- Nov 20, 2020
Sander, Oliver authored
Previously, the rod3d code used a hand-implemented first derivative of the rod energy, and FD for the second derivatives. This patch replaces this by ADOL-C for both first and second derivatives. Advantages are: * The code is much shorter, and easier to understand. * The previous code contained interpolation formulae for first-order 1d geodesic finite elements. This restricted rod problems to first-order GFE. A follow-up patch will allow higher-order approximations. * The new code runs roughly twice as fast.
Sander, Oliver authored
GeodesicFEAssembler can replace it without problems.
Sander, Oliver authored
As a first step towards getting rid of the RodAssembler class, this patch moves the getStrain, getStress, and getResultantForce methods to the RodLocalStiffness class. I am not 100% convinced that that is the best place for them, but I can't think of a better one right now.
Sander, Oliver authored
ADOL-C implements most standard math functions for its 'adouble' type, and they are not in the namespace 'std'. dune-fufem contains a file adolcnamespaceinjections.hh which imports some of these methods into the 'std' namespace, but that is not the proper way to do it. Rather, they should be found by argument-dependent lookup (ADL), that is using std::sin; auto v = sin(x);
Sander, Oliver authored
- Nov 08, 2020
Sander, Oliver authored
Sander, Oliver authored
In the 'mixed' case the volume term was simply forgotten, and not actually handed to the assembler.
Sander, Oliver authored
It is very unlikely that somebody will use that ever again.
Sander, Oliver authored
Rather than using a default file, which was the case previously.
Sander, Oliver authored
Otherwise the program aborts for the usual mysterious reasons.
Sander, Oliver authored
- Nov 05, 2020
Sander, Oliver authored
Stop using the deprecated class PythonFunction See merge request !66
Sander, Oliver authored
Sander, Oliver authored
Allow assembler to get temporaries See merge request !10
- Nov 03, 2020
- Oct 30, 2020
Sander, Oliver authored
Fix neumann boundary in y z See merge request !49
- Oct 28, 2020
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
- Oct 21, 2020
Sander, Oliver authored
Migrate from dune-fufem to dune-functions bases See merge request !48
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
This is currently the faster solver
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
Use GFE::LocalEnergy, GFE::LocalIntegralEnergy, GFE::SumEnergy (and delete GFE::SumCosseratEnergy).
- Oct 20, 2020
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
Add localintegralenergy.hh and neumannenergy.hh, they assemble the energy for a single element and work with a CompositeBasis These classes work similarly to Dune::Elasticity::LocalIntegralEnergy and Dune::Elasticity::NeumannEnergy, where the ones in Dune::Elasticity with a power basis (for the displacement function) and Dune::GFE::LocalIntegralEnergy / Dune::GFE::NeumannEnergy work with a CompositeBasis (for the displacement AND the rotation), so the indices to access the different parts of the basis are different.
- Oct 12, 2020
Sander, Oliver authored
Enhancements See merge request !61
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
Only compile geodesicfeassemblerwrappertest if the version of dune-elasticity is greater or equal 2.7
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
film-on-substrate uses a class of dune-elasticity that is not available in earlier versions
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
Add sumenergy.hh, this class assembles the a sum of energies for a single element by summing up the energies of each GFE::LocalEnergy. This class works similarly to the class Dune::Elasticity::SumEnergy, where Dune::Elasticity::SumEnergy extends Dune::Elasticity::LocalEnergy and Dune::GFE::SumEnergy extends Dune::GFE::LocalEnergy.
- Oct 08, 2020
Sander, Oliver authored
Correct typo in the calculation of the alternator tensor See merge request !60
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
- Oct 07, 2020
Sander, Oliver authored
Change TargetSpace of GFE::LocalEnergy to be a variadic template and Change from Virtual Function to lambda function in cosserat-continuum See merge request !57
- Oct 06, 2020
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
With this it will be possible to for the SumCosseratEnergy and the SurfaceCosseratEnergy to extend GFE::LocalEnergy, as they need multiple types of TargetSpaces.
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
Virtual Function is deprecated after dune 2.7.
Sander, Oliver authored
Remove homegrown VTKReader, use dune-vtk instead See merge request !58
Sander, Oliver authored
Simon Praetorius' dune-vtk module has much better support for reading and writing than my old hacks in dune-gfe. Let's start adopting dune-vtk for VTK I/O. In this initial step, dune-vtk becomes a dependency of dune-gfe, but only an optional one. This may change.
- Sep 24, 2020
Sander, Oliver authored
Add a GeodesicFEAssemblerWrapper - it wraps a MixedGFEAssembler so it can be... See merge request !55
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
Add a GeodesicFEAssemblerWrapper - it wraps a MixedGFEAssembler so it can be used like a GeodesicFEAssembler The GeodesicFEAssemblerWrapper assembles the Gradient and the Hessian using the MixedGFEAssembler and then resturctures them so they can be used with the normal RiemannianTRSolver. This only works, if the FE spaces have the same order.
Sander, Oliver authored
Enhancements See merge request !53
- Sep 18, 2020
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
The GeodesicFEAssemblerWrapper needs to access the MatrixType.
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
Also adjust CosseratEnergyStiffness and MixedGFEAssembler for the use with a CompositeBasis instead of a PowerBasis