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  • osander/dune-gfe
  • lnebel/dune-gfe
  • spraetor/dune-gfe
3 results
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......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ double eps = 1e-6;
/** \brief Test whether orthogonal matrix really is orthogonal
template <class T, int N>
void testOrthogonality(const OrthogonalMatrix<T,N>& p)
void testOrthogonality(const GFE::OrthogonalMatrix<T,N>& p)
Dune::FieldMatrix<T,N,N> prod(0);
for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
......@@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ void testOrthogonality(const OrthogonalMatrix<T,N>& p)
/** \brief Test orthogonal projection onto the tangent space at p
template <class T, int N>
void testProjectionOntoTangentSpace(const OrthogonalMatrix<T,N>& p)
void testProjectionOntoTangentSpace(const GFE::OrthogonalMatrix<T,N>& p)
std::vector<FieldMatrix<T,N,N> > testVectors;
ValueFactory<FieldMatrix<T,N,N> >::get(testVectors);
GFE::ValueFactory<FieldMatrix<T,N,N> >::get(testVectors);
// Test each element in the list
for (size_t i=0; i<testVectors.size(); i++) {
......@@ -70,11 +70,11 @@ void testProjectionOntoTangentSpace(const OrthogonalMatrix<T,N>& p)
template <class T, int N>
void test()
std::cout << "Testing class " << className<OrthogonalMatrix<T,N> >() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Testing class " << className<GFE::OrthogonalMatrix<T,N> >() << std::endl;
// Get set of orthogonal test matrices
std::vector<OrthogonalMatrix<T,N> > testPoints;
ValueFactory<OrthogonalMatrix<T,N> >::get(testPoints);
std::vector<GFE::OrthogonalMatrix<T,N> > testPoints;
GFE::ValueFactory<GFE::OrthogonalMatrix<T,N> >::get(testPoints);
int nTestPoints = testPoints.size();
#include <config.h>
// Includes for the ADOL-C automatic differentiation library
// Need to come before (almost) all others.
#include <adolc/adouble.h>
#include <dune/fufem/utilities/adolcnamespaceinjections.hh>
#include <dune/common/parametertree.hh>
#include <dune/common/bitsetvector.hh>
#include <dune/grid/io/file/gmshreader.hh>
#include <dune/grid/uggrid.hh>
#include <dune/functions/functionspacebases/lagrangebasis.hh>
#include <dune/functions/functionspacebases/compositebasis.hh>
#include <dune/functions/functionspacebases/powerbasis.hh>
#include <dune/functions/functionspacebases/interpolate.hh>
#include <dune/functions/functionspacebases/subspacebasis.hh>
#include <dune/fufem/boundarypatch.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/assemblers/localgeodesicfeadolcstiffness.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/assemblers/localintegralenergy.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/assemblers/mixedgfeassembler.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/assemblers/sumenergy.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/densities/planarcosseratshelldensity.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/functions/localgeodesicfefunction.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/mixedriemanniantrsolver.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/neumannenergy.hh>
// Dimension of the world space
const int dimworld = 3;
// Order of the approximation space for the displacement
const int displacementOrder = 2;
// Order of the approximation space for the microrotations
const int rotationOrder = 1;
using namespace Dune;
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
MPIHelper::instance(argc, argv);
using Configuration = TupleVector<std::vector<GFE::RealTuple<double,3> >, std::vector<GFE::Rotation<double,3> > >;
// solver settings
const double tolerance = 1e-4;
const int maxSolverSteps = 20;
const double initialTrustRegionRadius = 3.125;
const int multigridIterations = 100;
const int baseIterations = 100;
const double mgTolerance = 1e-10;
const double baseTolerance = 1e-8;
// Create the grid
const int dim = 2;
using GridType = UGGrid<dim>;
const std::string path = std::string(DUNE_GRID_EXAMPLE_GRIDS_PATH) + "gmsh/";
auto grid = GmshReader<GridType>::read(path + "hybrid-testgrid-2d.msh");
using GridView = GridType::LeafGridView;
GridView gridView = grid->leafGridView();
// ///////////////////////////////////////////
// Construct all needed function space bases
// ///////////////////////////////////////////
using namespace Dune::Indices;
using namespace Functions::BasisFactory;
const int dimRotation = GFE::Rotation<double,dim>::embeddedDim;
auto compositeBasis = makeBasis(
using CompositeBasis = decltype(compositeBasis);
using DeformationFEBasis = Functions::LagrangeBasis<GridView,displacementOrder>;
using OrientationFEBasis = Functions::LagrangeBasis<GridView,rotationOrder>;
DeformationFEBasis deformationFEBasis(gridView);
OrientationFEBasis orientationFEBasis(gridView);
// Determine Dirichlet dofs
// This identityBasis is only needed to compute the positions of the Lagrange points
auto identityBasis = makeBasis(
auto deformationPowerBasis = Functions::subspaceBasis(identityBasis, _0);
auto rotationPowerBasis = Functions::subspaceBasis(identityBasis, _1);
MultiTypeBlockVector<BlockVector<FieldVector<double,dim> >,BlockVector<FieldVector<double,dim> > > identity;
Functions::interpolate(deformationPowerBasis, identity, [&](FieldVector<double,dim> x){
return x;
Functions::interpolate(rotationPowerBasis, identity, [&](FieldVector<double,dim> x){
return x;
BitSetVector<GFE::RealTuple<double,dimworld>::TangentVector::dimension> deformationDirichletDofs(deformationFEBasis.size(), false);
BitSetVector<GFE::Rotation<double,dimworld>::TangentVector::dimension> orientationDirichletDofs(orientationFEBasis.size(), false);
const GridView::IndexSet& indexSet = gridView.indexSet();
// Make predicate function that computes which vertices are on the Dirichlet boundary, based on the vertex positions.
