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  • Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import sympy as sym
    import math
    import os
    import subprocess
    import fileinput
    import re
    import matlab.engine
    import sys
    # print(sys.executable)
    # from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
    # --------------------------------------------------
    # 'classifyMin' classifies Minimizers by utilizing the result of
    # Lemma1.6
    # 'classifyMin_ana': (Special-Case : Lemma1.4)
    # ..additionally assumes Poisson-ratio=0 => q12==0
    # Output : MinimizingMatrix, Angle, Type, Curvature
    def determinant(q1,q2,q3,q12):                                  # TODO General:Matrix
        return q1*q2 - (q3**2 + 2*q3*q12 + q12**2)
    def harmonicMean(mu_1, beta, theta):
        return mu_1*(beta/(theta+(1-theta)*beta))
    def arithmeticMean(mu_1, beta, theta):
        return mu_1*((1-theta)+theta*beta)
    def prestrain_b1(rho_1, beta, alpha, theta):
        return (3.0*rho_1/2.0)*(1-(theta*(1+alpha)))
        # return (3.0*rho_1/2.0)*beta*(1-(theta*(1+alpha)))
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
    def prestrain_b2(rho_1, beta, alpha, theta):
        return (3.0*rho_1/(2.0*((1.0-theta) + theta*beta)))*(1-theta*(1+beta*alpha))
        # return (3.0*rho_1/(4.0*((1.0-theta) + theta*beta)))*(1-theta*(1+beta*alpha))
    Klaus Böhnlein's avatar
    Klaus Böhnlein committed
    # Define function to be minimized
    def f(a1, a2, q1, q2, q3, q12, b1, b2):
        A = np.array([[q1, q3 + q12/2.0], [q3 + q12/2.0, q2]])
        B = np.array([-2.0*q1*b1-q12*b2, -2.0*q2*b2-q12*b1])
        a = np.array([a1, a2])
        tmp =, a)
        tmp2 =, tmp)
        tmpB =, a)
        return tmp2 + tmpB + q1*(b1**2) + q2*(b2**2) + q12*b1*b2
    # ---- Alternative Version using alpha,beta,theta ,mu_1,rho_1
    def classifyMin_ana(alpha,beta,theta,q3,mu_1,rho_1,print_Cases=False, print_Output=False):
        # Assumption of Classification-Lemma1.6:
        #  1. [b3 == 0]
        #  2. Q is orthotropic i.e. q13 = q31 = q23 = q32 == 0
        # 3. This additionally assumes that Poisson-Ratio = 0 => q12 == 0
        q12 = 0.0
        q1 = (1.0/6.0)*harmonicMean(mu_1, beta, theta)
        q2 = (1.0/6.0)*arithmeticMean(mu_1, beta, theta)
        # print('q1: ', q1)
        # print('q2: ', q2)
        b1 = prestrain_b1(rho_1, beta, alpha,theta)
        b2 = prestrain_b2(rho_1, beta, alpha,theta)
        return classifyMin(q1, q2, q3, q12,  b1, b2,  print_Cases, print_Output)
    # Matrix Version that just gets matrices Q & B
    def classifyMin_mat(Q,B,print_Cases=False, print_Output=False):
        q1 = Q[0][0]
        q2 = Q[1][1]
        q3 = Q[2][2]
        q12 = Q[0][1]
        b1 = B[0]
        b2 = B[1]
        b3 = B[2]
        return classifyMin(q1, q2, q3, q12,  b1, b2,  print_Cases, print_Output)
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Classify Type of minimizer  1 = R1 , 2 = R2 , 3 = R3                          # before : destinction between which axis.. (4Types )
    # where
    # R1 : unique local (global) minimizer which is not axial
    # R2 : continuum of local (global) minimizers which are not axial
    # R3 : one or two local (global) minimizers which are axial
    # Partition given by
    # R1 = E1
    # R2 = P1.2
    # R3 = E2 U E3 U P1.1 U P2 U H
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    def classifyMin(q1, q2, q3, q12, b1, b2,  print_Cases=False, print_Output=False):   #ClassifyMin_hom?
