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cellsolver.parset.wood 3.35 KiB
# --- Parameter File as Input for 'Cell-Problem'
# NOTE: define variables without whitespaces in between! i.e. : gamma=1.0 instead of gamma = 1.0
# since otherwise these cant be read from other Files!
# --------------------------------------------------------

# Path for results and logfile

# Path for material description
geometryFunctionPath =experiment/wood-bilayer/

# --- DEBUG (Output) Option:
#print_debug = true  #(default=false)

#  Grid parameters
## numLevels : Number of Levels on which solution is computed. starting with a 2x2x2 cube mesh.
## {start,finish} computes on all grid from 2^(start) to 2^finish refinement

numLevels=4 4
#numLevels =  1 1   # computes all levels from first to second entry
#numLevels =  2 2   # computes all levels from first to second entry
#numLevels =  1 3   # computes all levels from first to second entry
#numLevels = 4 4    # computes all levels from first to second entry
#numLevels = 5 5    # computes all levels from first to second entry
#numLevels = 6 6    # computes all levels from first to second entry
#numLevels = 1 6

#  Material / Prestrain parameters and ratios

# --- Choose material definition:
materialFunction = wood_european_beech

# --- Choose scale ratio gamma:

#  Assembly options
#set_IntegralZero = true            #(default = false)
#set_oneBasisFunction_Zero = true   #(default = false)

#arbitraryLocalIndex = 7            #(default = 0)
#arbitraryElementNumber = 3         #(default = 0)

#  Solver Type: #1: CG - SOLVER , #2: GMRES - SOLVER, #3: QR - SOLVER (default), #4: UMFPACK - SOLVER
Solvertype = 2        # recommended to use iterative solver (e.g GMRES) for finer grid-levels
Solver_verbosity = 0  #(default = 2)  degree of information for solver output

#  Write/Output options                 #(default=false)

# --- (Optional output) write Material / prestrain / Corrector functions to .vtk-Files:
write_materialFunctions = true    # VTK indicator function for material/prestrain definition
#write_prestrainFunctions = true  # VTK norm of B (currently not implemented)

# --- Write Correctos to VTK-File:  
write_VTK = true

# --- (Optional output) L2Error, integral mean: 
#write_L2Error = true                   
#write_IntegralMean = true              

# --- check orthogonality (75) from paper: 
write_checkOrthogonality = true         

# --- Write corrector-coefficients to log-File:
#write_corrector_phi1 = true
#write_corrector_phi2 = true
#write_corrector_phi3 = true

# --- Print Condition number of matrix (can be expensive):
#print_conditionNumber= true  #(default=false)

# --- write effective quantities to Matlab-folder for symbolic minimization:
write_toMATLAB = true  # writes effective quantities to .txt-files QMatrix.txt and BMatrix.txt