Oliver Sander authored
[[Imported from SVN: r410]]
Oliver Sander authored[[Imported from SVN: r410]]
Preparing the Sources ========================= Additional to the software mentioned in README you'll need the following programs installed on your system: automake >= 1.5 autoconf >= 2.50 libtool Getting started --------------- If these preliminaries are met, you should run the script ./autogen.sh which calls the GNU autoconf/automake to create a ./configure-script and the Makefiles. Most probably you'll have to provide where to find the DUNE-files by ./autogen.sh --with-dune=PATH where PATH is a directory with a dune/-subdirectory inside (this convention is needed to keep the #include-syntax consistent even when the headers are installed into /usr/include/dune later). Passing options to ./configure ------------------------------ autogen.sh also calls the newly created configure-script to conveniently pass on options about the used compiler. Thus you'll have to provide autogen.sh any options you want configure to get, e.g. ./autogen.sh --with-dune=... --with-albert=... --without-x Choosing the compiler and the options ------------------------------------- The selection of the compiler works as follows: if --gnu or --intel is passed to autogen it reads the content of gcc.opts or icc.opts to get the default compiler flags. With the option --optim you can switch the compiler-specific optimization parameters on. If you want to change the compiler options to your favourites you can either - adapt the appropriate .opts-file and rerun autogen.sh. Please don't commit this changed file to CVS if you're not sure if the options work for everybody. - copy an existing .opts-file to a new name, change the options and use ./autogen.sh --opts=my.opts More info --------- See ./autogen.sh --help and (if it exists) ./configure --help for further options. The full build-system is described in the dune/doc/Buildsystem (not in duneapps/doc!) $Id$