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  • import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import sympy as sym
    import math
    import os
    import subprocess
    import fileinput
    import re
    import matlab.engine
    import sys
    from ClassifyMin import *
    from HelperFunctions import *
    # from CellScript import *
    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
    import as cm
    from vtk.util import numpy_support
    from pyevtk.hl import gridToVTK
    import time
    import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
    import matplotlib as mpl
    from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator,FormatStrFormatter,MaxNLocator
    import pandas as pd
    # from matplotlib import rc
    # rc('text', usetex=True) # Use LaTeX font
    # import seaborn as sns
    # sns.set(color_codes=True)
    def format_func(value, tick_number):
        # # find number of multiples of pi/2
        # N = int(np.round(2 * value / np.pi))
        # if N == 0:
        #     return "0"
        # elif N == 1:
        #     return r"$\pi/2$"
        # elif N == 2:
        #     return r"$\pi$"
        # elif N % 2 > 0:
        #     return r"${0}\pi/2$".format(N)
        # else:
        #     return r"${0}\pi$".format(N // 2)
        # find number of multiples of pi/2
        N = int(np.round(4 * value / np.pi))
        if N == 0:
            return "0"
        elif N == 1:
            return r"$\pi/4$"
        elif N == 2:
            return r"$\pi/2$"
        elif N % 2 > 0:
            return r"${0}\pi/2$".format(N)
            return r"${0}\pi$".format(N // 2)
    def find_nearest(array, value):
        array = np.asarray(array)
        idx = (np.abs(array - value)).argmin()
        return array[idx]
    def find_nearestIdx(array, value):
        array = np.asarray(array)
        idx = (np.abs(array - value)).argmin()
        return idx
    InputFile  = "/inputs/computeMuGamma.parset"
    OutputFile = "/outputs/outputMuGamma.txt"
    # --------- Run  from src folder:
    path_parent = os.path.dirname(os.getcwd())
    path = os.getcwd()
    InputFilePath = os.getcwd()+InputFile
    OutputFilePath = os.getcwd()+OutputFile
    print("InputFilepath: ", InputFilePath)
    print("OutputFilepath: ", OutputFilePath)
    print("Path: ", path)
    print('---- Input parameters: -----')
    # mu1 = 10.0
    # rho1 = 1.0
    # alpha = 2.56140350877193 #2.56140350877193, 4.0852130325814535
    # beta = 2.0  #5.0
    # theta = 1.0/4.0
    # theta = 1.0/8.0  # 0.5
    # theta = 0.075  # 0.5
    # mu1 = 10.0
    # rho1 = 1.0
    alpha = 10.0
    # beta = 40.0
    # theta = 0.125
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
    mu1 = 1.0
    rho1 = 1.0
    # alpha = 2.0
    beta = 2.0  #5.0
    # theta = 1.0/4.0
    theta = 1.0/8.0
    # mu1 = 10.0
    # rho1 = 1.0
    # alpha = 10.0
    # beta = 2.0  #5.0
    # theta = 1.0/8.0
    # #
    # mu1 = 10.0
    # rho1 = 1.0
    # # alpha = 10.02021333
    # alpha = 10.0
    # beta = 2.0
    # theta = 0.125
    # mu1 = 10.0
    # rho1 = 1.0
    # # alpha = 10.02021333
    # alpha = 9.0
    # beta = 2.0
    # theta = 0.075
    # mu1 = 10.0
    # rho1 = 1.0
    # alpha = 4.0
    # beta = 10.0
    # theta = 1.0/4.0
    # alpha = 10   #1.05263158
    # beta = 40.0  #5.0
    # # theta = 1.0/4.0
    # theta = 1.0/8.0  # 0.5
    # alpha = 2.0
    # beta = 2.0 #5.0
    # theta = 1/4.0
    # rho1 = 1.0
    # mu1 = 10.0
    # InterestingParameterSet :
    # mu1 = 10.0
    # rho1 = 1.0
    # alpha = 10
    # beta = 40.0
    # theta = 0.124242
    # gamma = 0.75
    #set gamma either to 1. '0' 2. 'infinity' or 3. a numerical positive value
    # gamma = '0'
    # gamma = 'infinity'
    # gamma = 0.5
    # gamma = 0.25
    print('mu1: ', mu1)
    print('rho1: ', rho1)
    print('alpha: ', alpha)
    print('beta: ', beta)
    print('theta: ', theta)
    # print('gamma:', gamma)
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
    # gamma_min = 1.0
    # gamma_max = 2.0
    gamma_min = 0.01
    gamma_max = 3.0
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
    Gamma_Values = np.linspace(gamma_min, gamma_max, num=400)    # TODO variable Input Parameters...alpha,beta...
