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  • bugfix/fix_rigidbodymotion_difference
  • decasteljau
  • feature/ARRN-mod
  • feature/HM-numericalBenchmark
  • feature/HarmonicmapsBenchmark
  • feature/SimoFoxWithLocalFEfunctions
  • feature/bendingIsometries
  • feature/bendingIsometries-PBFE-Stiefel
  • feature/harmonicmapsAddons
  • feature/introduceRetractionNotion
  • feature/riemannianTRaddons
  • feature/simofoxBook
  • fix-fd-gradient-scaling
  • fix_localrodassembler_compiler_error
  • issue/vtk-namespace
  • make_rod-eoc_run
  • master default
  • releases/2.0-1
  • releases/2.1-1
  • releases/2.10
20 results
Created with Raphaël 2.2.010Sep9543214Jul139Jun820May1514134Mar18Feb1129Jan1919Dec1822Oct211110879Jul23Jun1614129May2722212017161486439Jan318Dec23Nov224Oct20Sep618Aug19Jun30May24221117Apr161311652Mar26Feb19141224Jan2215105221Dec1912627Nov2424Oct9Jul712May10875323Mar225127Feb25211211108130Jan292726242322201917109431Dec292827261996327Nov20151418Oct16743219Jun13May415Apr9531Mar28262524232120191816151412Feb865128Jan27Make the Assembler a template parameter in the RiemannianTRSolver and the RiemannianPNSolverUse the rank as the ADOL-C tape number (mixedlocalgfeadolcstiffness)WHITESPACES: Wrap energy calculation and solve-call in the Mixed-Riemannian-TR solver in a try-catch statementWrap energy calculation and solve-call in the Mixed-Riemannian-TR solver in a try-catch statementClose the ADOL-C tape even if the energy calculation throws an error in mixedlocalgfeadolcstiffnessMerge branch 'do-not-test-with-libc++' into 'master'Remove header omp.hModernize CI configurationMerge branch 'feature/proximal-newton-solver' into 'master'Merge branch 'fix/parallel-assembly' into 'master'Move film-on-substrate.parset file from src to problemsMove python files to problems folderAdjust and cleanup film-on-substrate.parsetAdd Proximal-Newton solver to film-on-substrateAdd first version of the Riemannian Proximal Newton solver, as an alternative to the Trust-Region Solver.Read in the deformation file on each processCall loadBalance() for the grid once all refinement steps are doneAdjust Riemannian trust-region solver for parallel runsAdjust console output for parallel runsRemove unused variable from globalmapper.hh and rename coarseGlobalDof_ to globalDof_Remove the input from the call to trace_off()Merge branch 'centralize-linear-algebra-methods' into 'master'Move all generic low-level matrix methods to a central placeMerge branch 'fix/unused-paramters-in-surfacecosseratenergy' into 'master'Merge branch 'fix/use-correct-quadrature-order' into 'master'Reduce quadrature order, before 16 quadrature points were used, an amount that's sufficient to integrate over a 3D-element, but as the integral is on the boundary, now 9 quadrature points, which are enough for 2D, are used.Remove unused parameters q and kappa from surfacecosseratenergyMerge branch 'feature/python-function-for-material-parameters' into 'master'Introduce a function to determine the thickness and Lamé parameters of the cosserat materialAdd option to read in a displacement file that will be used for the stress-free configuration of the shell elementsMerge branch 'fix/minor-improvements' into 'master'Change CMakeLists: Only build film-on-substrate if dune-parmg is installedRemove unused functions from surfacecosseratenergy (they were copied from cosseratenergystiffness)Change the order to 2; print out the order at the beginning of the programOnly print Neumann-Values once, print out number of surface shell verticesAdd exception handling when computing the energy after the trust region stepPrint total time needed for the whole program to run (in main)Print total time, total assembly time and total time needed for solving at the end of the trust-region solver runRefine only the Surfaceshell boundary, not the rest of the elastic materialWHITESPACES: Continue with Trust-Region-Algorithm if IPOPT threw an error while solving, treat this case as an 'unsuccessful iteration'