuple)[manifoldInt];
const auto& globalCoords =std::get<1>(argsTuple);
using Manifold = std::remove_const_t<typename std::remove_reference_t<decltype(res)> >;
res = Manifold(Dune::GFE::segmentAt<Manifold::embeddedDim>(globalCoords,posHelper[0]));
posHelper[0] += Manifold::embeddedDim;
/** \brief Assignment from a coordinates vector of the embedding space */
ProductManifold<TS,TargetSpaces ...>& operator=(const CoordinateType& globalCoordinates)
ProductManifold<TS,TargetSpaces ...> res(globalCoordinates);
data_ = res.data_;
return *this;
/** \brief Assignment from ProductManifold with different type -- used for automatic differentiation with ADOL-C */
template <typename TS2, typename ... TargetSpaces2>
ProductManifold<TS,TargetSpaces ...>& operator <<=(const ProductManifold<TS2,TargetSpaces2 ...>& other)
forEach(integralRange(IC<numTS>()), [&](auto&& i) {
(*this)[i] <<= other[i];
return *this;
/** \brief Rebind the ProductManifold to another coordinate type using an embedded tangent vector*/
template<class U,typename ... TargetSpaces2>
struct rebind
typedef typename Impl::rebindHelper<U,TS,TargetSpaces...>::other other;
/** \brief The exponential map from a given point. */
static ProductManifold<TS,TargetSpaces ...> exp(const ProductManifold<TS,TargetSpaces ...>& p, const EmbeddedTangentVector& v)
ProductManifold<TS,TargetSpaces ...> res;
auto expFunctor =[] (auto& argsTuple, std::array<std::size_t,2>& posHelper, const auto& manifoldInt)
auto& res = std::get<0>(argsTuple)[manifoldInt];
const auto& p = std::get<1>(argsTuple)[manifoldInt];
const auto& tang = std::get<2>(argsTuple);
using Manifold = std::remove_const_t<typename std::remove_reference_t<decltype(res)> >;
auto currentEmbeddedTangentVector = Dune::GFE::segmentAt<Manifold::embeddedDim>(tang,posHelper[0]);
res = Manifold::exp(p,currentEmbeddedTangentVector);
posHelper[0] += Manifold::embeddedDim;
return res;
/** \brief The exponential map from a given point using an intrinsic tangent vector*/
static ProductManifold<TS,TargetSpaces ...> exp(const ProductManifold<TS,TargetSpaces ...>& p, const TangentVector& v)
auto basis = p.orthonormalFrame();
EmbeddedTangentVector embeddedTangent;
basis.mtv(v, embeddedTangent);
return exp(p,embeddedTangent);
/** \brief Compute difference vector from a to b on the tangent space of a */
static TangentVector log(const ProductManifold<TS,TargetSpaces...>& a, const ProductManifold<TS,TargetSpaces...>& b)
TangentVector diff;
auto logFunctor =[] (auto& argsTuple, std::array<std::size_t,2>& posHelper, const auto& manifoldInt)
auto& res = std::get<0>(argsTuple);
const auto& a = std::get<1>(argsTuple)[manifoldInt];
const auto& b = std::get<2>(argsTuple)[manifoldInt];
using Manifold = std::remove_const_t<typename std::remove_reference_t<decltype(a)> >;
const auto diffLoc = Manifold::log(a,b);
posHelper[0] += Manifold::dim;
foreachManifold(logFunctor,diff,a, b);
return diff;
/** \brief Compute geodesic distance from a to b */
static field_type distance(const ProductManifold<TS,TargetSpaces...>& a, const ProductManifold<TS,TargetSpaces...>& b)
field_type dist=0.0;
auto distanceFunctor =[] (auto& argsTuple, std::array<std::size_t,2>& posHelper, const auto& manifoldInt)
auto& res = std::get<0>(argsTuple);
const auto& a = std::get<1>(argsTuple)[manifoldInt];
