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  • bugfix/fix_rigidbodymotion_difference
  • decasteljau
  • feature/ARRN-mod
  • feature/HM-numericalBenchmark
  • feature/HarmonicmapsBenchmark
  • feature/SimoFoxWithLocalFEfunctions
  • feature/bendingIsometries
  • feature/bendingIsometries-PBFE-Stiefel
  • feature/harmonicmapsAddons
  • feature/introduceRetractionNotion
  • feature/riemannianTRaddons
  • feature/simofoxBook
  • fix-fd-gradient-scaling
  • fix_localrodassembler_compiler_error
  • issue/vtk-namespace
  • make_rod-eoc_run
  • master default
  • releases/2.0-1
  • releases/2.1-1
  • releases/2.10
20 results
Created with Raphaël 2.2.016May27Apr2420181727Mar22161512111015Feb831Jan20137628Dec2112Oct11105430Aug22191112Jul11629Jun21Apr2013103Mar227Feb2528Jan27252217Dec1619Nov181611928Oct2023Sep1721Aug1926Jul209210Jun11May75430Apr2216Feb10820Jan19730Nov21201310853130Oct2821201287624Sep1811109543214Jul139Jun820May1514134Mar18Feb1129Jan1919Dec1822Oct211110879Jul23Jun1614129May2722212017161486439Jan318Dec23Nov224Oct20Sep618Aug19Jun30May24221117Apr161311652Mar26Feb19141224Jan2215105221Dec1912627Nov2424Oct9Jul712May10875323Mar225127Feb25211211Replace std::tie by std::make_tupleMerge branch 'feature/GMSH4' into 'master'Remove dune 2.8 test - since we require GMSH4 now, we don't support dune 2.8 anymoreAdd dune-gmsh4 in the CI-scriptMerge branch 'feature/GMSH4' into 'master'Change construction of Dirichlet Values in cosserat-continuum as wellRepair Dirichlet values in film-on-substrateFix writing the results to vtk files in cosserat-continuumUse the grid function provided by the gmsh4-reader as the stressfreegridfunction in nonplanarcosseratshellenergyUse dune-gmsh4 to read in Gmsh files for cosserat-continuum-2d-in-3d-X-XAdd gmsh4 as a requirement in dune.moduleMerge branch 'build-with-fufem-2.8' into 'master'Make the wryness tensor compile with Dune 2.8Fix some signed/unsigned warningsCircumvent missing matrix--matrix multiplication with Dune 2.8Merge branch 'feature/collectionOfFixes' into 'master'Make the variable 'resultPath' in const and remove obsolete blank lineAdd requirement to specify a path to the problems folder when calling cosserat-continuum-XXXAdd requirement to specify a path to the problems folder when calling film-on-substrateAdd option to define deformation Dirichlet values for each direction separately in cosserat-continuumDefine WORLD_DIM, GFE_ORDER, LFE_ORDER outside of cc file for film-on-substrateMake GFE_ORDER and LFE_ORDER compiler macros and build the necessary combinations of cosserat-continuum-Xd-in-XdBuild all combinations of cosserat-continuumAdd comment about the parameters b1, b2, b3 in nonplanarcosseratshellenergyAdd the Wryness tensor to the energy computations in cosseratenergystiffnessAdd zero-volume-load.pyAdd default option for 'path' in cosserat-continuumPrint final energy after solving in riemanniantrsolverPrint infinity norm of corrGlobal instead of the correction on each process in Riemannian TR-solverAdd scaling to Riemannian PN-Solver and use it in cosserat-continuum and film-on-substrateMerge branch 'feature/collectionOfFixes' into 'master'Deprecate the call to energy with a RigidBodyMotion in cosseratenergystiffness and in nonplanarcosseratenergystiffness - this is actually duplicate code!Implement the missing option: MIXED_SPACE for dim != dimworld in cosserat-continuumFix position of blank lineAdapt NonplanarCosseratShellEnergy for the use with a mixed spaceCorrect the stopping criterion in the Riemannian-TR-Solver, Riemannian-PN-Solver and MixedRiemannian-TR-SolverPrint total assembly and total solver time at the end of the MixedRTRSolverUpdate link to dune-fufem and dune-matrix-vectorMerge branch 'feature/experimentsSphere-part1' into 'master'Remove unused variable from adolctest-scalar-and-vector-mode