- Jan 05, 2024
Sander, Oliver authored
If modifications are found this means that the style rules are violated. The uncrustify configuration file is the one from https://dune-project.org/share/dune-uncrustify.cfg downloaded on Jan 5. 2024.
- Jan 03, 2024
Sander, Oliver authored
Various minor improvements See merge request !139
- Jan 02, 2024
Sander, Oliver authored
They should be installed, but since dune-gfe doesn't have any downstream dependencies, nobody has missed the files yet.
Sander, Oliver authored
It was essentially a reimplementation of Rotation::orthonormalFrame, just with a different interface. It was not directly used by any code.
Sander, Oliver authored
Reenable cosseratrodtest See merge request !127
Sander, Oliver authored
Previously, the test mysteriously failed on the CI system, but not locally. I recently tried again and the CI test passed again. I don't understand what was going on, but for the time being let's enable the test again.
Sander, Oliver authored
- Dec 04, 2023
Sander, Oliver authored
Various CI updates See merge request !137
Sander, Oliver authored
The ADOL-C bug was fixed in Debian 11.
Sander, Oliver authored
The CMake in Debian 10 is not new enough.
Sander, Oliver authored
This is what the master branch of the core modules currently requires.
- Nov 24, 2023
Sander, Oliver authored
Compare the part for 3d in CosseratEnergyLocalStiffness with the extracted... See merge request osander/dune-gfe!136
- Nov 23, 2023
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
Change the cosseratcontinuumtest to check the newly implemented part in localintegralenergy and the bulkcosseratdensity
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
- Nov 21, 2023
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
- Oct 30, 2023
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
Sander, Oliver authored
Create assembler folder See merge request !135
- Oct 27, 2023
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
- Oct 26, 2023
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
- Oct 05, 2023
Sander, Oliver authored
Divide the regularization parameter through the scaling parameter in the PN... See merge request !133
- Oct 04, 2023
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
Divide the regularization parameter through the scaling parameter in the PN solver instead of multiplying In the PN solver, we add identity*regularization/scaling to the stiffness matrix. This has two effects: - make the system matrix positive definite - penalize large corrections to ensure an energy decrease in each step The regularization parameter is adapted if either the system matrix is not positive definite if there is an energy increase. This works similar to the trust-region radius in the TR solver. The correction must be inside the trust-region, this ensures there is an energy decrease in each step. For each component of the correction, the trust-region radius as well as the regularization parameter is multiplied with a scaling factor, because the correction for the displacement works depends on the grid size where the correction for the rotation does not. To align the effect of the scaling parameter, we need to divide through the scaling parameter in the PN solver and multiply with it it in the TR solver.
- Jun 20, 2023
Sander, Oliver authored
Add norm option to Riemannian trust-region and proximal-newton solvers See merge request !131
- Jun 16, 2023
Sander, Oliver authored
Add setup method to Riemannian TR and PN methods See merge request !130
- May 24, 2023
Sander, Oliver authored
Move all implementations of spaces into a dedicated directory See merge request !128
Sander, Oliver authored
... by LagrangeLocalFiniteElementCache.
Sander, Oliver authored
- May 22, 2023
Sander, Oliver authored
Make EmbeddedGlobalGFEFunction a dune-functions function See merge request !94
Sander, Oliver authored
It run-time fails on the CI system for unknown reasons. I don't currently have the time to spend more time debugging this. Therefore, this patch simply disables the test and leaves a note.
Sander, Oliver authored
Currently this test fails on the CI system with an obscure message about not being able to write the tape to a file. Maybe reducing the complexity of the functional (by reducing the FE order) will get us around that. In any case I think testing with first-order FE is just as thorough as with second-order ones.
Sander, Oliver authored
Sander, Oliver authored
Sander, Oliver authored
It was apparently not used. If you should ever need something like this in the future, please use periodicbasis.hh from dune-functions.
Sander, Oliver authored
This used to work A Long Time Ago, but the feature was removed eventually. Unfortunately, the code still used to build, but failed to produce the correct result. More recently, some other commit in dune-functions apparently now leads to a build failure when trying to call 'interpolate' for a vector-valued function and a scalar basis. This is nice! It allows to catch errors earlier.
Sander, Oliver authored