        # Assumption of Classification-Lemma1.6:
        #  1. [b3 == 0]
        #  2. Q is orthotropic i.e. q13 = q31 = q23 = q32 == 0
        # TODO: check if Q is orthotropic here - assert()
        if print_Output: print("Run ClassifyMin...")
        CaseCount = 0
        epsilon = sys.float_info.epsilon #Machine epsilon
        B = np.array([-2.0*q1*b1-q12*b2, -2.0*q2*b2-q12*b1])
        A = np.array([[q1, q3 + q12/2.0], [q3 + q12/2.0, q2]])
        # print('Matrix A:',  A)
        # print('Matrix B:', B)
        # print('Matrix rank of A:', np.linalg.matrix_rank(A))
        # print('shape of A:', A.shape)
        # print('shape of B:', B.shape)
        # print('Matrix [A,B]:', np.c_[A, B])
        # print('Matrix rank of [A,B]:', np.linalg.matrix_rank(np.c_[A, B]))
        # print('shape of [A,B]:', C.shape)
        # x = np.linalg.solve(A, B)     # works only if A is not singular!!
        # print("Solution LGS:", x)
        # # print("sym Matrix", sym.Matrix(([A],[B])))
        # # Test
        # C = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 0]])
        # d = np.array([5, 0])
        # y = np.linalg.lstsq(C, d)[0]
        # print("Solution LGS:", y)
        # T = np.c_[C, d]
        # print('T:', T)
        # Trref = sym.Matrix(T).rref()[0]
        # Out = np.array(Trref, dtype=float)
        # print('rref:', Out)
        determinant = q1*q2 - (q3**2 + 2*q3*q12 + q12**2)
        if print_Cases: print("determinant:", determinant)
        # Define values for axial-Solutions (b1*,0) & (0,b2*)
        b1_star = (2.0*q1*b1 + b2*q12)/(2*q1)
        b2_star = (2.0*q2*b2 + b1*q12)/(2*q2)
        # ------------------------------------ Parabolic Case -----------------------------------
        if abs(determinant) < epsilon:
            if print_Cases: print('P : parabolic case (determinant equal zero)')
            # if print_Cases: print('P : parabolic case (determinant equal zero)')
            # check if B is in range of A
            # check if rank(A) == rank([A,B])
            # OK this way? (or use Sympy?)
            if np.linalg.matrix_rank(A) == np.linalg.matrix_rank(np.c_[A, B]):
                if print_Cases: print('P1 (B is in the range of A)')
                if (q12+q3)/2.0 <= -1.0*epsilon:
                    print('should not happen(not compatible with det = 0)')
                if (abs(B[0]) < epsilon and abs(B[1]) < epsilon) and (q12+q3)/2.0 >= epsilon:
                    if print_Cases: print('P1.1')
                    a1 = 0.0
                    a2 = 0.0
                    type = 3
                    CaseCount += 1
                if (abs(B[0]) >= epsilon or abs(B[1]) >= epsilon) and (q12+q3)/2.0 >= epsilon:
                    # Continuum of minimizers located along a line of negative slope in Lambda
                    if print_Cases: print('P1.2 (Continuum of minimizers located along a line of negative slope in Lambda) ')
                    # Just solve Aa* = b (alternatively using SymPy ?)
                    # we know that A is singular (det A = 0 ) here..
                    # & we know that there are either infinitely many solutions or a unique solution ...
                    # ---- determine one via Least Squares
                    # "If A is square and of full rank, then x (but for round-off error)
                    # is the “exact” solution of the equation. Else, x minimizes the
                    # Euclidean 2-norm || b-Ax ||. If there are multiple minimizing solutions,
                    # the one with the smallest 2-norm  is returned. ""
                    a = np.linalg.lstsq(A, B)[0]                            # TODO check is this Ok ?