auto isDirichlet = [](FieldVector<double,dim> coordinate)
return coordinate[0] < 0.01;
for (size_t i=0; i<deformationFEBasis.size(); i++)
deformationDirichletDofs[i] = isDirichlet(identity[_0][i]);
for (size_t i=0; i<orientationFEBasis.size(); i++)
orientationDirichletDofs[i] = isDirichlet(identity[_1][i]);
// Determine Neumann dofs and values
std::function<bool(FieldVector<double,dim>)> isNeumann
= [](FieldVector<double,dim> coordinate)
return coordinate[0] > 0.99 && coordinate[1] > 0.49;
BitSetVector<1> neumannVertices(gridView.size(dim), false);
for (auto&& vertex : vertices(gridView))
neumannVertices[indexSet.index(vertex)] = isNeumann(vertex.geometry().corner(0));
auto neumannBoundary = std::make_shared<BoundaryPatch<GridType::LeafGridView> >(gridView, neumannVertices);
FieldVector<double,dimworld> values_ = {0,0,60};
auto neumannFunction = [&](FieldVector<double, dim>){
return values_;
// Initial iterate
Configuration x;
for (std::size_t i=0; i<x[_0].size(); ++i)
x[_0][i] = {identity[_0][i][0], identity[_0][i][1], 0.0};
for (auto& rotation : x[_1])
rotation = GFE::Rotation<double,dimworld>::identity();
// Parameters for the problem
ParameterTree parameters;
parameters["thickness"] = "0.06";
parameters["mu"] = "2.7191e+4";
parameters["lambda"] = "4.4364e+4";
parameters["mu_c"] = "0";
parameters["L_c"] = "0.06";
parameters["q"] = "2";
parameters["kappa"] = "1"; // Shear correction factor
// Create an assembler
// The target space, with 'double' and 'adouble' as number types
using RigidBodyMotion = GFE::ProductManifold<GFE::RealTuple<double,dimworld>,GFE::Rotation<double,dimworld> >;
using ARigidBodyMotion = typename RigidBodyMotion::template rebind<adouble>::other;
// The total energy
auto sumEnergy = std::make_shared<GFE::SumEnergy<CompositeBasis, GFE::RealTuple<adouble,dimworld>,GFE::Rotation<adouble,dimworld> > >();
// The Cosserat shell energy
using AInterpolationRule = std::tuple<GFE::LocalGeodesicFEFunction<DeformationFEBasis, GFE::RealTuple<adouble,3> >,
GFE::LocalGeodesicFEFunction<OrientationFEBasis, GFE::Rotation<adouble,3> > >;
AInterpolationRule localGFEFunctionA{GFE::LocalGeodesicFEFunction<DeformationFEBasis, GFE::RealTuple<adouble,3> >(deformationFEBasis),
GFE::LocalGeodesicFEFunction<OrientationFEBasis, GFE::Rotation<adouble,3> >(orientationFEBasis)};
auto cosseratDensity = std::make_shared<GFE::PlanarCosseratShellDensity<GridType::Codim<0>::Entity, adouble> >(parameters);
auto planarCosseratShellEnergy = std::make_shared<GFE::LocalIntegralEnergy<CompositeBasis,AInterpolationRule,ARigidBodyMotion> >(std::move(localGFEFunctionA), cosseratDensity);
// The Neumann surface load term
auto neumannEnergy = std::make_shared<GFE::NeumannEnergy<CompositeBasis, GFE::RealTuple<adouble,dimworld>, GFE::Rotation<adouble,dimworld> > >(neumannBoundary,neumannFunction);
// The assembler
GFE::LocalGeodesicFEADOLCStiffness<CompositeBasis,RigidBodyMotion> localGFEADOLCStiffness(sumEnergy);
GFE::MixedGFEAssembler<CompositeBasis,RigidBodyMotion> mixedAssembler(compositeBasis, localGFEADOLCStiffness);
DeformationFEBasis, GFE::RealTuple<double,dimworld>,
OrientationFEBasis, GFE::Rotation<double,dimworld> > solver;
3, 3, 1, // Multigrid V-cycle
x = solver.getSol();
// Check if solver returns the expected values
size_t expectedFinalIteration = 9;
double expectedEnergy = -6.11748397;
if (solver.getStatistics().finalIteration != expectedFinalIteration)
std::cerr << "Trust-region solver did " << solver.getStatistics().finalIteration+1
<< " iterations, instead of the expected '" << expectedFinalIteration+1 << "'!" << std::endl;