const auto& b = std::get<2>(argsTuple)[manifoldInt];
using Manifold = std::remove_const_t<typename std::remove_reference_t<decltype(a)> >;
res += Dune::Power<2>().eval(Manifold::distance(a,b));
foreachManifold(distanceFunctor,dist,a, b);
return sqrt(dist);
/** \brief Compute the gradient of the squared distance function keeping the first argument fixed */
static EmbeddedTangentVector derivativeOfDistanceSquaredWRTSecondArgument(const ProductManifold<TS,TargetSpaces...>& a,
const ProductManifold<TS,TargetSpaces...>& b)
EmbeddedTangentVector derivative;
derivative= 0.0;
auto derivOfDistSqdWRTSecArgFunctor = [] (auto& argsTuple, std::array<std::size_t,2>& posHelper, const auto& manifoldInt)
auto& derivative = std::get<0>(argsTuple);
const auto& a = std::get<1>(argsTuple)[manifoldInt];
const auto& b = std::get<2>(argsTuple)[manifoldInt];
using Manifold = std::remove_const_t<typename std::remove_reference_t<decltype(a)> >;
const auto diffLoc = Manifold::derivativeOfDistanceSquaredWRTSecondArgument(a,b);
posHelper[0] += Manifold::embeddedDim;
foreachManifold(derivOfDistSqdWRTSecArgFunctor, derivative,a, b);
return derivative;
/** \brief Compute the Hessian of the squared distance function keeping the first argument fixed */
static auto secondDerivativeOfDistanceSquaredWRTSecondArgument(const ProductManifold<TS,TargetSpaces...>& a,
const ProductManifold<TS, TargetSpaces...>& b)
Dune::SymmetricMatrix<field_type,embeddedDim> result;
auto secDerivOfDistSqWRTSecArgFunctor = [] (auto& argsTuple, std::array<std::size_t,2>& posHelper, const auto& manifoldInt)
auto& deriv = std::get<0>(argsTuple);
const auto& a = std::get<1>(argsTuple)[manifoldInt];
const auto& b = std::get<2>(argsTuple)[manifoldInt];
using Manifold = std::remove_const_t<typename std::remove_reference_t<decltype(a)> >;
const auto diffLoc = Manifold::secondDerivativeOfDistanceSquaredWRTSecondArgument(a,b);
for(size_t i=posHelper[0]; i<posHelper[0]+Manifold::embeddedDim; ++i )
for(size_t j=posHelper[0]; j<=i; ++j )
deriv(i,j) = diffLoc(i - posHelper[0], j - posHelper[0]);
posHelper[0] += Manifold::embeddedDim;
foreachManifold(secDerivOfDistSqWRTSecArgFunctor,result,a, b);
return result;
/** \brief Compute the mixed second derivate \partial d^2 / \partial da db */
static Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type ,embeddedDim,embeddedDim>
secondDerivativeOfDistanceSquaredWRTFirstAndSecondArgument(const ProductManifold<TS,TargetSpaces ...>& a,
const ProductManifold<TS, TargetSpaces ...>& b)
Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,embeddedDim,embeddedDim> result(0);
auto secDerivOfDistSqWRTFirstAndSecArgFunctor = [] (auto& argsTuple, std::array<std::size_t,2>& posHelper, const auto& manifoldInt)
auto& deriv = std::get<0>(argsTuple);
const auto& a = std::get<1>(argsTuple)[manifoldInt];
const auto& b = std::get<2>(argsTuple)[manifoldInt];
using Manifold = std::remove_const_t<typename std::remove_reference_t<decltype(a)> >;
const auto diffLoc = Manifold::secondDerivativeOfDistanceSquaredWRTFirstAndSecondArgument(a,b);
for(size_t i=posHelper[0]; i<posHelper[0]+Manifold::embeddedDim; ++i )
for(size_t j=posHelper[0]; j<posHelper[0]+Manifold::embeddedDim; ++j )
deriv[i][j] = diffLoc[i - posHelper[0]][ j - posHelper[0]];
posHelper[0] += Manifold::embeddedDim;