    print('(Input) Gamma_Values:', Gamma_Values)
    # mu_gamma = []
    # Gamma_Values = '0'
    # Get values for mu_Gamma
    GetMuGammaVec = np.vectorize(GetMuGamma)
    muGammas = GetMuGammaVec(beta,theta,Gamma_Values,mu1,rho1, InputFilePath ,OutputFilePath )
    print('muGammas:', muGammas)
    q12 = 0.0
    q1 = (1.0/6.0)*harmonicMean(mu1, beta, theta)
    q2 = (1.0/6.0)*arithmeticMean(mu1, beta, theta)
    print('q1: ', q1)
    print('q2: ', q2)
    b1 = prestrain_b1(rho1, beta, alpha,theta)
    b2 = prestrain_b2(rho1, beta, alpha,theta)
    q3_star = math.sqrt(q1*q2)
    print('q3_star:', q3_star)
    # TODO these have to be compatible with input parameters!!!
    # compute certain ParameterValues that this makes sense
    # b1 = q3_star
    # b2 = q1
    print('b1: ', b1)
    print('b2: ', b2)
    print('ratio(left) =', b2/b1)
    print('ratio(right) = ', q1/q3_star)
    # return classifyMin(q1, q2, q3, q12,  b1, b2,  print_Cases, print_Output)
    # classifyMin_anaVec = np.vectorize(classifyMin_ana)
    # G, angles, Types, curvature = classifyMin_anaVec(alpha, beta, theta, muGammas,  mu1, rho1)
    classifyMin_anaVec = np.vectorize(classifyMin_ana)
    G, angles, Types, curvature = classifyMin_anaVec(alpha, beta, theta, muGammas,  mu1, rho1)
    # _,angles,_,_ = classifyMin_anaVec(alpha, beta, theta, muGammas,  mu1, rho1)
    print('angles:', angles)
    print('curvature:', curvature)
    idx = find_nearestIdx(muGammas, q3_star)
    print('GammaValue Idx closest to q_3^*', idx)
    gammaClose = Gamma_Values[idx]
    print('GammaValue(Idx) with mu_gamma closest to q_3^*', gammaClose)
    determinantVec = np.vectorize(determinant)
    detValues = determinantVec(q1,q2,muGammas,q12)
    print('detValues:', detValues)
    detZeroidx = find_nearestIdx(detValues, 0)
    print('idx where det nearest to zero', idx)
    gammaClose = Gamma_Values[detZeroidx]
    print('gammaClose:', gammaClose)
    # --- Convert to numpy array
    Gamma_Values = np.array(Gamma_Values)
    angles = np.array(angles)
    curvature = np.array(curvature)
    # ---------------- Create Plot -------------------
    # plt.figure()
    mpl.rcParams['text.usetex'] = True
    mpl.rcParams[""] = "serif"
    mpl.rcParams["font.size"] = "9"
    width = 6.28 *0.5
    height = width / 1.618
    fig = plt.figure()
    # ax = plt.axes((0.15,0.21 ,0.75,0.75))
    # ax = plt.axes((0.15,0.21 ,0.8,0.75))
    # ax = plt.axes((0.19,0.21 ,0.8,0.75))
    ax = plt.axes((0.15,0.18 ,0.8,0.75))
    ax.tick_params(axis='x',which='major', direction='out',pad=1)
    # ax.tick_params(axis='y',which='major', length=3, width=1, direction='out',pad=3)
    ax.tick_params(axis='y',which='major', length=3, width=1, direction='out',pad=1) # changed pad = distance to title to 1 here!