return 1;
if ( std::abs(solver.getStatistics().finalEnergy - expectedEnergy) > 1e-7)
std::cerr << std::setprecision(9);
std::cerr << "Final energy is " << solver.getStatistics().finalEnergy
<< " but '" << expectedEnergy << "' was expected!" << std::endl;
return 1;
return 0;
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ static FieldMatrix<field_type, 3, 3> randomMatrixAlmostOrthogonal(double maxPert
std::uniform_real_distribution<> dis(0.0, 1.0); // equally distributed between 0 and upper bound
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
f[i] = dis(gen);
Rotation<field_type,3> q(f);
GFE::Rotation<field_type,3> q(f);
assert(std::abs(1-q.two_norm()) < 1e-12);
......@@ -36,16 +36,16 @@ void testDDExp()
if (j==k) {
SkewMatrix<double,3> forward(v[i]);
GFE::SkewMatrix<double,3> forward(v[i]);
forward.axial()[j] += eps;
Rotation<double,3> forwardQ = Rotation<double,3>::exp(forward);
const auto forwardQ = GFE::Rotation<double,3>::exp(forward);
SkewMatrix<double,3> center(v[i]);
Rotation<double,3> centerQ = Rotation<double,3>::exp(center);
GFE::SkewMatrix<double,3> center(v[i]);
const auto centerQ = GFE::Rotation<double,3>::exp(center);
SkewMatrix<double,3> backward(v[i]);
GFE::SkewMatrix<double,3> backward(v[i]);
backward.axial()[j] -= eps;
Rotation<double,3> backwardQ = Rotation<double,3>::exp(backward);
const auto backwardQ = GFE::Rotation<double,3>::exp(backward);
for (int l=0; l<4; l++)
fdDDExp[l][j][j] = (forwardQ[l] - 2*centerQ[l] + backwardQ[l]) / (eps*eps);
......@@ -53,15 +53,15 @@ void testDDExp()
} else {
SkewMatrix<double,3> ffV(v[i]); ffV.axial()[j] += eps; ffV.axial()[k] += eps;
SkewMatrix<double,3> fbV(v[i]); fbV.axial()[j] += eps; fbV.axial()[k] -= eps;
SkewMatrix<double,3> bfV(v[i]); bfV.axial()[j] -= eps; bfV.axial()[k] += eps;
SkewMatrix<double,3> bbV(v[i]); bbV.axial()[j] -= eps; bbV.axial()[k] -= eps;
GFE::SkewMatrix<double,3> ffV(v[i]); ffV.axial()[j] += eps; ffV.axial()[k] += eps;
GFE::SkewMatrix<double,3> fbV(v[i]); fbV.axial()[j] += eps; fbV.axial()[k] -= eps;
GFE::SkewMatrix<double,3> bfV(v[i]); bfV.axial()[j] -= eps; bfV.axial()[k] += eps;
GFE::SkewMatrix<double,3> bbV(v[i]); bbV.axial()[j] -= eps; bbV.axial()[k] -= eps;
Rotation<double,3> forwardForwardQ = Rotation<double,3>::exp(ffV);
Rotation<double,3> forwardBackwardQ = Rotation<double,3>::exp(fbV);
Rotation<double,3> backwardForwardQ = Rotation<double,3>::exp(bfV);
Rotation<double,3> backwardBackwardQ = Rotation<double,3>::exp(bbV);
const auto forwardForwardQ = GFE::Rotation<double,3>::exp(ffV);
const auto forwardBackwardQ = GFE::Rotation<double,3>::exp(fbV);
const auto backwardForwardQ = GFE::Rotation<double,3>::exp(bfV);
const auto backwardBackwardQ = GFE::Rotation<double,3>::exp(bbV);
for (int l=0; l<4; l++)
fdDDExp[l][j][k] = (forwardForwardQ[l] + backwardBackwardQ[l]
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ void testDDExp()
// Compute analytical second derivative of exp
std::array<Dune::FieldMatrix<double,3,3>, 4> ddExp;
Rotation<double,3>::DDexp(v[i], ddExp);
GFE::Rotation<double,3>::DDexp(v[i], ddExp);
for (int m=0; m<4; m++)
for (int j=0; j<3; j++)
......@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ void testDDExp()
void testRotation(Rotation<double,3> q)
void testRotation(GFE::Rotation<double,3> q)
// Make sure it really is a unit quaternion
......@@ -111,13 +111,13 @@ void testRotation(Rotation<double,3> q)
// Turn the matrix back into a quaternion, and check whether it is the same one
// Since the quaternions form a double covering of SO(3), we may either get q back
// or -q. We have to check both.
