return {
version = "*", -- recommended, use latest release instead of latest commit
lazy = true,
ft = "markdown",
-- Replace the above line with this if you only want to load obsidian.nvim for markdown files in your vault:
-- event = {
-- -- If you want to use the home shortcut '~' here you need to call 'vim.fn.expand'.
-- -- E.g. "BufReadPre " .. vim.fn.expand "~" .. "/my-vault/*.md"
-- -- refer to `:h file-pattern` for more examples
-- "BufReadPre path/to/my-vault/*.md",
-- "BufNewFile path/to/my-vault/*.md",
-- },
dependencies = {
-- Required.
-- see below for full list of optional dependencies 👇
opts = {
workspaces = {
name = "work",
path = "~/Obsidian",
-- see below for full list of options 👇