Small change/fix in Mixed Riemanian Trust region solver
The former implementation tests if the norm of the correction of the trust region sub problem is smaller than innerTolerance_
which is usually a small number. If the correction dX has a large magnitude, e.g. ||dX|| = 2. The for loop with innerIterations_
runs till the end because ||dX|| will always stay larger than innerTolerance_
. And the full set of innerIterations_
is performed even if corr_global
is already converged within machine precision. Therefore, to terminate the loop at a better time comparing innerTolerance_
to diff
which measures the change of corr_global
within the current iteration.
I discussed this with @jaap and @lnebel . Maybe you two can check if i missed something?
What do you think about this? @osander
Merge request reports
@amueller: Can you restart the pipeline? I created a branch on my fork of gfe and there it's passing:
@osander: Can you merge this as soon as the pipeline here passes or let us know what needs to be changed?
Edited by Nebel, Lisa JuliaI restarted the pipeline.But somehow
dune:git parmg dune-vtk clang
anddune:git parmg dune-vtk gcc
always fails. This is also true for !70 (merged) .The pipes fails with
duneci-install-module https://gitlab-ci-token:${CI_JOB_TOKEN} Cloning into 'dune-parmg'... remote: The project you were looking for could not be found. fatal: repository '' not found
How can this be fixed?
Edited by Müller, AlexanderCan you restart it once more? I added you to the repo as a Developer.
mentioned in commit 9e5d2428