Rotation<double,3> newQ;
GFE::Rotation<double,3> newQ;
Rotation<double,3> diff = newQ;
GFE::Rotation<double,3> diff = newQ;
diff -= q;
Rotation<double,3> sum = newQ;
GFE::Rotation<double,3> sum = newQ;
sum += q;
if (diff.infinity_norm() > 1e-12 && sum.infinity_norm() > 1e-12)
......@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ void testRotation(Rotation<double,3> q)
for (int l=-2; l<2; l++)
if (i!=0 || j!=0 || k!=0 || l!=0) {
Rotation<double,3> q2(Quaternion<double>(i,j,k,l));
GFE::Rotation<double,3> q2(GFE::Quaternion<double>(i,j,k,l));
// set up corresponding rotation matrix
......@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ void testRotation(Rotation<double,3> q)
// Check the operators 'B' that create an orthonormal basis of H
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Quaternion<double> Bq[4];
GFE::Quaternion<double> Bq[4];
Bq[0] = q;
Bq[1] = q.B(0);
Bq[2] = q.B(1);
......@@ -188,10 +188,10 @@ void testRotation(Rotation<double,3> q)
// Check whether the derivativeOfMatrixToQuaternion methods works
Tensor3<double,4,3,3> derivative = Rotation<double,3>::derivativeOfMatrixToQuaternion(matrix);
GFE::Tensor3<double,4,3,3> derivative = GFE::Rotation<double,3>::derivativeOfMatrixToQuaternion(matrix);
const double eps = 1e-8;
Tensor3<double,4,3,3> derivativeFD;
GFE::Tensor3<double,4,3,3> derivativeFD;
for (size_t i=0; i<3; i++)
......@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ void testRotation(Rotation<double,3> q)
auto backwardMatrix = matrix;
backwardMatrix[i][j] -= eps;
Rotation<double,3> forwardRotation, backwardRotation;
GFE::Rotation<double,3> forwardRotation, backwardRotation;
......@@ -226,10 +226,10 @@ void testRotation(Rotation<double,3> q)
//! test interpolation between two rotations
bool testInterpolation(const Rotation<double, 3>& a, const Rotation<double, 3>& b) {
bool testInterpolation(const GFE::Rotation<double, 3>& a, const GFE::Rotation<double, 3>& b) {
// Compute difference on T_a SO(3)
Rotation<double, 3> newB = Rotation<double, 3>::interpolate(a, b, 1.0);
auto newB = GFE::Rotation<double, 3>::interpolate(a, b, 1.0);
// Compare matrix representation
FieldMatrix<double, 3, 3> matB;
......@@ -247,8 +247,8 @@ bool testInterpolation(const Rotation<double, 3>& a, const Rotation<double, 3>&
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) try
std::vector<Rotation<double,3> > testPoints;
ValueFactory<Rotation<double,3> >::get(testPoints);
std::vector<GFE::Rotation<double,3> > testPoints;
GFE::ValueFactory<GFE::Rotation<double,3> >::get(testPoints);
int nTestPoints = testPoints.size();
......@@ -15,7 +15,11 @@
#include <dune/common/parametertreeparser.hh>
#include <dune/common/version.hh>
#include <dune/elasticity/densities/stvenantkirchhoffdensity.hh>
#include <dune/elasticity/materials/stvenantkirchhoffdensity.hh>
#include <dune/functions/functionspacebases/interpolate.hh>
#include <dune/functions/functionspacebases/lagrangebasis.hh>
......@@ -27,6 +31,7 @@
#include <dune/gfe/filereader.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/assemblers/surfacecosseratstressassembler.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/functions/localgeodesicfefunction.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/spaces/rotation.hh>
#include <dune/matrix-vector/transpose.hh>
......@@ -57,11 +62,11 @@ static bool sameEntries(FieldVector<double,3> a,FieldVector<double,3> b) {
static bool sameEntries(FieldVector<double,4> a,FieldVector<double,4> b) {
Rotation<double,dim> rotationA(a);
Rotation<double,dim> rotationB(b);
GFE::Rotation<double,dim> rotationA(a);
GFE::Rotation<double,dim> rotationB(b);
Rotation<double,dim> identity;
auto distance = Rotation<double,dim>::distance(rotationA, identity);
GFE::Rotation<double,dim> identity;
auto distance = GFE::Rotation<double,dim>::distance(rotationA, identity);
return distance < 0.01;
......@@ -159,10 +164,10 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[])
auto deformationMap = Dune::GFE::transformFileToMap<dim>("./stressPlotData/stressPlotTestDeformation");
auto initialDeformationMap = Dune::GFE::transformFileToMap<dim>("./stressPlotData/stressPlotTestInitialDeformation");
const auto dimRotation = Rotation<double,dim>::embeddedDim;
auto rotationMap = Dune::GFE::transformFileToMap<dimRotation>("./stressPlotData/stressPlotTestRotation");
auto deformationMap = GFE::transformFileToMap<dim>("./stressPlotData/stressPlotTestDeformation");
auto initialDeformationMap = GFE::transformFileToMap<dim>("./stressPlotData/stressPlotTestInitialDeformation");
const auto dimRotation = GFE::Rotation<double,dim>::embeddedDim;
auto rotationMap = GFE::transformFileToMap<dimRotation>("./stressPlotData/stressPlotTestRotation");
bool deformationIsSymmetric = symmetryTest<dim>(deformationMap, 30);
bool rotationIsSymmetric = symmetryTest<dimRotation>(rotationMap, 30);
......@@ -199,7 +204,7 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[])
xInitial[i] +=;
using RotationVector = std::vector<Rotation<double,dim> >;
using RotationVector = std::vector<GFE::Rotation<double,dim> >;
RotationVector rot;
DisplacementVector xOrderR;
......@@ -210,7 +215,7 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[])
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < basisOrderR.size(); i++) {
std::stringstream stream;
stream << xOrderR[i];
Rotation<double,dim> rotation(;
GFE::Rotation<double,dim> rotation(;
FieldMatrix<double,dim,dim> rotationMatrix(0);