foreachManifold(secDerivOfDistSqWRTFirstAndSecArgFunctor,result,a, b);
return result;
/** \brief Compute the third derivative \partial d^3 / \partial dq^3 */
static Tensor3<field_type ,embeddedDim,embeddedDim,embeddedDim>
thirdDerivativeOfDistanceSquaredWRTSecondArgument(const ProductManifold<TS,TargetSpaces ...>& a,
const ProductManifold<TS, TargetSpaces ...>& b)
Tensor3<field_type,embeddedDim,embeddedDim,embeddedDim> result(0);
auto thirdDerivOfDistSqWRTSecArgFunctor =[](auto& argsTuple, std::array<std::size_t,2>& posHelper, const auto& manifoldInt)
auto& deriv = std::get<0>(argsTuple);
const auto& a = std::get<1>(argsTuple)[manifoldInt];
const auto& b = std::get<2>(argsTuple)[manifoldInt];
using Manifold = std::remove_const_t<typename std::remove_reference_t<decltype(a)>>;
const auto diffLoc = Manifold::thirdDerivativeOfDistanceSquaredWRTSecondArgument(a,b);
for(size_t i=posHelper[0]; i<posHelper[0]+Manifold::embeddedDim; ++i )
for(size_t j=posHelper[0]; j<posHelper[0]+Manifold::embeddedDim; ++j )
for(size_t k=posHelper[0]; k<posHelper[0]+Manifold::embeddedDim; ++k )
deriv[i][j][k] = diffLoc[i - posHelper[0]][ j - posHelper[0]][k - posHelper[0]];
posHelper[0] += Manifold::embeddedDim;
foreachManifold(thirdDerivOfDistSqWRTSecArgFunctor,result,a, b);
return result;
/** \brief Compute the mixed third derivative \partial d^3 / \partial da db^2 */
static Tensor3<field_type ,embeddedDim,embeddedDim,embeddedDim>
thirdDerivativeOfDistanceSquaredWRTFirst1AndSecond2Argument(const ProductManifold<TS,TargetSpaces ...>& a,
const ProductManifold<TS, TargetSpaces ...>& b)
Tensor3<field_type,embeddedDim,embeddedDim,embeddedDim> result(0);
auto thirdDerivOfDistSqWRT1And2ArgFunctor =[] (auto& argsTuple, std::array<std::size_t,2>& posHelper, const auto& manifoldInt)
auto& deriv = std::get<0>(argsTuple);
const auto& a = std::get<1>(argsTuple)[manifoldInt];
const auto& b = std::get<2>(argsTuple)[manifoldInt];
using Manifold = std::remove_const_t<typename std::remove_reference_t<decltype(a)>>;
const auto diffLoc = Manifold::thirdDerivativeOfDistanceSquaredWRTFirst1AndSecond2Argument(a,b);
for(size_t i=posHelper[0]; i<posHelper[0]+Manifold::embeddedDim; ++i )
for(size_t j=posHelper[0]; j<posHelper[0]+Manifold::embeddedDim; ++j )
for(size_t k=posHelper[0]; k<posHelper[0]+Manifold::embeddedDim; ++k )
deriv[i][j][k] = diffLoc[i - posHelper[0]][ j - posHelper[0]][k - posHelper[0]];
posHelper[0] += Manifold::embeddedDim;
foreachManifold(thirdDerivOfDistSqWRT1And2ArgFunctor,result,a, b);
return result;
/** \brief Project tangent vector of R^n onto the tangent space */
EmbeddedTangentVector projectOntoTangentSpace(const EmbeddedTangentVector& v) const
EmbeddedTangentVector result {v};
auto projectOntoTangentSpaceFunctor =[] (auto& argsTuple, std::array<std::size_t,2>& posHelper, const auto& manifoldInt)
auto& v = std::get<0>(argsTuple);
const auto& a = std::get<1>(argsTuple)[manifoldInt];
using Manifold = std::remove_const_t<typename std::remove_reference_t<decltype(a)> >;
const auto vLoc = a.projectOntoTangentSpace(Dune::GFE::segmentAt<Manifold::embeddedDim>(v,posHelper[0]));
posHelper[0] += Manifold::embeddedDim;
return result;
/** \brief Project tangent vector of R^n onto the normal space space */
EmbeddedTangentVector projectOntoNormalSpace(const EmbeddedTangentVector& v) const