                    print("Solution LGS: a =", a)
                    a1 = a[0]
                    a2 = a[1]
                    type = 2
                    CaseCount += 1
                if print_Cases: print('P2 (B is not in the range of A)')
                # local Minimizers occur on the boundary of Lambda...
                # There are at most two local minima and they are either
                # (b1_star, 0) or (0, b2_star)
                # could also outsource this to another function..
                if f(b1_star, 0, q1, q2, q3, q12, b1, b2) < f(0, b2_star, q1, q2, q3, q12, b1, b2):
                    a1 = b1_star
                    a2 = 0.0
                    type = 3  # 1
                    CaseCount += 1
                if f(b1_star, 0, q1, q2, q3, q12, b1, b2) > f(0, b2_star, q1, q2, q3, q12, b1, b2):
                    a1 = 0
                    a2 = b2_star
                    type = 3  # 2
                    CaseCount += 1
                # TODO Problem: angle depends on how you choose... THE angle is not defined for this case
                if f(b1_star, 0, q1, q2, q3, q12, b1, b2) == f(0, b2_star, q1, q2, q3, q12, b1, b2):
                    # Two Minimizers pick one
                    a1 = b1_star
                    a2 = 0.0
                    type = 3  # 4
                    CaseCount += 1
        # ------------------------------------ Elliptic Case -----------------------------------
        if determinant >= epsilon:
            if print_Cases: print('E : elliptic case (determinant greater zero)')
            a1_star = -(2*(b1*(q12**2) + 2*b1*q3*q12 - 4*b1*q1*q2 + 4*b2*q2*q3)) / \
                (4*(q3**2) + 4*q3*q12 + (q12**2) - 4*q1*q2)
            a2_star = -(2*(b2*(q12**2) + 2*b2*q3*q12 + 4*b1*q1*q3 - 4*b2*q1*q2)) / \
                (4*(q3**2) + 4*q3*q12 + (q12**2) - 4*q1*q2)
            prod = a1_star*a2_star
            if prod >= epsilon:
                if print_Cases: print('(E1) - inside Lambda ')
                a1 = a1_star
                a2 = a2_star
                type = 1  # non-axial Minimizer
                CaseCount += 1
            if abs(prod) < epsilon:   # same as prod = 0 ? or better use <=epsilon ?
                if print_Cases: print('(E2) - on the boundary of Lambda ')
                a1 = a1_star
                a2 = a2_star
                type = 3  # could check which axis: if a1_star or a2_star close to zero.. ?
                CaseCount += 1
            if prod <= -1.0*epsilon:
                if print_Cases: print('(E3) - Outside Lambda ')
                if f(b1_star, 0, q1, q2, q3, q12, b1, b2) < f(0, b2_star, q1, q2, q3, q12, b1, b2):
                    a1 = b1_star
                    a2 = 0.0
                    type = 3  # 1
                    CaseCount += 1
                if f(b1_star, 0, q1, q2, q3, q12, b1, b2) > f(0, b2_star, q1, q2, q3, q12, b1, b2):
                    a1 = 0
                    a2 = b2_star
                    type = 3  # 2
                    CaseCount += 1
                # TODO Problem: angle depends on how you choose... THE angle is not defined for this case
                if f(b1_star, 0, q1, q2, q3, q12, b1, b2) == f(0, b2_star, q1, q2, q3, q12, b1, b2):
                    # Two Minimizers pick one
                    a1 = b1_star
                    a2 = 0.0
                    type = 3  # 4
                    CaseCount += 1
        # ------------------------------------ Hyperbolic Case -----------------------------------
        if determinant <= -1.0*epsilon:
            if print_Cases: print('H : hyperbolic case (determinant smaller zero)')
            # One or two minimizers wich are axial
            type = 3 # (always type 3)
            if f(b1_star, 0, q1, q2, q3, q12, b1, b2) < f(0, b2_star, q1, q2, q3, q12, b1, b2):
                a1 = b1_star
                a2 = 0.0
                # type = 3  # 1
                CaseCount += 1
            if f(b1_star, 0, q1, q2, q3, q12, b1, b2) > f(0, b2_star, q1, q2, q3, q12, b1, b2):
                a1 = 0
                a2 = b2_star
                # type = 3  # 2
                CaseCount += 1
            # TODO can add this case to first or second ..
            if f(b1_star, 0, q1, q2, q3, q12, b1, b2) == f(0, b2_star, q1, q2, q3, q12, b1, b2):
                # Two Minimizers pick one
                a1 = b1_star
                a2 = 0.0
                # type = 3  # 4
                CaseCount += 1
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (CaseCount > 1):
            print('Error: More than one Case happened!')