......@@ -233,7 +238,18 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[])
auto quadOrder = 4;
auto stressAssembler = GFE::SurfaceCosseratStressAssembler<decltype(basisOrderD),decltype(basisOrderR), FieldVector<double,dim>, Rotation<double,dim> >
const Functions::LagrangeBasis<GridView,rotationOrder> scalarBasisR(gridView);
using LocalGFEFunctionR = GFE::LocalGeodesicFEFunction<decltype(scalarBasisR),GFE::Rotation<double,dim> >;
LocalGFEFunctionR localGFEFunction(scalarBasisR);
auto stressAssembler = GFE::SurfaceCosseratStressAssembler<decltype(basisOrderD),
GFE::Rotation<double,dim> >
(basisOrderD, basisOrderR);
std::shared_ptr<Elasticity::LocalDensity<dim,ValueType> > elasticDensity;
......@@ -246,7 +262,7 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[])
std::vector<FieldMatrix<double,dim,dim> > stressSubstrateCauchyTensor;
stressAssembler.assembleSubstrateStress<Elasticity::LocalDensity<dim,ValueType> >(x, elasticDensity.get(), quadOrder, stressSubstrate1stPiolaKirchhoffTensor, stressSubstrateCauchyTensor);
std::vector<FieldMatrix<double,dim,dim> > stressShellBiotTensor;
stressAssembler.assembleShellStress(rot, x, xInitial, fLame,/*mu_c*/ 0, surfaceShellBoundary, quadOrder, stressShellBiotTensor);
stressAssembler.assembleShellStress(localGFEFunction, rot, x, xInitial, fLame,/*mu_c*/ 0, surfaceShellBoundary, quadOrder, stressShellBiotTensor);
//Now modify ONE value in the rotation function
int i = 39787;
......@@ -256,7 +272,7 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[])
Dune::MatrixVector::transpose(transposed, rotationMatrix);
std::vector<FieldMatrix<double,dim,dim> > stressShellBiotTensorNotSymmetric;
stressAssembler.assembleShellStress(rot, x, xInitial, fLame,/*mu_c*/ 0, surfaceShellBoundary, quadOrder, stressShellBiotTensorNotSymmetric);
stressAssembler.assembleShellStress(localGFEFunction, rot, x, xInitial, fLame,/*mu_c*/ 0, surfaceShellBoundary, quadOrder, stressShellBiotTensorNotSymmetric);
// ... and ONE in the displacement function
x[i] *= 2;
std::vector<FieldMatrix<double,dim,dim> > stressSubstrate1stPiolaKirchhoffTensorNotSymmetric;
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ int main()
int nTestValues = 5;
double maxDiff = 0;
MultiIndex index(N*M, nTestValues);
GFE::MultiIndex index(N*M, nTestValues);
int numIndices = index.cycle();
for (int i=0; i<numIndices; i++, ++index) {
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ int main()
FieldMatrix<double,N,N> v;
FieldMatrix<double,N,M> testMatrixBackup = testMatrix;
// Multiply the three matrices to see whether we get the original one back
FieldMatrix<double,N,M> product(0);
......@@ -231,9 +231,9 @@ void testDerivativeOfHessianOfDistanceSquared(const TargetSpace& a, const Target
// Test mixed third derivative with respect to first (once) and second (twice) argument
Tensor3<double,embeddedDim,embeddedDim,embeddedDim> d2d2d2 = TargetSpace::thirdDerivativeOfDistanceSquaredWRTSecondArgument(a, b);
GFE::Tensor3<double,embeddedDim,embeddedDim,embeddedDim> d2d2d2 = TargetSpace::thirdDerivativeOfDistanceSquaredWRTSecondArgument(a, b);
Tensor3<double,embeddedDim,embeddedDim,embeddedDim> d2d2d2_fd;
GFE::Tensor3<double,embeddedDim,embeddedDim,embeddedDim> d2d2d2_fd;
for (size_t i=0; i<embeddedDim; i++) {
......@@ -270,9 +270,9 @@ void testMixedDerivativeOfHessianOfDistanceSquared(const TargetSpace& a, const T
// Test mixed third derivative with respect to first (once) and second (twice) argument
Tensor3<double,embeddedDim,embeddedDim,embeddedDim> d1d2d2 = TargetSpace::thirdDerivativeOfDistanceSquaredWRTFirst1AndSecond2Argument(a, b);
GFE::Tensor3<double,embeddedDim,embeddedDim,embeddedDim> d1d2d2 = TargetSpace::thirdDerivativeOfDistanceSquaredWRTFirst1AndSecond2Argument(a, b);
Tensor3<double,embeddedDim,embeddedDim,embeddedDim> d1d2d2_fd;
GFE::Tensor3<double,embeddedDim,embeddedDim,embeddedDim> d1d2d2_fd;
for (size_t i=0; i<embeddedDim; i++) {
......@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ void test()
std::cout << "Testing class " << className<TargetSpace>() << std::endl;
std::vector<TargetSpace> testPoints;
int nTestPoints = testPoints.size();
......@@ -397,23 +397,23 @@ void test()
int main() try
// Test the RealTuple class
test<RealTuple<double,1> >();
test<RealTuple<double,3> >();
test<GFE::RealTuple<double,1> >();
test<GFE::RealTuple<double,3> >();
// Test the UnitVector class
test<UnitVector<double,2> >();
test<UnitVector<double,3> >();
test<UnitVector<double,4> >();
test<GFE::UnitVector<double,2> >();
test<GFE::UnitVector<double,3> >();
test<GFE::UnitVector<double,4> >();
// Test the rotation class
test<Rotation<double,3> >();
test<GFE::Rotation<double,3> >();
// Test the ProductManifold class
test<Dune::GFE::ProductManifold<RealTuple<double,1>,Rotation<double,3>,UnitVector<double,2> > >();
test<Dune::GFE::ProductManifold<Rotation<double,3>,UnitVector<double,5> > >();
test<GFE::ProductManifold<GFE::RealTuple<double,1>,GFE::Rotation<double,3>,GFE::UnitVector<double,2> > >();
test<GFE::ProductManifold<GFE::Rotation<double,3>,GFE::UnitVector<double,5> > >();
// test<HyperbolicHalfspacePoint<double,2> >();
// test<GFE::HyperbolicHalfspacePoint<double,2> >();
catch (Exception& e) {
......@@ -10,355 +10,360 @@
#include <dune/gfe/spaces/rotation.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/spaces/unitvector.hh>
/** \brief A class that creates sets of values of various types, to be used in unit tests
* This is the generic dummy. The actual work is done in specializations.