EmbeddedTangentVector result {v};
auto projectOntoNormalSpaceFunctor =[] (auto& argsTuple, std::array<std::size_t,2>& posHelper, const auto& manifoldInt)
auto& v = std::get<0>(argsTuple);
const auto& a = std::get<1>(argsTuple)[manifoldInt];
using Manifold = std::remove_const_t<typename std::remove_reference_t<decltype(a)> >;
const auto vLoc = a.projectOntoNormalSpace(Dune::GFE::segmentAt<Manifold::embeddedDim>(v,posHelper[0]));
posHelper[0] += Manifold::embeddedDim;
return result;
/** \brief Project tangent vector of R^n onto the normal space space */
static ProductManifold<TS,TargetSpaces ...> projectOnto(const CoordinateType& v)
ProductManifold<TS,TargetSpaces ...> result {v};
auto projectOntoFunctor =[] (auto& argsTuple, std::array<std::size_t,2>& posHelper, const auto& manifoldInt)
auto& res = std::get<0>(argsTuple)[manifoldInt];
auto& v = std::get<1>(argsTuple);
using Manifold = std::remove_const_t<typename std::remove_reference_t<decltype(res)> >;
res = Manifold::projectOnto(Dune::GFE::segmentAt<Manifold::embeddedDim>(v,posHelper[0]));
posHelper[0] += Manifold::embeddedDim;
foreachManifold(projectOntoFunctor,result, v);
return result;
/** \brief Project tangent vector of R^n onto the normal space space */
static auto derivativeOfProjection(const CoordinateType& v)
Dune::FieldMatrix<typename CoordinateType::value_type, embeddedDim, embeddedDim> result;
auto derivativeOfProjectionFunctor =[] (auto& argsTuple, std::array<std::size_t,2>& posHelper, const auto& manifoldInt)
auto& res = std::get<0>(argsTuple);
const auto& v = std::get<1>(argsTuple);
const Dune::TupleVector<TS,TargetSpaces...> ManifoldTuple;
using Manifold = std::remove_const_t<typename std::remove_reference_t<decltype(ManifoldTuple[manifoldInt])> >;
const auto vLoc = Manifold::derivativeOfProjection(Dune::GFE::segmentAt<Manifold::embeddedDim>(v,posHelper[0]));
for(size_t k=posHelper[0]; k<posHelper[0]+Manifold::embeddedDim; ++k )
for(size_t j=posHelper[0]; j<posHelper[0]+Manifold::embeddedDim; ++j )
res[k][j] = vLoc[k - posHelper[0]][j-posHelper[0]];
posHelper[0] += Manifold::embeddedDim;
foreachManifold(derivativeOfProjectionFunctor,result, v);
return result;
/** \brief The Weingarten map */
EmbeddedTangentVector weingarten(const EmbeddedTangentVector& z, const EmbeddedTangentVector& v) const
EmbeddedTangentVector result;
auto weingartenFunctor =[] (auto& argsTuple, std::array<std::size_t,2>& posHelper, const auto& manifoldInt)
auto& res = std::get<0>(argsTuple);
const auto& a = std::get<1>(argsTuple)[manifoldInt];
const auto& z = std::get<2>(argsTuple);
const auto& v = std::get<3>(argsTuple);
using Manifold = std::remove_const_t<typename std::remove_reference_t<decltype(a)> >;
const auto resLoc = a.weingarten(Dune::GFE::segmentAt<Manifold::embeddedDim>(z,posHelper[0]),
posHelper[0] +=Manifold::embeddedDim;
foreachManifold(weingartenFunctor,result, *this,z, v);
return result;
/** \brief Compute an orthonormal basis of the tangent space of the ProductManifold
This basis may not be globally continuous. */
Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type ,dim,embeddedDim> orthonormalFrame() const
Dune::FieldMatrix<field_type,dim,embeddedDim> result(0);
auto orthonormalFrameFunctor =[] (auto& argsTuple, std::array<std::size_t,2>& posHelper, const auto& manifoldInt)
