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  • #include <config.h>
    #include <array>
    #include <vector>
    #include <fstream>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <dune/common/indices.hh>
    #include <dune/common/bitsetvector.hh>
    #include <dune/common/parametertree.hh>
    #include <dune/common/parametertreeparser.hh>
    #include <dune/common/float_cmp.hh>
    #include <dune/common/math.hh>
    #include <dune/geometry/quadraturerules.hh>
    #include <dune/grid/uggrid.hh>
    #include <dune/grid/yaspgrid.hh>
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
    // #include <dune/grid/utility/structuredgridfactory.hh> //TEST
    #include <dune/grid/io/file/vtk/subsamplingvtkwriter.hh>
    #include <dune/istl/matrix.hh>
    #include <dune/istl/bcrsmatrix.hh>
    #include <dune/istl/multitypeblockmatrix.hh>
    #include <dune/istl/multitypeblockvector.hh>
    #include <dune/istl/matrixindexset.hh>
    #include <dune/istl/solvers.hh>
    #include <dune/istl/spqr.hh>
    #include <dune/istl/preconditioners.hh>
    #include <dune/istl/io.hh>
    #include <dune/functions/functionspacebases/interpolate.hh>
    #include <dune/functions/backends/istlvectorbackend.hh>
    #include <dune/functions/functionspacebases/powerbasis.hh>
    #include <dune/functions/functionspacebases/compositebasis.hh>
    #include <dune/functions/functionspacebases/lagrangebasis.hh>
    #include <dune/functions/functionspacebases/periodicbasis.hh>
    #include <dune/functions/functionspacebases/subspacebasis.hh>
    #include <dune/functions/functionspacebases/boundarydofs.hh>
    #include <dune/functions/gridfunctions/discreteglobalbasisfunction.hh>
    #include <dune/functions/gridfunctions/gridviewfunction.hh>
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
    #include <dune/functions/functionspacebases/hierarchicvectorwrapper.hh>
    #include <dune/common/fvector.hh>
    #include <dune/common/fmatrix.hh> 
    // #include <dune/microstructure/prestrain_material_geometry.hh>
    #include <dune/microstructure/matrix_operations.hh>
    // #include <dune/microstructure/vtk_filler.hh>    //TEST
    #include <dune/microstructure/CorrectorComputer.hh>    
    #include <dune/microstructure/EffectiveQuantitiesComputer.hh>  
    #include <dune/microstructure/prestrainedMaterial.hh>  
    #include <dune/solvers/solvers/umfpacksolver.hh>   //TEST 
    #include <dune/istl/eigenvalue/test/matrixinfo.hh> // TEST: compute condition Number 
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
    // #include <dune/fufem/discretizationerror.hh>
    #include <dune/fufem/dunepython.hh>
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
    // #include <dune/fufem/functions/virtualgridfunction.hh> //TEST 
    // #include <boost/multiprecision/cpp_dec_float.hpp>
    #include <any>
    #include <variant>
    #include <string>
    #include <iomanip>   // needed when working with relative paths e.g. from python-scripts
    using namespace Dune;
    using namespace MatrixOperations;
    // Helper functions for Table-Output
    /*! Center-aligns string within a field of width w. Pads with blank spaces
        to enforce alignment. */
    std::string center(const std::string s, const int w) {
        std::stringstream ss, spaces;
        int padding = w - s.size();                 // count excess room to pad
        for(int i=0; i<padding/2; ++i)
            spaces << " ";
        ss << spaces.str() << s << spaces.str();    // format with padding
        if(padding>0 && padding%2!=0)               // if odd #, add 1 space
            ss << " ";
        return ss.str();
    /* Convert double to string with specified number of places after the decimal
       and left padding. */
    template<class type>
    std::string prd(const type x, const int decDigits, const int width) {
        std::stringstream ss;
    //     ss << std::fixed << std::right;
        ss << std::scientific << std::right;                     // Use scientific Output!