template <class T>
class ValueFactory
namespace Dune::GFE
static void get(std::vector<T>& values);
/** \brief A class that creates sets of values of various types, to be used in unit tests
* This is the generic dummy. The actual work is done in specializations.
template <class T>
class ValueFactory
static void get(std::vector<T>& values);
/** \brief A class that creates sets of values of various types, to be used in unit tests
* This is the specialization for RealTuple<1>
template <>
class ValueFactory<RealTuple<double,1> >
static void get(std::vector<RealTuple<double,1> >& values) {
std::vector<double> testPoints = {-3, -1, 0, 2, 4};
/** \brief A class that creates sets of values of various types, to be used in unit tests
* This is the specialization for RealTuple<1>
template <>
class ValueFactory<RealTuple<double,1> >
static void get(std::vector<RealTuple<double,1> >& values) {
std::vector<double> testPoints = {-3, -1, 0, 2, 4};
// Set up elements of S^1
for (size_t i=0; i<values.size(); i++)
values[i] = RealTuple<double,1>(testPoints[i]);
// Set up elements of S^1
for (size_t i=0; i<values.size(); i++)
values[i] = RealTuple<double,1>(testPoints[i]);
/** \brief A class that creates sets of values of various types, to be used in unit tests
* This is the specialization for RealTuple<3>
template <>
class ValueFactory<RealTuple<double,3> >
static void get(std::vector<RealTuple<double,3> >& values) {
std::vector<Dune::FieldVector<double,3> > testPoints = {{1,0,0}, {0,1,0}, {-0.838114,0.356751,-0.412667},
/** \brief A class that creates sets of values of various types, to be used in unit tests
* This is the specialization for RealTuple<3>
template <>
class ValueFactory<RealTuple<double,3> >
static void get(std::vector<RealTuple<double,3> >& values) {
std::vector<Dune::FieldVector<double,3> > testPoints = {{1,0,0}, {0,1,0}, {-0.838114,0.356751,-0.412667},
// Set up elements of S^1
for (size_t i=0; i<values.size(); i++)
values[i] = RealTuple<double,3>(testPoints[i]);
// Set up elements of S^1
for (size_t i=0; i<values.size(); i++)
values[i] = RealTuple<double,3>(testPoints[i]);
/** \brief A class that creates sets of values of various types, to be used in unit tests
* This is the specialization for UnitVector<2>
template <>
class ValueFactory<UnitVector<double,2> >
static void get(std::vector<UnitVector<double,2> >& values) {
std::vector<std::array<double,2> > testPoints = {{1,0}, {0.5,0.5}, {0,1}, {-0.5,0.5}, {-1,0}, {-0.5,-0.5}, {0,-1}, {0.5,-0.5}, {0.1,1}, {1,.1}};
/** \brief A class that creates sets of values of various types, to be used in unit tests
* This is the specialization for UnitVector<2>
template <>
class ValueFactory<UnitVector<double,2> >
static void get(std::vector<UnitVector<double,2> >& values) {
std::vector<std::array<double,2> > testPoints = {{1,0}, {0.5,0.5}, {0,1}, {-0.5,0.5}, {-1,0}, {-0.5,-0.5}, {0,-1}, {0.5,-0.5}, {0.1,1}, {1,.1}};
// Set up elements of S^1
for (size_t i=0; i<values.size(); i++)
values[i] = UnitVector<double,2>(testPoints[i]);
// Set up elements of S^1
for (size_t i=0; i<values.size(); i++)
values[i] = UnitVector<double,2>(testPoints[i]);
/** \brief A class that creates sets of values of various types, to be used in unit tests
* This is the specialization for UnitVector<3>
template <>
class ValueFactory<UnitVector<double,3> >
static void get(std::vector<UnitVector<double,3> >& values) {
std::vector<std::array<double,3> > testPoints = {{1,0,0}, {0,1,0}, {-0.838114,0.356751,-0.412667},
/** \brief A class that creates sets of values of various types, to be used in unit tests
* This is the specialization for UnitVector<3>
template <>
class ValueFactory<UnitVector<double,3> >
static void get(std::vector<UnitVector<double,3> >& values) {
std::vector<std::array<double,3> > testPoints = {{1,0,0}, {0,1,0}, {-0.838114,0.356751,-0.412667},
// Set up elements of S^1
for (size_t i=0; i<values.size(); i++)
values[i] = UnitVector<double,3>(testPoints[i]);
// Set up elements of S^1
for (size_t i=0; i<values.size(); i++)
values[i] = UnitVector<double,3>(testPoints[i]);
/** \brief A class that creates sets of values of various types, to be used in unit tests
* This is the specialization for UnitVector<4>
template <>
class ValueFactory<UnitVector<double,4> >
static void get(std::vector<UnitVector<double,4> >& values) {
std::vector<std::array<double,4> > testPoints = {{1,0,0,0}, {0,1,0,0}, {-0.838114,0.356751,-0.412667,0.5},
/** \brief A class that creates sets of values of various types, to be used in unit tests
* This is the specialization for UnitVector<4>
template <>
class ValueFactory<UnitVector<double,4> >
static void get(std::vector<UnitVector<double,4> >& values) {