auto& res = std::get<0>(argsTuple);
const auto& a = std::get<1>(argsTuple)[manifoldInt];
using Manifold = std::remove_const_t<typename std::remove_reference_t<decltype(a)> >;
const auto resLoc = a.orthonormalFrame();
for(size_t i=posHelper[0]; i<posHelper[0]+Manifold::dim; ++i )
for(size_t j=posHelper[1]; j<posHelper[1]+Manifold::embeddedDim; ++j )
res[i][j] = resLoc[i - posHelper[0]][j-posHelper[1]];
posHelper[0] += Manifold::dim;
posHelper[1] += Manifold::embeddedDim;
return result;
/** \brief The global coordinates */
CoordinateType globalCoordinates() const
CoordinateType returnValue;
auto globalCoordinatesFunctor =[] (auto& argsTuple, std::array<std::size_t,2>& posHelper, const auto& i)
auto& res = std::get<0>(argsTuple);
const auto& p = std::get<1>(argsTuple)[i];
const auto vLoc = p.globalCoordinates();
using Manifold = std::remove_const_t<typename std::remove_reference_t<decltype(p)> >;
posHelper[0] += Manifold::embeddedDim;
return returnValue;
/** \brief Const access to the tuple elements */
template<std::size_t i>
constexpr decltype(auto) operator[] (const Dune::index_constant<i>&) const
return std::get<i>(data_);
/** \brief Non-const access to the tuple elements */
template<std::size_t i>
decltype(auto) operator[] (const Dune::index_constant<i>&)
return std::get<i>(data_);
/** \brief Number of elements of the tuple */
static constexpr std::size_t size()
return numTS;
template<class TS2, class... TargetSpaces2>
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const ProductManifold<TS2, TargetSpaces2 ...>& c);
* \brief Range based for loop over all Manifolds in ProductManifold
* \tparam FunctorType the functor which should be applied for all manifolds
* \tparam Args... The arguments which are passed to the functor
* The functor has to extract the current manifold from its arguments.
* Therefore, the current index i is passed to the functor.
* Furthermore, the functor gets two integers to deal with FieldVectors
* or FieldMatrices which span the whole (embedding) coordinate range of the ProductManifold.
* Example:
* If a argument of the functor is
* ProductManifold<Realtuple<double,3>,UnitVector<double,3>>::EmbeddedTangentVector,
* the embedded coordinate vector has 6 entries. The functor needs to know where
* to insert the next subvector of the submanifold. Therefore, posHelper[0] should be 0 at the first
* iteration and 3 at the second one. Then first indices [0..2] stores the result of
* Realtuple<double,3> and [3..5] stores
* the result of UnitVector<double,3>.
* See e.g. the globalCoordinates() function
template<typename FunctorType, typename ... Args>
static void foreachManifold( FunctorType&& functor,Args&&... args)
auto argsTuple = std::forward_as_tuple(args ...);
std::array<std::size_t,2> posHelper({0,0});
Dune::Hybrid::forEach(Dune::Hybrid::integralRange(IC<numTS>()),[&](auto&& i) {
std::tuple<TS,TargetSpaces ...> data_;
template< typename TS,typename ... TargetSpaces>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const ProductManifold<TS, TargetSpaces ...>& c)
Dune::Hybrid::forEach(Dune::Hybrid::integralRange(Dune::index_constant<ProductManifold<TS, TargetSpaces ...>::numTS>()), [&](auto&& i) {
s<<Dune::className<decltype(c[i])>()<<" "<< c[i]<<"\n";
return s;
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