        ss.fill(' ');        // fill space around displayed #
        ss.width(width);     // set  width around displayed #
        ss.precision(decDigits); // set # places after decimal
        ss << x;
        return ss.str();
    //   Infrastructure for handling periodicity
    // Check whether two points are equal on R/Z x R/Z x R
    auto equivalent = [](const FieldVector<double,3>& x, const FieldVector<double,3>& y)
                        return ( (FloatCmp::eq(x[0],y[0]) or FloatCmp::eq(x[0]+1,y[0]) or FloatCmp::eq(x[0]-1,y[0]))
                                and (FloatCmp::eq(x[1],y[1]) or FloatCmp::eq(x[1]+1,y[1]) or FloatCmp::eq(x[1]-1,y[1]))
                                and (FloatCmp::eq(x[2],y[2]))
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
      MPIHelper::instance(argc, argv);
      Dune::Timer globalTimer;
      ParameterTree parameterSet;
      if (argc < 2)
        ParameterTreeParser::readINITree("../../inputs/cellsolver.parset", parameterSet);
        ParameterTreeParser::readINITree(argv[1], parameterSet);
        ParameterTreeParser::readOptions(argc, argv, parameterSet);
      //--- Output setter
      std::string outputPath = parameterSet.get("outputPath", "../../outputs");
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
      //--- setup Log-File
      std::fstream log; + "/output.txt" ,std::ios::out);
      std::cout << "outputPath:" << outputPath << std::endl;
    //; // short Alternativ
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
        //--- Get Path for Material/Geometry functions
        std::string geometryFunctionPath = parameterSet.get<std::string>("geometryFunctionPath");
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
        //--- Start Python interpreter
        Python::Reference main = Python::import("__main__");
        Python::run("import math");
            << std::endl << "import sys"
            << std::endl << "sys.path.append('" << geometryFunctionPath << "')"
      constexpr int dim = 3;
      constexpr int dimWorld = 3;
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
      // Debug/Print Options 
      bool print_debug = parameterSet.get<bool>("print_debug", false);
      // VTK-write options
      bool write_materialFunctions   = parameterSet.get<bool>("write_materialFunctions", false);
      bool write_prestrainFunctions  = parameterSet.get<bool>("write_prestrainFunctions", false);
      // Generate the grid
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    Klaus Böhnlein committed
      // --- Corrector Problem Domain (-1/2,1/2)^3:
      FieldVector<double,dim> lower({-1.0/2.0, -1.0/2.0, -1.0/2.0});
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
      FieldVector<double,dim> upper({1.0/2.0, 1.0/2.0, 1.0/2.0});
      std::array<int,2> numLevels = parameterSet.get<std::array<int,2>>("numLevels", {1,3});
      int levelCounter = 0;
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
      // Create Date Storage
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    Klaus Böhnlein committed
      //--- Storage:: #1 level #2 L2SymError #3 L2SymErrorOrder #4  L2Norm(sym) #5 L2Norm(sym-analytic) #6 L2Norm(phi_1)
      std::vector<std::variant<std::string, size_t , double>> Storage_Error;
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
      //--- Storage:: | level | q1 | q2 | q3 | q12 | q23 | b1 | b2 | b3 |           
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
      std::vector<std::variant<std::string, size_t , double>> Storage_Quantities;         
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
      //--- GridLevel-Loop:
      for(size_t level = numLevels[0] ; level <= numLevels[1]; level++)     
        std::cout << " ----------------------------------" << std::endl;
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
        std::cout << "GridLevel: " << level << std::endl;
        std::cout << " ----------------------------------" << std::endl;
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
        std::array<int, dim> nElements = {(int)std::pow(2,level) ,(int)std::pow(2,level) ,(int)std::pow(2,level)};
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
        std::cout << "Number of Grid-Elements in each direction: " << nElements << std::endl;
        log << "Number of Grid-Elements in each direction: " << nElements << std::endl;
        using CellGridType = YaspGrid<dim, EquidistantOffsetCoordinates<double, dim> >;
        CellGridType grid_CE(lower,upper,nElements);
        using GridView = CellGridType::LeafGridView;
        const GridView gridView_CE = grid_CE.leafGridView();
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
           std::cout << "Host grid has " << gridView_CE.size(dim) << " vertices." << std::endl;
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
        //--- Choose a finite element space for Cell Problem
        using namespace Functions::BasisFactory;
        Functions::BasisFactory::Experimental::PeriodicIndexSet periodicIndices;
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
        //--- get PeriodicIndices for periodicBasis (Don't do the following in real life: It has quadratic run-time in the number of vertices.)
        for (const auto& v1 : vertices(gridView_CE))
            for (const auto& v2 : vertices(gridView_CE))
                if (equivalent(v1.geometry().corner(0), v2.geometry().corner(0)))
                    periodicIndices.unifyIndexPair({gridView_CE.indexSet().index(v1)}, {gridView_CE.indexSet().index(v2)});
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
        //--- setup first order periodic Lagrange-Basis
        auto Basis_CE = makeBasis(
            power<dim>(                                                                             // eig dimworld?!?! 
            Functions::BasisFactory::Experimental::periodic(lagrange<1>(), periodicIndices),
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
            //blockedInterleaved()   // Not Implemented
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
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           std::cout << "power<periodic> basis has " << Basis_CE.dimension() << " degrees of freedom" << std::endl;
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
        //  Create prestrained material object
        auto material_ = prestrainedMaterial(gridView_CE,parameterSet);
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    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
        // --- get scale ratio 
        double gamma = parameterSet.get<double>("gamma",1.0); 
        std::cout << "scale ratio (gamma) set to : " << gamma << std::endl;
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    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
        //--- Compute Correctors
        // auto correctorComputer = CorrectorComputer(Basis_CE, muTerm, lambdaTerm, gamma, log, parameterSet);
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
        // auto correctorComputer = CorrectorComputer(Basis_CE, material_, muTerm, lambdaTerm, gamma, log, parameterSet);
        auto correctorComputer = CorrectorComputer(Basis_CE, material_, gamma, log, parameterSet);
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
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    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
        //--- Check Correctors (options):
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
        if(parameterSet.get<bool>("write_L2Error", false))
        if(parameterSet.get<bool>("write_VTK", false))
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
        //--- Additional Test: check orthogonality (75) from paper:
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
        if(parameterSet.get<bool>("write_checkOrthogonality", false))
        //--- Check symmetry of stiffness matrix
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
        //--- Compute effective quantities
        auto effectiveQuantitiesComputer = EffectiveQuantitiesComputer(correctorComputer,material_);
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
        //--- write material indicator function to VTK
        if (write_materialFunctions)
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
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        //--- TEST:: Compute Qeff without using the orthogonality (75)... 