        # compute a3
        # a3 = math.sqrt(2.0*a1*a2)   # never needed?
        # compute the angle <(e,e_1) where Minimizer = kappa* (e (x) e)
        e = [math.sqrt((a1/(a1+a2))), math.sqrt((a2/(a1+a2)))]
        angle = math.atan2(e[1], e[0])
        # compute kappa
        kappa = (a1 + a2)
        # Minimizer G
        Minimizer = np.array([[a1, math.sqrt(a1*a2)], [math.sqrt(a1*a2), a2]],dtype=object)
        MinimizerVec = np.array([a1, a2],dtype=object)
        # Minimizer = np.array([[a1, math.sqrt(a1*a2)], [math.sqrt(a1*a2), a2]])
        if print_Output:
            print('--- Output ClassifyMin ---')
            print("Minimizing Matrix G:")
            print("angle = ", angle)
            print("type: ", type)
            print("kappa = ", kappa)
        return MinimizerVec, angle, type, kappa
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ---------------------------------------------- Main ---------------------
    # --- Input Parameters ----
    # mu_1 = 1.0
    # rho_1 = 1.0
    # alpha = 9.0
    # beta = 2.0
    # theta = 1.0/8.0
    # # define q1, q2 , mu_gamma, q12
    # # 1. read from Cell-Output
    # # 2. define values from analytic formulas (expect for mu_gamma)
    # q1 = (1.0/6.0)*harmonicMean(mu_1, beta, theta)
    # q2 = (1.0/6.0)*arithmeticMean(mu_1, beta, theta)
    # # TEST
    # q12 = 0.0  # (analytical example)
    # # q12 = 12.0  # (analytical example)
    # set mu_gamma  to value or read from Cell-Output
    # mu_gamma = q1   # TODO read from Cell-Output
    # b1 = prestrain_b1(rho_1, beta, alpha, theta)
    # b2 = prestrain_b2(rho_1, beta, alpha, theta)
    # print('---- Input parameters: -----')
    # print('mu_1: ', mu_1)
    # print('rho_1: ', rho_1)
    # print('alpha: ', alpha)
    # print('beta: ', beta)
    # print('theta: ', theta)
    # print("q1: ", q1)
    # print("q2: ", q2)
    # print("mu_gamma: ", mu_gamma)
    # print("q12: ", q12)
    # print("b1: ", b1)
    # print("b2: ", b2)
    # print('----------------------------')
    # # print("machine epsilon", sys.float_info.epsilon)
    # # ------- Options --------
    # print_Cases = True
    # print_Output = True
    # G, angle, type, kappa = classifyMin(q1, q2, mu_gamma, q12,  b1, b2, print_Cases, print_Output)
    # G, angle, type, kappa = classifyMin_ana(alpha, beta, theta, mu_gamma, q12, print_Cases, print_Output)
    # Out = classifyMin_ana(alpha, beta, theta, mu_gamma, q12, print_Cases, print_Output)
    # print('TEST:')
    # Out = classifyMin_ana(alpha, beta, theta)
    # print('Out[0]', Out[0])
    # print('Out[1]', Out[1])
    # print('Out[2]', Out[2])
    # print('Out[3]', Out[3])
    # #supress certain Outout..
    # _,_,T,_ = classifyMin_ana(alpha, beta, theta, mu_gamma, q12, print_Cases, print_Output)
    # print('Output only type..:', T)
    # Test = f(1,2 ,q1,q2,mu_gamma,q12,b1,b2)
    # print("Test", Test)
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------