- Jan 31, 2011
Oliver Sander authored
[[Imported from SVN: r6909]]
Oliver Sander authored
[[Imported from SVN: r6908]]
Oliver Sander authored
[[Imported from SVN: r6907]]
Oliver Sander authored
[[Imported from SVN: r6906]]
Oliver Sander authored
[[Imported from SVN: r6905]]
Oliver Sander authored
[[Imported from SVN: r6904]]
Oliver Sander authored
[[Imported from SVN: r6903]]
Oliver Sander authored
[[Imported from SVN: r6902]]
Oliver Sander authored
[[Imported from SVN: r6901]]
Oliver Sander authored
make the cgsolver not print any output -- at a paranoia check to make sure the residual really is zero afterwards [[Imported from SVN: r6900]]
Oliver Sander authored
[[Imported from SVN: r6899]]
Oliver Sander authored
[[Imported from SVN: r6898]]
- Jan 30, 2011
Oliver Sander authored
[[Imported from SVN: r6897]]
- Jan 28, 2011
Oliver Sander authored
[[Imported from SVN: r6896]]
- Jan 26, 2011
Oliver Sander authored
[[Imported from SVN: r6895]]
Oliver Sander authored
[[Imported from SVN: r6894]]
Oliver Sander authored
[[Imported from SVN: r6893]]
Oliver Sander authored
[[Imported from SVN: r6892]]
Oliver Sander authored
This is done by solving a mass matrix system. [[Imported from SVN: r6891]]
Oliver Sander authored
[[Imported from SVN: r6890]]
Oliver Sander authored
[[Imported from SVN: r6889]]
Oliver Sander authored
[[Imported from SVN: r6888]]
Oliver Sander authored
add a scaled identity to the rod stiffness matrix if there is no Dirichlet boundary: this regularizes the problem [[Imported from SVN: r6886]]
Oliver Sander authored
[[Imported from SVN: r6884]]
Oliver Sander authored
[[Imported from SVN: r6883]]
Oliver Sander authored
[[Imported from SVN: r6882]]
Oliver Sander authored
[[Imported from SVN: r6879]]
- Jan 24, 2011
Oliver Sander authored
Finish implementation of SteklovPoincareStep with contact problems. I don't dare to test this today... [[Imported from SVN: r6871]]
Oliver Sander authored
[[Imported from SVN: r6870]]
Oliver Sander authored
This handles the case that there are contact/mortar relations between the continua. Unfortunately, this does not quite fit into the framework: so far we have treated all continua individually. However, the contact solvers lumps everything into a single algebraic system. Consequently this is now getting a bit hacky. I hope to find something prettier in the future. The linearized NtD map for continua is not implemented yet. [[Imported from SVN: r6868]]
Oliver Sander authored
[[Imported from SVN: r6866]]
Oliver Sander authored
[[Imported from SVN: r6863]]
Oliver Sander authored
[[Imported from SVN: r6862]]
Oliver Sander authored
[[Imported from SVN: r6858]]
Oliver Sander authored
[[Imported from SVN: r6857]]
Oliver Sander authored
This completes the implementation. In principle, the Steklov-Poincare step should now work for arbitrary configurations of rods and continua. Known issues: - rods must not stick to the same continuum with both ends - all objects must have a nonempty Dirichlet boundary (will be fixed very soon) [[Imported from SVN: r6856]]
Oliver Sander authored
[[Imported from SVN: r6855]]
- Jan 23, 2011
Oliver Sander authored
[[Imported from SVN: r6854]]
Oliver Sander authored
[[Imported from SVN: r6853]]
Oliver Sander authored
[[Imported from SVN: r6852]]