std::vector<std::array<double,4> > testPoints = {{1,0,0,0}, {0,1,0,0}, {-0.838114,0.356751,-0.412667,0.5},
// Set up elements of S^1
for (size_t i=0; i<values.size(); i++)
values[i] = UnitVector<double,4>(testPoints[i]);
// Set up elements of S^1
for (size_t i=0; i<values.size(); i++)
values[i] = UnitVector<double,4>(testPoints[i]);
/** \brief A class that creates sets of values of various types, to be used in unit tests
* This is the specialization for Rotation<3>
template <>
class ValueFactory<Rotation<double,3> >
static void get(std::vector<Rotation<double,3> >& values) {
std::vector<std::array<double,4> > testPoints = {{1,0,0,0}, {0,1,0,0}, {-0.838114,0.356751,-0.412667,0.5},
{-0.035669, -0.463824, -0.333265, 0.820079}, {0.0178678, 0.916836, 0.367358, 0.155374}};
/** \brief A class that creates sets of values of various types, to be used in unit tests
* This is the specialization for Rotation<3>
template <>
class ValueFactory<Rotation<double,3> >
static void get(std::vector<Rotation<double,3> >& values) {
std::vector<std::array<double,4> > testPoints = {{1,0,0,0}, {0,1,0,0}, {-0.838114,0.356751,-0.412667,0.5},
{-0.035669, -0.463824, -0.333265, 0.820079}, {0.0178678, 0.916836, 0.367358, 0.155374}};
// Set up elements of S^1
for (std::size_t i=0; i<values.size(); i++)
values[i] = Rotation<double,3>(testPoints[i]);
// Set up elements of S^1
for (std::size_t i=0; i<values.size(); i++)
values[i] = Rotation<double,3>(testPoints[i]);
/** \brief A class that creates sets of values of various types, to be used in unit tests
* This is the specialization for a ProductManifold<RealTuple,Rotation>
template <>
class ValueFactory<Dune::GFE::ProductManifold<RealTuple<double,3>,Rotation<double,3> > >
static void get(std::vector<Dune::GFE::ProductManifold<RealTuple<double,3>,Rotation<double,3> > >& values) {
using namespace Dune::Indices;
/** \brief A class that creates sets of values of various types, to be used in unit tests
* This is the specialization for a ProductManifold<RealTuple,Rotation>
template <>
class ValueFactory<Dune::GFE::ProductManifold<RealTuple<double,3>,Rotation<double,3> > >
static void get(std::vector<Dune::GFE::ProductManifold<RealTuple<double,3>,Rotation<double,3> > >& values) {
std::vector<RealTuple<double,3> > rValues;
ValueFactory<RealTuple<double,3> >::get(rValues);
using namespace Dune::Indices;
std::vector<Rotation<double,3> > qValues;
ValueFactory<Rotation<double,3> >::get(qValues);
std::vector<RealTuple<double,3> > rValues;
ValueFactory<RealTuple<double,3> >::get(rValues);
int nTestPoints = std::min(rValues.size(), qValues.size());
std::vector<Rotation<double,3> > qValues;
ValueFactory<Rotation<double,3> >::get(qValues);
int nTestPoints = std::min(rValues.size(), qValues.size());
// Set up elements of SE(3)
for (int i=0; i<nTestPoints; i++)
values[i][_0] = rValues[i];
values[i][_1] = qValues[i];
// Set up elements of SE(3)
for (int i=0; i<nTestPoints; i++)
values[i][_0] = rValues[i];
values[i][_1] = qValues[i];
/** \brief A class that creates sets of values of various types, to be used in unit tests
* This is the specialization for square FieldMatrices
template <class T, int N>
class ValueFactory<Dune::FieldMatrix<T,N,N> >
static void get(std::vector<Dune::FieldMatrix<T,N,N> >& values) {
int nTestPoints = 10;
/** \brief A class that creates sets of values of various types, to be used in unit tests
* This is the specialization for square FieldMatrices
template <class T, int N>
class ValueFactory<Dune::FieldMatrix<T,N,N> >
static void get(std::vector<Dune::FieldMatrix<T,N,N> >& values) {
// Set up elements of T^{N \times N}
for (int i=0; i<nTestPoints; i++)
for (int j=0; j<N; j++)
for (int k=0; k<N; k++)
values[i][j][k] = std::rand()%100 - 50;
int nTestPoints = 10;
// Set up elements of T^{N \times N}
for (int i=0; i<nTestPoints; i++)
for (int j=0; j<N; j++)
for (int k=0; k<N; k++)
values[i][j][k] = std::rand()%100 - 50;
/** \brief A class that creates sets of values of various types, to be used in unit tests
* This is the specialization for OrthogonalMatrices
template <class T, int N>
class ValueFactory<OrthogonalMatrix<T,N> >
static Dune::FieldVector<T,N> proj(const Dune::FieldVector<T,N>& u, const Dune::FieldVector<T,N>& v)
/** \brief A class that creates sets of values of various types, to be used in unit tests
* This is the specialization for OrthogonalMatrices
template <class T, int N>
class ValueFactory<OrthogonalMatrix<T,N> >
Dune::FieldVector<T,N> result = u;
result *= (v*u) / (u*u);
return result;
static void get(std::vector<OrthogonalMatrix<T,N> >& values) {
static Dune::FieldVector<T,N> proj(const Dune::FieldVector<T,N>& u, const Dune::FieldVector<T,N>& v)
Dune::FieldVector<T,N> result = u;