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        // only really makes a difference whenever the orthogonality is not satisfied!
        // std::cout << "----------computeFullQ-----------"<< std::endl;  //TEST
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
        // effectiveQuantitiesComputer.computeFullQ();
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
        //--- get effective quantities
        auto Qeff = effectiveQuantitiesComputer.getQeff();
        auto Beff = effectiveQuantitiesComputer.getBeff();
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
        printmatrix(std::cout, Qeff, "Matrix Qeff", "--");
        printvector(std::cout, Beff, "Beff", "--");
        //--- write effective quantities to matlab folder (for symbolic minimization)
        if(parameterSet.get<bool>("write_toMATLAB", false))
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
        std::cout<< "q1 : " << Qeff[0][0] << std::endl;
        std::cout<< "q2 : " << Qeff[1][1] << std::endl;
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
        std::cout<< "q3 : " << std::fixed << Qeff[2][2] << std::endl;
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
        std::cout<< std::fixed << std::setprecision(6) << "q_onetwo=" << Qeff[0][1] << std::endl;
        // -------------------------------------------
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    Klaus Böhnlein committed
        // --- Fill output-Table:
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
        Storage_Quantities.push_back(Qeff[0][0] );
        Storage_Quantities.push_back(Qeff[1][1] );
        Storage_Quantities.push_back(Qeff[2][2] );
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
        Storage_Quantities.push_back(Qeff[0][1] );
        Storage_Quantities.push_back(Qeff[1][2] );
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
        log << "size of FiniteElementBasis: " << Basis_CE.size() << std::endl;
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
        log << "q1="  << Qeff[0][0] << std::endl;
        log << "q2="  << Qeff[1][1] << std::endl;
        log << "q3="  << Qeff[2][2] << std::endl;
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
        log << "q12=" << Qeff[0][1] << std::endl;
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
        log << "q23=" << Qeff[1][2] << std::endl;
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
        log << std::fixed << std::setprecision(6) << "q_onetwo=" << Qeff[0][1] << std::endl;
        log << "b1=" << Beff[0] << std::endl;
        log << "b2=" << Beff[1] << std::endl;
        log << "b3=" << Beff[2] << std::endl;
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
        log << "mu_gamma=" << Qeff[2][2] << std::endl;           // added for Python-Script
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
      } // GridLevel-Loop End
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
        //--- Print Storage
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    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
        int tableWidth = 12;
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
        std::cout << center("Levels ",tableWidth)   << " | "
                  << center("q1",tableWidth)        << " | "
                  << center("q2",tableWidth)        << " | "
                  << center("q3",tableWidth)        << " | "
                  << center("q12",tableWidth)       << " | "
                  << center("q23",tableWidth)       << " | "
                  << center("b1",tableWidth)        << " | "
                  << center("b2",tableWidth)        << " | "
                  << center("b3",tableWidth)        << " | " << "\n";
        std::cout << std::string(tableWidth*9 + 3*9, '-')    << "\n";
        log       << std::string(tableWidth*9 + 3*9, '-')    << "\n";   
        log       << center("Levels ",tableWidth)   << " | "
                  << center("q1",tableWidth)        << " | "
                  << center("q2",tableWidth)        << " | "
                  << center("q3",tableWidth)        << " | "
                  << center("q12",tableWidth)       << " | "
                  << center("q23",tableWidth)       << " | "
                  << center("b1",tableWidth)        << " | "
                  << center("b2",tableWidth)        << " | "
                  << center("b3",tableWidth)        << " | " << "\n";
        log       << std::string(tableWidth*9 + 3*9, '-')    << "\n";   
        int StorageCount2 = 0;
        for(auto& v: Storage_Quantities) 
            std::visit([tableWidth](auto&& arg){std::cout << center(prd(arg,5,1),tableWidth)      << " | ";}, v);
            std::visit([tableWidth, &log](auto&& arg){log << center(prd(arg,5,1),tableWidth)      << " & ";}, v);
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
            if(StorageCount2 % 9 == 0 )
                std::cout << std::endl;
                log << std::endl;
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
        std::cout << std::string(tableWidth*9 + 3*9, '-') << "\n";
        log       << std::string(tableWidth*9 + 3*9, '-') << "\n";  
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
        log.close(); //close log-file
        std::cout << "Total time elapsed: " << globalTimer.elapsed() << std::endl;