@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ In order to keep the cell sizes similar at the corners of the square, the number
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ In order to keep the cell sizes similar at the corners of the square, the number
\section{Boundary values and parameters}
\section{Boundary values}
% The turbulence parameters $α_t$, $ν_t$, $k$, $ε$ and $ω$ have a wall function as the boundary value at the cylinder: |alphatJayatillekeWallFunction|, |nutkWallFunction| with value $0$, |kqRWallFunction| with value \num{4e-5} and |epsilonWallFunction| with value \num{2e-8} and |omegaWallFunction| with value \num{5e-4} respectively.
% The turbulence parameters $α_t$, $ν_t$, $k$, $ε$ and $ω$ have a wall function as the boundary value at the cylinder: |alphatJayatillekeWallFunction|, |nutkWallFunction| with value $0$, |kqRWallFunction| with value \num{4e-5} and |epsilonWallFunction| with value \num{2e-8} and |omegaWallFunction| with value \num{5e-4} respectively.
The turbulence parameters all have the condition |inletOutlet| for the inlet and the outlet.
The turbulence parameters all have the condition |inletOutlet| for the inlet and the outlet.
This is supposed to be an uniform condition at inflow (at inlet) and a zero gradient condition on the outlet.
This is supposed to be an uniform condition at inflow (at inlet) and a zero gradient condition on the outlet.