result *= (v*u) / (u*u);
return result;
static void get(std::vector<OrthogonalMatrix<T,N> >& values) {
// Get general matrices
std::vector<Dune::FieldMatrix<T,N,N> > mValues;
ValueFactory<Dune::FieldMatrix<T,N,N> >::get(mValues);
// Get general matrices
std::vector<Dune::FieldMatrix<T,N,N> > mValues;
ValueFactory<Dune::FieldMatrix<T,N,N> >::get(mValues);
// Do Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization of the rows
for (size_t m=0; m<mValues.size(); m++) {
// Do Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization of the rows
for (size_t m=0; m<mValues.size(); m++) {
Dune::FieldMatrix<T,N,N>& v = mValues[m];
Dune::FieldMatrix<T,N,N>& v = mValues[m];
if (std::fabs(v.determinant()) < 1e-6)
if (std::fabs(v.determinant()) < 1e-6)
for (int j=0; j<N; j++) {
for (int j=0; j<N; j++) {
for (int i=0; i<j; i++) {
for (int i=0; i<j; i++) {
// v_j = v_j - proj_{v_i} v_j
v[j] -= proj(v[i],v[j]);
// v_j = v_j - proj_{v_i} v_j
v[j] -= proj(v[i],v[j]);
// normalize
v[j] /= v[j].two_norm();
// normalize
v[j] /= v[j].two_norm();
values[m] = OrthogonalMatrix<T,N>(v);
values[m] = OrthogonalMatrix<T,N>(v);
/** \brief A class that creates sets of values of various types, to be used in unit tests
* This is the specialization for HyperbolicHalfspacePoint<3>
template <>
class ValueFactory<HyperbolicHalfspacePoint<double,2> >
static void get(std::vector<HyperbolicHalfspacePoint<double,2> >& values) {
/** \brief A class that creates sets of values of various types, to be used in unit tests
* This is the specialization for HyperbolicHalfspacePoint<3>
template <>
class ValueFactory<HyperbolicHalfspacePoint<double,2> >
static void get(std::vector<HyperbolicHalfspacePoint<double,2> >& values) {
std::vector<Dune::FieldVector<double,2> > testPoints = {{0,2}, {0,1}, {0,0.5},
std::vector<Dune::FieldVector<double,2> > testPoints = {{0,2}, {0,1}, {0,0.5},
// Set up elements of S^1
for (size_t i=0; i<values.size(); i++)
values[i] = HyperbolicHalfspacePoint<double,2>(testPoints[i]);
// Set up elements of S^1
for (size_t i=0; i<values.size(); i++)
values[i] = HyperbolicHalfspacePoint<double,2>(testPoints[i]);
/** \brief A class that creates sets of values of various types, to be used in unit tests
* This is the specialization for HyperbolicHalfspacePoint<3>
template <>
class ValueFactory<HyperbolicHalfspacePoint<double,3> >
static void get(std::vector<HyperbolicHalfspacePoint<double,3> >& values) {
/** \brief A class that creates sets of values of various types, to be used in unit tests
* This is the specialization for HyperbolicHalfspacePoint<3>
template <>
class ValueFactory<HyperbolicHalfspacePoint<double,3> >
static void get(std::vector<HyperbolicHalfspacePoint<double,3> >& values) {
std::vector<Dune::FieldVector<double,3> > testPoints = {{1,0,0.01}, {0,1,0.01}, {-0.838114,0.356751,0.412667},
std::vector<Dune::FieldVector<double,3> > testPoints = {{1,0,0.01}, {0,1,0.01}, {-0.838114,0.356751,0.412667},
// Set up elements of S^1
for (size_t i=0; i<values.size(); i++)
values[i] = HyperbolicHalfspacePoint<double,3>(testPoints[i]);
// Set up elements of S^1
for (size_t i=0; i<values.size(); i++)
values[i] = HyperbolicHalfspacePoint<double,3>(testPoints[i]);
/** \brief A class that creates sets of values of various types, to be used in unit tests
* This is the specialization for ProductManifold<...>
template <typename ... TargetSpaces>
class ValueFactory<Dune::GFE::ProductManifold<TargetSpaces...> >
using TargetSpace = Dune::GFE::ProductManifold<TargetSpaces...>;
/** \brief A class that creates sets of values of various types, to be used in unit tests
* This is the specialization for ProductManifold<...>
template <typename ... TargetSpaces>
class ValueFactory<Dune::GFE::ProductManifold<TargetSpaces...> >
using TargetSpace = Dune::GFE::ProductManifold<TargetSpaces...>;
static void get(std::vector<TargetSpace >& values) {
static void get(std::vector<TargetSpace >& values) {
std::vector<typename TargetSpace::CoordinateType > testPoints(10);
std::vector<typename TargetSpace::CoordinateType > testPoints(10);
std::generate(testPoints.begin(), testPoints.end(), [](){
return Dune::GFE::randomFieldVector<typename TargetSpace::field_type,TargetSpace::CoordinateType::dimension>(0.9,1.1) ;
std::generate(testPoints.begin(), testPoints.end(), [](){
return Dune::GFE::randomFieldVector<typename TargetSpace::field_type,TargetSpace::CoordinateType::dimension>(0.9,1.1) ;
std::transform(testPoints.cbegin(),testPoints.cend(),values.begin(),[](const auto& testPoint){return TargetSpace(testPoint);});
std::transform(testPoints.cbegin(),testPoints.cend(),values.begin(),[](const auto& testPoint){return TargetSpace(testPoint);});
} // namespace Dune::GFE