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  • bugfix/fix_rigidbodymotion_difference
  • decasteljau
  • feature/ARRN-mod
  • feature/HM-numericalBenchmark
  • feature/HarmonicmapsBenchmark
  • feature/SimoFoxWithLocalFEfunctions
  • feature/bendingIsometries
  • feature/bendingIsometries-PBFE-Stiefel
  • feature/harmonicmapsAddons
  • feature/introduceRetractionNotion
  • feature/riemannianTRaddons
  • feature/simofoxBook
  • fix-fd-gradient-scaling
  • fix_localrodassembler_compiler_error
  • issue/vtk-namespace
  • make_rod-eoc_run
  • master default
  • releases/2.0-1
  • releases/2.1-1
  • releases/2.10
20 results
Created with Raphaël 2.2.028Jan2725161427Dec2621829Nov2522141312105428Oct27252423161411105130Sep29191273131Aug29282622211825Jul181716111093127Jun2518171310828May27262523221614131223Apr9824Mar2221191022Jan913Dec12109865328Nov151331Oct30Sep1664312Jul1185328Jun2714Feb24Jan32130Dec16Nov121196517Sep1318Jul30May25Apr2417159515Mar9825Feb2115987626Jan1412115Avoid warnings about the Mapper::map --> subIndex transitionMake the grid symmetric along the x-axisUse new differentiable Python functions to also compute the H^1 errorImplement the inverse stereographic projection, and its derivativeExtend the parameters to allow measuring the discretization errorCompute L^2 error of the real geodesic fe interpolationAdd new class EmbeddedGlobalGFEFunctionPrototype: measure the L^2 error of the solution against a reference functionRemove more old instrumentation codeRemove the preprocessor magic that switches between different target spacesRemove code to measure the trust-region convergence speedNew parameter file for measuring discretization errorsForce the user to provide a parameter file on the command lineMake the domain and grid a bit smallerhonour the resultPath variable when writing the solution to vtkAllow to override options from the command lineAllow to set the parameters of the skyrmion energy from the parameter fileAllow to switch between Harmonic energy and Skyrmion energy from the parameter fileTweaked defaults file for ADOL-C[cleanup] Remove the intermediate 'gridPtr' variableNow that we use AD, remove the implementation of the gradient of the harmonic energyRemove old unused preprocessor macro LAPLACE_DEBUGUse ADOL-C to assemble the derivatives of the energy functionalRead the initial iterate from a Python string, instead of hardcoding itInitial iterate is now the inverse stereographic projectionSplit harmonicmaps_LDADD into LDADD proper and LDFLAGSStart the Python interpreter at the beginning of the programUse TargetSpace::CoordinateType instead of #ifdeffin' different FieldVectors'initial solution' --> 'initial iterate'Allow to set resolution/bbox of structured grids from the parameter fileSwitch to 2d grid with UnitVector<3> target spaceMove parameter file harmonicmaps.parset from dune-gfe to dune-gfe/srcMove from dune-gfe to dune-gfe/srcIgnore more filesEnergy functional for a certain type of chiral skyrmionsFix signed/unsigned warningImplement infrastructure to anisotropically scale the trust regionReplace deprecated method Mapper::map by Mapper::subIndex, when dune-grid is at least 2.4Add a small vertical prestressReplace PkToP1MGTransfer with BasisInterpolationMatrixAssembler from dune-fufem