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  • allow_assembler_to_get_temporaries
  • bugfix/fix_rigidbodymotion_difference
  • feature/find-tinyxml2
  • fix-fd-gradient-scaling
  • fix_localrodassembler_compiler_error
  • lisa-parallel
  • make_rod-eoc_run
  • master default protected
  • releases/2.0-1
  • releases/2.1-1
  • releases/2.2-1
  • releases/2.2-2
  • releases/2.3-1
  • releases/2.3-2
  • releases/2.3-last-basically-sequential-version
  • releases/first-evidence-that-neff-shells-do-not-lock
  • releases/first-working-adol-c-support
  • releases/working-version-before-moving-to-dune-functions
  • use-dune-parmg-for-global-indices
  • use_dune_add_test
20 results
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.020Apr181727Mar2216151211108Feb31Jan728Dec2112Oct1110530Aug22191112Jul11629Jun21Apr2013103Mar227Feb2528Jan27252217Dec1618Nov1611928Oct2023Sep1721Aug1926Jul209210Jun11May75430Apr2216Feb10820Jan19730Nov2120131085330Oct2821201287624Sep1811109543214Jul139Jun820May1514134Mar18Feb1129Jan1919Dec1822Oct211110879Jul23Jun1614129May2722212017161486439Jan318Dec23Nov224Oct20Sep618Aug19Jun30May24221117Apr161311652Mar26Feb19141224Jan2215105221Dec1912627Nov2424Oct9Jul712May10875323Mar225127Feb25211211108130Jan2927Add the Wryness tensor to the energy computations in cosseratenergystiffnessAdd zero-volume-load.pyAdd default option for 'path' in cosserat-continuumPrint final energy after solving in riemanniantrsolverPrint infinity norm of corrGlobal instead of the correction on each process in Riemannian TR-solverAdd scaling to Riemannian PN-Solver and use it in cosserat-continuum and film-on-substrateMerge branch 'feature/collectionOfFixes' into 'master'Deprecate the call to energy with a RigidBodyMotion in cosseratenergystiffness and in nonplanarcosseratenergystiffness - this is actually duplicate code!Implement the missing option: MIXED_SPACE for dim != dimworld in cosserat-continuumFix position of blank lineAdapt NonplanarCosseratShellEnergy for the use with a mixed spaceCorrect the stopping criterion in the Riemannian-TR-Solver, Riemannian-PN-Solver and MixedRiemannian-TR-SolverPrint total assembly and total solver time at the end of the MixedRTRSolverUpdate link to dune-fufem and dune-matrix-vectorMerge branch 'feature/experimentsSphere-part1' into 'master'Remove unused variable from adolctest-scalar-and-vector-modeAdd alternative energy from Bîrsans paper 2021Instead of loading the volume load as a fixed (x,y,z) vector, load it as a space-dependent Python functionRepair the call to the volume load in cosseratenergystiffness.hhDo not scale the density functions with the thickness to avoid confusionCorrect the dimension of the rotation and the deformation in the compositeBasis, it needs to be 3, independent of dimMerge branch 'feature/ADOLC-scalar-mixed' into 'master'Add test to check if the ADOL-C vector mode and scalar mode produce the same hessian matrix!Add missing ADOLC scalar mode in mixedlocalgfeadolcstiffnessReplace compiler macro for switching between scalar and vector mode of ADOL-C with runtime-flagMerge branch 'fix-productmanifold-interplay-with-iostream' into 'master'Fix build failure related to ProductManifold and std::coutFix minor bugs in productmanifold.hhAlways use 'what'-method to get text from an exceptionMerge branch 'feature/embeddedInterpolation_2' into 'master'Add embedded interpolation option in localprojectedfefunction.hhMerge branch 'port-away-from-old-fufem-stuff' into 'master'Also CI-test with the 2.9 releaseTest against Dune 2.8 instead of Dune 2.7Replace FieldMatrix<,1,1> by scalarsRemove old dune-fufem basesMerge branch 'update-url-for-dune-elasticity' into 'master'Merge branch 'fix/update-elasticity-git' into 'master'Adjust address to dune-elasticity in .gitlab-ci.yml.gitlab-ci.yml: update URL of dune-elasticity repository