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
    # ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(0.02))
    # ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(0.01))
    # ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(np.pi / 8))
    # ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(np.pi / 16))
    # ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.FuncFormatter(format_func))
    # ax.set(xlim=(1.760, 1.880), ylim=(-0.1, np.pi/4.0))
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
    # ax.set(xlim=(1.760, 1.880))
    # # plt.title(r'angle$-\mu_\gamma(\gamma)$-Plot')
    # # plt.title(r'angle$-\gamma$-Plot')
    # plt.plot(Gamma_Values, angles)
    # plt.scatter(Gamma_Values, angles)
    # plt.plot(muGammas, angles)
    # plt.scatter(muGammas, angles)
    # # plt.axis([0, 6, 0, 20])
    # # plt.axhline(y = 1.90476, color = 'b', linestyle = ':', label='$q_1$')
    # # plt.axhline(y = 2.08333, color = 'r', linestyle = 'dashed', label='$q_2$')
    # plt.axvline(x = q1, color = 'b', linestyle = ':', label='$q_1$')
    # plt.axvline(x = q2, color = 'r', linestyle = 'dashed', label='$q_2$')
    # # plt.axvline(x = q3_star, color = 'r', linestyle = 'dashed', label='$\gamma^*$')
    # f,ax=plt.subplots(1)
    # ax.plot(muGammas, angles)
    # ax.scatter(muGammas, angles)
    # ax.plot(muGammas, angles, 'royalblue', zorder=3, )
    ax.plot(muGammas, curvature, 'royalblue', zorder=3, )
    # ax.scatter(Gamma_Values, angles)
    # ax.set_xlabel(r"$\gamma$")
    # ax.set_ylabel(r"curvature $\kappa$")
    ax.set_title(r"curvature $\kappa$", fontsize=9, pad = 4)
    # plt.xlabel("$q_3$")
    # plt.xlabel("$\gamma$")
    # plt.ylabel("angle")
    # ax.grid(True)
    # ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(np.pi / 2))
    # ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(np.pi / 12))
    # ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(np.pi / 4))
    # ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(np.pi / 12))
    # ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.FuncFormatter(format_func))
    # ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.FormatStrFormatter('%g $\pi$'))
    # ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(base=0.25))
    # ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.FuncFormatter(
    # lambda val,pos: '{:.0g}$\pi$'.format(2*val/np.pi) if val !=0 else '0'))
    # ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(base=0.5*np.pi))
    # ---------------------------- show pi values ------------------------------------
    # ax.axvline(x = q1, color = 'b', linestyle = ':', label='$q_1$')
    # ax.axvline(x = q2, color = 'r', linestyle = 'dashed', label='$q_2$')
    # ax.legend()
    # # ax.set(xlim=(1.750, 1.880), ylim=(0, math.pi/2.0))
    # ax.set(xlim=(1.760, 1.880), ylim=(-0.1, np.pi/4.0))
    # # ax.set_yticks([0,  np.pi/4 ,np.pi/2])
    # # labels = ['$0$', r'$\pi/4$', r'$\pi/2$']
    # ax.set_yticks([0, np.pi/8, np.pi/4 ])
    # labels = ['$0$',r'$\pi/8$', r'$\pi/4$']
    # ax.set_yticklabels(labels)
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------
    # ax.set(xlim=(1.750, 1.880), ylim=(0, math.pi/2.0))
    # ax.set(xlim=(1.760, 1.880), ylim=(-0.1, np.pi/4.0))
    # ax.set(xlim=(1.760, 1.880), ylim=(-0.1, np.pi/4.0))
    # ax.set_yticks([0,  np.pi/4 ,np.pi/2])
    # labels = ['$0$', r'$\pi/4$', r'$\pi/2$']
    # OLD :
    # ax.set_yticks([0, np.pi/8, np.pi/4 ])
    # labels = ['$0$',r'$\pi/8$', r'$\pi/4$']
    # ax.set_yticklabels(labels)
    # Plot Gamma Value that is closest to q3_star
    # ax.axvline(x = gammaClose, color = 'midnightblue', linestyle = 'dashed', label='$\gamma^*$')
    # ax.axvspan(gamma_min, gammaClose, color='red', alpha=0.2)
    # ax.axvspan(gammaClose, gamma_max, color='green', alpha=0.2)
    ax.axvline(x = q3_star, color = 'midnightblue', linestyle = 'dashed', label='$q_3^*$')
    ax.axvline(x = q1, color = 'forestgreen', linestyle = 'dashed', label='$q_1$')
    ax.axvline(x = q2, color = 'darkorange', linestyle = 'dashed', label='$q_2$')
    # ax.legend(loc='upper center')
    ax.legend(loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(0.55, 0.85))
    # ax.legend(loc='upper left')
    # plt.xlabel("$q_3(\gamma)$")
    # plt.xlabel("$\gamma$")
    # plt.ylabel("angle")
    # plt.legend(loc='upper center')
    fig.set_size_inches(width, height)
    # plt.figure()
    # plt.title(r'angle$-\mu_\gamma(\gamma)$-Plot')
    # plt.plot(muGammas, angles)
    # plt.scatter(muGammas, angles)
    # # plt.axis([0, 6, 0, 20])
    # # plt.axhline(y = 1.90476, color = 'b', linestyle = ':', label='$q_1$')
    # # plt.axhline(y = 2.08333, color = 'r', linestyle = 'dashed', label='$q_2$')
    # plt.axvline(x = 1.90476, color = 'b', linestyle = ':', label='$q_1$')
    # plt.axvline(x = 2.08333, color = 'r', linestyle = 'dashed', label='$q_2$')
    # plt.xlabel("$\mu_\gamma$")
    # plt.ylabel("angle")
    # plt.legend()