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  • bugfix/fix_rigidbodymotion_difference
  • decasteljau
  • feature/ARRN-mod
  • feature/HM-numericalBenchmark
  • feature/HarmonicmapsBenchmark
  • feature/SimoFoxWithLocalFEfunctions
  • feature/bendingIsometries
  • feature/bendingIsometries-PBFE-Stiefel
  • feature/harmonicmapsAddons
  • feature/introduceRetractionNotion
  • feature/riemannianTRaddons
  • feature/simofoxBook
  • fix-fd-gradient-scaling
  • fix_localrodassembler_compiler_error
  • issue/vtk-namespace
  • make_rod-eoc_run
  • master default
  • releases/2.0-1
  • releases/2.1-1
  • releases/2.10
20 results
Created with Raphaël 2.2.08Oct7624Sep1811109543214Jul139Jun820May1514134Mar18Feb1129Jan1919Dec1822Oct211110879Jul23Jun1614129May2722212017161486439Jan318Dec23Nov224Oct20Sep618Aug19Jun30May24221117Apr161311652Mar26Feb19141224Jan2215105221Dec1912627Nov2424Oct9Jul712May10875323Mar225127Feb25211211108130Jan292726242322201917109431Dec292827261996327Nov20151418Oct16743219Jun13May415Apr9531Mar28262524232120191816151412Feb865128JanCorrect typo in the calculation of the alternator tensorMerge branch 'enhancements' into 'master'Change TargetSpace of GFE::LocalEnergy to be a variadic templateChange from Virtual Function to lambda function in cosserat-continuumMerge branch 'remove-homegrown-vtkreader' into 'master'Remove homegrown VTKReader, use dune-vtk insteadMerge branch 'feature/geodesicfeassemblerwrapper' into 'master'Add a GeodesicFEAssemblerWrapper - it wraps a MixedGFEAssembler so it can be used like a GeodesicFEAssemblerMerge branch 'enhancements' into 'master'Make the MatrixType public in the MixedGFEAssemblerUse a CompositeBasis of PowerBases in cosserat-continuum.ccTypo in mixedriemanniantrsolver.ccMerge branch 'enhancements' into 'master'Add random access operator and -= operator to RealTupleMake the Assembler a template parameter in the RiemannianTRSolver and the RiemannianPNSolverUse the rank as the ADOL-C tape number (mixedlocalgfeadolcstiffness)WHITESPACES: Wrap energy calculation and solve-call in the Mixed-Riemannian-TR solver in a try-catch statementWrap energy calculation and solve-call in the Mixed-Riemannian-TR solver in a try-catch statementClose the ADOL-C tape even if the energy calculation throws an error in mixedlocalgfeadolcstiffnessMerge branch 'do-not-test-with-libc++' into 'master'Remove header omp.hModernize CI configurationMerge branch 'feature/proximal-newton-solver' into 'master'Merge branch 'fix/parallel-assembly' into 'master'Move film-on-substrate.parset file from src to problemsMove python files to problems folderAdjust and cleanup film-on-substrate.parsetAdd Proximal-Newton solver to film-on-substrateAdd first version of the Riemannian Proximal Newton solver, as an alternative to the Trust-Region Solver.Read in the deformation file on each processCall loadBalance() for the grid once all refinement steps are doneAdjust Riemannian trust-region solver for parallel runsAdjust console output for parallel runsRemove unused variable from globalmapper.hh and rename coarseGlobalDof_ to globalDof_Remove the input from the call to trace_off()Merge branch 'centralize-linear-algebra-methods' into 'master'Move all generic low-level matrix methods to a central placeMerge branch 'fix/unused-paramters-in-surfacecosseratenergy' into 'master'Merge branch 'fix/use-correct-quadrature-order' into 'master'Reduce quadrature order, before 16 quadrature points were used, an amount that's sufficient to integrate over a 3D-element, but as the integral is on the boundary, now 9 quadrature points, which are enough for 2D, are used.