@@ -10,6 +10,3 @@ Man kann jede Datei im Ordner /tex einzeln kompilieren. Dafür sind einige Hürd
• In order to have a clean repo without all the cluttering temporary latex files there exists the .latexmkrc file in the main directory and a symlink to it in the /tex directory. It specifies to put these files into /out, no matter where you are (thanks to .maindir) and to use lualatex.
• If you work with gitlab you can use the CI. For this there is the .gitlab-ci.yml file that tells gitlab to compile the main file and make it avaiable as an artifact. Then it is avaiable under the api link
You get the project id visible on the main page of your project. master is the branch you want to use for that continous compiling and compiling is the name of the job, specified in the .gitlab-ci.yml. main.pdf is the name of the file generated, specified via the main tex-file name and the .latexmkrc.